End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1283 crying like a child

"Mr. Baker, it's great that you're fine, you don't know how happy I was when I found out through 'Edith' that you didn't die and were still in the bar..."

Parker took credit for it, saying that Doctor Strange was able to find Baker, all because of him.

So hurry up and praise him!

Baker's face was dark and he didn't want to speak. For some reason, he panicked when he saw all the superheroes in the hall, but he didn't feel any pressure when he faced Parker.

There is also a sense of superiority.

"Mr. Baker, what are you doing at the bar?"

"Use wine to drown your sorrows."

Baker was expressionless, and he didn't want to talk to Parker at all. Sitting among a group of superheroes, he was at risk of being exposed at any time. He just wanted to run away.

Just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Hello, Mysterio, I'm Scott Lang, just call me Ant-Man."

"Hello, I'm...Mystery Guest."

Baker didn't want to say that, but what he could do was continue to pretend.

"I've seen your battle records, great magic, so cool..."

Like Parker, Scott also took the funny and talkative route, and he talked endlessly once he opened his mouth.

Baker sat between the two, his ears battered and his nerves ready to collapse at any moment.

Suddenly, his heart trembled, because Doctor Strange looked over with great interest when he heard 'magic'.

The meaning on the face is very simple, don't leave after school, make gestures on the playground.

"You misunderstood, it's not magic, it's a mixture of technology and superpowers... That's right, that's it."

Baker immediately pointed out Scott's mistake. As a superhero, Scott can't talk nonsense without knowing the facts, which will cause trouble for him.

Murder-level troubles!

Maybe superheroes won't do this, but Nick Fury will, just make a traffic accident and others will be gone.

There was no longer any delay, and we must get out as soon as possible.

Baker gritted his teeth and sighed, "Parker, and Mr. Ant-Man, I won't hide the matter from you..."

"In the battle last night, although I survived by chance, I lost my equipment and superpowers. Now I am just an ordinary person, and I am not qualified to continue to be a superhero."

"That's why you went to the bar..."

Parker shut up halfway through the conversation. No wonder Baker had a bad face when he mentioned the bar. It turned out that he had said the wrong thing.

Scott was also very embarrassed when he heard the words, he apologized and smiled, and chatted a few jokes to warm up the scene.

It's useless, Baker substituted into the sad mode of losing superpowers, his acting skills were on the line, he was lost + confused, just like the real thing.

Although his voice was small, all the superheroes present heard it. Nick Fury, who was presiding over the meeting, frowned slightly. The battle was imminent. Losing a strong support would affect morale too much.

The threat of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is different from that of Thanos. Thanos has an army under him, and the Avengers must also fight in the form of an army. Now they need a single powerful hero, and the number has become secondary.

"Mr. Baker, is it possible to recover your superpower?"

Seeing Baker shaking his head quickly, Nick Fury had to change his words: "It's okay, even if you can't participate in the war, you can still provide us with important information."


A question mark floated across Baker's forehead, what does important information mean?

"Mr. Baker, we need to know more detailed information about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the elemental monsters."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, Baker was still in a daze, and Parker next to him handed in the document in due course, which contained information about the Plague Knight himself.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have invaded the earth in multiple parallel universes. The Elementals are only the pioneers, and they are the biggest threat.

According to the plague knights, the last earth they invaded was the 833 parallel universe, which is the hometown of the mysterious guest.


Baker looked at the documents in his hand, and then at Nick Fury,

My heart is broken.

He just bragged about it, and it turned out that there are 833 universes in the fucking world. How can there be any reasoning for this?

Also, from zero to one thousand, there are so many numbers, why did the screenwriter choose 833?

Baker felt full of malice and felt that the whole world, no, the whole parallel universe was targeting him.

Ironically, he kept lying and cheating in order to get the name of a superhero. Now, he wanted to be an ordinary person and found that lying was useless.

Because he was really hammered, he is a surefire 833 universe earthling.

"Mr Baker?"

"Uh, sorry...I can't accept it for a while."

Baker covered his face in pain, what to do, he has nothing to do.

"..." xN

All the superheroes were silent, Scott patted Baker on the shoulder friendly: "Don't be too sad, I understand, everyone understands."

What do you unserstand?

What do you understand?

Baker roared in his heart, feeling that these are not superheroes, but a group of super idiots, come a real superhero, come and expose him.

The idea of ​​the superheroes is very simple. Baker’s hometown was destroyed by the four-element monster. His family and lover died one after another. Baker came to the current universe for revenge. As a result...

