End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1291 Artificial Angel

"That's it, I, Natasha, and Gamora were all resurrected, the difference is that Gamora stayed in another parallel universe..."

Tony was stuck in the middle by a group of Avengers. He spoke quickly about the reason for his rebirth. Seeing that the anger in everyone's eyes remained undiminished, he tried to divert attention again.

The method is to sacrifice a teammate and let everyone gloat together.

"Guys, I didn't snap my fingers in the last world, but I did die in this world. Do you know what that means?"

"It means that we traveled through the timeline to collect gems, and actually traveled through the parallel universe?"

"Ant-Man" Scott frowned. If this is the case, his theory will become full of loopholes. It is pure luck that he can successfully retrieve the six gems.

"No, I mean that Star-Lord was greened by himself in the parallel universe."

Tony shrugged: "Gamora stayed in that world, if she and Star-Lord get together again, the Star-Lord in the current world will... wait a minute, it seems that Star-Lord also greened Gamora, evened... …Eh, no, the star-lord in that world has two Gamora, not only green Gamora, but also green himself in the parallel universe, he is the winner in life."

"Then how are you sure that this is your universe, not another parallel universe?"

Scott thinks the story of green coming and going green is great, and eating melons is very delicious, but the problems that should be faced still have to be faced.

"It is indeed possible."

Tony nodded, and then glanced at everyone: "Everyone, it's time for me to say goodbye to you and set off for the next world."

"Tony, stay here!"

"Mr. Stark, we cannot do without you."

"Yeah, don't go..."

After a long silence, the Avengers spoke up one after another, trying their best to keep Tony, and some of them even flattered him silently.

The reason is very simple. Today Tony made everyone very unhappy. It is useless to want to leave. He has to spend the rest of his life to pay back.

Especially Wanda, she felt very fucked!

Regarding the matter of Wanda's undressing, Tony and Steve said that their eyes were not good and they didn't see anything. Sam and Bucky shook their heads again and again, they didn't know anything.

"Since you strongly request, I will reluctantly stay."

Tony sighed, with a reluctance to refuse such a warm invitation: "It's not that I'm bragging, but that you really can't do without me presiding over the overall situation."

"On the day I came back, I had dinner with Pepper and Morgan. I saw 'Mystery Guest' Baker on TV. I looked up the information and burst out laughing..."

"Then I was stupid, because you actually believed the statement of the 833 universe. Obviously, as long as someone investigates, he will find that he is an unemployed vagrant who was kicked out by Stark Industries."

"They are all teammates. I don't want to see you being fooled as fools. I also took the initiative to stand up and expose him so that the Avengers would not lose their dignity. For this reason, I sacrificed the time to spend with my family."

Thank you so much for that! xN

At a certain moment, everyone had the same idea, thinking that when Tony was walking at night, he would secretly give him a hard time.

From the perspective of the team, this is called tacit understanding, which is a good thing.

"This is why you pretend to be a villain, fool us as fools, and make the whole world fearful?"

Nick Fury stared, saying that he was not on Earth, otherwise Baker would not be able to deceive him.

"I was fooled, but you are still deceived, just like being deceived by the mystery guest."

After Tony finished his habitual talk, he noticed that the encirclement had shrunk, and immediately changed his words with a serious face, and pouted at Russell's position in the distance: "You have also seen the situation, I personally refuse, but what can I do, I am also very desperate... ..."

"Actually, I was the one who was hurt the most. Every time I hit you, my heart was bleeding!"

Bah, you obviously enjoyed it! xN

Everyone's eyes met, and they all said that this matter is endless, and Tony will pay the price for his actions.


"Are you really the Supreme Mage?"

the other side,

Strange still had some concerns about Russell's identity: "In that parallel universe, were you the one who brought me into the palace of magic?"

"That's true. Although the statement of destroying parallel universes is false, I'm not lying about the Supreme Mage."

Russell nodded and said: "Gu Yi wanted to quit the job a long time ago. He suffered from no successor and kept working. After I killed Dormammu, he immediately lay down in the coffin and pretended to be dead, throwing the pot of the supreme mage away. Gave it to me."

Strange: (??????)

He regretted asking the reason, and now it's all right, and the image of the supreme mages in his heart was shattered in an instant.

"Gu Yi didn't want to be a supreme mage, and I didn't want to either. I couldn't bear it, and arranged a car accident five years in advance, and arranged clues for you to find Kama Taj."

"You... are you looking for someone to hit me?"

"That's not true. The bazooka I used blew up your people and your car."

Strange: (??benefit??)

To tell the truth, that is, he can't beat him, otherwise he will definitely seek justice for himself in another world.

