End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 118 If you want a tattoo, you can tattoo Big Big Wolf, Qingqing Grassland is crazy about me

The chaotic team battle broke out in the middle of the night, Russell was not in a hurry to harvest the heads, and stayed in the room to organize the werewolf captain's space bag. The team battle has just started, and the teams are neat and full of health. The risk is too high, and it is not the best time to do it.

Bandages, utility sabers, ammunition, hemostatic spray, tents, compressed biscuits...

The werewolf captain is poor. Considering that he is still using the space bag as the leader of the first team, it is normal that he does not have rich reward points to buy items.

It's not Russell's style to return empty-handed, but people can't always smell good. If you say something, you don't touch the smelly space bag in the bedroom.

"The captain is so poor, what good things can the team members have in their hands..."

Russell stood next to the corpse of the werewolf captain, trying to squeeze the last remaining value from him. The latter had exited the werewolf form, with a lifelike silver-white giant wolf tattooed on his shoulder.

【Ding! 】

[The host touches the wolf clan totem, which triggers a lottery draw. Do you want to draw now? 】

Russell became interested: "System, what is this wolf clan totem for transformation?"

"Unclear, there is no information in the database."

If it is of werewolf blood, Russell 100% rejects it, and the low blood potential will also increase his own weaknesses. He has the opportunity to travel through thousands of worlds, and the upper limit is definitely more than the level of a werewolf. Choosing the blood of a werewolf is purely to make himself uncomfortable. But totems are different. Obtaining abilities through tattoos is similar to active skills.

When the lottery draw is started, the system prompts that an item card has been obtained.

[Item Card: Wolf Clan Totem (unknown totem with incredible mysterious power)]

The evaluation is very high, but Russell knows that 80% of the evaluation system is unreliable, just take a look, if you are serious, you will lose.

"System, use 'Item Card: Wolf Clan Totem'."

[The host uses 'Item Card: Wolf Clan Totem', members of the Wolf Clan are being randomly selected...]


Russell's face changed, random means uncertainty, uncertainty means risk, if I knew it was random,

He must be thinking carefully.

"The monster wolf in fantasy has the highest upper limit, it has the possibility of advancement and evolution, and it also has magic attributes."

"The werewolf in World of Warcraft is also good, the bloodthirsty hunter in League of Legends, and the werewolf transformed by Van Helsing are also good. The werewolf in Underworld is fine. The strength is too weak, and hot weapons can kill you."

"By the way, Wolverine is also considered a wolf clan, and his tattoos can also..."

"God bless, don't be a Siberian wolf with a big tail!"

The system didn't keep Russell waiting long, and quickly gave an answer.

【Ding! 】

[The host gets the wolf clan totem: Big Big Wolf tattoo (If you want a tattoo, get Big Big Wolf, Qingqing Grassland is crazy about me)]

Russell: "..."

Do cartoons count?

Doesn't the cat clan totem have Doraemon!

"Uncle Luo, where do you want Big Big Wolf's tattoo to be?" The system couldn't wait to ask, every time Russell was embarrassed, he was the one who was the most active.

Russell rolled his eyes, he didn't want any position, if possible, he wanted to tattoo on the system. In the attribute panel, he saw the whole picture of the tattoo, a silly face with a broken hat on top of his head, even with a scar, he tried his best to put on a vicious and cunning look, but because of the younger style of painting, he seemed Full of energy.

"Uncle Luo, where is the tattoo?"

"If the experience is not good, can the tattoo be washed off?" The painting style is too shameful, and the tattoo is not suitable anywhere. Russell was silent for a while, but still did not have the courage to make a decision.

"Why wash it off? Big Big Wolf's tattoo is super powerful. It can give you the ability to heal yourself, improve your ability to resist attacks, and increase your talent for independent scientific research. The only downside is that it can't transform you."

It's great not being able to transform!

Russell's face turned blue and white, and he was caught in the battle between heaven and man. He had been coveting the self-healing ability for a long time, and he had never had a chance to obtain it, but... the painting style is so shameful!

Improving the ability to fight and fight is also very attractive. He crazily increased the 'body' attribute points in order to survive for a while when encountering strong enemies, but the style of painting is too shameful!

