End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1198 The Tradition of the God King, the Curse of the Youngest Son

"Hera, she...she, she actually..."

Thinking of the instructions to Hera, Zeus was inexplicably sad. He repeatedly ordered Hera to hand over the authority of the sky to Russell. Hera thought she was smart.

As a result, Hera still thought too much, and sent her a pillow mat to recommend herself.


Not long after she left, Hera was anxious to find her next home. Zeus felt depressed, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed: "Hera is really shameless, and she threatened you with the position of God King. I misjudged her."

"Forget it, don't worry about small things, just forgive her for my sake!"

Russell waved his hand to tell Zeus not to be angry: "Think about it, ignore the process and only look at the result. Hera did not violate your order. No, the authority is still mine."

Zeus: "..."

So, what about the middle process?

He struggled for a while, but couldn't get over this hurdle: "Russell, tell me the truth, did you follow her?"


"Damn it, you're talking!"

Facing Russell's innocent face, Zeus had a heavier crown on his head, and his eyes widened anxiously.

"I refused at first. After all, I respect Hera just like I respect you. What's more, your bones are not cold. How can I do something that is inferior to a beast? What is the difference between this and Poseidon... Speaking of Poseidon , In fact, he didn't die, he left the trident and ran to Ming..."

"Shut up and get to the point!"


Russell scratched his head and put on a shameful face: "I tried my best to refuse at that time, Hera tempted me in every possible way, I struggled, she entangled, and even grabbed my hand, I controlled, controlled, and then controlled..."


Zeus was furious, and the pure white void world roared with thunder, and the sound spread far away.

"Sorry, I couldn't control it, she was wearing too little."


Suddenly, Russell seemed to hear the sound of something piercing his heart.

Looking at Zeus, whose face was all pale in front of him, he took a big breath and continued: "Then I didn't know anything, and I saw you as soon as I opened my eyes, so it should have passed."

Who are you kidding? If there is such a good thing, can you take it?

Anyway, Zeus didn't believe it, so he wouldn't smoke it.

He said with a livid face: "It's okay, it's okay if you don't smoke, it's not your fault."

"Great, if you say that, I don't feel guilty at all."

Russell let out a long sigh of relief, and said guiltily: "To be honest, although I've passed out now, there may be something going on outside, so if you have any last words, hurry up and say, I'll see if I can catch up with the rest...cough cough Hurry up and stop Hera, and persuade her to turn around."

Bah, you shameless thing!

Zeus stared at him angrily, but Russell was right in saying that time was running out and he couldn't continue talking nonsense.

He directly took off the mask of hypocrisy, and said with full of fatherly love: "Russell, I won't hide it from you now, Mount Olympus is broken, the gods have no backbone, and conflicts will only break out and go their own way. They need the king of gods." !"

"That's right, so I was voted by everyone and became the new God King."

Russell raised his chest and raised his head: "To be honest, I came here for the authority of the sky, so that I can become the real king of the gods."

"So, you know what I want to do?"

Zeus's eyes were dark and pretentious. Now that things happened, he didn't pretend to be a good father anymore.

"Of course, you're not the first Zeus to want to do this!"


"And Poseidon, he wants to do the same."

Russell was talking about Zeus and Poseidon in the [Pirates of the Caribbean] world. Taking advantage of Zeus's slight stupor, he stabbed Zeus' chest with a knife in his palm, and suddenly burst out his powerful spiritual power.

What form is Zeus?

Russell doesn't know how to survive, but the two-pronged ability of mind and soul control will definitely work.

"Boy, you are ambitious, courageous, shameless enough, and have the power to turn it into reality, but..."

Zeus grabbed Russell's wrist, slowly pulled it out of his body, and said with a sly smile, "It's a pity, you are my son. Just because of this, you will never be able to turn over."

After all, Zeus struck out with a heavy fist, as if sinking into mercury, the entire fist sank into Russell's chest, and ripples swayed repeatedly on his body.

A steady stream of spiritual power poured into Russell's body, depriving him of his will, intending to occupy the dove's nest to complete his resurrection.

The curse of Mount Olympus, the god king was overthrown by his son, and there are two generations of god kings who have learned from the past, leaving a heartbreaking warning: the younger son cannot be kept!

Therefore, in addition to desperately sowing seeds so that the younger son would never exist, Zeus also tampered with it, and no son had the ability to resist him.

This is where his opportunity for rebirth comes from!

The reason for choosing Russell as the carrier is simple. He is the strongest and has the most potential. He is impeccable in every aspect.

According to Zeus' own words, Russell was simply carved out of his mold, reborn with Russell's body, his strength will also be stronger than ever.

As time passed by, Zeus' grinning grin gradually stiffened. With the spiritual power injected into Russell's body, he searched frantically, but failed to find the dark hand left behind, as if...