"Later, Dormammu and I... that is, myself, played a scene where we died together, and successfully dumped the blame on you."

Speaking of this, Russell patted Strange on the shoulder: "Although you were dumbfounded at first, as I continued to beat and torture you, you gradually learned to be ruthless, shameless and shameless, and you are barely qualified as the supreme mage." gone."

"Do you have any misunderstandings about the Supreme Mage?"

Strange didn't want to say it at first, but he still couldn't hold back after holding back for a while, he wanted to seek justice for the 'Supreme Mage'.

"It's you who misunderstood!"

Russell said quietly: "In our universe, the Eye of Agamotto is not a time gem, and it is impossible to use negotiations to protect the earth. Therefore, both I and Gu Yi have the power to single out the dimensional demon god, plus we The evil deeds and notoriety of the demon gods are all walking around the earth."

Strange: "..."

Suddenly I heard a puff and felt an arrow in my chest.

"Work hard, you are the weakest Supreme Mage I have ever seen."

Strange: "..."

I heard the sound of the arrow hitting again!

"There is no question, let's stop here, it's time for me to go to the next parallel universe."

"There is indeed one more."

Strange sneered: "I have a friend... er, the captain. He asked me to ask, why is he shouting Hydra's slogan among the two conditions?"

"In my world, I am not only the supreme mage, but also the leader of Hydra. Steve is not only Captain America, he is also my most trusted Hydra captain."

Russell grinned: "I saved the video and showed it to him when I went back. Although they look slightly different, it doesn't affect everyone's happiness."

Strange: "..."

Believe me, no matter which captain it is, they will not be happy.

At the end of the chat, Strange staggered away with doubts about his life.

Russell waved to Duan Xinlan, ready to leave, and then Natasha, who was in the crowd, also walked over.

"Are you going too?"

Russell tilted her head, lamenting that her charm was getting stronger and stronger. Before she had said a few words, Natasha was determined to seek the personal position of secretary.

"Yes, I have bid farewell to everyone, and the future life belongs to me."

Natasha felt very happy with Russell, playing with the world freely, which is very suitable for a person like her who wants to let go of the past.

Of course, if Russell refuses, she won't force it, just throw her in a universe that no one knows.

"Just mess with me. For subordinates, my kind of leadership is hell-level difficulty."

Russell pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and patted Natasha's shoulder. The left side of the throne was enchanted, leaving the stigmata of the cross on the back of her hand, and at the same time dyed her eyes golden.

"This, what is this?"

Natasha was extremely astonished by the power in her body, and she had a faint feeling that she could flap her wings and open her wings at any time.

"Artificial Angel!"


Natasha is skeptical, she doesn't see Russell as a person.

Not in a pejorative sense, as far as Russell's abilities are concerned, whether it is mental or physical, or even the magical brain turning around, they have all been separated from the concept of "human".

"You don't understand if you talk too much. For the sake of our good relationship, I will give you a copy of Holy Light for free. You can go or stay in the next world."

The left side of the throne is similar to the ghost knight's hellfire enchanting effect. According to the user's will, the invisibility of vehicles and weapons can be changed arbitrarily, making them sacred and accompanied by immortality until the holy light is consumed.

Natasha can be enchanted successfully, in addition to Russell's "Ace Driver" can ride on everything, and Natasha itself has two attributes of vehicles and weapons.

The truth was too hurtful, so he didn't explain it.

After all, agents weren't born to want to be agents, and investigators didn't ask to infiltrate.

"Mr. Master, walk slowly."

"Remember to come and play next time!"

"Natasha, don't forget to go home and have a look when you have time, you will always be one of us."


After the collider was built, the Avengers waved goodbye with tears in their eyes, all emotional.

I'm so happy, even happier than when I defeated Thanos back then.

Although they spent a short time with Russell, they really had enough. They just asked Russell to leave quickly to harm other parallel universes, and it was best never to come back.

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I will stay and live for ten or eight years."

"..." xN

The Avengers didn't speak, they looked down for the ants, and indeed, Scott called a group of ant friends.

"Cut, hypocrisy!"

Russell snorted coldly, turned around and stepped into the portal, and did not forget to give his middle finger the moment he entered.


Outside the door is the azure world of green mountains and green waters, the blue sky is cloudless, and there are primitive jungles that are more than a little high, the air...

The bad air, smelly, and strong poisonous gas, is definitely a disaster for ordinary people.

"Where is this... Hey, Natasha is gone?"

Duan Xinlan took out the respirator, and suddenly found that Natasha was missing, she was so excited that she didn't even try to hide it.

Understandable, not sisters, no need for plastic.

"I'm back, this is the space of the Lord God..."

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