End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1178 The Great War Begins

In the Great Hall of the Sun God, Russell and Prometheus sat around the cauldron, drinking and chatting happily, accompanied by Pope Chiron, and Ai who was playing the piano beside him.

Originally, Russell meant that when Prometheus came, he must be treated well, and the etiquette should not be neglected.

They asked Chiron to choose two female golden saints to come and eat and drink with him, and danced to the sound of the piano, but Chiron refused to do so and threatened to crash to death on the pillar of the temple.

Russell had no choice but to let it go.

"Who are you scaring? Your soul is immortal. When you die, you just change your body."

Russell muttered, and Chiron next to him remained unchanged, his old disease recurred, and he was intermittently deaf and couldn't hear anything.

"Russell, are these ingredients taken from the Yaozu?"

Prometheus took one mouthful after another, admiring: "It's really a great tonic. I only took a few mouthfuls, and my injuries have improved a lot."

"It is indeed the flesh and blood of the monster race, but the supplement is related to the cooking technique. Eating it directly may strengthen the body, but it does not have the current effect."

Russell did not hide it, and told the truth.

There is no need to hide from Prometheus, this is a real gentleman, if you treat him with sincerity, he will treat you with sincerity.

"It's no wonder that Saint Seiya's physical fitness is so outstanding. Even without the blood of a demigod, he still has infinite potential to tap. This is why." Prometheus was even more optimistic about the Sanctuary.

"Prometheus, you said you were injured, what's going on?"

"The vultures in the imprisoned place are not mortal things. They peck at my liver every day, but they plunder my feelings. In order not to turn myself into a walking dead, I spent a lot of divine power, and I was already very weak when I escaped."

Prometheus said: "Zeus wants to turn me into a cold god, forgetting his feelings for human beings, as well as my persistence and fighting spirit. This is his ultimate goal of imprisoning me."

"The fighting spirit of the great god makes me feel so bad, let's not talk, let's go."



"Prometheus, I have an unfeeling request here. When the monster army is overwhelming, if the mountain is safe and sound, and the sanctuary..."

"Needless to say, I will not stay out of this kind of thing."

Prometheus looked back at the sanctuary outside the temple, and said with emotion: "No matter what the outcome of the war, they are all hope and the fire of mankind."


"So, the helper Zeus is looking for is actually Mother Earth?"

In Athena's study, Hecate touched his chin and said in disbelief, "It sounds a little unreal, is the source of information reliable?"

"I met Prometheus in the sanctuary, and I helped him forge the battle suit. According to my speculation and his, Zeus took the initiative to show his favor to Gaia, sacrificing his interests in exchange for her help." Russell explained.

"No, I don't think so."

Hecate shook his head and explained the reason: "The main conflict between Zeus and Gaia lies in the imprisoned Titan gods in Tartarus. As long as these titans are imprisoned for a day, the conflict between Zeus and Gaia will continue for a day. "

My children are my children, but my children's children are not my children.

This is the case with the three views of Olympus. Although Zeus is the grandson of Gaia, his status in his heart is still not as high as that of the Titans.

As for why she supported Zeus to overthrow Cronus, it can only be said that this second-generation god king is unpopular, and even his own mother is unhappy with him.

"This is a negotiation, Zeus made a compromise, Gaia got face... maybe there are other unknown concessions."

Russell shrugged, turned his head and said, "Athena, what do you think?"

"The meaningless debate, no matter what Zeus's last card is, the presence of Prometheus and other gods of the Titan era has strengthened the strength of Shenshan."

Athena shook her head slightly,

Prompted: "Perhaps we should consider the situation after the war. The monster race's invasion has shaken Zeus's dominance. World changes are beginning to appear. We have to prepare early."

"You have full confidence in Zeus, but I am more optimistic about the monster race."

Russell curled his lips: "There is another possibility for the world change. A few days later, Ragnarok will all be dead, and Mount Olympus will be pushed down by the demon clan, and it will explode with a single blow."

"..." x2

What good will all the dead lights do you?

Athena gave Russell a blank look, not wanting to argue with him, Hecate said hey hey hey, and skillfully embraced Russell's shoulders: "Good brother, you just said that you helped Prometheus forge the battle suit, so... how about beautiful sister?" One thing is missing!"

"What does it matter to me if you lack one thing, and I'm not your good brother."

Russell shook off Hecate's strong lock man, and stayed three meters away from the female hooligan: "It's okay to let me forge the battle suit for you, and the price is clearly marked. You can ask Athena what price she paid at that time."

"The relationship between the two of us, you still charge money, my sister... my heart hurts!"

Hecate touched her conscience and sighed. She saw the weak family relationship up and down the mountain, and felt pain in her heart.

Therefore, she decided not to pay this time, and she wanted to arouse the family affection and conscience in Russell's heart.

"Don't talk nonsense, the only bond between us is Artemis, but she told me to stay away from you."

