End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 1361 Talk casually, I have no idea

Saruman murmured in his heart, Russell, like Gandalf, has reached the point where he cannot fall, and he has already bottomed out, and there is no such thing as falling.

He clenched his fist and coughed lightly, pointing to the black sky above his head, and asked in confusion, "What's going on in the palace, and what's going on in Mordor?"

"I'm bored, have fun with old friends like Gandalf and Aragorn."


"Why, what do you mean by that look in your eyes, can't you?"

"Yes, yes, I personally have no opinion, but..."

Saruman looked at the sky again, with a strange look on his face: "Why do you want to make fun of Gandalf, and he descended on Middle-earth immediately?"

A smart person's question, Saruman saw that Russell had authority, probably a very high status.

"Because I talked to Iluvatar and was willing to lend me Gandalf for fun."

Russell patted Saruman on the shoulder, raised his eyebrows and said, "Perform well, whether you can return to the peak of Maya and wash away the humiliation that Gandalf gave you depends on your next performance."


Saruman swallowed hard, and quickly wiped off the cold sweat on his head. Now, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that Russell's status is extraordinary, and his height is higher than he imagined.

Saruman in his white robe hugged this thigh!

After clarifying the goal and direction, Saruman immediately made up his mind to support Russell, pointing to the barren land of Mordor: "Great God, there is no single soldier in Mordor, if..."

Swish! !

With a wave of Russell's hand, hundreds of thousands of bones crawled out of the Gogros Plain, and when they all broke through the ground, the black sand filled the sky and turned into armor, swords and other weapons.

Looking at it from a high altitude, I can see countless green dots wandering on the plain. They are the eyes of the undead. The number is so large that it makes one's scalp tingle.

"Half-orc... Undead..."

Saruman was dumbfounded. He originally wanted to say that he had the ability to explode soldiers, but when he saw this scene, he just shut up and didn't make a fool of himself.

"There are soldiers but no generals. After all, they are scattered soldiers. Seeing that there are so many people, they are actually vulnerable."

Russell murmured to himself, waved his hand and took out 'big nephew' Adarian from the black robe, and slapped him on the back of the head to wake him up from his coma.

Adarion opened his eyes in confusion,

With his eyes focused, there are two strangers in front of him, a kind-hearted old man with a white beard, and a young man in a black robe.

How should I put it, although he is young, he has a lot of knowledge. He was raised as a crown prince since he was a child, and he can tell at a glance that these two are not good people.


"It doesn't matter who we are, the key is you, Adarion, do you want to be king?"

Russell interrupted Adarion's question, he was tired of hearing too many questions like 'who are you'.

"I am the king, the future King of Gondor!"

Adarion held his head up high, and he didn't show cowardice even in a dangerous situation. It can be seen that Aragorn and Alwen trained him very well.

"That's not necessarily true. You are still young, and some things are not as simple as you imagined."

Russell touched the young man's forehead, and was not embarrassed by his avoiding it. He talked about the horror of the adult world: "Your parents have elf blood, and they can live for a long time. Although the king is a short-lived job, you can consider Bloodline, Aragorn will reign for at least a hundred years, you future king... tsk tsk..."

"I also have elven blood, it's only a hundred years, I'm not afraid, I can afford to wait!"

Adarion was first shocked by the number of a hundred years, his face turned pale, and then he came back to his senses, his neck flushed and he refuted.

"Young man, your hair will be gray after a hundred years, and you don't really think that you can become a king after a hundred years?"

Saruman stroked his white beard, and said with a knife: "King Elisa and his wife are still young, and they will have children again. After a hundred years, how many brothers and sisters will you have... Let's count it as one a year, one hundred One hundred after the next year, isn't that too much?"

Russell: ( ̄□ ̄;)

Idarion: ┌(.Д.)┐

To be fair, it's too much!

"Don't talk nonsense, it scares the child so much that his face is deformed."

Russell gave Saruman a blank look, Maiya is really not a human being, one person a year can tell.

