End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1156 You Should Change Your Trident

"Eighty-eight holy garments..."

Russell frowned, looked at Hades suspiciously for a while, and then said: "This is the secret of the sanctuary, where did Pluto get the news from?"

"The Sun God was joking. I have heard about the news released by the Holy Pope in the underworld, so it shouldn't be considered a secret."

Hades had no expression on his face, and was too tired to chat with Russell, but he couldn't treat him as a fool, otherwise he would not be able to climb out of the pit.

"Hahaha, just kidding, it's really not a secret."

Russell said: "Pluto has personally experienced the 'Zodiac's Twelve Screams'. It should be very clear that the power of the holy clothes comes from the stars. To put it bluntly, it borrows the power of the constellations."

"That's right, but that's only ten...three golden holy garments, the rest are silver and bronze, I haven't..."


Russell stopped talking, and continued: "Stars, like flowers and plants, have life, just like the ebb and flow of tides, life and death...Since the creation of the world, the constellations have moved and changed countless times..."

"So, although I have planned eighty-eight constellations based on classics and personal preferences, this number is not an eternal law. Every time a star goes out or another star lights up, the power of the stars will change. , the Saint Cloth is like looking in a mirror, it will change accordingly."

"The number eighty-eight is just a way of saying. It is more symbolic than actual. Pluto doesn't need to care about such trivial things."

Hades: "..."

He never cared about these things, and he didn't want to listen to Russell's nonsense. When he mentioned the eighty-eight holy clothes, he just wanted to ask Russell to quote a price. He also wanted to create a batch of holy clothes belonging to the underworld.

Unlike other main gods, Hades suffered a "Zodiac Twelve Horror", and had an excellent experience. He took a fancy to the potential of the new profession of "Saint Seiya".

He has a vague premonition that in the near future, mortals wearing holy clothes and exercising the power of gods will shine brilliantly and start a new era.

In the Age of Heroes or the Age of Saint Cloth, the name is not important, what is important is that the battle between the gods will be done by humans.

Perhaps, when Zeus finished cleaning up the old god, it was time for this era to take the stage.

Hades is eager to try and leave a strong mark in the new era, but the result is not important, Zeus and Poseidon are not happy, but he is happy.

"Sun God, don't talk nonsense, I want to create a saint fighter in the underworld, about..."

"Wait a minute."

Russell interrupted again, leading the way: "Saint fighters have been registered, they are the symbols of the sanctuary, those in the underworld should be called ghost fighters."


Hades nodded, the name is not important, it's just a code name, and Underworld Fighter sounds appropriate.

He continued: "About the Saint Cloth of Underworld Fighter..."


"..." x2

The two stared wide-eyed, and after a long while, Hades said: "As for the underworld clothes of the underworld fighters, I want the Sun God to design them for you. The quantity...isn't much, thirty-six pieces are enough."

"Only thirty-six, when did Pluto become so petty?"

Russell's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "The underworld is independent of the sky, sea, and land. It is so vast that it can be called a world. There are only thirty-six pieces, isn't it a bit stingy?"

I would like too much, but you are too expensive!

Hades shook his head slightly: "Thirty-six ghost clothes are enough if you are not too smart."

"No, no, it's Pluto after all. Thirty-six is ​​indeed too little. It should be doubled...at least tripled to match the aura of the underworld."

Russell threw a rainbow fart at Hades, not one hundred and eight, which sounds unimaginative.

If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!

Hades was keenly aware of Russell's intentions, and carefully chose to refuse: "No, just thirty-six dark clothes!"


When fighting, there are more people and more strength..."

Russell said softly, "You don't want to see the battle between the underworld and the sanctuary, where eighty-eight saints surround thirty-six underworld fighters, and there are still people queuing up next to each other in two-on-one, right?"


Hades didn't speak, not because the picture was so beautiful that he couldn't bear to look directly at it, but because in his prediction, the battle between the Saint Warrior and the Underworld Warrior shouldn't be so rough and simple.

If the two armies were to confront each other, they would line up and compare the numbers, and just raise an army. What kind of saint fighters and ghost fighters would they want?

"There is plenty of time, Pluto thinks about it again, it really doesn't work, and give me a final reply when the next payment is made."

If you talk too much, you will lose. Russell stopped talking after a few words of persuasion, and brought up the issue of forging the battle suit with Hades.

Hades turned green after hearing this, feeling that he spent a lot of money, Russell was responsible for designing a blueprint and forging an embryo mold by the way, and he had to rely on himself for the rest.

"Moreover, there are not many constellations in the sky. The source of the power of Mingyi, Pluto might as well start from the underworld..." Russell pointed out a clear way, and let Hades figure out a way by himself.

"excuse me!"

Hades twitched the corners of his mouth, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I have a business to discuss with Pluto."

