End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1265 The protagonist template is very immersive

"This planet is too beautiful to be destroyed by riots and those savages."

The venom recounted the information with a serious face, and then vaguely said that although it is also a symbiosis, it has a heart that yearns for the earth.

That's right, it's Er Wu Zai!

"Sir, if there's anything you can do for me, just ask, and Eddie and I won't say no."

"Venom doesn't refuse, as long as I don't mind it."

When Eddie heard this, he waved his hand modestly. He is just a small person, and he will not add trouble when it comes to the interstellar dispute between the earth and the symbiote.

The host Eddie is a coward, and the symbiote venom is also good at bullying the weak and fearing the strong. No wonder these two guys can rub sparks, they are a natural match.

"Originally, I planned to let Venom and Riot fight one-on-one to prove its determination."

Under the fear of Venom and Eddie, Russell changed his words: "It seems to be a dead end now, and I probably can't beat it."

"Sir, you are wise!"

Eddie nodded repeatedly, indicating that Russell was right.

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to fight the riots one-on-one, but it's about the safety of the entire planet. One-on-one is too risky."

Venom nodded along with him, and his stand was extremely firm: "For a butcher full of crimes like riots, he should cut the grass and root out the roots so that there will be no future troubles. It is safer for everyone to go together."

Russell rolled his eyes: "It's better to give you a small trumpet, and then you will cheer up and shout slogans."

"Sir, if you insist, I don't mind."

"Don't be poor, I have three plans here..."

Russell held up three fingers, and described three strategies one by one: "Catch Riot alive, throw it into the spaceship, and I will follow it to the symbiote planet, and then explode it as a cosmic firework, and never suffer from it again. "

Eddie: I blow up the aliens' hometown at every turn. Is my earth already so awesome?

Venom: I just want to register on Earth, I don't intend to be a racial sinner!

"Rule number two, seize the riot and... burn it!"

Eddie: This is good, humane.

Venom: Can I light the fire?

"As for the third article..."

Russell rubbed his chin: "I'm still thinking about it, but I personally prefer the first plan, once and for all, and there will be no symbiosis in the future."

After speaking, Russell called a taxi telepathically, and the three of them rushed towards the Life Foundation laboratory.

According to reliable sources, the riot will arrive at the headquarters of the Life Foundation in a few days and will possess the boss of the foundation.

"Hey, don't you really intend to blow up the symbiote planet?"

In the back row of the taxi, Duan Xinlan whispered into Russell's ear, she obviously has a more efficient telepathic transmission, but she just likes verbal communication and is quite nostalgic.

"Just talking casually, I don't have that much free time."

Moving away the arms wrapped around his neck, Russell leaned against the car door, keeping a certain safe distance.

Leng Buding had some interest in the symbiosis, or was curious about the Lord God throwing him in this world.

If the Lord God invades the world,

It is to plunder resources and copy the supernatural abilities of each world.

The most valuable thing in the current world is the non-symbiosis, which has more potential than the mutant spider that bit Peter Parker.

Russell asked Duan Xinlan that there are symbionts for sale in the exchange bar of the main god space, which have no independent consciousness, and have eliminated the weaknesses of high temperature and ultrasonic waves.

Like the bloodline of Superman, eliminating weaknesses also limits potential. If you want to strengthen and upgrade, you can only spend reward points, krypton gold to become a strong man.

Russell knew this a long time ago. Taking the most popular vampire and werewolf bloodlines as examples, the redemption levels are distinct, and there are matching dark creature skills, which are suitable for almost any sci-fi and horror-themed movies.

Russell pondered that these castrated versions of exchange items, including bloodlines, were initially empty shelves with no gods.

Just like a version upgrade, the Lord God needs more world invasions if he wants to convert these exchange items into genuine products and continuously expand his commodity reserves.

There is no need to completely occupy a certain world, as long as you use the hands of reincarnation, get in touch with supernatural abilities, and analyze and copy a finished product.

That is, take-ism.

There are strong and weak exchanges, and this is the reason why bloodlines are so popular. It is also the same reason that no one cares about cultivation in the main god space.

The main god has not yet come into contact with the corresponding world, cannot provide exquisite goods, and cannot reflect the true ability of this exchange item.

Thinking of this, Russell's eyes lit up. The main god has a huge number of plane coordinates. If he gets these coordinates and repeats the creation of the Olympus world, wouldn't it be possible to become the creator god of every world.

It's a pity that Olympus' deeds cannot be replicated, and...

It doesn't seem to make sense to do so!

Russell's thinking diverged, frowning and thinking about the connection between the main god, the system, and the world. Duan Xinlan relied on him to take advantage.

He wanted to plant a strawberry on his neck, but the skin was too thick, and whether she had the strength of a superwoman, she tried several times but failed.

