End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1239 Wrong is this world

Five hundred years later, the young man and his sister were reincarnated to Los Angeles one after another. When the girl was twenty years old, the evil python struck again...

Russell browsed through the entire plot here, and the eight reincarnations just decided the winner. The final winner was not the female reincarnation who seemed to be the temporary captain, but the one who held Russell hostage with a dagger.

This guy not only quenches the poison with a dagger, but his whole blood is full of toxins. A piss can make the ground smoke, and he is a poisonous person who is born alone.

At the end of the beating, he was covered in blood, and the rest of the reincarnated people were not aware of the way for a while, and all of them died of poison.

"Excellent, you are so cruel to yourself, you will become a great weapon in the future!"

Russell clapped his hands and gave applause, which made the reincarnated person tremble tremblingly, holding a dagger in a defensive posture.

At this time, he had already escaped the control of his mind, but the previous memory still existed. It felt like his soul was standing in the perspective of a bystander, watching his body out of control, fighting with temporary teammates and trembling.

In his eyes, although Russell wears the wings of an angel, he is a devil through and through.

"Don't be silly, I'm not a devil."

Russell returned to the previous sentence, causing the reincarnation's calves to twitch in fright, and a far-fetched smile appeared on his face: "I can form a team with you, and everything will follow your orders. I... I have proved that I have this qualification and ability."

Very discerning, but Russell doesn't need it. A mind shock + soul control smashes the soul of the reincarnated person, and then mumbles a soul out and stuffs it into an empty shell.

In less than three seconds, the reincarnated person slowly opened his eyes, his body swelled to a hulking waist, his delicate face gradually became hideous, and he looked down at Russell from above.

Jason: (._.)

Russell: (゜一゜)

After not seeing Jason for a while, Russell had forgotten about it for a while, and immediately clenched his fist and coughed lightly, his body changed and his gaze changed accordingly.

Russell: (._.)

Jason: (゜一゜)

"No, I've always been this tall, I just hid it before."

Russell waved his hand, low-key as if he didn't want to say more on this topic.

Also, he feels that the current height difference is very good, and children should look up to adults.

Jason: (゜一゜)

"Shut up, if I say no, there is no!"

Russell pouted, and slapped Jason on the forehead condescendingly. The left side of the throne was enchanted, strengthening it from beginning to end.

In the blink of an eye, Jason took on a whole new look. Although he was still a 1.96 meter ugly kid on the outside, his inner soul was completely free from the concept of cursing the soul.

holy spirit!

Russell opened his five fingers, black iron sand overflowed from the ground, melted at high temperature and then cooled, forming a refined steel knife.

Attached to the left of the seat of the god, there is an extra cross guard at the handle of the knife.

"Go, find the largest python in the world, don't run too far, it should be around the city."

After speaking, Russell handed over the sanctified machete and told Jason to get out of here.

Jason: (゜一゜)

"You brat,

That's a lot to ask for. "

Russell rolled his eyes, obviously he has been transformed into a holy spirit, why is he still clinging to the way of being an evil spirit before?

Thinking that it might be because of his obsession, he didn't say much, and waved his hands to make a mask, leaving a golden cross pattern in the center of the mask.

Jason took the mask, put it on his face slowly, looked up at Russell and nodded slightly, strode out in one direction, and quickly disappeared behind the telephone pole.

After sending Jason away, Russell burned the corpses all over the ground with holy flames.

The power of the archangel washes the ground, which is much cleaner than black flames and the like, so you don't panic if you are caught.

Don't ask, asking is heaven's work!

Exorcism, do you understand?

I don’t understand, if I don’t understand you ask a fart!

In the plot, Russell has fully grasped the identities of the two protagonists, but he didn't look for them, and he didn't bother to look for them.

Because the system did not prompt in time, Russell was delayed for a while and failed to enter the main god's mission world in the first place.

Come to think of it, other reincarnators who saw through the plot had already controlled the two protagonists, so he wouldn't go to join in the fun.

Ashamed to say, he was born with a leadership temperament, it's good that he doesn't show his face, as soon as he shows his face, he will be praised as the boss.

Not to brag, Olympus voted to be the king of gods to testify, he refused to abide by life and death, and the gods insisted on demanding, but he had no choice but to go undercover and become the boss.

Therefore, in order to avoid the embarrassment of the original boss, other reincarnations looked for the protagonist, and he went to the python.

Touching the back of his buttocks, Russell took out the positioning watch dedicated to the Supergirl team and put it on his wrist.

After thinking about it, he changed into the golden holy garment of Ophiuchus.

On the positioning watch, there was a small red dot alone. Russell wandered around Los Angeles, but he didn't see anyone within range.

Just thinking about finding bad luck for a wave of reincarnators, Jason quietly walked out from behind the telephone pole.

Jason: (._.)

Russell: (one`'one)

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want too many people to know about being superior to others, so I usually wrong myself."

Russell snorted to reply, confirming that Jason had found the boa constrictor, he let him lead the way, and followed closely behind.


