End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1299 The only hope

Sixty-four into thirty-two, and then thirty-two into sixteen, two consecutive high-intensity matches, some contestants felt overwhelmed, dragged their exhausted bodies to participate in the battle, and were soon killed or voluntarily surrendered.

It is true that there are almost no mediocre reincarnations who can enter the top thirty-two, and even if they are unlucky, they will not be able to make it this far.

But being strong means that the opponent is also strong, and every time one level is promoted, the pressure will more than double.

If you are unlucky enough to meet an S-rank reincarnation, you probably won't be able to last more than a dozen rounds before being knocked down by the opponent.

Don't be dissatisfied, this is the main god's space. The strong have strength and influence, and they have more resources. They will only become stronger and stronger. The possibility of defeating them by leapfrogging is very slim.

Here is a counter-example. In the main god space, there are really reincarnations who can leapfrog and kill.

Ying Ying Sakura!

Different from other people's leveling, her wonderful physique determines that the upper limit is equal to the amount of magic power in her body.

If she is paired with a Russell, the magic power is enough, and it is really possible to overthrow an S-rank reincarnation.

Of course, if Russell was present, she wouldn't be enough to play with herself, so she wouldn't be able to pretend.

Closer to home, there is another important reason for playing so hard in the promotion match, besides self-depletion and the opponent being too strong.

The main god arranged opponents for the reincarnated players participating in the promotion competition, but did not draw a table. Who will be the opponent in the next round will not be announced until the last moment.

Due to the lack of intelligence, the contestants were unable to make targeted deployments. Whether the enemy is strong or weak can only be determined by the sky.

Or, pray to the Lord God to be merciful and arrange a weaker opponent.


Ring No. 1, suspended high in the sky, the unique floating mountain of Pandora.

It is said to be a arena, but there is no fixed area restriction. Hundreds of mountains floating in the sky are the arena, and the forest below is also the arena.

The main god is very enlightened on this point, the venue is big enough, as long as the reincarnated people have the ability, they can do whatever they want.

Russell entered the No. 1 ring with no sadness or joy on his face. Even after this round, he was the top eight, and his mood was very calm.

Will the default champion talk nonsense?

Where the strength lies, he didn't come to bully others, he came to pretend...he came to chat with the Lord God.

Supergirl X100 can't be happy without seeing the main god.

The opposite light door opened, watching the opponent appear, Russell took back what he had just said, very good, very happy.

The person who came was Mu En, the reincarnated man who didn't give a gift. Russell was still muttering about this person on his front foot, but he met him on his back foot.



Russell didn't bother to think about this, and pressed the evil corner of his mouth, telling himself that he was a positive person, and his expression must be well managed.

"We meet again, hehehe..."


The light door was closed, Mu En looked at Russell's grinning face, his mind went blank.

Looking at the number again, the only garbled code in the Lord God Space is the devil.

On Mars, Mu En personally experienced and witnessed that Russell crushed four S-class reincarnators including him, and the four resisted fiercely. They tried their best to get Russell.

Fearing that Russell would kill him, Mu En sacrificed three teammates and used the teleportation scroll to escape.

Since then, Russell has been labeled as a devil by Munn, without any derogatory or subjective elements, purely telling the truth, black like that, what is it if it is not a devil?

Later, DeLoney called him, saying that the three had paid the ransom for their lives, and none of them had died.

Mu En was extremely disappointed, and wished the three of them a safe return from the bottom of his heart, which caused Delony to scold his head and face, and sent him a bad news for free before hanging up the phone.

Because he did not receive the ransom, he was missed by Russell, and he would visit him soon.

What, you asked Russell where the information came from, and how did he know where Mu En lived?

Moon asked the same question at the time, suspecting that Delony betrayed him and leaked information to Russell.

Then Delony said on the phone, yes, he did it, and he didn't even hide it.

Delony also expressed that he was not ashamed. Moon left his teammates and ran first.

After he betrayed his teammates, Mu En was even less human in comparison.

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, Mu En panicked a lot, and immediately ran out of Paris, moved into the castle in the deep mountains and old forests, and lived a small life in fear.

I dare not contact outsiders, and I don't answer the phone, just like I have evaporated from the world.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!

Although Mu En didn't know how to say this sentence, he probably had the same idea. Today, Russell was bullying, so if he couldn't afford to offend him, he would stay far away, and when he became stronger in the future, he would return the anger he suffered.

The Lord God divides reincarnators by region, and assigns different worlds and tasks. He and Russell are far apart, with a time difference of six hours, so they will definitely not meet.

Thinking of this, the main god immediately came to a large gathering to gather all the reincarnations together.

Don't panic, sixty-four, thirty-two, sixteen... With so many reincarnations, the chance of him encountering Russell is very slim.

Thinking of this, the Lord God immediately sent him to Russell, and seeing Russell's ferocious smile, he wanted to die.

Not to mention, it's time to vote!

"I vote..."


With a flash of lightning, Russell teleported to Mu En, grabbed his neck with one hand, covered his mouth with the other, and violently pushed him to the ground.