The talent in scientific research also seems to be very powerful. Just think about Big Big Wolf's black technology. Although it is impossible for the three-dimensional dimension to be as unscrupulous as the two-dimensional dimension, the scientific research level of Big Big Wolf is still a strong contender for the Nobel Prize. ...But still the same sentence, the style of painting is so shameful!

After getting this tattoo, how can I tell my girl that I have a childlike innocence?

"Uncle Luo, this tattoo is really childish, it doesn't fit your image of a tough guy, why don't we stop getting it!"

"Tattoo! Must tattoo!"

Such powerful tattoos, fools don't get tattoos, don't they just look younger, it's okay to get tattoos where others can't see them!

"Uncle Luo, where is the tattoo?" The system looked forward to it.

"The soles of the feet! Make it as small as you can. It's best to be similar to a mole."



The battle around the hospital was in full swing, from the beginning of mutual temptations gradually escalated to white-hot, in this, the point system set by the Lord God played a decisive role.

No one wants to suffer, everyone wants to take advantage, but the development of the situation is not subject to subjective control. The strong team wants to score points on the weak team, and the weak team can only fight back desperately if they don't want to lose points. From the first shot, the end of endless death is already doomed.

Russell shuttled in the shadows of the street. At this time, he had already equipped Kakashi's character card. Ninja is a profession born for assassination, and night is the most favorable home field.

There were constant gunshots in the streets and alleys, and Russell was very suspicious that the US police hadn't shown up yet, no matter how good at being late, it was time to do something.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

In the narrow alleyway, four reincarnated people were exchanging fire, and the three of them blocked the alleyway, but were unable to get close due to the firepower of the other party.

"Damn it, how much ammunition does that guy have? There are thousands of bullets. Doesn't his barrel explode?"

"Captain, we stayed for too long, the gunshots will attract the attention of other teams, if it doesn't work, just give up!"

"I can't give up. It's rare to find someone weaker than us! Our team has already lost points. Instead of taking risks and fighting against powerful enemies, it's better to stay here and die. I don't believe that he can't run out of ammunition."

"You are the captain, listen to you!"

"Speaking of which, have you noticed a strange thing? I haven't heard the sound of a sniper rifle since the beginning..."

"Don't be suspicious, a sniper shoots a shot to change a place, either in a sniper or on the way to a sniper."

While talking, the gunshots in the alley suddenly stopped. The three of them tried to fire twice, but seeing that they didn't fire back, they threw a grenade into it again.


The flames soared, the airflow rolled up the gravel, and suppressed cries of pain came from the alley.

The three of them looked at each other, made signs with gestures, and tiptoed into the alley. The alley smelled heavily of gunpowder smoke, and the dust from the grenade did not disperse. Their sight was blocked, and their pace slowed down again.

There was no ambush or shooting. The three of them went deep into the alley and found the enemy's body. To be precise, it was a human head buried in the soil.

Can grenades blow people into the ground?

The three of them came to their senses in an instant, and ran towards the original road. At this time, thick fog suddenly gathered in the alley, and they became invisible in the blink of an eye.

"Leave quickly, there are capable people here, we are ambushed!"

After the words fell, he was greeted by Senhan's knife light, his eyes were confused, and he only realized when the blade pierced his heart.

Three corpses fell to the ground, and Russell harvested three heads, using the 'Earth Escape·Heart Decapitation Technique' and 'Water Escape·Mist Concealment Technique' respectively.

Kakashi's character card is at the end of the manga, has not yet experienced the ninja war, and the freely pluggable Sharingan is still there. Because the character is highly recognizable, Russell did not cover the skin, and the shape of the black robe and the sharp knife is very confusing, and people will not associate it with the ninja profession when they see it.

One step further away from 50 heads, Russell suddenly found that this number was not safe, because there were nearly twenty places where the battles took place, and if there were five people in each team, there would be close to 200 reincarnations.

"Excluding the reincarnation team that was not attracted by the unlucky ones, there are nearly 40 teams here. The Lord God is really generous. Is this a hundred-regiment war or a trade union event?"

Russell lurks cautiously, and when he encounters a single or average team, he steps forward to assassinate. Kakashi's character card has a time limit of only 4 minutes. The concealment ability is the best among the character cards he has used. It is very suitable for assassination in melee. He is ready for overtime renewal, 20 points of wealth per second, compared with Ayumi Aikawa The character card is expensive, and far less than Ximen Chuuxue, the price is still fair.

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