End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1205 Who is in favor and who is against

"The three queen candidates, Hestia is dignified and generous, the head of the goddesses of Olympus, extremely prestigious..."

"Athena is the goddess of wisdom, strategy, heart, and overall outlook are all the best choices..."

"Hecate... Well, Kong Wu is powerful!"

In the main hall, all the gods gathered together, and were tossed all night by the suspense of who the queen would be. At this moment, they all held their breath, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

Only Hestia, Athena, and Hecate had black lines all over their faces, and the first two fidgeted restlessly. Every time they met Russell's scrutinizing eyes, they would return awkward yet polite smiles.

Hecate, on the other hand, was very dissatisfied with Russell's evaluation. What is Kong Wuli is clearly a natural divine power!

"The three goddesses have the same number of votes, and the approval ratings are evenly matched. Each of them is also extremely good. I can't make a choice, and I have been thinking hard all night."

Speaking of this, Russell supported his waist, he was exhausted last night.

"..." xN

The faces of the gods remained unchanged, MMP in their hearts, only felt the sight of Zeus on the throne rushing towards their faces, combined with Russell's words and deeds, thinking that Olympus might no longer have a pure goddess who was neither married nor married.

What a crime!

"So, regarding the candidate for the queen, I finally decided to be He..."

Russell listened slightly, and looked at Hestia with a smile in the corner of his eyes, with a look of "I'm very optimistic about you", which made the latter's face turn pale with fright.

Completely different from Hestia, Athena showed a bright smile, nodded vigorously to Hestia, and sincerely congratulated her on being elected queen.

"It really is the goddess Hestia, I knew it would be her, the god king is wise, and the rise of Olympus is hopeful!"

"The goddess deserves her name. Besides her, who else is qualified to be a queen?"

"That's right, no one can come, I will be the first to refuse."

"I don't agree, Hestia and I are in love with each other, as long as the God King has Hera..."


In the main hall, the gods were full of praise. No matter whether they voted for Hestia yesterday or not, they all supported Hestia at this moment. The momentum was so great that it directly drowned out Apollo's angry speech.

"Hecate, the candidate for the Queen of Heaven is Hecate!"

Russell gasped for breath and took a sharp turn to make the hall extremely quiet. The gods stood there with their eyes wide open, as if they were stuck in their throats, but they couldn't speak a word with their mouths wide open.

so awkward!

"Hmph, just now who said that it was the goddess Hestia's who disturbed the order of the venue, I don't know what kind of heart it is!"

"That's right, Goddess Hecate is the one everyone expects. No one is qualified except her."

"That's right, no one can come, I will be the first to refuse."

"I agree, the god king doesn't choose Hera, but Hecate is also very good."


After a brief silence, the myths turned sharply, silently cursing Russell for his lack of heart, causing them to kiss the wrong ass, making jokes without telling them, and offending the queen who just came to power.

At the same time, he showed his loyalty, changed his name in the original words, and patted all of them on Hecate.

"The king of gods is wise, and Hecate's character and talent are far superior to those of the goddesses,

It is indeed the best choice for the queen. "

Hestia gritted her teeth and looked at Russell. At a certain moment, she was about to give in. As a result, Shensheng had ups and downs, and she didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Goddess Hestia, don't be sad, Hecate is indeed very good, and it is reasonable for you to lose the election." Athena tried to persuade her, as if she was worthless for her.

"Goddess Athena is joking, how dare I compare myself with the Queen of Heaven."

"The goddess is humble!"

Hestia: Little bitch, are you finished yet?

Athena: No end!

Among the gods, Hecate, who was selected as the Queen of Heaven, nodded indifferently, walked to Russell's side calmly, and sat on the throne of Queen of Heaven with a dignified manner.

Not to be surprised by favor or shame, she really has the aura of a queen.

Russell knew it well, and he was just pretending to be a lady. In the world of Olympus, all the goddesses could reach the full level of cultivation.

For example, without self-declaration of family background, most people can't tell who is Aphrodite and Athena at all, they are too good at pretending.

"Here, the Queen of Heaven makes a final decision, who is in favor and who is against?"

Russell looked around the gods, hoping that someone would stand up and praise the benefits of Hestia and Athena with a wave of rhythm, so that he, the god king, had no choice but to submit to the will of the gods from the overall perspective.

Hearing this, Poseidon's eyes lit up, he refused to accept, Hecate is powerful, so he is not powerful?

If nothing else, he can grow a beard, can Hecate?

To put it bluntly, the new God King simply likes women, which is not as good as Zeus!

At least Zeus is fair and just, regardless of whether you are a god or a goddess, or whether you are a thing or not, you will be treated equally and will not be treated differently.

This is called the Great God King!

Poseidon wanted to BB a few words, to fight for himself, but was glared at by the tiger-faced Hades, unwilling to be cat-like, and then did not speak again.

"Since the gods have no opinion, then..."

"I don't agree, Tianhou's election is too hasty."