"No one can surrender without my consent."

Facing Mu En's wide-eyed eyes, Russell's face was shrouded in black mist, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and he comforted him: "Don't panic, the problem is big, panic is useless!"

While speaking, the palms of Russell's hands quickly condensed into dense darkness, countless stars lit up, and the destructive aura condensed and did not disperse.

"Hmm! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Mu En hugged Russell's arm tightly with both hands, only to feel that the strength was too great to be human, and for some unknown reason, he couldn't elementalize.

"Galaxy Starburst!"

Rumble! ! !

With a loud noise, the mountain floating in mid-air exploded.

I saw a black spot running through the entire mountain rock from top to bottom, and fell into the forest with a bang, smashing out a large crater.

Then, the mountain body floating in mid-air split apart along the huge gap, turning into hundreds of fragmented rocks of different sizes.

Because of the special mineral deposits inside, these stones did not land immediately, but instead quickly drifted around with the aftermath of the impact, hitting other rocks.

All of a sudden, the dust was flying all over the sky, and the rumble and tremors continued like thunder.

Luo Su was in the air, pushing his hands down towards the ground, and thousands of light beams bloomed at the fingertips of his ten fingers.

In an instant, the straight and thin lines were intricately intertwined, and the bright light overwhelmingly pressed down, like a big net covering the sky, firmly covering the entire land.

Lightning Speed ​​Fist!

Amidst the roaring and trembling sound, the air waves rolled and swept in all directions, and the mountains and forests in the center were cut and ravaged by the light, as if a hydraulic knife passed by, leaving a criss-crossing and bottomless straight line.

When the fist fell, Russell turned on the full image scan and sensed that Muen used the teleportation scroll to escape, turned around and slashed at the suspended rock on the right.

"Soul Sword!"

Buzz buzz———

The invisible sword energy swept across, extending all the way to the distance of the sky, and the rocks that were blocked halfway shook slightly, and kept sloping and sliding down synchronously.

The cut surface was as horizontal as a light mirror, and dozens of huge mountains split at the same time, which made the reincarnated people watching the battle speechless, and the barrage instantly became deserted.

In the distance, Mu En noticed that the confinement disappeared and his body could be turned into elements, and he was immediately overjoyed.

But even so, he still didn't think about fighting Russell with a real knife and a gun. It was absolutely impossible to fight, even in a group, let alone a one-on-one fight.

Moreover, looking at his posture, he knew that Russell's skill column didn't have a level A at all, which is a fart.

"I vote..."

"Starlight is extinct!"

Hundreds of millions of stars roared in, countless rocks shattered, large and small gravels shot in all directions like cannonballs, and a covering saturation blow came.

Mu En burst into tears and turned into a body of flames to dodge...

"Titan Nova!!!"


Watching the S-rank reincarnation being beaten by Russell, the bullet screen in the No. 1 ring was silent for a moment, and then suddenly exploded.

[9507: Fuck, are you kidding, that's an S-class reincarnation]

[8066: Fake, it's all fake, the strongest reincarnator in Western Europe can't even cry out after being beaten to the point of surrender]

【4085: I don't believe it, it's impossible, he is our only hope in France】

【3712: Hehe, only women and dwarves can save France, and he doesn't like it, so why save France? 】

[1673: That is, surrender is so slow, I suspect he is not French at all]

[2288: Hateful, I still want to see a military salute like a textbook, it seems that there is no play]

[5234: Hahaha, the old man Qidan has returned, and now he is officially washing the ground for the Aries Saints in our district. S-level men are beaten into dogs by garbled men, and they can't even make room for a sentence. Aries Saints are hanged and beaten, isn't it a matter of course! 】

【5066: I am that Aries, please stop talking about it】




In the waiting room at the same time, watching Luo Su slap and beat Mu En, Duan Xinlan's three daughters are all...


They were used to seeing Russell slapping everything, and they had long been used to it, and they didn't think this scene was anything unusual.

"It's so pitiful, it feels like he's about to be beaten to death!"

"Don't be stupid, that's the captain's wife, she won't kill the opponent in one go, she must play for a while longer."

"Makes sense."

"I knew the captain's wife would name him, but as expected, he lied again."

"No way, after all, it's the captain's wife, he...you understand."

"don't know."


"Hey, just pretend to be a white lotus. Anyway, I won't tell, because you will definitely inform me."


Mu Xinxin switched the screen and wanted to see what was going on in the other arenas, but she didn't expect to switch to the fifth arena, and she was dumbfounded on the spot.

Duan Xinlan and Guan Yin were the same, with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, staring blankly in place.

After a brief silence, the three of them beamed with joy and screamed.

"Hurry up, where are the melon seeds, cola, and popcorn?"

"Come here, come here!"

"Give me happy water quickly, I want to be twice as happy."

The reason for the excitement is understandable. Shen Menghan and the superwoman fought in the fifth ring. The scene was so hot that it could scare Russell to death.

"I'm so happy, the two of them are fighting again!"

"Hey, why again?"

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