End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1188 The sun god Russell is here, who dares to fight me

Darkness descends upon the earth!

The dark clouds surged violently like a tide, the energy boiled, and the strange red lightning rolled, accompanied by roaring sounds that resounded through the sky, conveying a heavy sense of oppression to the earth.

The monster clan army stopped charging and looked up at the sky one after another. In their sight, the blue sky was dark and dark.

In the center, a huge black smoke column churned endlessly, and swooped down towards the ground with a rumbling sound.

In the darkness, a pair of red eyes slowly opened, and what descended was not only the darkness, but also the demon god who controlled the darkness.

The monster army sensed the coming of the dark aura, even the powerful monster generals and monster saints. When they saw that they were not their own people, they immediately abandoned the Olympus gods in front of them, retreated, and hid themselves in the boundless monster clan. Among the army.

The Dark Demon God rushed down from the sky and was amazed when he saw the broken Mount Olympus and the chaotic battlefield of the Broken Mountain Range.

"What happened, what did we miss?"

Hecate and Athena hid in the demon god's body, looking at the manic mountain range, they were all shocked, and the latter couldn't believe it: "Zeus, Zeus's divine power has dissipated... Could it be that he... has fallen?"

"Impossible!" x2

Russell and Hecate denied it at the same time.

"Zeus has experienced the ten-year battle of the Titans, as well as the turmoil of Typhon Cholera in Mount Olympus, and his brain is smarter than anyone else. How could he die as soon as he said it?"

After Hecate finished speaking, he suddenly found that Russell on the same front was silent, and looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong, you talk!"

"Uh, it's hard to say whether Zeus is dead or not, but based on your analysis just now, I think Poseidon might still be alive."

"It's a good thing, why do you look unhappy?"

"The matter of the trident... If Poseidon is still alive, you can pretend that you have seen nothing and know nothing, understand?"

Maybe because the two women didn't understand, Luo Su quietly added: "Remind me, Xing Tian, ​​the only person who knew about it, is dead and killed by me."

Athena frowned slightly, and Hecate, who was next to her, immediately laughed out loud, and said angrily, "Why, do you still want to be tough?"

"How fresh..."

Russell was too lazy to talk nonsense with Hecate, she looked like a goddess who was neither married nor married, and she didn't know such a simple truth.

The body of the dark demon god landed on the ground, and the violent air waves rumbled away. The huge body looked around, and found that no matter whether it was the monster race or the gods of Mount Olympus, they all had expressions of fear.

"The sun god Russell is here, who dares to fight me?"


No one answered!

"Who dares to fight me?"

With the black flame sword in hand, the demon god swept the dark ripples and ran across the ground, and the shock wave shook the monster clansmen to their backs.

Telepathy and electromagnetic waves swept away, and Russell waved his hand to bewitch a large group of monster cannon fodder, causing them to fall into a chaotic and bloodthirsty state, regardless of enemy and friend, and reflexively charged towards his own camp.

The little chaos on the battlefield is not worth mentioning. What Russell cares about is the top combat power of the demon clan. Except for the nine chaotic clones, the two demon gods Di Jiang and Yu Jia are not there.

This is where it gets interesting!

Russell thought, if Zeus hadn't run away ahead of time, it would have meant that he had exchanged one for two, heroic.

"Worthy of being the king of the gods, awareness is high!"

Russell nodded secretly. This sentence was neither flag raising nor gloating, but a slap in the face against Zeus, so that he could live safely.

After all, some time ago, he said that Mount Shenshan would be blown up, and then Mount Shenshan was really blown up!

In short, Russell said this sentence, the starting point is good.

"Sun God!?"

In the army of the demon clan, the demon generals and demon saints were all stunned. Such a pitch-black sun... is really uncommon.

The gods on the other side are similar, they know that Russell is very dark, but...

It's too dark too!

Russell faced the monster army,

Two big black hands stretched out from behind, using the huge body as a barrier, opened the gate of hell silently, and communicated with the passage to the underworld.

A series of black characters were cut in mid-air, allowing the gods to hurry up and run away.

The situation on the battlefield is still somewhat chaotic, but Russell, Hecate, and Athena can all see that the mountain has lost its remaining strategic value, and it is time to retreat.

Hecate shook her head again and again, a wrong guard war, if Zeus had listened to her, the loss of this battle could have been completely avoided.

The gods sensed the breath of the underworld surging from behind the gate of hell, and immediately rushed forward, fearing that they would run one step slower than others.

Most of the hundreds of gods were second-rate, third-rate, or demigods with tyrannical physiques. There were not many servants left on the sacred mountain, and they all died under the great impact of heaven and earth when the mountain collapsed.

Sensing several familiar auras such as Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Demeter, Russell saw Apollo beside Hestia, but did not see Artemis.

When he was wondering, the latter came straight towards the Dark Demon God, and his body was submerged in it.

In the vast and dark place, Artemis only felt the world spinning, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he found... Hecate and Athena.

(; ̄.)…(. ̄)(. ̄)

"Why are you two here?"

Artemis was furious, and after confirming the eyes, they were all annoying little bitches.

"It's always there!"

