End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1216 Wait a second, the demon master and demon emperor haven't been cooked yet

"God King, don't you go out in person?"

Looking at the eager Hecate, Nyx frowned slightly, somewhat offended.

"The goddess of the night doesn't need to worry too much. Hecate is the queen of heaven, holds the right to marry, and shares the power of the god-king. There is no difference between me and me."

What Russell said stunned everyone, especially Hades and Cronus. If I remember correctly, the right to marriage belongs to Hera. How did Russell get it?

I didn't see Hera looking for death, looking like she was bullied before!

The two frowned and thought hard, feeling that things were by no means as simple as they appeared on the surface, while the two goddesses, Gaia and Nyx, had their eyes shining brightly, discovering the gossip between the God King and the day before yesterday, it was so tempting.

After all, she is a highly respected goddess, she is very good at pretending, she is so anxious that the cat's paws are scratching her heart, but her expression is fleeting, changing to a look of indifference.

"Erebus, lend me your strength."

Nyx hesitated to do it or not, and stretched out her hand in front of her husband, darkness + night, she needed more power to win respect for herself, Erebus, and the entire Dark Family.

She knows about the alliance between Russell and Gaia. The family members are all over the underworld, especially Hades' younger brothers, who are almost all excluded by the dark family.

Hades doesn't necessarily know if there is any trouble in the underworld, she will definitely be the first to know.

It's not that they covet the throne of Pluto, but that the dark family came early. Before Hades became Pluto, the underworld was their family's territory.

Gaia is willing to form an alliance, Cronus is willing to bow his head, and Hades looks like a younger brother, which can only show that the current God King is powerful and made these people make a compromise.

To be on the safe side, Nyx needs the power of Erebus.

Without hesitation, Erebus covered the back of Nyx's hand with his palm, transmitting the pure dark power there.

On the other side, Hecate's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to Russell, asking for the power of darkness through sound transmission.

"It's enough to have the sky, the sun, and war, why darkness?"

Russell went back through the sound transmission in doubt, thinking that Hecate was going to do something, he just wanted to show his muscles in front of his future allies, but Hecate was determined to defeat Nyx.

"It must be the power of darkness. I have fought against Nyx before, and it was barely a tie."

"Are you sure it's a draw?"

"Well, I didn't win!"

Hecate curled her lips. She is also a strong woman who lives in the underworld, and also eats the bowl of darkness. She challenged Nyx back then, but she lost to defeat, and she has been brooding over the years.

Now that Nyx is borrowing the power of darkness from her husband, she naturally can't let her go, she must face darkness with darkness, and she will be ashamed of her defeat in the past.

"Hehe, I've never heard you say such a thing."

"I will talk nonsense about this kind of thing?"

"It makes sense."

Russell was overjoyed, and raised his hand to press the back of Hecate's hand, leaving a black stigmata.

He likes women fighting the most. If Hecate and Nyx are strong women who stand at the top of all the goddesses, he won't get tired of watching them no matter how many times.

After a while, both sides were strengthened,

Looking sideways, Qiqi snorted coldly and disappeared into the garden in the blink of an eye.

boom! ! !

In the next second, a black column of smoke rose in the distance.

In the gloomy sky, the clouds rolled violently like a wave, and the scarlet blood rain suddenly fell to the ground. The air was so heavy that it was almost solid, and the murderous aura instantly became thicker.

Immediately afterwards, the ground of the underworld roared and trembled, turning up the broken black soil layer, impacting the garden and splitting it in two, spreading rapidly towards the distance.

"Oh, God of Darkness..."

Russell sighed, looked at Erebus, who was not looking sideways, and said sympathetically, "It's not easy for you!"

"The king of gods was joking, if they love each other, where does the theory of difficulty come from?"

Erebus nodded lightly, this is true love, not henpeck.

After the words fell, three contemptuous gazes came, namely Russell, Cronus, and Hades, all of whom said that they were right at home.

Erebus smiled and did not refute. He used to like to brag like this outside, but later he kept a low profile and disdain to argue with others.

Everyone is disgraceful to say it.

According to the gossip Nyx passed on to him, Hades had a cold face when he was outside, but when he got home, he was obedient to the queen of the underworld and cared for everything.

Kronos was tough inside and out, but his wife helped his children to overthrow his rule, and he was sentenced to life without term, and now he is a bachelor.


It's not clear yet, but it seems a bit hypocritical, and I think it won't be long before it will be as well-behaved as... and Hades.

boom! boom! Rumble———

The dark light in the distance continued to disappear, the terrifying shock wave spread endlessly, and the hurricane tossed and raged in the underworld.

The powerful destructive force tore through the land of the underworld, and the cracks in the abyss expanded wildly, just like the razor fangs of a devil's grinning mouth.

Suddenly the sound fell silent, and the black curtain of the sky opened, revealing the red moon unique to the underworld, overlooking the earth like a bloody single eye, descending with indescribable majestic power.

The three-phase demon god stood up slowly, leaning on Mingyue with his back, powerful and invincible, unrivaled.

On the opposite side, the night covered half of the sky, and the curtain was pulled down, wrapping a looming huge body, and the magic robe connected the sky and the earth, dotted with bright stars.