With a wave of his hand, Russell summoned the Golden Saint Cloth of Cancer from the Temple of the Sun in the distance: "The twelve golden Saint Cloths are different, and I want to add the unique power of the underworld to this one, such as opening a portal to the underworld. .”


Hades looked skeptical and didn't understand what Russell meant. After clarifying, the two sides began to bargain.

After negotiating the price, Hades personally enchanted, branded the Underworld label on the Cancer Saint Cloth with his own authority, so that it has the strange ability to freely enter and exit the Underworld and control the soul.

Successfully enchanting a golden holy cloth, Hades was deeply inspired, and felt that the golden holy cloth was the same thing, maybe he himself had the ability to forge thirty-six dark clothes.

That's right, since the underworld can forge its own holy clothes, why is it limited to thirty-six pieces?

Must be doubled, no, tripled!

Sending it away to the dog owner who was about to bleed the three-headed dog, Russell waited in the forging room for a while, and seeing no one around, he coughed lightly with his fists: "It seems that there is no one today, if that's the case, let's go back to Shenshan!"

After the words fell, a gust of sea wind blew in, and Poseidon, holding a trident, walked into the forging room.


Unusual silence!

Russell: Who are you showing your trident to?

Poseidon: Why is the scene so cold suddenly, what about the opening remarks when watching the sky at night, and the stars show that the guests are coming?

After not seeing Russell's rainbow fart for a while, Poseidon stopped insisting and said, "Sun God, I'll..."

"Wait a minute, are you Poseidon or Zeus?"

Russell was very suspicious: "Based on my previous experience, you must be Zeus, but Zeus is presiding over the meeting in the Hall of the Gods, so who are you?"

It’s okay if you don’t talk about it, but when you talk about Poseidon, you will get angry and say angrily: “Sun God, I know that the previous incident has caused a lot of grievances between you and me, but I’m here for business today. You won't be turned away!"

"This is what I said, whoever has money doesn't make money, it's great to kill you a few times!"


Hearing this, Poseidon touched the chest that was shot through by Russell last time, only feeling a dull pain.

There was another long silence.

Russell knew it was Poseidon, and he knew it when he saw Delmoore.

It's just that Poseidon didn't speak, and squatted in the grass silently, and he pretended not to see it.

Poseidon was struggling with a question, whether to ask Russell about his life experience. He has never forgotten this matter until now, and he was afraid of being violently beaten by Russell and Zeus.

After struggling for a while, Poseidon showed pain on his face, ready to be slaughtered: "Sun God, I want to tailor the sea emperor suit, please make a price!"

"It's easy to say, this is Hades' bill, you can double it."

Russell shook Hades' price tag, making Poseidon dizzy for a while, money is not a problem, he sits on the sea, and ranks among the top three among the gods in terms of net worth.

The problem is that he can only get in and out, and he is used to being stingy, so he can't bear to let him spend so much small money suddenly!

"Sun God, it's not easy for me. It looks like it's going to be beautiful, but in fact, I have a lot of lovers and illegitimate children to raise, so... can the price be negotiated?"

"No second price!"

"Forget it, I'll go find Hephaestus."

After finishing speaking, Poseidon turned around and left. After Russell silently counted one, two, three, four, five, he returned the same way with a livid face.

"It can be this price, but you have to guarantee that the sea emperor's suit must not be inferior to that of the god king and the king of the underworld."

"Neptune, don't worry, I do business without deception, and I never lose money."

Poseidon "..."

He was still called Poseidon just now, but he immediately changed his name to Sea Emperor when he got rich. This is too realistic.

"Then what, my battle suit design, isn't it..."

"Give me the money first."


Poseidon was furious: "I saw it when Hades traded with you just now. Why can he see the goods before paying the money, and change when it's my turn. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Ask knowingly!

"That must not be it!"

Russell shook his head again and again, signaling Poseidon to be calm, and explained: "Small business, in the early stage of the opening, for the sake of word of mouth, there are promotions, the top ten are free to view pictures, and when it is the turn of the Neptune, the event just ends."

"Nothing to talk about?"

"Ordinary gods definitely don't have to be discussed, but you are the Emperor of the Sea, so you must be treated differently."

Russell scratched his head, wondering: "I'll make an exception once, as long as you pay the deposit, I'll let you see the blueprint of the Neptune's suit right away."

"Have you already designed it?"

"Of course, how can you make money without efficiency!"


Poseidon struggled for a while, then waved his hand and took out the magic bag from behind, and handed it to Russell in a sly manner: "The money here is enough..."

"I believe in Neptune's character, so I won't count."

Russell took the magic pocket and spread out the blueprint with a swish. On it was a pair of majestic battle armor with a golden light, holding a trident, and a helmet designed as a crown.

Poseidon showed joy, then hurriedly put it away, frowned and said: "It's okay, but I don't think the overall design is worth the price, why don't you make some changes, such as... adding some wings or something."

"Neptune, compared to wings, you should change your trident!"

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