Hecate pursed her lips, as if she had just put it on... just tasted the delicious food, and she was still unsatisfied: "You are a good man, if you don't want to be beaten, stay away from him. I will use it in the future."


Artemis was trembling with anger, pointed at Hecate and said in a trembling voice: "No, shameless, shameless!"

"Come on, I don't even dislike you for using it."

Hecate brushed her long hair by her ears, and said truthfully, "Sister kindly reminds you that this man is too bad for you to control, it would be safer to let me in."

"you you you……"

"Don't be unconvinced. I'm doing it for your own good. Believe me, you will definitely find a good man in the future."


Russell didn't know about the meeting in Demon God. When the gods fled into the gate of hell in embarrassment, the demon clan on the opposite side sensed it and rushed straight up following the nine chaotic clones.

Little Chaos is not worth mentioning!

Just as Xing Tian was settled, Russell was just about to swell, holding the black flame sword horizontally with both hands, and swiping out with a sweeping blow.

The black sword light extended infinitely, and the hurricane that suddenly set off was rolled down with the black magic flames, and countless demon army troops were buried in the sea of ​​flames with a single slash.

The flames burned forever, and the continuous monster army screamed in the flames. At the same time, the earth cracked the gap in the abyss, revealing the silent and lightless black ocean.

Big black hands shot up into the sky, and ghostly shadows danced, stirring up the vortex and dragging the monster race into it.

In the central position, a huge meat ball opens one eye, spreading chaotic spiritual pollution, harvesting the mind of the monster army, and letting them kill each other, or jumping into the Black Sea in pieces.

Rumble! !

The black wind extinguished the smoke, and the chaos couldn't break through the blockade of the Dark Demon God. It may be due to fear, or it may be due to a lack of ability. The nine avatars overlapped into one.

With his eyes fixed, he asked in a deep voice, "Where is Xing Tian?"

"Hey hey, Xing Tian is very chewy, so what if I don't know you?"

The body of the demon god waved the bats that covered the sky and covered the sun, and frantically attacked around the chaos.

At this time, all the gods of Olympus had run away, Russell put away the gates of hell, and was not in a hurry to leave.

He could see that Chaos' injuries were serious, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one person to be alone.

If he missed it, he couldn't forgive himself.

Several great sages of the monster race want to gather the monster generals and jointly set up a large formation, but the body of the demon god is too huge. With a casual swing of the black flame sword, the boundless black flame will roll down, and it is impossible to get close.

The chaotic body gathered several times, and found that there was nothing Luo Su could do, and the unfavorable light of the knife landed, shaved off a layer of darkness, and was continuously attacked.

Suddenly, hundreds of big black hands rushed out from behind the demon god's body, swaying and disturbing the air flow between the sky and the earth.

Chaos didn't check for a while, and was attacked by one of the big hands, and it was scattered into hazy smoke in the air.

Before he could escape into the distance, suddenly a black sky enveloped him like a big net.

Chaos could see clearly that it was the huge black robe of the body of the demon god, with six colors of light flowing, so black that it was so colorful that it was terrifying to look at.

When life and death were at stake, Chaos gritted his teeth, took out the broken yin and yang mirror, blew up the magic weapon and exploded the siege of the dark demon god, and escaped from the net of heaven and earth.

As soon as he turned around, in front of him was a pale, extremely strange huge meat ball, with countless tentacles flying up and down, spreading invisible sound waves that made his headache split.

It is like whispering in the ear, tens of thousands of people talk together, between the tangible and the intangible, but the thinking has to respond to these people at the same time.

It was only a momentary contact, and it made him feel like dying.

The pale mouth opened wide, and Chaos stared at the huge head in it in astonishment, and was stunned.

"Xing... Xing Tian..."


The meat ball swallowed into the chaos, the tentacles slapped the black sea surface, and rushed straight towards the body of the demon god.

Inside its body, spikes protruded everywhere, and it was Chaos who rushed to escape.

The body of the demon god stepped forward quickly, waving the black robe to cover the meat ball in the darkness, then grinned scarlet towards the monster army, and sank into the black ocean, disappearing together with it.


Far away from the direction of Mount Olympus, the ground exploded with a bang, Russell made a hole and jumped out, with the three daughters of Artemis behind him.

"Time waits for no one, I will send you to the underworld first."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I want to go back to the Sanctuary. My family is there, so I can't take advantage of the Yaozu."

While speaking, Russell suddenly remembered something: "Athena, how is your pirated version of God's Domain, do you want to go and take him away?"

"No need, I sent them to the underworld before the war started."


Russell scratched his head, wanting to complain but didn't know where to start.

"I'll go to Sanctuary with you!"

Artemis raised his hand and hugged Russell's arm, staring at Hecate with bad eyes: "You are not safe alone, I will protect you."


Russell scratched his head again, this sentence was also full of slots, but he listened to Ronaldinho, so he stopped complaining about this slot.


Hecate looked at Artemis provocatively, sneered, and raised her hand to wipe her neck.

Ever since she was a child, she has never lost a fight with Artemis, and this time is no exception.

Not bragging, she can make Artemis cry for a long time with one punch!

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