Russell slapped away the approaching face, wiped his neck in disgust, and turned his head to see a face pressed against the glass outside the car window.


The little pink donkey was thrown far away in the drag racing battle, and relied on the perception of the symbiote to find it all the way.

Then he saw Russell flirting with his girlfriend's best friend, despising (xian) his shameless behavior (mu), and raised his middle finger to greet him while leaning his big face.

Boom! ! !

The whistling lights flashed, and Deadpool and Donkey disappeared at the same time.


For the Life Foundation, the men in black who drove all night returned in despair. Not only did they fail to catch Eddie, they even failed to recover Deadpool's 'corpse' and were being baptized by the boss Drake's saliva.

Drake is a super rich man with nearly 100 million people. He is young but not a rich second generation. He founded the Life Foundation when he was 24 years old, and has grown it to today's scale, making a perfect transition from a scholar to a businessman.

When he was a child, he was a child from someone else's family in his parents' mouth. When he grew up, he was a rising star praised by everyone in the academic circle.

Now, if he wanted to, he could buy a skyscraper and use it as a private garage with the money in his pocket.

What, so many cars can finish driving?

Hehe, poverty limits your imagination!

In short, Drake has a very successful life. He is handsome, smart, and rich. The standard protagonist template is very immersive.

The reason for its success may be that it chose the simple mode when reincarnated, and became a cash player casually.

Today is a turning point in Drake's life, the end of luck.

The laboratory was stolen, information about experiments that violated humanitarianism was leaked, and the younger brother sent out was beaten into a pig's head. It can be said to be a mess.

Drake wasn't one to talk nonsense, because it was a waste of time, but when things went wrong, he still caught the boys and yelled at them for ten minutes.

After waving away the crowd, the long-legged secretary walked in with a stack of documents.

He opened the document and was about to sign it, when he suddenly realized that it was blank paper from beginning to end. He was in a daze when he saw the secretary's eyeballs turned white and his mouth opened wide.

Drake was stunned, this expression was familiar to him, but it shouldn't be now, he hasn't done anything yet!

Crash! !

A sticky gray liquid hugged his face, and Drake's eyes turned white immediately, and he fell silently on the desk.

The current players are different. It took Eddie a day and a night to adapt to the venom, but Drake only took less than a minute.

Soon, he shook his neck and got up, disposing of the secretary's body by himself without any help from professionals.

how to deal with...

Combining with the symbiont requires a lot of energy, and the amount of meat can be used as a substitute.

After a brief exchange with Riot, Drake's ambitions were further excavated, and he demanded that the Foundation's rocket be activated immediately, and take a spaceship alone into outer space.

Riot didn't meet Russell, didn't know how dangerous it is here, and didn't have the salty fish mentality of Venom, who didn't want to find a random man to marry for the rest of his life.

It wants to bring the army of symbiotes to the earth, and completely occupy this planet with unlimited potential until all the resources are plundered.

Drake's ideas coincided with the riots. As a scientist and a seriously ill patient with genius disease, he firmly believed in the law of survival of the fittest in nature.

The speed of human evolution is too slow!

The universe is full of dangers, and human beings must speed up the expansion process, occupy planets to achieve colonization and expansion, and have a steady stream of resources to support human beings.

The symbiont is a good choice, strengthen the gene, evolve itself through plunder, and both sides achieve a win-win situation.

As for those who died, Drake has no mercy, evolution is always accompanied by elimination and death, this is the iron law of life.

After all, human beings have to take this step, and he wants to become this great man!

"Boss, here are documents that need your signature."

While Drake was thinking about the future, the long-legged secretary pushed the door in and put a blank document on the desk.

Drake's eyes narrowed suddenly, and an infinite chill rose in his heart. He was very sure that the female secretary was gone, and was eaten when she was possessed by the riot.

Who is this in front of me?


Without even thinking about it, Riot immediately possessed him, and Drake swelled into a grey-black monster with a height of more than 2.5 meters, and punched the female secretary with a heavy fist.


The female secretary raised her hand to catch the fist, with a calm and relaxed expression.

This time, it was the turn of the riot.

As soon as these unscientific words reached his throat, a boundless force struck, and the riot was thrown out of the office, smashed through the glass and fell tens of meters, and fell flat in the empty lobby on the first floor.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The pitch-black venom entered the arena, Riot secretly cursed at the traitor, roared again, and turned around to see the second traitor.

Red and green whips.

In the office, the female secretary was condescending, her body trembling and squirming, and she turned into Russell's appearance.

Duan Xinlan leaned forward with a strange face, and poked him a few times with her fingers: "Then what, you pretend to be a woman... just like the real thing."

"Shut up!"

"Uh, let me just ask, when you change, that..."

Halfway through the conversation, it was interrupted by physical silence.

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