As if Russell wasn't his child at all!

Zeus: ∑(O_O;)

Russell: (ω)

Russell was suddenly a little embarrassed. He might have misunderstood Zeus. He tried his best to destroy Zeus's remnant soul. As a result, the other party not only didn't get angry, but also continuously sent him energy.

This kind of noble sentiment of repaying grievances with virtue can only be said to be worthy of being the king of the gods!

For the sake of the Olympus gods to defeat the Yaozu, sacrifice yourself to benefit others, so enlightened!

"No, it's impossible..."

Zeus consumed more than half of his energy, his materialized body slowly became transparent, his astonished and helpless face was filled with shock, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Poseidon, it's Poseidon, right? He did a good job, right? wrong?"

Poseidon, why did the pot get on him again?

Russell didn't understand, so he took over the conversation and said, "That's right, as you expected, Poseidon did a good job."

"Impossible, he is not worthy!"

Zeus never doubted that Russell was his own child. How could he admit his mistake when he planted the seeds himself, and immediately laughed angrily: "I understand, I still underestimated you. .”

Because of the conduction of energy, the initiative is no longer in the hands of Zeus, and his figure is more illusory and transparent, and the marquee of divine birth begins when he dissociates.

The first idea is about the curse of the god king, the king of the gods must be overthrown by his youngest son.

Yes, although Russell is not his youngest son, Perseus is younger than him, but among the sons with powerful authority, Russell is indeed the youngest one.

With a hundred secrets, Zeus secretly hated the previous two generations of god kings. They were not good people, and their experience was not summed up well, which caused him to capsize in the gutter.

"Hmph, Russell, you kill me and become the new king of the gods. If you set a precedent, the twelve main gods will follow suit..."

Zeus suddenly returned to the light and cursed Russell: "Wait, whether it is Poseidon or Athena, even Hades will stand up and overthrow your rule."

"Hehe, who knows?"

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, accelerated the absorption of Zeus's power, raised his fingertips on his chest, and poked the floating smoke: "Go at ease, Hera told the gods in person, Zeus, the king of gods, and the monsters will perish together, and die!" Great and tragic, you are a hero, worthy of the title of king!"

"Ahhh, I curse you, you will be overthrown by your own children like all god kings..."

A series of roars echoed in the white world, Zeus' body turned into light spots and dissipated, only the repeated echoes gradually decreased.

"Who to scare? Is this a curse?"

Russell dismissed it. A sixty-year-old prince is already hard to find in the ages. The son of a god king can easily be tens of thousands of years old. Anyone who is put on him will rebel.

Therefore, the curse of the god king has nothing to do with fate, it is simply that they are too able to live, and the people below see no hope, so they will naturally rise up.

After complaining, Russell's body slowly enlarged, eventually occupying the entire pure white world.

Integrating the authority of the sky, which is a direct symbol of the king of the gods, is much more time-consuming than merging other authorities. When Russell was in silence, he vaguely heard the system notification sound of ding ding.

After a long time, Russell slowly opened his eyes in the secret room. The power of the sky was extremely powerful, and coupled with the blessing of double war power, he felt that this power alone was enough to rub Xing Tian and Chaos on the ground.

Just like fighting Poseidon, you can fight whatever you want.

After regaining his senses, he began to look at the system prompts. From this point of view, he was in a bad mood.

[The host acquires the skill: Thor]

[Skill: Thunder God (source of thunder, punish crime and punish evil)]


"It's actually a permanent skill..."

Russell was very surprised. Permanent skills are naturally delicious, but why not upgrade the permanent skills such as lightning rod, power storage, thunder, and 100,000 volts, but list a new skill separately?

Obviously repeated!

Also, the name of the skill 'Thunder' has a big slot, and I always feel that it is maliciously mocking someone.

Russell rubbed his chin, thinking that the system was itchy and out of power, otherwise he couldn't explain his unhappiness.

Don't talk about it, let's call it casually for three to five hours first, and then calculate the general ledger later!

The permanent skills were just complaints. What left Russell dumbfounded was that after he officially took over the banner from Zeus and became the king of the gods, the system reminded him that the world quest had been completed.

[The host completes the world task: Ragnarok]


[The rewards are as follows: 18 points of free attributes, 60,000 wealth points, 6 lucky draws]


There is no reminder of the 24-hour stay time, because there are hidden tasks that have not been completed.

"Several meanings, I became the king of the gods, why is the gods in dusk?"

Russell uttered angrily. It's not that he has never been the boss, let alone Kama Taj, Hydra is not good!

Who do you look down on!

Feeling the unnecessary persecution from the system, Russell got angry and extended the three to five hours of electrotherapy for a while.

No madness, he counts by the hour.

Just a few thousand hours, not much!

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