End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1305 Think about it, I still lack a running dog at my feet

The hell scepter, one of the identity symbols of Satan, the master of hell, is a civilized stick with a black body and a silver handle. The silver snake head is lifelike.

There are many uses of the power of hell. In addition to basic purposes such as opening the gates of hell and driving hell creatures, the most powerful thing is to summon the doomsday.

The giant python transformed from the scepter symbolizes mystery and darkness. It is the root of evil, the incarnation of the devil and a deadly temptation.

But most fundamentally, it symbolizes eternal life and ancient power, which is both original sin and wisdom!

The scepter fell to the ground, and the world was pitch black.

In the vision of the reincarnators, the big screen is dark and lightless, and the quiet and dead darkness seems to have existed for thousands of years, and the strongest light cannot dispel it.


The light and shadow swayed, and the big screen infinitely zoomed out to the outer space of Pandora. The reincarnated people's eyes widened instantly, and the cool air was in short supply at this moment.

In sight, the immeasurably huge black-scaled python is entrenched on the surface of the Pandora star. Because of its exaggerated size, part of the snake's body is exposed to the universe.

The giant python's eyes were scarlet, and its body shot out, achieving the achievement of orbiting the equator of Pandora in a second.

The continental plate shifted, and the catastrophe of annihilation came instantly. Looking from outer space, it is easy to see the huge gully on the surface of the star where the python crawled.

At the same time, the clone assimilated Pandora, which is the creator of this planet 'Eva'.

The body of the demon god expanded wildly, and the immeasurably tall black-robed giant stood on the ground, holding a sword and slashing at the black-scaled python.

The black flame swept across the border, and the sky and the earth instantly burned into a black sea. As the blade cut, the atmosphere was torn in half from the center.

The giant black-scaled python opened its snout and grabbed the black flame sword in one mouthful. Then, the snake body danced swiftly, tightly wrapping around the demon god's body.

The snake's body tightened, and the black scales the size of a mountain rubbed against each other. The body of the demon god couldn't hold on for a while, before it was strangled into a black mist, which spilled into the distance and reorganized in embarrassment.

Compared to the giant python in front of him, Russell and the replica were too small to capture, but the Lord God still gave them a shot.

On a certain scale of the giant python's body, two people were fighting with swords.

The blade of the sword tore through the wind, and the black flame howled and burned the air.

The two black dots moved at a high speed, and the fighting intensity exceeded the limit that humans could not touch, reaching a certain unattainable field.

For the reincarnations, this battle is indeed the case, as powerful as a god, so that their little brains are blank.

In contrast, the S-level reincarnation is not even a younger brother.


There was a soft sound of sword energy colliding, Russell swung his sword and slashed, violently overturned the duplicate body, hit it high into the air with a heavy blow, and watched the black fire ball fly upside down and rush out of the atmosphere.

"Hey hey!"

Russell's face was shrouded in darkness, looking at the clone in the distance, with three pairs of black wings spread out from behind, it flew straight up and rushed to him in an instant.


There was another collision of sword energy, and the black flame sword in the replica's hand was shattered, the body was out of control, and it accelerated and flew backwards again, and when it stopped, it had already fallen into the deep space universe.

Russell came with a sword in his hands, and his unhurried posture, coupled with the black-scaled python ravaging Pandora behind him, was immediately labeled a villain by the reincarnators.

At this moment, the Lord God is an absolute victim and cannot be refuted.

The reincarnators imagined Russell's origin, but they didn't have enough brains to imagine the grievances between him and the Lord God, but there is one thing...

Russell chases, the Lord God runs, you can't go wrong!

In the deep space, Russell's five fingers spread out, and the electromagnetic force roared across the territory, blending into the celestial universe, and being closely connected with it.

The camera zoomed out again, and hundreds of asteroids moving along a fixed trajectory were captured by the magnetic field, and rushed towards Pandora star following the traction force.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and in the end, the momentum was unstoppable.

The complexion of the clone changed suddenly, and the electromagnetic force spread out, modifying the magnetic field to make it more chaotic.

The asteroid moving at high speed lost its target, and operated along a messy trajectory like a headless chicken.

Or fly away aimlessly,

Waiting for the next gravitational capture, it becomes a meteor, meteorite, or crashes on the spot, breaking into fragments of different sizes.

But even so, there are still a few larger asteroids, because the acceleration time is too long, and the trajectory can no longer be changed, whistling and smashing towards the area where the replica is located.

Russell was also in it, put away the black flame sword, and looked at the replica with a calm face, full of boss evil, waiting for him to become the savior.

Who do you look down on!

The clone was annoyed, and two voices sounded in his mind.

One told him not to be impulsive, smashing these asteroids would prove nothing, and he would fall into Russell's conspiracy trap.

The other voice is very simple, beat him, beat him to death.

The clone chose to obey the latter, waved its hands and opened twelve golden halos behind its back, each representing a golden holy garment.

Although it is produced by the main god space, the quality is far better than the holy clothes worn by the Aries man before. When compared, the gap can be said to be day by day.

Twelve volumes of star charts are spread out, and the light is clearly visible from thousands of miles away, and the little stars are still, and the silk lines all over the sky outline simple constellation graphics.

The stars bloomed, and the brilliance diffused for a moment.

