End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1129 Sanctuary is a holy domain shrouded in divine light

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Delmoore looked up at the eleven golden holy garments, feeling helpless and helpless. The sanctuary was the territory of the Sun God, and no one could disobey the orders of the Sun God.

Moreover, judging from this posture, he knew that although it was a multiple-choice question, he didn't have to choose.

Delemore looked at the golden holy cloth with complicated thoughts, and after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with the sun god except that his color was darker.

If he wanted to cure Zoe, he had to serve the Sun God, equal and fair trade, there was no mercy from God, and no gratitude from people.

Is it true that, as Perseus said, the sun god looks black, but he is actually a good god with a kind heart?

The idea that popped up suddenly was a bit absurd. Delmore secretly glanced at Russell, only to feel that the darkness was bottomless, and it was indeed absurd.

He made up his mind and stopped thinking about it, and raised his head to make a choice among the eleven golden holy garments. He was suddenly asked to target the Saint Seiya, and he was a little hesitant, not knowing which one to choose.

There is one thing to say, the eleven holy clothes are perfect, and it is extremely difficult to give up any time.

It's no wonder that Delemore had a hard time choosing, because he never thought of becoming a saint. He came to the sanctuary only to heal his sister's eyes. It is understandable that he was suddenly confused to re-plan his future life.

After a while, Delemore took a fancy to a holy garment, took a deep breath and said firmly, "Sun God, I want to be a Pisces..."

"Golden Cloth of Taurus, no problem, it suits you very well."

"No, I mean double..."

"I know, your eyes are dazzled, that holy garment is Taurus, not Pisces."


Delemore looked at the sky speechlessly, a fish jumping out of the water was reflected in his eyes, the whole body was composed of golden holy cloth parts, which was extremely gorgeous.

In short, by no means a Taurus.

"Very well, since you are fine, let's get close to Taurus, it also wants to communicate with you in depth."

Russell was disdainful. Delemore was a strong man with a height of 2.2 meters. His waist was thicker than a pillar. This physique actually wanted to be a Pisces?

I'm afraid I don't want to fart!

The priority of Pisces is a pretty lady, or a cute boy who is even prettier than a pretty lady.

The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose?


As we all know, the Palace of Pisces is the closest to the Pope's Hall. If Delemore becomes the Golden Saint of Pisces, the Pope will be the first to refuse.

Every day when I look up, I see a muscular man planting flowers in front of the Pope's hall. It's too late for the Pope to escape, so he doesn't have the mood to deal with official business.

It would be different if it were a beautiful young lady or a cute boy. The Pope must be in the Pope's hall for 20 hours, and he couldn't be driven away.

Although it has not been decided who the pope is, Russell is a person who is considerate of his subordinates. The pope is high and powerful, and the working environment must be pleasing to the eye.

It's definitely not because the Pisces Palace is the closest to the Sun Temple, he also wants to see beautiful ladies.

Another point is that Russell didn't mess with the mandarin ducks. Ever since Delemore entered the Sun Temple, the Taurus Saint Cloth has expressed some intentions for him.

The reason why it is not unreserved is because Zoe, who is more talented, is next to her, and she is the first choice for the Taurus Saint Cloth.

"Go, in Taurus, use your strength to gain its approval.


A golden light flashed, and the golden holy cloth of Taurus slowly descended, seemingly reluctantly.

It has a good sense of Delmoore, but Delmoore chose the Pisces Gold Saint Cloth, and it is understandable that he has a little temper.

With Russell waving his hand slightly, the golden light engulfed Delmoore, and led him quickly away from the Temple of the Sun and headed straight for the Taurus Palace.

Because the speed is too fast, ordinary people can't see it clearly with the naked eye. Delmore is being pushed forward by the Taurus.


Zooey turned around and read the name of her eldest brother, worrying about him.

"Now it's your turn, open your eyes and tell me what you see?"

Hearing the sound, Zooey was startled, turned around and realized that Russell had left the high back chair at some point and came to her.

Facing a god at such a close distance, Zooey could hardly maintain her state of mind, and slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of dark and expressionless pupils.

"Very beautiful eyes, except that they can't focus light, everything else is perfect."

Russell stared into Zoe's empty eyes: "Tell me, what can you see?"


Zoe said truthfully that because of the lack of vision, her other senses are far more sensitive than ordinary people. With the gift of mental power, she can 'see' the world in another way.

Being gifted means being able to do whatever she wants, without the guidance of a teacher, she figured out the skills of using mental power by herself.

Mind reading, perception, hypnosis and more.

Needless to say, mind reading and perception, in terms of hypnosis, her talent has been perfectly released, even reaching the point of modifying reality from the spiritual level.

For example, when she was in the Lion Palace, Delemore was wounded on the back by a golden lion. She used hypnotic techniques to accelerate the division of cells in the wound site of Delemore, so as to achieve the therapeutic effect.

Another example is climbing the stairs. She hypnotizes herself, uses her spirit to control her body, and subconsciously ignores the so-called pressure.

In the world that Zoe 'sees', the Hall of the Sun God has three colors, the gray background, the golden holy cloth, and the dark Russell.

In her eyes, Russell was a round of pitch-black sun surrounded by magic flames that rose up and turned into twisted tentacles.