Russell curled his lips slightly: "If Artemis knew that I forged the battle suit for you, he would definitely kill me."

"Hmph, I knew that the little bitch must speak ill of me behind my back."

Hecate showed displeasure on his face: "Don't worry, if she kills you, I will be your widow in the future. I will never marry unless I meet someone I like."

Russell: (_)

He was surprised that this kind of female hooligan was not pushed by Zeus, which shows that Zeus's methods of teasing girls are only a few tricks.

I, Zeus, the king of the gods, do you dare not obey?

After some chatter, Russell designed a battle suit for Hecate. According to his request, the overall color was black, with three heads and six arms in the appearance of an ancient god.

According to Hecate, her titan body looks like this. She looks like a close-up fighter, but she is actually a mage with long-distance output, occasionally controlling the field.

Russell believed it, the female hooligan had amazing arms, punched and cried a Cyclops, what else could it be if it wasn't a mage!

In the end, a dark and dull battle suit design was completed, and Athena also participated in the design process.

The design theme follows the requirements of Hecate, brutal and bloody, full of destructive power, no luxury and no grandeur.

She doesn't like those fancy things, and emphasizes that the deterrent power of the strong is made, not pretended!

"Athena, the room where you forged your battle clothes last time is still empty, right?"

After the design drawing was completed, Russell started forging.


Seeing Hecate and Russell walk into the forging room shoulder to shoulder, Athena looked strange, thinking of the scene when Russell forged her battle suit, she opened her mouth and said nothing.

After all, Olympus, regardless of the god or goddess, has the same idea when encountering bad luck-I can't be the only one who is unlucky!

Twenty minutes later.


"Be careful, the next time I meet you, I'll take your head off."

Hecate kicked the door of the forging room, snorted coldly to Athena who was waiting in front of the door to watch the show, and left the palace of the goddess of wisdom.

Russell walked out slowly, the slap marks on the left face did not affect his serious demeanor, he nodded calmly to Athena: "Fortunately, the process of forging the battle suit went very smoothly, and the power of the alliance has made further progress, really gratifying."

"I see, your face has said it all."

Athena exclaimed, Zeus was far worse than Russell in terms of lust alone.


In the blink of an eye, it was seven days, and with the completion of the fortifications, the murderous atmosphere on the mountain became more and more intense.

Because there had been no war for many years, it broke out suddenly, and it was another war that could subvert the gods' right to rule the world. The heartstrings on the mountain were tense, and the rhythm of the war was very bad.

In the beginning, he was very imposing, and then he lived like a year, and now he has constant conflicts in private, and there are often gods who fight when they disagree.

It can be foreseen that if the monster clan does not appear again, the pressure will have nowhere to vent, and the powder keg of Shenshan will explode by itself.

In the final analysis, it was these gods who were born as gods who were too free and undisciplined in the past.

One drum is as powerful as a tiger, then it declines, and three times it is exhausted!

Although Zeus didn't know how to say this sentence, it didn't mean he didn't understand the reasoning behind it. He temporarily formed several teams responsible for reconnaissance and asked them to go out every day.

One is to ease the pressure on the mountain, and the other is to warn the movement of the monster army and make a plan in advance.

It's embarrassing to say, because it's an invasion from another world, Mount Olympus has not yet determined where the monster army will appear.

There are also gods who are good at prophecy on the sacred mountain, and Zeus also sent people to ask the three goddesses of fate, but all the information related to the monster race was all blurred, so that in the end, the future of the whole world was muddy and unclear, and no clue could be made out.

Golden Palace!

As soon as a patrol team was dispatched, Zeus on the throne felt uneasy, feeling that something big happened today, and it was a catastrophe that was imminent.

He kept silent, glanced at the direction of his left hand, and the twelve main gods, as the representatives of the new gods, sat upright, expressing affection from time to time, or intrigue, and staged a boring and boring daily routine.

On the right hand side is the god of the old school, with a expressionless face and no words, honestly like a good minister who works hard.

There seems to be nothing wrong!

Zeus was secretly suspicious, and suddenly thought of a possibility. Although the monster race doesn't want fools, it can't guarantee that there are no two or five children among the gods.

"Ho Ho Ho—"


Just when he was suspicious and jealous, suddenly a continuous roar suddenly came from the east.

The deafening, boundless, endless sea rushed, and the whole Olympus trembled slightly.

The Yaozu appeared!

Hera standing next to him quickly got up, waved his hand and opened a light curtain in the hall, and saw to the east, a pitch-black gap was torn between the sky and the earth, spewing out boundless darkness.

The golden hall was dead silent, and even then, it seemed that the whole world became silent all of a sudden.

But a terrifying pressure swept in like a tide, gradually covering the whole world.

In the vast darkness, four completely negligible figures stood alone in the void, each exuding a strong aura.

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