The Twelve of the Zodiac!

The light of the stars is vast and boundless, rushing down in a manner that destroys the sky and the earth, and the gorgeous galactic brilliance pushes across, instantly drowning the asteroids that hit at high speed, and wiped them out completely.

After finishing these, the clone stood among the stars, with its hands raised above its head, and the Zodiac Twelve Juexiao was ready to go.

Russell waved his hand, and behind him were thirteen golden holy garments. Starlight and nebula rippled around them. It seemed that there were no rules and regulations, but they moved in an extremely mysterious trajectory.

Zodiac 12 Jue Xiao vs Zodiac 12 Jue Xiao!


In the waiting room, Ying Yingying watched the destructive battle on the big screen, her small mouth opened into an O-shape, recalling that she and Russell had a 50-50 relationship when they first met, and felt a burst of incredulity.

How long has it been since Russell is too strong to have friends, how did he level up?

The interspatial ring in Shen Menghan's hand was extremely hot, and with a feeling in his heart, he released the Sun God's battle suit inside.

The white statue was magnified in the halo, assembled into a human-shaped wearing mode, and kept moving in sync with Russell, as the raised fist fell, smashing the space in front of it.

The sun god battle suit rushed straight in, and the eyes of the two supergirls lit up. Although they were very reluctant, they still put on the potara earrings.

There was a buzzing sound, and the invisible traction force pulled the two of them together, and suddenly a strong light burst out, and Ying Yingying, who was staring in a daze beside her, immediately went blind and squatted on the ground with tears streaming down her face.

After the fit was completed, the 1.6-meter tablet made a fist and rushed straight into the broken space.


The Sun God's suit flew back upside down, and hit the face of the fitted version of Shen Menghan. When the latter got up, the space had healed, and the parts of the Sun God's suit were everywhere.

"Ah! my eyes, my eyes..."

Ying Yingying stood up with tears in her eyes, her feet knocked on the Sun God's battle suit, she almost staggered and fell, her vision was blurred, and in front of her was a...


Who am I, where am I, have I crossed over?

Ying Yingying rubbed her eyes, took out the bottle and can and drank it in one gulp, and found that she was right when her vision was clear.

The Russell family's superwoman has changed from two to one, and 1+1=, not only the height has shrunk to 1.6 meters by jumping off a cliff, but even the breasts can't be seen.

It's really...

Very good!


Ying Yingying tried her best to endure, but she couldn't hold it back. She covered her mouth and turned around, shrugging her shoulders, showing that she was very happy.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Hearing the slightly immature voice behind her, Ying Yingying nodded again and again, then shook her head frantically the next second.

"Captain, everyone will laugh at you, but I won't, because I have experienced this kind of suffering, and I can understand you."

Ying Yingying turned around with a serious face, subconsciously raised her chest and raised her head, highlighting her ferocity.

It doesn't mean anything else, it's definitely not about turning over and feeling proud, but just thinking that being a woman is good.


Shen Menghan glanced at Russell on the big screen, muttered something, and then took off the earrings on both sides.

The light spread, and the two supergirls stood beside Ying Ying Ying, one on the left and the other on the right, playing with the hammer scissors in front of her.

Yingying Sakura:

I smell it, it's the breath of death!


The streamer of the Milky Way rushed, erasing the collapsed space along the way, and at the center of the impact of the two torrents, the dark vortex surrounded and shrunk, like a bottomless black hole, continuously engulfing this world-destructive power.

After a few breaths, Russell's Twelve Zodiac Whispers were even better, and the silver-white vast ocean swept down, drowning the duplicate body and the twelve golden holy garments behind it in one fell swoop.

The starlight dissipated, and the twelve golden holy garments were completely destroyed, drifting into the distance with the billowing galaxy, revealing the figure of a replica.

The materialized thunder armor is possessed, white ears + long tail, the thunder light dances, and the arc bursts.

Not bad, it's quite similar to learn!

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, folded his black wings, and also took out the strongest mode, Yaoyao and the clone confronted each other in the void.

At this time, the onlookers took a breather, cheering for the clone, hoping that he would turn the tide and defeat the evil devil on the opposite side.

This is the benefit of the main god having a private radio station. Under the camera, Russell is a villain no matter how he looks at it.

Of course, this is also directly related to what he himself did.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and they have a steelyard in their hearts. Compared with the black case, Russell is obviously better.

Just like the original history, Russell was successfully promoted to become the final boss of the Lord God Space!

Lightning flash! x2

The two beams of white light cut through the deep space universe, and the center of the collision burst out with an energy impact, and the white light spot quickly expanded into a ball, suddenly lighting up the dark void.

After several consecutive impacts, Russell's body did not move, and in the distance was a copy that retreated continuously and barely stopped its pace.

"I've been wanting to say it since just now, you're not a clone at all, you're just using a body that duplicates me to act..."

Russell telepathized, and regardless of whether the other party could hear it or not, the sharp claws of his right hand opened, and the demon-slaying sword pointed out, and he grabbed it in his hand.

"Little brother, your upgrade is not in place. It's a little bit of a meaning. I just need a lackey at my feet. How about it? The salary is generous and life-long. Do you want to think about it?"

After the sound transmission, Russell raised his sword and slashed down, the target clone...

And the Pandora star behind him.

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