Just when Russell sighed and sighed that there was no real brave man, there was a stern objection from outside the hall.

Female voice, with high rock sugar content, you can tell from the voice, it will definitely not look bad.

In the world of Olympus, few goddesses are ugly.

There were whispers in the hall, and one could tell from the queen's choice that there must be an ulterior transaction in it, and I don't know who was not open-eyed, but had the guts to dare to sweep the interest of the god king.

As the crowd moved aside and saw who was coming, all the gods counted the ants on the ground with low eyebrows, and the discussion stopped abruptly.

On the queen's throne, Hecate was about to lose her temper when she saw the person coming, and she leaned towards Russell, "It's Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, be careful, the person coming is not good."


Russell narrowed his eyes slightly. This was the first time he saw a super-primitive god-level boss, and he felt... pretty pretty.

Russell doesn't know much about the mythology of Olympus, it's too messy.

The chaos here refers to the confusion of the version, not the confusion of the relationship between the characters, because in any version, the relationship between the characters of Olympus can be summed up in three words 'unclear'.

Deletions and additions by latecomers have led to contradictions in many mythological stories or confusion in the timeline, which makes one head and two big.

Russell once asked Ao to learn the scriptures, and also asked Pope Chiron to supplement the basic knowledge, so he was very clear about the status and significance of Gaia in the myth system.

At the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the world, the super-primitive god named "Chaos" was first born alone, an endless crack full of darkness.

Chaos, its name is crack, which means chaos.

Chaotic and lifeless, like a piece of meaningless gibberish that conflicts with each other and cannot run.

Immediately afterwards, the "God of the Earth" Gaia, the "God of the Abyss" Tartarus, and the "God of Love" Eros were born independently one after another, and the world began.

These four are the most primitive and powerful gods.

Later, Chaos conceived alone, or created the two primitive gods, the "Dark God" Erebus and the "Night Goddess" Nyx, and then returned to chaos, turning them into the original chaotic rules and order.

Gaia created the sky, Uranus, the first king of the gods, combined with it, opened a glorious age of mythology, known as the mother of the gods.

Tartarus is located under the endless darkness, motionless as an old dog, and Eros is missing, but it is said that all reproduction, including the beginning of the age of mythology, is inseparable from him.

Therefore, despite the fact that Chaos was born first, there are also four super primitive gods, but the real creator god, the god who created the sky and the earth is Gaia.

The emergence of Gaia marks the beginning of chaos from disorder to order, and also marks the beginning of creation of all things.

But like the other three super-primitive gods, she is also a god full of contradictions, both creation and destruction, can represent order or chaos, and darkness and chaos are her essence.

In a word, this goddess is not a bad person, but she is not a good person either.

"It turns out that the Mother Earth Goddess is coming, and she is far away to welcome her."

There was no one in the hall, and Russell politely welcomed them.

He had heard about the reason why the mountain was broken. A super big bird rampaged, first killed Typhon, the 'Father of All Demons', and then forcibly broke the mountain in two.

Gaia was there at the time, and reached an agreement with Zeus, promising to protect the sacred mountain safe and sound, but the sacred mountain was broken, and promised to protect Zeus from falling, but Zeus died...

Quite a failure!

Failure refers to Gaia, and Zeus is undoubtedly successful. Although the mountain is broken, the old enemy Typhon took a step ahead, and his divine life has no regrets.

As for the big bird of the demon clan, Russell used his toes to figure out that it was the demon master Kunpeng. Later, he heard that Gaia took away Kunpeng, Di Jiang, and Yujia in a one-on-one match. What about the loss over there.

Russell thought, at least two demon gods must be killed, otherwise Gaia has zero records, and she is really sorry for her name as the creator god.

"The fourth generation of God King Russell, is it you who killed Zeus and won the new throne?"

Gaia looked at Russell with emotion in her heart. Powers such as war and the sun could not enter her eyes, but the sky made her dare not underestimate it, and even felt a little disgusted.

"Why did the Great God say that? I have great respect for Zeus. After becoming the King of God, I work hard. Everything is aimed at and pursued by him. How could I kill him?"

Russell shook his head: "The Great God may not know that Zeus died on the battlefield of Mount Olympus and was besieged by several demon clan demon gods. He died very tragically!"

The crime of patricide is too great, not to mention that Russell did not have it, even if he did, he would not admit it.

Besides, it's not his turn to line up in the name of Mieba. He is on the star-lord list and is far ahead. He is the real Mieba.

The unlucky child was cursed to kill his father, and none of his own father, adoptive father, and father-in-law escaped.

"Really, but the curse of the god king can't go wrong. You are the youngest son of Zeus and the new god king."

There was whispering in the hall, and Gaia continued: "Besides killing Zeus with your own hands, I can't imagine a second possibility for you to ascend the throne."

"Unexpected doesn't mean nothing. A human cannot impose his own incompetence on others, and the same is true of being a god..."

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly: "Or, did the Great God come to deliberately provoke you today?"

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