End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1310 Doing a good job requires your benefits

In the Apocalypse Arena in the dark dimension, Russell appeared in a familiar corner, subconsciously glanced at the corner next to him, and suddenly froze in place.

In sight, a fruit tree of unknown species took root tenaciously in the cracks in the wall. It grew very gratifyingly, with luxuriant branches and leaves, faintly bearing a dozen fruits.

It's dark and not autumnal, I don't know if it will eat dead people.

Russell: (??????)

I don't know whether to cry or laugh. If I remember correctly, he once put water here.

So, this is not a wild mushroom, but a legendary one...

Treasures of heaven and earth! !

"I have lived a long life, and I have already reached the stage where I can grow the spiritual roots of heaven and earth with just a piss."

Russell looked disgusted on the surface, but he was happy in his heart. He thought about the fruit tree planted by the Lord of the Dark Dimension himself. He couldn't be wronged. He had to find a bright place to plant it.

Corner, who is this looking down on!


With a snap of his fingers, Uld, the authority dog, appeared instantly, kneeling on one knee, respectfully.

"My lord!"

"I have two things for you. The first one is to transplant this sacred tree into the garden of the Dark Temple, and plant it... away from the golden apple tree."

Russell raised his finger and pointed behind him: "After finishing this matter, come to the arena to find me, and the second matter will be discussed later."


"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, I'll just transplant it to the temple garden."

Uld got up with a blank expression. As the administrator of the dark dimension, the leader of the dark dimension was the first dog leg. She knew the origin of the fruit tree very well.

In fact, she has been looking after this fruit for some time.

It is impossible to destroy it directly. God knows if Russell did it on purpose, let it go, let it fend for itself, that is even more impossible.

In case there is any silly Valkyrie who regards it as a wonderful variety, secretly digs it home, and when the fruit is ripe, invites friends and friends to hold a fruit tasting party and enjoy it happily.

The picture is so beautiful!

Uld didn't even dare to think about it, so he simply opened an independent area, so that other Valkyries could not perceive or reach this place.

"That's right, if other little brothers are as obedient as you, I can wake up from my dreams with a smile."

Russell nodded in praise, and patted Uld heavily on the shoulder: "Do things well, and when the fruit is ripe, your benefits will be indispensable."


Looking at the back of Russell going away, Uld was speechless for a long time, remembering that he swore to be loyal to Russell and never hesitated to die willingly, now he just wants to say one thing...

Was she an idiot back then?

It's not that Russell is bad. As the main god served by the Valkyrie Legion, Uld believes that Russell is impeccable, with a perfection of 99%.

Give her another hundred chances to choose between Odin and Russell, and she will choose Russell again and again without hesitation.

Only the remaining one percent made her feel powerless, and her mentality collapsed and she wanted to die.

While using authority to transfer fruit trees,

While praying to Russell, she was really not blessed to enjoy the fruit on this fruit tree.

"Ould, what kind of fruit tree is this?"

In the garden, as soon as Uld planted the fruit trees, Shikoti and Verdanty just happened to pass by.

The former is ferocious, while the latter is a nine-headed monster, both of which are awe-inspiring.

"Speaking of which, why are you in the garden?"

Uld took down the fruit tree and put his hand on the hilt of the sword. The two women couldn't give a suitable reason, so she was going to kill her relatives today.

The Dark Temple is Russell's residence, the first forbidden place on Apocalypse and even the dark dimension, although he has never stayed overnight.

In theory, no one is allowed in without Russell's permission.

Even though Shikoti and Valdandy have a good relationship with her, they are also very popular with Russell, and their status is higher than other Valkyries, but the rules are the rules, and there can be no transgression.

"Uh...that's how it is. We came here to inspect the place spontaneously to see if there are any greedy ghosts who want to steal the golden apples."

"That's right, that's right, I just beat off a group of greedy ghosts, and I'm exhausted."

"Hehe, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it's the duty of every Valkyrie to share the worries and solve the problems for my master."

"Please keep it up, remember to see who wants to steal it, help me chop off her claws."

Looking at the two people who were sweating profusely, Uld glanced at the golden apple tree and confirmed that there were many fruits on it, and then let go of the hand holding the hilt of the sword.

Seeing this, the two women breathed a sigh of relief.

They came here today to try their luck, to see if Russell was around, and if they were there, they would brag wildly. Seeing that they were obedient, sensible, and beautiful, they might be rewarded with two golden apples when they were happy.

One will do!

The golden apple planted in the dark dimension has a fatal temptation to the life born in the dark dimension. Across a wall, the Valkyrie can smell this fragrance and float with it.

But no one had tasted the golden apple except Ould, and Skoti and Vildante were dying of hunger.

"Ould, what kind of fruit tree is this, it looks very attractive... oops!"

Verdante slapped Shikoti on the back of the head, and said with a unchanged smile: "It's very powerful, it looks very powerful."

"Stop pretending, if you are greedy, my lord will be competing..."