Not only pure darkness, but also the twilight light of day within.

The three-phase demon god waved his six arms, attracting thunder, storm, sunlight, and bloody red light, turning them into sharp knives to fight against the starlight in the dark night.

The spirit of killing soared to the sky, and the gloomy underworld was stagnant, the sky stopped moving, and the earth was silent, surrendering under the majestic power of the two goddesses.

In the next second, invisible pressure vented in all directions. The air was as viscous as a liquid at this moment, and the pressure was so great that it was difficult to move an inch.


Watching the battle between the two from a distance, Russell shook his head without commenting.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the two of them have already started a real fire, and there is no way to stop it, and no one will make trouble.

As for when to stop, it depends on the mood of the two of them. There are two possibilities. From now on, they will regard each other as old enemies, and they will never communicate with each other.

The second type is to regard the other party as an old enemy from now on, sisters are equal, and yin and yang are intriguing.

In terms of Olympus' style of painting, the second possibility is the most likely.

Ten minutes...an hour...half a day...

The confrontation in the distance is still fierce, and the stamina makes the elders very ashamed, because they have been fighting for too long, and their minds have long since stopped fighting, and they are... eating hot pot.

Using the darkness as the pot and the sun as the flame, Russell took out the best meat from the monster clan from the portable space, and sliced ​​it for everyone to taste.

Russell brought his own ingredients and cooked the food himself, which made Erebus very embarrassed, and asked Oneiroi to bring home-brewed wine and chat with everyone.

The few sitting here are either super primitive gods, primitive gods, or a generation of Titans. The last Hades also has an old father of the Titan God King.

In terms of physical fitness, they are at the level of livestock. Russell's fortified prescription is useless to them. The advantage is that the ingredients are delicious and the taste is unique, which satisfies their appetite.

The fine wine made by Erebus is different. It is stronger than Cronus's titan physique, and after a few cups, he starts to feel a little drunk.

Gaia was also unambiguous, and took out the golden apple for several people to enjoy.

Originally, she disdained to join. After all, the goddess of the earth, the specification is not high, so please don't let her go. However, the fragrance is attractive, and Russell persuaded her three times before she decided to give the allies a face.

This may be the most prestigious dinner in the world of Olympus, the super primitive god Gaia, the primitive god Erebus, the fourth generation of God King Russell, the second generation of God King Cronus, Hades the Hades.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that this is the territory of the underworld, Hades wouldn't be eligible to be seated at all, just like the three one-eyed brothers, standing beside him holding a bowl in a concave shape.

"You don't know, I've had a hard time all these years..."

There was less wine and more talk. After a few drinks, Erebus couldn't figure out who he was, and blamed Nyx for his arrogance.

Before getting married, Nix was a gentle and lovely sister, and he was very happy. He never thought that after marriage, he would be oppressed in various ways and would not be given any freedom.

If it wasn't for his love and reluctance to fight, he would be the head of the family, which directly caused the outside world to mention the dark family, saying that the Goddess of the Night can make good decisions. She is not only powerful, but also wise, and manages the family in an orderly manner.

He, the dark god, was mentioned in one word, and sometimes he didn't mention it, and he was a transparent person.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to make a big effort, but in the end, he was cowarded for too long, and he couldn't raise his momentum in the face of Nyx. Every time the struggle ended before it even started.

Russell didn't speak, and started to eat silently. Not only the golden apples, but even the fine wine brewed by Erebus had the effect of increasing physical fitness.

It is really delicious and nourishing when it is paired with various monster-level ingredients.

Unlike other people who regard wine as wine, he regards wine as a tonic, taking one drink at a time, which is comparable to not getting drunk after a thousand glasses.

[Host: Russell]

【Force: 172 (100+72)】

【Body: 179 (131+48)】

【Wisdom: 212 (171+41)】

【Fortune: 240800】


Except for the sweetness that the monster clan gave one after another before, it was almost all made up by eating golden apples, until the treasures of heaven and earth were no longer effective, he...

keep eating!

Anyway, if you don’t eat for nothing, you should have a lot of stocks in view of Gaia’s wealth.

At the same time, he directly opened the lottery for touching the golden apple.

[Item Card: Golden Apple x3 (Did you know that this is the ultimate version of Cannon)]

It was useless to eat by himself, Russell thought about going back to give the two supergirls a taste, and the remaining one was shot, to see which of her teammates were smart, and the smart ones would share a piece of apple peel.

There are still 18 free attribute points in the Ragnarok mission, and Russell desperately wants to add it. Thinking about the demon master and demon emperor, he decided to wait.

"Oh, I don't know what I thought back then, I got married in a daze."

After drinking a glass of wine, Erebus found that no one responded, and was extremely puzzled. The group of people were still booing just now.

Seeing Russell and Cronus lower their heads and nibbling on the apple, Hades had already drunk it to the ground, while Gaia sneered, as if his death was flashing, and his expression changed immediately.


"Harmony and happiness after marriage, let me know that this kind of thinking is completely wrong, and it is really a lifetime luck to be able to marry Nyx!"

The desire to survive is extremely strong!

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