End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1195 The identity is different

Pluto Hall.

To be precise, it was the original Pluto Hall, and now the Divine King's Palace.

Pluto and Hades have already moved out of the temple. With Prometheus and Hephaestus, two infrastructure madmen, building houses is faster than demolition, and the new Pluto temple will soon rise.

The other palaces of the gods were also completed in turn, because it was a critical period, and these palaces were densely divided, all surrounding the 'Elysee Paradise'.

The underworld fighters withdrew, and the saint fighters changed shifts, from bronze to silver, with three steps, one post and five steps, one sentry. It was still a little incredible to patrol.

The sun god was still the sun god during the day, but turned into a god king at night, and their identities rose accordingly, from the thugs of the main god to the thugs of the god king.


"Hey hey..."

A golden light huddled in the corner and laughed, it was Perseus, the eldest brother became the king of gods, and he was the younger brother of the king of gods.

"Zeus is still your father. You are not sad at all when you hear the news of his defeat and death?"

Cykyas of Cancer was very speechless, he couldn't read minds, but Perseus had "I, brother of the God King" written on his face, as long as he was not blind, he could see his complacency.

"Zeus, who is Zeus?"

Perseus groaned, he never admitted that he was the son of Zeus, besides, the son of the god king would not sound as majestic as the younger brother of the god king.

There are tens of thousands of sons of the god king, how many younger brothers are there?

In Zeus's class, because Zeus was the youngest third brother, there was no younger brother of the God King. In Russell's class, the only younger brother recognized was Perseus.

So, counting the two generations... No, even if you go back to the time of the second generation of God King Cronus, there is no such thing as a younger brother of the God King.

There is only one younger brother of the god king in three generations of gods. Is there any reason for him to be unhappy?


The change of identity was too fast, and the saints couldn't accept it for a while, especially the golden saints including Chiron, who had complicated thoughts.

The sun god became the king of the gods, and he was elected by voting...

I just want to ask, is there no more reliable candidate?

Saints feel that this world will end sooner or later, and they are the executioners who ruined the world with their own hands!

What was more shocking than the saints was Ai'o. When Russell became the sun god, she felt that it was getting dark. It turned out that this was not Russell's upper limit. She changed suddenly and became a god king.

Thinking of the scene of meeting Russell for the first time, being tied up, threatened and tortured, she sighed.

Can anyone tell her if this is the dark history of the God King, or if Olympus has always had this style of painting?

What shocked Ao the most was that Russell once said that he had an affair with Artemis, and she laughed at that time, thinking that Russell drank too much.

It turned out that she really had an affair, no, Artemis was humming because of Russell's arrangement with the Queen of Heaven, and Russell was on the sidelines trying to persuade her.

She plays the piano and is responsible for the background music!

Ai'e had a complicated mind, she attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven alone, Russell became the king of gods, and she immediately became a great priest.

That is, the personal secretary of the God King, who helps with official duties during the day, serves tea, pours water, makes the bed, and sings a little song at night.

Suddenly, I felt a cycle of cause and effect, because Zeus wanted to do the same to her back then, but she didn't agree, so she forced Zeus to death, and then became Russell's great priest.

What's more, I'm used to being hugged by Russell. At first glance, I feel a little sad when I see him hugging other women.

Ai'o didn't dare to show her sadness. The goddess on Mount Olympus has a pin-point heart and is especially jealous.

She thought about wiping some tears on her front feet, and her back feet would be shot by an arrow 800 miles away, and then Artemis, who was hunting innocently, passed by.

Thinking about Russell once said that Athena had confessed to him, Ao thought, there was still a scepter of wisdom on her body.

Ai'o believed it, and Russell quickly rose to the position of God King, creating miracles again and again, and now she believes everything she says.

"Don't be petty. I only said that I voted for the Queen, but I didn't say whoever is elected is whoever is elected. The final decision is still in my hands."

Russell hugged the crying Artemis, and gave them good words to persuade him. The latter had been following him every step since the meeting ended, with sad eyes, without saying a word, like a dog who knew he was about to be abandoned son.

"Then why are you making a list, why are there Athena and Hestia?"

The more Artemis said, the more wronged she became, and Baba shed tears: "It's clear that I like the new and dislike the old, and I think they are better than me."

"How can it be……"

How can they deceive you!

Russell pretended to be disdainful: "If you think I'm greedy for their bodies, you're totally wrong."

"Is not it?"

"..." x2

"of course not!"

"You hesitated! You actually hesitated..."


Russell covered Artemis's mouth with a slap, and sighed: "I won't hide it from you now, I put them on the list to disgust them on purpose, you really think I want to stand in it One for the Empress?"

Artemis couldn't speak, but it didn't affect her statement, she nodded while humming.

"You also saw today's vote. I don't want to be a god king, neither Athena nor Hestia, so they voted for me. That's when I have the best chance."