Before he finished speaking, the two gluttons in front of him ran away without a trace. Ould felt that he had a big chest and no brains, and teleported away in place.


In the arena, there were scattered three-figure Valkyries. Although the number was small, their enthusiasm remained undiminished. They threw wine bottles and meaty bones into the arena.

After throwing away the wine bottle, throw away the shoes, and then start throwing away the underwear, which is still warm.

Russell rolled his eyes, not wanting to make any comments on the female men, so he sat down in a corner and looked towards the center of the arena.

He hasn't seen Loki for a while, and he can't remember how long this forgotten guy has been locked in the dark dimension.

From this point of view, Russell's whole body is not good.

Loki's long hair fluttered, his beard that reached his chest was braided, and he held two battle axes. He danced vigorously, pressing down on the Valkyrie opposite him.

That is to say, the body is thin, otherwise, standing with Thor, the fat house, is a good brother on the hill.

These are not the main points. What surprised Russell was Rocky's outfit. If he read correctly, he was wearing a skirt, pink, or cake skirt.

That kind of skirt is undulating, fluffy and sweet, suitable for cute little girls, also known as princess skirts.

If you want to suffer, you will really become the third princess Luo Ji!

Russell put his hand on his forehead, not knowing how to explain it to Odin, but thinking about it, it might be a good thing...

Either way, Thor is sure to be happy.

"My lord!"

Just as he was thinking, Uld appeared in a teleportation and stood respectfully behind Russell.

"What happened to the third prince's skirt? Did you bully him?"

"This matter, this... can actually be explained..."

"Don't worry, make it up slowly, there is still plenty of time."

Russell gave Ould a white look: "I want to hear what is the explanation that can make Loki's pants turn into a skirt. If you can't explain it, don't wear pants in the future."

Uld's face was embarrassing, and he hesitated and said: "Prince Rocky grew up very fast. After training in the arena for a period of time, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Later..."

Later, Russell didn't show up for a long time. With his excellent eloquence, Loki got along well with the Valkyries, saying "beautiful sister" one by one, which made the Valkyrie elated, thinking that he was much more lovable than Thor and Hela.

At the suggestion of the Valkyries, Loki joined the Valkyrie Legion and officially became a part of it, and was dressed up beautifully by his sisters every day.

After hearing this, Russell's face changed several times, and he struggled: "You should know that Loki is lying, in order to save you from being beaten, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

Uld lowered her head, she knew Loki's thoughts, but everyone was happy, and she was also very happy watching, so she simply let it go.

"..." x2

"Very well, I accept this reason, you can wear pants in the future."

Russell sighed unceasingly, looking at Loki who had successfully penetrated into the 'enemy', he felt that the other party's heart must have collapsed, the undercover plan was successful, and then went astray all the way, until he lost his pants.

"What about those two axes?"

"Prince Loki thought the dagger was too light, so I changed it into an ax with permission."

"Well, not bad, I finally got the hang of it."

Russell nodded in satisfaction, the effect of the beating was remarkable, Loki found his way back, realized the true meaning of a mage, and knew that talent and muscle are king.

Just as he was talking, two figures came running quickly from outside the arena, they were Shikoti and Verdante.

Seeing Uld, the two froze in place, then stomped their feet angrily, looking far away, feeling stupid.

"My lord!" x2

The two took a deep breath, suppressed their annoyance, and after saluting, they moved to Russell's side and helped him squeeze his shoulders and back with flattering smiles.

Uld's face was dark, and she raised her hand to press the hilt of the saber. As the head of the Valkyrie Legion, she refused to have such scum under her command.

Russell let out a light snort, offering courtship for nothing, rape or robbery, just about to say something, suddenly the back of his head softened, and he immediately looked at the arena with a serious face.

Loki forcibly resisted a thunder bombardment, his beard burst into anger, he landed with two axes, and used magic to guide the thunder into the ground, his body's resistance to the thunder was many times stronger than before.

Russell nodded again and again: "Not bad, the improvement is obvious, this game is very exciting."

"My lord, are your shoulders still sore? Would you like to massage your legs for you?"

"This, isn't it good!"

"The sisters of the legion have always been grateful to you, but Naihe has never found a chance to repay you. This small matter is nothing, and it is not enough to express one ten-thousandth of it."

"That's right, it's a matter of duty."

"You want to say that...just this once, not the next time."

Russell nodded, thinking it made sense, and what's more, the face of Uld in front of him was so dark that it was so funny.


Uld couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled out the sword at his waist, intending to kill the shame of the two coquettish legions.

"Hey, what are you doing with your sword?"

After finishing speaking, Russell suddenly realized, and passed both hands over: "It just so happens that it's time for me to get my nails done. As expected of Uld, he really understands me."


Uld squatted down angrily, raised his sword to help Russell trim his nails, lamenting the depravity of the Valkyrie Legion and the corruption of the Dark Dimension, thanks to Shikoti and Valdandy.

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