End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1346: Everything Is For Justice

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On the moon, a base of black technology and visual sense occupies the white desert, the headquarters of the crime syndicate.

As a villain organization that has done all kinds of bad things, the crime syndicate is very self-aware and knows that the foundation built on the earth is not safe. No matter where it is, there is a risk of being nuclear-leveled, so they simply moved out of the earth.

With their various superpowers, such as money-making ability, it is easy to build a foundation on the moon, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

In the main meeting room of the base, a large screen displays a global map, marked with red dots, dividing the territories of the six leaders. If you look closely, you will find that most of them are concentrated on the east and west coasts of the US Empire.

Among them, the territory of the Martians was circled separately, which was also the main content of this meeting.

At the meeting table, apart from the Martians who ascended to heaven, the remaining five people gathered together. Chaoba, as the strongest single player in the team, stood at the C position and was responsible for hosting the meeting.

"Everyone, the top priority is, we must first decide who will take the place of the Martian guest!"

"In Martian's organization, there are no suitable leaders. They are either mediocre or simple-minded. Even if one of the leaders is supported, it will soon become a corpse, which is meaningless."

Ye Xiao said with a throat cancer voice: "I suggest disbanding the organization of Martians directly, and dividing up his subordinates and territory."

"It's really a good suggestion. Fortunately, I was not the one who was killed by the clown, otherwise my site and my younger brother would also become your dinner."

Johnny Quick sneered: "Let me guess, did you already have this plan?"

"The Martians need someone to manage them. We have established an order that is in the interests of everyone, and we cannot let it fall short."

Ye Xiao ignored Johnny Quick's cynicism, and blocked him with one sentence: "If you want, all Martians can belong to you, as long as you can manage it properly."

"As for the territory, we can discuss the division of manpower later. How should the territory be resolved?"

Shenlijie is not interested in recruiting younger brothers, even though he has few younger brothers who can fight, he has no intention of recruiting at all.

It costs money to raise a younger brother, and there are risks of facing challenges, while the land brings benefits, which is directly equivalent to wealth, and this is what he wants.

"As for the territory, Ye Xiao and I hold the same opinion. You can handle the subordinates of the Martian guest, but the territory must be evenly distributed, and no one can be greedy to take more."

Super Queen Louise said,

She and Ye Xiao are lovers. Except for stealing men every now and then, under normal circumstances, she is very supportive of Ye Xiao.

Because of Ye Xiao's extraordinary mind, Super Queen firmly believes that he is the strongest in the crime syndicate!

"To put it nicely, your territory is already the largest. If it's really fair, you should withdraw from this meeting."

The power ring sneered, he had been upset with the super queen for a long time, this woman had slept with many superheroes and villains, but she was the only one who was honest with him.

Who do you look down on!

"My territory was won with fists, if you have any dissatisfaction..."

The Super Queen clenched her fists and said provocatively, "We can take the territory as a bet, let's make a gesture now."


Chaoba slapped the table with a slap, glanced at the eager Super Queen, and the flashing magic ring, and made a decision: "The matter of the site will be discussed later, and all Martian people will be handed over to Ye Xiao for management."

It can be seen that even if the people are turned upside down, the Kryptonian in the red cape still has no memory of the Dark Knight of Gotham.

The favoritism was obvious, but Power Ring and Johnny Quick didn't dare to say anything, they could only mutter in their hearts that the two gays had an ulterior deal.

"Ye Xiao, how are you preparing for the quantum bomb?"

"Luther stole the quantum starter and traveled to other parallel universes. We have to find a way to find him, otherwise we can't complete the quantum bomb."

Speaking of this, Ye Xiao froze for a moment, controlled the computer on the desktop, and switched the big screen to the monitor.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone opened the base gate."


"No, it's another group."

In the picture, Russell in a black robe looked around in the base, raised his head and waved at the monitor suddenly, with a hearty smile, a proper devil in the world.

Behind him, the three of Bruce walked side by side, all wearing black bat armor, unable to see their true faces clearly.

"A new face that I have never seen before, who is he?"

"I don't know, there is no identity of this person in the database..."

Ye Xiao operated the computer and compared Russell's figure and face shape and other data, but found no such person, and no matching object was found on the earth.

It's no surprise, many superheroes are different before and after transformation, it's not uncommon, they're used to it.

"I'm going to drive them away!"

Shenli Jie stood up, since he was an unknown person, there was nothing to be afraid of, and he just took this opportunity to vent the grievances he had received on the Super Queen.

"No, let them come over."


The blocking gates opened one after another, and Russell calmly walked in the front, and entered the conference room after a while.

Looking at the crime syndicate's five members, he unceremoniously sat in the position of the Martian, and the three of Bruce played the role of younger brothers and lined up behind the seat.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Russell. I'm from hell. The three of them are Sand Sculpture No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 from left to right."

"What about number three?"

Johnny Kuaike was taken aback when he heard that, the numbers were not reasonable at all.

"Maybe you can be number three."