Russell said solemnly: "Now it's not like before, Zeus can drill holes everywhere every day, but I can't..."

"The king of the gods during the war is very dangerous, especially in the face of the monster clan with endless tricks. If you are not careful, you will die and your soul will be destroyed. Unlimited glory is a bet on your life."

"It's so dangerous, then you give it to... Athena!"

Artemis broke away from Russell's hand and said worriedly.

You are really her good sister!

"It's too late, the king of gods is not the queen of the sea, there is no reason to give way."

Russell shook his head: "If I can, I have given up at the meeting, Athena doesn't want it, Hades... I tried to provoke him, but he lost his vigor and is no longer suitable to be a god king. I don't worry about the others. "

"What about you?"

"Let's take one step at a time!"

Russell sneered: "Those two women made me feel uncomfortable, so I made them unhappy. The voting in the queen's election is revenge. I can laugh out loud just thinking about that picture."


Artemis didn't speak, but felt that it made sense, but also felt that something was wrong.

"Don't worry, tomorrow is just a game, no matter what the result is, I will choose you as the queen."

"However, if my vote is very low, will it be too embarrassing..."

Be confident, remove if, then it's Athena and Hestia, you must be at the bottom!

"Don't panic, I have confidence in you, you are the chosen queen."

Russell changed the topic: "However, you have to be mentally prepared for one thing. You will be the Queen of Heaven, but the ceremony and the like may have to wait until after the demon clan is driven away."

Russell has never considered getting married. Even if he considered, the first choice would be Superwoman X2, and everyone else had to stand aside.

Even if it's just a ritual, it's Supergirl X2's turn to do it first, and then it's everyone else's turn.

The boat is cracked, and the scumbag can't be cleaned up anymore, but even so, he still wants to be a scumbag who never forgets his original intention.

Thinking of this, Russell came up with the ambition of "the Huns are not destroyed, and there is no home for them", but before he could express his feelings, he was interrupted by Artemis.

"No need to explain, I understand, you are now the king of God, and your status is different."

Artemis sighed, leaning on Russell's shoulder and said quietly: "Actually, Hera is the best candidate for the queen. She has the power of marriage and is more valuable than me. This is also Zeus..."

Russell didn't hear what Artemis said later. He judged that this was an exam question and was considering the standard answer.

"What do you think?"

"I think what you said makes sense."

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly: "The authority of marriage is indeed good, but there has never been a rule that the goddess who has the authority of marriage should be the Queen of Heaven."


"Change the order, it is the right solution for Tianhou to have the right to marry."

Russell grinned: "Where is Hera's palace, I'm pretending to be Poseidon to snatch her authority, and then I'm snatching it from 'Poseidon'."

"You are so bad!"

Artemis' eyes cut water, and she also liked the way Russell played tricks.

"King of Gods, Aphrodite, the God of Love, is seeking an audience outside the temple."

Ai'e received the sound transmission from the Golden Saint, stopped plucking the strings in her hands, and interrupted the dogs and men in front of her.

"Aphrodite, what is she here for?" Russell was puzzled.

"Hmph, what else can she do here, thinking about the throne of the Queen of Heaven!"

Artemis immediately stopped being a soft girl, and got up to go out and beat the shameless little bitch away.

"Don't make trouble, she is a smart person, even if she seduces me, she will not choose this moment. Besides, she is married, so she is not qualified to be a queen."

"What do you mean, I'm a stupid woman?"

"Certainly not!"

Russell sent two sweet words, asked Artemis to wait in the side hall, and then sat down and told Aphrodite to come in.

"God King!"

Aphrodite was dressed in a dignified and tight body, showing neither arms nor thighs.

"Aphrodite, what are you doing here if you're not resting in your bedroom?"

Russell didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "Don't get me wrong, I just think this approach is inappropriate and will damage your reputation."

"I still have a reputation?"

Aphrodite didn't care, her nose twitched slightly, and she looked towards the hall with a light smile: "I heard that the king of gods has captured a monster sage alive, so he came here to ask for it, I understand the rules, just ask for a price. "

"The asking price is free..."

Russell pondered for a moment, and said, "Based on the relationship between me and brother Hephaestus, you can just take it away if you want."

"Oh, Artemis is so lucky..."

Aphrodite looked enviously towards the direction of the side hall, and slightly closed her eyes to dissipate her complicated emotions: "God King, if possible, I want to take him away now."

"no problem."

Russell nodded, then nodded to Ai'e: "Go, invite Xiang Liu, the great sage of the monster clan."

It is impossible to invite, Xiang Liu, as an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, is deeply loved by the saints.

Because of the important task of being a training partner, life is worse than death, in a static state, and needs to be borrowed to move.

Soon, he was dragged up.

Xiang Liu: \\/


Added updates to the leader's 3,000 words, and began to pay off the debt...

The old rules, since the update has been added, then ask for a ticket.

Everything works!

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