End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1285 Can I Finish My Words First?

The four-element monster is an illusion made by Tony using drones, which perfectly restores Baker's 3D holographic projection technology. The principle is optical projection and mathematical models. Through the set data transmission equipment and complex optical projection technology, the 0 and 1 are realized as optical images.

No matter how much it is said, a fake is a fake after all, it is just a illusory shell for the drone with firepower.

Perhaps the electromagnetic pulse can affect the detection machine, causing it to make a wrong judgment, and the armament of the drone can also pretend that the monster is attacking.

But many of the superheroes present are elites who have experienced many battles, and their intuition is extremely keen. The projection can fool their eyes, but not their perception.

For example, "Valkyrie" Valkyrie, the first feeling when he saw the elemental monster was very ordinary, not very powerful.

Thinking about how elemental monsters can destroy the earth in universe 833, how weak is it?

Another example is a mysterious side hero like Strange, who ignores the visuals and looks directly at the essence, and finds that there are a few floating machines in front of him. The threat level is pitifully small, and it can be ignored if he is careful.

In fact, Parker's spider sense can also see through the disguise, but he is far from mature and calm, so he is confused by the eyes.

If the elemental monsters in front of me are fake, then the mysterious guest who broke heads with them...

Strange glanced at the mysterious guest next to him, but he didn't expose it on the spot, and was secretly on guard in case he suddenly attacked.

Maybe it's an undercover agent!

Whether Baker was lying or not, Strange found the man untrustworthy.

Baker is not the case, he believes it, and believes that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are full of force, they will destroy the world at every turn, and they will never falsify.

Originally, he ridiculed the world for not being able to see through illusions, and only felt that he had a high IQ and a sense of superiority.

Now, he who made up the scam fell into the exact same situation, but believed in it.

Very ironic!

To put it bluntly, it is still the first impression that makes the trouble.

Rumble! !

The four elemental monsters went hand in hand, wielding huge fists of lava, storm, vortex, and rock, and smashed towards the position of the Avengers.

The drones fired a hail of bullets, but none of them could stop its progress.

Baker's face turned pale with fright, and he turned around to run away. Strange raised his hand to stop him, and opened a defensive magic circle with other mages, blocking the continuous falling fists with ease.

Beside, Wanda was thoughtful, wrapping her hands around the red light, and swept across the four elemental monsters with a wave.

With just one blow, the four elemental monsters were smashed into ashes and annihilated. On the ground, there were a bunch of sparks flying drones.

Baker: Σ(°Д°ノ)ノ

Not to mention the reactions of other superheroes, Baker, the person involved, was dumbfounded. There are no elemental monsters, and everything is an illusion.

"Mr. Baker, look, it's a machine projection, these elemental creatures are actually fake, hey, wait..."

Parker's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that the situation was wrong. If the elements mentioned by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were projected creations, then the mystery guest...

Thinking of this, Parker's forehead was sweating wildly. He actually handed over Tony Stark's important relic to a liar.


If Stark Spring knew, wouldn't he be so angry that he would come back to life!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt guilty, and the more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself. Parker was in a bad mood.

On the side, Baker also felt a lot of unkind eyes, and immediately recruited a large number of drones from the global protection system, flying from all directions, and launched a general attack on the four black chairs.

"Bastard, you four liars!"

Baker was sweating profusely, tried his best to suppress his guilty conscience, and angrily scolded: "Using false illusions to deceive the public, what do you think of my hometown, 833 Universe Earth?"

Also a liar, Baker thought that he was a rookie, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse should be similar.

False, everything is false.

They are all rookies, he has a number of drones that cover the sky,

There is no more hesitation, the superhero Mysterio from the 833 universe is online again.

Thousands of drones descended, arranged in four directions and outflanked them.

Duan Xinlan and Natasha, who were sitting on the left and right, stood up. The former opened his left hand, and the Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist released billions of golden rays of light, sweeping across the sky and destroying all the drones on the left.

On the right hand side, Natasha is wearing a black deathknell armor, with eight sharp blades spread out on the back, and the tip releases a white shock beam, cutting and wreaking havoc back and forth at high altitude.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of the drones were wiped out, and the sky on the right was cleared.

Straight ahead, Russell kept his eyes on the tablet, looking like a disgusting person, raised his right hand iron claw, and after snapping his fingers, the drone swarm exploded at the same time, falling from the sky with black smoke.

MD, did you consider the cost when you pretended to be aggressive?

This is not pretending, this is burning money!

Tony was so angry that he cursed in the communication. It doesn't matter if it's money or not. The key is that the drone belongs to the global protection system.

Tony said that there are many ways to pretend to be coercive, let the three of them learn a little bit, sabotage and blasting are the lowest-end methods.

Then he pretended to be a fresh and refined coward, and directly used the highest authority of the global protection system to snatch the drone from Baker, and turned the gun on the Avengers.

Baker: "..."

