End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1132 Golden Age

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Listening to his sister's voice transmission, Delmoore automatically ignored Perseus's loud voice, and got up from the ground covered in blood.

bang bang bang! !

Delmoore was panting violently, his heartbeat accelerated in his ears, his blood was surging, and the sound was like the blood vessels in his body were constantly exploding.

The blood all over his body was like a wild horse running wild, like a big river, flowing endlessly.

The steady stream of power made his scalp tingle, and he repeated the cycle between pain and enjoyment.

He slowly closed his eyes, controlled the huge power of the newborn, and a powerful aura emanated from his majestic body, making the surrounding practitioners almost unable to breathe.

The empty space in front of the hall was dead silent, and the people who were originally jealous were all ashamed of themselves at this moment, and they couldn't even face this invincible momentum.

If this is Saint Seiya, can I do it?

For a moment, many people had doubts, and the arrogance of walking to the second house disappeared in an instant, leaving only doubts and lack of confidence in themselves.


Unable to bear the torment brought by the strength, Delemore was eager to let it out, his eyes widened, and his muscles swelled up like balloons.

His knees were slightly bent, his hands were placed in front of him, and he made a posture similar to wrestling. The next second, he was wrapped in a violent hurricane and rushed straight into the Taurus Palace, leaving two deeply sunken footprints on the spot.

The storm spread and spread, and on the edge of the sunken footprints, a series of fine but deep gaps slowly spread out.

boom! !

In the Taurus Palace, a circle of air waves swelled and exploded, and the impact of the wind crushed the stone pillars on the wall, leaving depressions bombarded with blunt weapons.

The crushed stones and powder were peeled off, and accompanied by the impacting hurricane, it blew in all directions from all directions of the Taurus Palace.

In the center of the hurricane, Delemore and the Taurus Cloth wrestle in place.

I saw the muscles in his arms stretched out, one in each hand, grabbing the curved horns of the Taurus, his hair stood on end, his blood-stained face was ferocious, and he stepped forward slowly and firmly, he was walking forward against the Taurus step.

Taking a step back, the Saint Cloth of Taurus raised its head high as if in rage, bursting out with brute force, flying Delemore and throwing it high into the sky.

boom! boom!

There were two loud noises in a row. The first sound was that Delemore flew high and smashed through the ceiling of the Taurus Palace, and the second sound was that he finished his parabolic motion and smashed through the roof from the other side and fell.

The body fell to the ground, Delmoore quickly got up, the hidden power in the blood gushed out crazily, and rushed towards the Taurus again with a low growl.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

In the open space outside the hall, the trainees watched as Delmoore was constantly being lifted high, and then charged again and again, all of them were pale and their legs were shaking faintly.

The previous question was answered, if this is the Saint Seiya, they must not.

Taurus charged, and they were killed on the spot.

"Are you kidding me? You'll die before you become a saint. It doesn't matter if you don't become a saint."

"It's not that I can't do it, but that I don't want to gamble with my life..."

"Me too!"


Gradually, most of the hundreds of trainees shook their heads and gave up in despair, turned around and walked towards the foot of the mountain in the opposite direction.

The rest are also hesitant, and only a few determined people continue to watch Dolemore's suicide challenge to Taurus.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

After half an hour,

The Taurus Palace collapsed, and a great hall turned into ruins with broken walls, with only a few solitary pillars standing in place.

In the middle of the ruins, Delmoore squatted on the ground covered in blood, dizzy, gasping for air greedily like a blower in his chest.

He unyieldingly raised his head, took a deep breath and stood up, once again posing in a wrestling position.

With a flash of golden light, Taurus rushed in front of Delemore, this time he didn't fly him up, but just stood quietly in front of him.

Delemore was slightly taken aback, as if he understood something, he raised his hands and stroked the blood from the horns.

The golden light skyrocketed and soared into the sky.

The Taurus disintegrated and turned into parts of the holy garment, and the golden streamer wrapped Delmoore and dressed him neatly.


Delmoore smiled slightly, nodded slightly to Zoe in the distance, fell back with a bang, and his tower-like body made a sunken human print on the ground.

Zoe and Perseus stepped forward to help up Delemore, who was exhausted and then suddenly relaxed, causing weakness all over his body.

"There is no need for treatment, the Taurus Saint Cloth is protecting me, allowing me to recover better."

Delemore refused his sister's miraculous healing, and slowly closed his eyes for a rest.

The three golden holy garments meet, the gorgeous shape and the special effect of golden light, so that everyone in the open space can't open their dog eyes, and dare not rush to say hello, and quickly pass through the Taurus Palace and move towards the third Gemini Palace.

Three holy garments were taken away, and there may be more. Everyone was anxious, and their pace subconsciously accelerated.

There is not much time left for them.

"The Sun God's vision is so accurate. These three children have such terrifying aptitudes... Eh, this little girl is also a human being?"