Russell curled his lips: "Sure enough, your eyes can't see anything clearly."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and placed his fingertips on Zooey's forehead. The flashing electric arc stimulated Zooey to hum softly, and she took two steps back on the spot, covered her eyes and began to cry.

"This is the first time you observe the world with your eyes. Vision is deceptive and polarized from the world you observe with your spirit. Both beauty and ugliness will be redefined, seriously subverting your three views."

Russell kindly added: "If you can't accept it, you can just say it. I can make you lose your light again in a painless state."

"No...I can take it, I'd love to see what Delermore looks like."

Zooey covered her eyes, opened and closed her eyelids again and again, cautiously exploring the new world.

As Russell said, the world captured visually is completely different from the world captured mentally, and she cannot adapt in a short time.

After trying a few times, Zooey closed her eyes directly and used her spirit to perceive the world again, which gave her a lot of peace of mind.

"Sun God, I have a question."

It's about her elder brother, Zoe carefully probed: "You promise to cure my eyes, the premise is that Delemore successfully obtains the approval of the golden saint cloth and becomes a saint."

"That's right."

"But now that the result has not come out, you have directly cured my eyes. Can I understand that it is the inevitable result of Delemore's becoming a saint?"

"That's right!"

Russell nodded: "Don't underestimate Delemore. Although he doesn't have your talent, he is also a genius who is one in a million. Maybe you don't know that he has the blood of Mount Olympus and is a standard half-human half-human." god."

When Zooey heard this, her eyes widened immediately, and when she saw Russell's malicious smile, she closed them tightly in fright.

Vibius next to him nodded heavily, and he knew that if he wanted to be a saint, the threshold was half-human and half-god.

Very good!

His father is a mortal, except for being rich, his mother is also a mortal, except for being beautiful, there is no difference between them and ordinary people.

Then, as an ordinary person, the Golden Saint Cloth would definitely look down on him.

"Zoe, now it's your turn to choose."

Russell smiled and looked at Zoe, with that posture, he almost reached for a lollipop: "Delemore will become a golden saint of Taurus, and you, where should you go?"

"The sanctuary does not keep idle people, and the Taurus Palace will not have such evil things as 'sister bedroom'. You have only two choices. Leave the sanctuary and never see Delmoore again, or choose a piece of gold. Saint Cloth, become a golden saint and stay in the sanctuary."

As you can see, after attacking Delemore, Russell extended his clutches to Zoe.

Brother and sister, he will not let go of a single one.

"Sun God, if I am lucky enough to be recognized by a holy garment and become a golden saint, can you show mercy and let Delmoore leave the sanctuary?"

Zooey spoke out carefully, wanting to exchange one for one and give her eldest brother a hopeful future.

"Don't be stupid, why do you want to escape?"

Russell's smile remained unchanged: "The sanctuary is a sacred place, a holy domain shrouded in divine light, not a magic cave, and the sun god does not eat people..."

"Stay here for a while and you will know that everyone in the Sanctuary is talented, and they speak nicely. You really like it here."


Zooey understood what Russell meant. The sanctuary was not a place where you could come and go whenever you wanted, and it fell into Russell's hands. She and Delmoore had to accept their fate.

Russell didn't want to negotiate terms, and Zoe couldn't resist, so in order not to be separated from her elder brother, she had to follow the instructions to choose the holy clothes.

Zooey was anxious and a little lacking in confidence.

She is not sure whether she can be recognized by the Saint Cloth, and she is not confident that she can pass the test of the Saint Cloth like Perseus. Her talent is acceptable against flesh and blood humans, but it is useless in the face of the cold and steel Saint Cloth. land.

Looking at the ten golden holy clothes, she first glanced at Aries and Gemini. These two holy clothes are the closest to Taurus in the zodiac.

Suddenly, her gaze was fixed on Virgo's golden holy cloth, and she could no longer look away.

The golden holy cloth of Virgo, when not wearing a saint, is in the form of a girl with a golden mask on her face, kneeling on her knees, and praying with her hands clasped.

"What a nice view……"

Zooey murmured to herself, this is her final choice.

Buzz buzz! !

The golden silk thread fell from the sky, and the Virgo's golden holy clothes radiated strong light, entangled Zoe who was at a loss, and the firmware of each part turned into streamers, which were scaled down in proportion, rushed towards Zoe together, and wore them on her body.

The speed is very fast, giving people a feeling that Zoe is afraid of going back on his word.

Wait a minute, this is put on, why not fight?

Vibius was full of envy, and when he came back to his senses, he found that something was wrong. Perseus was beaten to blood in order to get Leo's approval, and Delemore was similar, wrestling with the Saint Cloth in the Taurus Palace.

Both of them have their own tests, so why is Zoe an exception?

Suddenly, Vibius realized that Perseus and Delemore were half-human and half-god, but Zoe's identity was more noble than them, and it was very likely that she was the reincarnation of a certain god.

"Sun God, so... I don't need to challenge?"

Zoe was very surprised to be wearing the Virgo's golden holy garment, which was as warm as sunshine. It was too simple, unbelievably simple.

"Challenge, what challenge, who said there is a challenge?"

Russell spread out his hands: "You like it, it likes you too, double happiness is no problem!"

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