End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1210 Just relying on your little boy?

There are also the Titan gods Keos and Phoebe, and a pair of sisters under the knees, Hualeto and Asteria. Among them, Leto is the sixth wife of Zeus and the mother of Artemis and Apollo.

Asteria combined with a second-generation Titan Perseus and jointly gave birth to Hecate, so she is the third-generation Titan God with pure blood.

Here I want to say that Zeus also pursued Asteria crazily, and wanted to win the pair of sisters, but Asteria was the goddess of meteors, and Zeus was too tired to catch up.

In this way, the twelve main gods of the Titans were forced to sleep by Zeus with two ex-wives and two pairs of father-in-law and mother-in-law.

All the members are halved, and they will be defeated without attacking. The power of the god king is so terrifying!

Looking at it this way, Zeus single-handedly defeated the six Titan gods, and he really deserved his name as the king of gods.

After all, he contributes the most, he is not a god king, and others are not qualified!


He can't do it. When fighting, he will only charge forward and fight the opponent with blood on his face. Unlike Zeus's rhetoric, he can disintegrate half of the powerful enemies with his words.

One is the general in front of the battle, and the other is the coach who strategizes. The positions of the two were determined early on.

Then, there were Hyperion and Theia, the two Titan gods representing the sun and light, the parents of the former sun god Helios and the former moon god Selene. The children joined the war, and the whole family ate melons and watched the show until the finale.

In this way, there are only four of the twelve Titan Lord Gods left... no, only three.

The mother of the Zeus brothers and sisters, Rhea, who was the queen at the time, was swallowed by Knoros every time she gave birth. Before the war started, she firmly supported her children.

The dignified second-generation god-king had a strong army before the war, but at the end of the war, he looked around and found that there were only two brothers left beside him, Clios and Iapetus.

Among them, Iapetus is the father of Prometheus, and he is good at paddling foresight. When he saw Gaia standing on Zeus's side, he disappeared immediately.

But Cronus needn't be sad, only ten of the twelve Titans ran away, and there was only one absolute fan left.

His good brother Clios, the two were defeated together, were arrested together, and sent to a small room together. They have been neighbors for many years, and the brotherhood is touching.

By the way, Clios was the father of Perses and grandfather of Hecate.


The various organs were opened, and Russell slowly stepped into the cell where Clios was imprisoned, only to see two huge stone pillars standing in the open all around.

On the round stone platform in the center that resembles an altar, a middle-aged strong man knelt on his knees, his hands were suspended in the air by chains, his head was drooping, his long black hair was loose, and his true face could not be seen clearly.

Twelve pitch-black chains pierced through its body, and blue ghostly flames extended from the top of the pillar, burning the piercing openings on its body.

While preventing self-healing, it also suppressed his strength at the bottom line, making him unable to resist or break free.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the footsteps in front of him, Clios slowly raised his head, his red eyes flashing through the gap in his hair.

"Russell, the fourth generation of God King!"


The chain swayed slightly,

Creos was taken aback by the news.

He stood up slowly, unwilling to kneel to the god-kings other than Cronus, the chains dragged his scarred body, and he didn't care about the hot blood overflowing with blue flames.

Suddenly, his eyes jumped over Russell, and he found a group of people outside the prison.

Hades, Poseidon and others were directly regarded as passers-by by him, and the six brothers didn't even look at them. Their eyes stayed on Gaia for a while, and finally placed on Hecate.


Although they are immediate relatives, Clios is deeply concerned about his granddaughter's betrayal, so the scene where the two meet has no tears.

One. None.

It's not a big problem, Russell said that he can forcibly add tears, it's very simple, just let a person cry and it's over.

"Oh, I forgot to say, I am the fourth generation of God King, and Hecate is the Queen of Heaven, just today."

The corner of Russell's mouth curled up slightly: "I heard that God Clios is a relative of my family. I thought it would not be good to lock you up on a happy day, so I came here to release you today."

"You do not deserve!"


Russell was stunned by the endless words, shrugged and said, "That's the truth, Zeus is defeated, I'm the new..."

"Hey, what qualifications do you have to take Hecate to be the queen, just because of your little face?"

I love to hear that!

A mouthful of saliva with blue flames sprayed over, Russell opened his palm to catch it, then slapped Crios' face with his big hand, and rubbed vigorously.

"I married her as the Empress because I was stronger and better than her. Of course...it was also directly related to me being a badass."


Having been smeared with his own saliva, Clios was extremely humiliated, and was about to yell, when endless thunder flashes burst out from the palm close to his face.

The seriously injured body was on the verge of falling, and unable to bear this kind of torture, Clios felt extremely humiliated, but still couldn't bear the heavy pressure, his knees softened and he knelt down heavily.