The handsome young man was not in a hurry to climb the stone steps. He looked at Perseus and the three of them with emotion. Not to mention the two half-human and half-gods, they were just a good old man, but Zoe's aptitude really surprised him.

It feels like a golden human being alive.

Once upon a time, golden humans lived on the earth like gods, and the earth provided them with various fruits. There were flocks of cattle and sheep on the lush grasslands, Prometheus imparted knowledge, and people worked peacefully, worry-free all day long. consider.

Golden human beings will not age, never get sick, have no distress and poverty, and remain young forever until they die peacefully and enter long sleep.

Their talents are powerful, and their learning ability is amazingly fast, so that the gods are moved by them, and then...

The golden age ended, and the second generation of silver humans appeared.

Unbearable to look back on the past, the young man shook his head, walked slowly through the ruins of the Taurus Palace, and stepped onto the steps leading to the Gemini.

Suddenly, a sense of peeping came, and he bowed politely in the direction of the Sun Temple.



In the Temple of the Sun, Russell stroked his chin, his eyes sparkling.

First of all, he was very convinced that the handsome young man was a human being, not a demigod, let alone a god.

In terms of aptitude, it's so-so, far inferior to Zoe, who is extremely talented, and more than one level behind Osysis.

If we really compare it, it is better than Vibius, barely a level of one in a million.

But although his aptitude is average, his personal strength is extremely strong. In the sanctuary, except for him, Russell, all others add up for nothing.

Even if the twelve gold saints gather together in the future and use the strongest profound meaning of love and peace "just group fight", they will be rubbed on the ground by the young people, and they will doubt their lives.

"So, is he really human?"

Russell shook his head slightly, and a beam of light swept across, heading straight for the third house of Gemini.


Gemini, Vibius and Osysis both fell down, and the two brothers were neatly arranged.

Up and down, face to face.

The Gemini Golden Saint Cloth quietly stood aside, guarding the two unconscious brothers.

At this moment, a golden light beam struck and entered the bodies of the two brothers, causing them to open their eyes instantly.

"..." x2

In an awkward posture, the two of them looked at each other without speaking. The difference was that Vibius's face was pale, while Osysis's was black as the bottom of the pot.

Osysis really wanted to change his posture, but his limbs couldn't move, and it was difficult to move his fingers.

He thought with his immobile little finger, and he could guess that this embarrassing picture was made by someone with a heart.

He won't say who it is, everyone knows it by heart.

"Big brother..."

"Idiot, if I can move, I will kill you."

"No, brother, you won't do that."

Vibius looked aside, and said a little shyly: "When I was unconscious, I heard the conversation between you and the sun god, and you punched the sun god for me."

"Shut up!"

Oxus closed his eyes with a cold snort, almost dying of embarrassment.

The imprisoned invisible force dissipated, and he found that his body could move. He stood up with a swish, and leaned on the pillar with his arms around his shoulders. His cold appearance was very similar to that of an emotionless killer.


Vibius stepped forward cautiously, with an extremely complicated expression on his face, wanting to get close to his elder brother, but afraid of his cold style.

It doesn't matter, elder brother loves me, as long as I muster up the courage to speak up, elder brother will definitely open his heart to me.



Vibius received a straight punch, and the fist was stuffed into his face.

"Trash, go away, I'm upset when I see you."

Ursysis withdrew his fist and leaned against the pillar motionless. Next to him was Vibius, who was squatting on the ground with his nose covered, his face was aggrieved, and blood was still oozing from his fingers.

"It's finally here. This is the third house of Gemini."

"I can't do it anymore, I need to rest."

"Don't be silly, this is only the third house, rest now, can you still crawl behind?"


Hearing the voice outside the temple, the corners of Ursysis's mouth curled slightly, thinking of the will from the divine light, he snorted coldly and waved to the Holy Cloth of Gemini.

Under the envious gaze of Vibius, the golden light flowed, and the golden holy cloth of Gemini was easily worn by Osysis.

The golden light was too dazzling in the dark night, so that the tired trainees could see it clearly. Under their surprised gazes, Esysis, wearing the Holy Cloth of Gemini, strode out.

"Damn it, this is already the fourth golden holy garment that has been taken away, won't the palace behind be like this?"

"Are these guys monsters? It's only been two days since Sanctuary appeared."

"I can't rest. I have to go up the mountain immediately. If I'm late, I'll lose everything."


Those who can reach the third house have aptitude far beyond ordinary people, and they refuse to give up after witnessing the fierce battle between Delemore and Taurus, and their spiritual will is even more implausible.

Seeing that the Holy Cloth of Gemini was taken away, the first thought was to climb to the Temple of the Sun as soon as possible to obtain the approval of a golden holy cloth.

Swish! !

A light curtain blocked the way, and under the horrified gaze of the trainees, Osysis sneered.

"Gold Saint Seiya Ossis, was ordered to guard the third house Gemini, no one is allowed to pass without the Sun God's will."

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