"Hahaha, you are so arrogant!"

"Of course, to be a villain must be arrogant, what kind of villain is not arrogant?"

Russell curled his lips and looked at Speedmaster: "I heard that the Martian was killed, and the crime syndicate now lacks a leader, right?"

"You want to join us?"

"Otherwise, come to the moon to enjoy the earth?"

Russell raised his head slightly, and pointed his nostrils at a few people: "I know I'm new here, and you won't believe what I say, and even doubt my identity, thinking that I'm a superhero and an undercover agent. So, I'm going to prove how bad I am ,immediately……"

"No, I believe you are not a good person."

Chaoba shook his head, without proof, he could see right away that Russell was a super villain, or a very powerful one.

"Uh, thank you for your trust, but...is it too fast, am I so not a good person?"

"Not like."

"Hahaha, fortunately, you are so humorous."

"No matter how you look at it, you are a bad breed!"


Russell was speechless. Turning his head, the three of Bruce also nodded.

What a fart!

The wind review was killed, Russell was too lazy to struggle.

As an undercover agent, he knew that sooner or later he would be misunderstood. In line with professional ethics and integrity, although he was unwilling, he still silently took the blame of the villain.

All for justice!

"Answer the previous question, do you want to join us and replace the Martian guest?" Chaoba asked again.

"It's only half, I want to join the crime syndicate, but I'm not interested in the Martian position."

Russell put his hands on the table, his chin leaned on the back of his hands, and the corners of his mouth were bloody: "I'm also a devil, I have status and status, I don't like things that are free, and I don't bother to reach out."

"What's the meaning?"

"I want to join you, but I don't want to pick up what's already there, and I can't afford to lose that person, so..."

Russell raised his hand and swept across a few people, and finally stopped on the stunned Divine Power Ring: "Guy in green, your position and territory belong to me, if you don't want to die, hand it over to me, and get out!"

"Hahaha, man, you're so funny!"

Johnny Quick was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and laughed. The Super Queen beside him also showed an expression of interest. Taking advantage of Ye Xiao not paying attention, she winked at Russell and bit her lower lip coquettishly.

Russell: "..."

It's impolite to turn a blind eye, he licked his lower lip in response, nothing else, just a little bit of meaning.

Ye Xiao didn't say a word the whole time, and was not interested in the personnel changes of the criminal syndicate. As long as the order was still there, it didn't matter if they changed.

Chaoba frowned and didn't say much.

For a long time, the crime syndicate has always had six leaders. If the younger brothers want to be in the top position, in addition to defeating their own boss, they must also obtain more than half of the support in the leader meeting.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Russell has already won the support of Super Queen and Johnny Quick without doing anything, and Ye Xiao will abstain as usual.

The overall situation has been decided, and it is meaningless for him to object.

As for Russell, who is not the younger brother of the Divine Power Ring, he is not qualified to challenge his position, it's just a formality, so I won't emphasize it.

Speedmaster didn't say a word, acquiescing to the development of the situation.

A long time ago, he wanted to replace the divine power ring. He was average in strength and greedy in character.


The divine power rose up against the table, and now, he could not continue to remain silent.

When he heard Russell's wild words at first, he didn't take it seriously. The newcomer was too naive, and he couldn't figure out how much he was.

No matter what, he is also a leader, one of the six big bosses, he challenges if he says it is a challenge, which is not in line with the rules at all, even if he agrees, the other leaders will not agree.

As a result, MMP and the others actually agreed!

Shenlijie knew that if he didn't do something, he would really have no chance.

"New here, what do you mean, look down on me?"

"Uh, it has always been, did you just find out?"

Russell looked at Lijie in disgust, and turned to Johnny Quick, "What's the situation, I heard that you are the strongest evil force, how did such idiots get in here?"

Johnny Quick spread his hands together: "Sorry, I can't answer, because I haven't figured out this question yet."

"Damn it!"

Russell and Johnny Quick sang together, so angry that his forehead was green.

Seeing Johnny Quick and Super Queen standing on Russell's side, Ye Xiao was in a daze silently, and Chao Ba sat idly by, so he gritted his teeth and said to Russell, "Okay, I'll fight you one-on-one, as long as you win, I will recognize you as the boss." .”

"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness, but I don't want waste."

Russell stood up slowly, with black mist spilling from the corner of his mouth: "I said just now, either take the initiative to hand over the territory and brother, and then get out, or I will beat you to death, and then take away your territory and brother."

"Bastard, bastard..."

Shenlijie trembled all over. Seeing that no one was speaking for him in the meeting room, and he was unwilling to give up the wealth and power in his hands, he bit the bullet and said: "Right now, I am in a life-and-death situation with you. If you are a parallel importer, I will kill you without hesitation." about you."

"Wow, it scared me, the person who spoke to me in this tone last time, he...I think about it, what's his name..."

Russell touched his little heart, showing the arrogance of a villain: "I think of it, there is no such fool who commits suicide, you are the first!"

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