The elements that destroyed his hometown were just soldiers, and the real boss never showed up.

It is really shocking!

"Mr. Baker, I didn't understand it before, but Mr. Stark told me that the real superhero is not in the size of the ability, but in a strong heart."

When Tony was mentioned, Parker's expression was extremely dignified, and other superheroes were also in awe.

"Mr. Stark said that if helping others can come from the original intention, simply helping others in this way is the best kindness of a superhero."

Parker nodded heavily: "Mr. Baker, you can do it. In my heart, you will always be a great superhero."

"Let me go, I really can't..."

Baker collapsed: "Actually, I'm just an ordinary person, those were all lies before..."


Parker put his hands on Baker's shoulders: "Mr. Baker, please cheer up, you are a strong superhero, don't deceive yourself."

"I'm telling the truth!"

Baker looked up at the sky with grievances... the ceiling, his eyes were tired, his spirit was listless, and he just wanted to die quickly.

This scene, in the eyes of other superheroes, is a period of deep confusion. Everyone has been there, and they have also been confused, which is understandable.

"Mr Baker..."

Gritting his teeth, Parker made an instant decision, took off his sunglasses and put them on Baker's face.

What Tony left behind is not only a pair of sunglasses, but also a solemn commission. If Parker stops being a superhero one day, he can hand over the sunglasses to the next Tony Stark.

In just one line, it can be seen that Tony trusts and recognizes Parker. At the same time, it also represents responsibility. Tony passed on his responsibility to Parker.

After Parker got the sunglasses, he has been under great pressure. Now it is different. He has found a superhero who can inherit the heavy responsibility of Iron Man.

Baker's sobbing stubble and the mature temperament of the middle-aged man made Parker dizzy for a while, and saw Tony's double image.

He stopped hesitating and ordered, "Edith, hand over the right to use to Mr. Baker."

"Parker, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Baker's eyes widened. This was his plan, but now he didn't think about it at all. He hurriedly took off his sunglasses and got up to run.

He is well aware of the consequences of getting sunglasses, and goes to the battlefield to fight against the perverted Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

What a joke, he hasn't lived enough yet!

Too bad, Baker just got up, and was pushed back by Scott.

Then another big hand pressed on Baker's shoulder, heavy and powerful, making him unable to struggle.

When he looked back, it was Tom the Falcon, his white teeth blinding him.

"I can't, Parker, calm down, that's what Stark left you, I can't have..."

"No, I trust you."

Parker tried his best to deliver equipment, but Baker tried his best not to do so. Because of the great disparity in strength, he was defeated.

Parker confirmed the transfer of the right to use, and put the sunglasses on Baker's face again: "This is my decision. You have saved many people and the world. I believe Mr. Stark will like you."


Baker didn't speak, and there was nothing to say about the matter so far, so he cried hard.

The forty-year-old middle-aged man howled loudly, and under the sadness, he actually cried out nasal blisters.

No one laughed at Baker, even though he was in tears, crying like a child.

If the good man hadn't been extremely excited, he would never have cried like this!

It's true, Baker got more than just a pair of sunglasses and a renewed superhero confidence.

"Mr Baker!"

Parker was extremely moved. He knew that Baker could not help crying because he regained the power of a superhero and could protect everyone again.

Thinking of this, he admired him even more, and he was even more convinced that he had chosen the right person. He gave him a hug and cried with Baker.

The picture was touching, and the superheroes all smiled and raised their hands to give applause.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped---

Applause for the heroes, but also for the loving team.

Sensitive women like Wanda, seeing this heartwarming scene, couldn't help but have reddened eye circles and covered their mouths.


In a mountain castle in London, Russell and Tony gathered in the living room to watch the meeting of superheroes.

Seeing this scene, the four of them were speechless for a long time.

"So, they are all idiots, am I right?"

Russell was speechless, especially the likes of Parker and Scott, who were simply silly aircraft carriers.

"Uh, actually..."

Tony and Natasha were extremely embarrassed, hesitating and trying to justify the IQ of their teammates, but in the face of overwhelming evidence, all explanations were extremely pale.

"Well, they can't be saved."

Tony shook his head speechlessly. The picture was so embarrassing that he covered his face with his hands and dared not look at it: "When will the follow-up plan start? I just want to beat them hard and beat them to death."

"Don't worry about it, it's actually quite interesting to look at it from another angle."

Russell finished complaining, and said with a smile: "Save the video, wait until Baker's true face is exposed, this is a dark history..."

"It makes sense. I can laugh at their IQ wantonly in the future, and no one can refute it."

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