Fuck, you guys are so good at telling me early, this is a misunderstanding, don't do this next time!

The four knights waved and exploded tens of thousands of drones, Baker resolutely obeyed, and the mysterious guest from the 833 universe chose to dive.

"..." xN

The Avengers were on standby, and they didn't bother to look at Baker. Nick Fury, who was far away from the headquarters, had an old face and one eye full of anger.

"Edith, what are you doing, I told you to fight the other side, not to point the gun at your own people."

Facing long guns and short guns, especially the densely packed little red dots covering his face, Baker panicked a lot.

He also felt the undisguised indifference of the Avengers. Without any consideration, he offended superheroes and super villains at the same time, and the death date was basically set.

If he hadn't prepared well before coming and peed relatively cleanly, he would have struggled with changing his pants now.

"Sorry, Mr. Baker, the owner of the highest authority has deleted your right to use, and I will no longer serve you."

The deserted electronic sound ended, and Edith went offline.

"Wait a minute, come back to me!"

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he looked at the angry Parker in embarrassment: "Then what, Edith told me that the holder of the highest authority deleted my qualification, do you know who that is?"

Parker was too lazy to listen to the nonsense, reached out to grab the sunglasses, and pushed Baker aside.


"Hello, Peter."

"Great, you are still there, do I still have the right to use it?"


"Stop the drones and let them aim at the opposite side, the enemy is there."

"Sorry, Peter, you don't have that permission."


When Parker was in a daze, thousands of drones began to attack, and the metal storm plummeted, causing ripples in the magic defense array.

Strange felt overwhelmed, and the mage who came to help hurriedly opened the portal and escorted a group of people to make a strategic shift.

During this period, War Machine Rhodes relied on the iron defense to launch an electromagnetic pulse bomb in the air, and then...


Amidst a series of tinkling sounds, the war machine was nailed to the ground by the hail of bullets, unable to even get up.

"Oh, Rhodes, it's so pitiful."

Tony covered his face and didn't want to see it. This was his best friend, no different from his brother.

Russell rolled his eyes, and looked at the sky with a light sigh, to be precise, he looked out of the atmosphere.

After a while, the battle armors on Tony and Natasha also sensed the approach of huge energy. Looking at the colorful special effects, it was known that it was the Captain Marvel who had been late all the time.

"Tsk, let me tell you secretly, I actually don't like this guy."

Tony whispered to BB: "She's an Earthling, but she's always messing around in outer space. I know she's a good person, but is she being too lenient? What's wrong with extraterrestrials dying?"

Russell laughed: "Wow, this is not what Iron Man should say."

"Tch, it's not you who snapped your fingers, of course you don't think so."

"I spanked, but nothing happened."


The topic was chattered to death immediately, and Tony was still very dissatisfied. If Carol had been stationed on the earth honestly, would Thanos have snatched the infinite gems?

Although this kind of thinking is very irresponsible, in Tony's view, Carol has been active in the universe as a vigilante all year round, and the lives saved are not as many as those killed by Thanos.

Russell suddenly thought of one thing, assuming that Tony and Carol were both working in the Avengers, would Tony be beaten into a paraplegic because of his cheap talk?

It seems very likely, after all, it has appeared in the comics, and Tony became a vegetable on the spot.

Russell is still muttering here, Carol has already rushed into the drone, killing all directions as if there is no one in the land, the portal is opened again, and the Avengers also show up to help.

Russell didn't speak, and the three of Tony didn't care, just sat and watched the four-figure drone being blown up to pieces.

Baker was gone. When the portal opened, he was thrown to Nick Fury by Strange. Needless to say, he was just a missing person.

A moment later, Wanda dragged the last drone to the ground and smashed it into pieces. The Avengers gasped and looked at the four black high-back chairs.

After the minions are cleared, it's time to go to the boss, and they can still fight.


Russell threw away the tablet, and his scarlet eyes swept across the group of Avengers: "The story tells the story of a liar who infiltrates a superhero team. With his superb eloquence and acting skills, he tricks a group of superheroes into a circle, and finally depends on the villain... "


Tony coughed twice: "Remind us, we are not villains."

"Don't be silly, we are."

Abandoning the embarrassing Tony, Russell looked at the crowd and continued: "There are such stupid superhero teams in the world. Is it really good to entrust the earth to them?"

"..." xN

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, and said something, which was quite embarrassing.

Carol blinked, did she come late again and missed some important plot?

"So, such a hopeless superhero team will definitely not be able to protect the earth, since this is the case..."

Russell paused, the corner of his mouth was bloody, and the villain's voice was full of tone: "Instead of being destroyed by others, it's better to let the four of us do it for you. We have a lot of experience and will give you a happy..."


White light flashed, dust was everywhere, and Carol stood in front of Russell maintaining the movement of punching.

Russell reached out and squeezed his fist, and pressed down slightly, making Carol's body uncontrollable, and slowly knelt down on one knee.

"Ma'am, can I finish my sentence first?"

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