He raised his head stubbornly, his eyes were burning with anger, and he looked directly at Russell, panting heavily.

"That's right, I thought the arrogance of the Great God had long been smoothed out."

As Russell said, he waved his lightning spear, and the sharp storm swept across, cutting off all the chains on Clios.

The shackles are removed, and the beast is released.

Clios' eyes glowed fiercely, his muscles tensed, and his casserole-sized fist went straight to Russell's forehead.


With a loud noise, Russell stayed still, while Clios was deeply embedded in the stone wall of the prison, with a lightning spear stuck in his chest, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"The Goddess of the Earth told me that the Titan Gods don't know whether to eat or not, and none of them have a good brain."

Russell strode towards Clios: "I didn't believe it at the time, and I tried my best to defend you. After so many years of imprisonment, the fool has learned to behave. It seems that I took it for granted."

Behind, Gaia had a dark face, she had never said this sentence.

"Zeus is already in the past tense, and now belongs to my era. I don't know much about the ten-year battle of the Titans, and I don't want to take the time to understand."

Russell walked up to Creos, pulled out the lightning spear suddenly, and after his body slipped and fell to the ground, he said condescendingly: "I want to make a deal with you, I will give you freedom, and you will be my lackey, what do you want? "


boom! !

The lightning spear swept across, Clios flew out again, knocked down a wall, and buried his body in the ruins.

"Sorry, you can't say no."

Russell snorted coldly: "Ah Da, Ah Er, drag him away, let's go see the Great God Cronus."


No one responded, and they didn't know they had been called until Hecate kicked the two Cyclops out of the queue.

"God King, my name is not Ah Da!"

"I'm not Ah Er either."

The two one-eyed brothers were very dissatisfied, and each dragged Clios out of the ruins with a hand.

"I know."

Russell nodded, raised his hand and pointed back and forth on the two one-eyed brothers: "You are not Ah Da, because you are Ah Er, as for you, you are not Ah Er, you are Ah Da, do you understand now?"

"..." x2

Frowning, thinking, a little messy.

Seeing the two brothers in a daze, the last Cyclops laughed, Ah Da, Ah Er, this name is really stupid.

Smiling and laughing, the third brother Gui, a hundred-armed giant, also joined in, and they got the laughing point.

Indeed, the name is so stupid!


In the last cell of the abyss, the huge bronze door slowly opened under the brute force of three hundred-armed giants.

The number one felon in Olympus, the most feared old father of the Zeus family, was imprisoned here, which was similar to the small cell of Clios, with two pillars and twelve chains running through the whole body, binding Cronus with his hands and hanging him up.

The blue flame of the tarsal maggot burned the flesh and internal organs, and Russell felt uncomfortable seeing it. The tie is so loose, what should I do if I run away?

Having not seen anyone for a long time, Cronus's long hanging hair flashed red, and a wisp of hot white smoke came out, and he said slowly: "Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hardy Si, Poseidon... what day is it today, and you five appear at the same time?"

Regardless of the ugly faces of several people, he continued: "Where is Zeus? Where is he? I already look like this. He still dare not come to see me?"

Gaia was directly regarded as a passerby, Russell and Hecate were no exception, and the six brothers were regarded as air.


Russell pulled Clios and threw it out. After landing, he slid a certain distance and didn't stop until Cronus was in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Hecate's eyes twitched, thinking about finding an opportunity to put eye drops on Russell.


Seeing the miserable brother covered in bruises, Knoros's eyes flashed fiercely, a friend in adversity sees the truth, and he has experienced too many betrayals, and there are not many people who can make him care.

"Who are you and where is Zeus?"

Kronos asked in a low voice, looking at the positions of several people, he was very surprised that Russell was the leader.

A reasonable but unexpected thought popped up, and Cronus couldn't believe it, suspecting that Zeus had been overthrown.

"Russell, the fourth generation of God King."

"You're a child of Zeus, aren't you?"

After Cronus asked, he raised his head and laughed: "This is the fate of the god king, to be overthrown by his own children. It's a pity that I didn't see this wonderful drama."

Only then did Russell see clearly the honor of this god-king. He was not as long and eight feet wide as he had imagined.

People should not be judged by their appearance, the Idol faction is actually a tyrant!

Russell cursed inwardly, and said, "I disappoint you, Zeus was not overthrown by me, he died in the war, and Mount Olympus was also destroyed."


Kronos frowned, surprised, and continued: "Zeus is dead?"


"Killed by you?"

"No, as I said just now, he died in the war."

"Hehehe, I don't believe it."

Kronos grinned at the corner of his mouth, and hot smoke came out: "I can tell from your skillful way of lying, none of the god kings who came out of our family is a good thing!"

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