The Coast Mountains, a huge mountain range starting from Los Angeles, stretches to the north.

Because the mountains themselves are separated by many horizontal valleys, there are many canyons and rivers, and the rainfall is abundant, so the forests are extremely dense.

Russell followed behind Jason, his body melted into the darkness, and if he didn't distinguish carefully, he couldn't find the shadows of the two at all.

According to Jason's eyes, there are more than ten reincarnators lurking around the cave where the giant python is located.

There may be more, but when he sensed the breath, he only noticed fifteen, split into five camps, and did not unite as one.

This is the style of reincarnation, nothing surprising.

Russell was not in a hurry when he failed to trigger the mission, but was very concerned about the missions of other reincarnations.

This time the main god made a lot of noise, and before the mission started, there were crazy discounts and promotions. You can tell from the posture that a large number of reincarnated people will never let it go.

So what is the task of these reincarnators?

If it was a team battle, why didn't they start fighting directly?

What does the number mean?

There are too many unknown places, Russell decided to wait, judging from the experience of mixing missions in the main god space in the past, this large-scale mission not only involves the current world, but all reincarnations have been disrupted and scattered.

According to the probability, the probability of meeting Shen Menghan or her team members can be said to be...

Russell: (one`'one)

Three small red dots appeared on the positioning watch, neatly squeezed together.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the probability is quite high!"

Russell pressed forward and sneaked into the darkness, and found the target in the grass after a while.

The three figures squatted in a row sneakily, probably for the purpose of camouflage. They were dressed in camouflage uniforms and had straw nests on their heads.

They are all acquaintances, look at the fart... ahem, he easily recognized the identities of the three of them by looking at their backs.

Mechanic Guan Yin, Spearman Kang Xi, short-haired Psychic Mu Xinxin.

It's very strange, is the main god space has its own beauty effect, or the survival rate of beautiful women is higher?

Why are these female reincarnations not bad looking?

Russell couldn't think of her sister, her figure revealed darkness, she restrained her breath, and squatted in a corner next to Kang Xi on the left.

"Hey, I said before that it is the movie world of [Dragon War], you must believe it."

Kang Xi complained: "If you listen to me, control one of the male and female protagonists in advance, and we won't have to feed mosquitoes here."

"No way, I saw a man who looked like Tom Cruise. I thought it was the [Mission: Impossible] series, or a mummy or something."

Guan Yin shrugged and swore that she was not mistaken, it was definitely Tom Cruise's face.

Therefore, it is not her who is wrong, and it is not her who caused everyone to feed the mosquitoes, but this world is the main god.

"Okay, everyone, don't complain, the three of us are very lucky to be together."

Mu Xinxin, a short-haired girl, persuaded: "It's not too late to know the world background of [Dragon War], the male and female protagonists are not the point, the super python is the key."

"That's what I said, but the dragon ball is in the heroine's body, and the heroine seems to have the ability to summon the kind python. If he loses the opportunity, he will be restrained everywhere."

Kong Xi sighed, then turned to look at Russell beside him: "Is that right, am I right?"

Russell was taken aback, and nodded again and again: "Yes, you are right."

"Look, the captain's wife said... Eh? Eh! Eh—"

Seeing that Kang Xi was about to yell, Russell covered her mouth and signaled her to be quiet with his eyes. By the way, he turned on the positioning watch on his wrist, so that Guan Yin and Mu Xinxin next to him could be calm.

After the shock, the three of them calmed down instantly, and continued squatting in another bush.

"Hey, why are you here, didn't you follow the captain?"

Kong Hee slapped Russell's paw away and began to gossip.

"Before I say this, can anyone explain what the meaning of 'captain's wife' is?"

Russell's eyes were not friendly, and he just wanted to know who gave the nickname.


"Honorable title, honorable title!"

"Yes, yes, that's it."

The three chickens pecked at the rice and nodded, sweating constantly on their foreheads, fearing that they would be buried here in the wilderness.

In all fairness, they had a lot of admiration for Russell.

It's not because of the love of the house, but because Luo Su gave Shen Menghan a cuckold and still lived a good life, which made them dissatisfied.

What's more, it's Russell's powerful strength. The last time he was on a mission, two supergirls led a group of gossip parties to besiege Russell, but they couldn't do anything to him.

Maybe there was a reason for releasing the water, but it was the same with Russell, who didn't go all out to kill.

"Hmph, I'm in a good mood recently, so I don't bother to argue with you."

"Well, can you tell me why?"

The flames of gossip ignited in the eyes of the three of them. Seeing Russell's unkind expression, Guan Yin hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, everyone is my own, and I want to be happy for you too."

"That's right, that's it, let's have fun together."

"Me too!"

Russell: (?_?)

He roughly understood why Shen Menghan used the physical silence method on these people every now and then.

The gossip is too strong, if you don't tell them to calm down, you won't even remember your last name!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With three punches down, the fire of gossip was extinguished immediately.

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