He raised his hand to touch Adarion's head. The young man was shocked by the output of one a year, and now doubted that in his life, the stiff state did not get away, and he was held down and rubbed his head.

"Adarian, don't listen to his nonsense. One person a year is impossible. No matter how good the relationship is for a hundred years, you will get tired of it. Maybe your parents will leave in fifty years."

Russell made a devil's speech, and continued to bombard Adarian's young heart indiscriminately, and said poisonously: "So, out of your one hundred younger brothers and sisters, at least sixty or more are your father and other women. raw."

"Wow wow wow—"

Aida Ryan didn't say anything, the perfect image of parents in his heart collapsed, and he started howling with a wow.

"It's all you, it's all your nonsense!"

Russell was furious, and punched Saruman in the face, only to hear a bang, and the latter flew out backwards, exploding a mushroom cloud on the distant plain.

The effect was outstanding, and Aidarian shivered in fright, stood up obediently, and stopped crying immediately.

Hardcore coaxing children!

"Adarian, I have said so much, just to let you understand a truth, whether you are a man or a king, you still have to rely on yourself, especially the prince of the country, your father is unreliable, so..."

Speaking of this, Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes shot out, and he concluded: "The throne was won by snatching, no matter how bad it is, I won it myself."


Adarion was taken aback for a moment, thinking carefully, what Russell said made sense.

"Now, I will give you a chance to be king by yourself, do you want to?"


Adarion spoke firmly, and after he finished speaking, he was full of vigilance, lest he be deceived by bad guys.

"Don't be afraid, if I am going to harm you, white knives go in and red knives come out, and no one knows about the barren mountains and wild mountains, why bother to give you another chance?"


Adrian nodded subconsciously. Although Russell looked bad, what he said made sense.

"Here, this Frostmourne is for you. Hold it to command the 600,000 half-orc army on the Gogros Plain, as well as the bone dragon's exclusive mount."

Russell handed over a gorgeous magic sword with ice-blue magic patterns, and added: "Six hundred thousand people don't need to eat, drink or rest, and there is no army that feels pain and is not afraid of death. This is the power your father dreamed of."

Aldarion was young, so he couldn't stand this kind of temptation. When he heard that he was stronger than his father Aragorn, he immediately looked at the long sword and salivated.

The appearance was excellent, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became. He stretched out his hand tremblingly, took the long sword and held it in his hand.

It's done!

The corners of Russell's mouth curled up slightly. How could a mere crown prince of Gondor, a kid in his teens, resist the temptation of Frostmourne? He also...

Cough cough, in short, such a gorgeous and powerful artifact, children can't stand it at all.

"Such terrifying energy, such a powerful weapon..."

Saruman ran back in disgrace, staring at Frostmourne eagerly, his envious and jealous look made Adarian puff up his chest subconsciously.

Rumble! !

At this moment, the earth rumbled and trembled, and the bone dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters climbed out of the ground, and with Adarion on its head, it flapped its wings and flew straight into the sky, soaring over the huge Gogros Plain.

On the plain, whenever the bone dragon passed by at low altitude, the undead half-orcs nearby knelt down on the ground, offering their loyalty with their weapons in hand.

Soon, Adarion's screams, which were a little afraid of heights, changed. The excitement was mixed with excitement, and he felt that he could beat Middle-earth by himself.

It's not an illusion, at this moment, he can really beat Middle-earth.

"Okay, there are soldiers and generals, just wait for the stupid couple from Gandalf to deliver them to the door."

Russell nodded secretly. As expected of him, he instigated Aragorn's son in an instant.

It is conceivable that this kid will suffer a lot in the future.

"God, what about me?"

Saruman was dumbfounded. The army of 600,000 fully equipped undead orcs is not an exaggeration to say that they are walking natural disasters. In this round, Gandalf's presence is all for nothing.

Then the question arises, given the huge disparity, how can he have a chance to perform?

Without a chance to show off, why did Xianyu turn around, pointing at Gandalf's nose and cursing?

"It's easy to say, when you fight against Gandalf, you will vent all your grievances. If you play well, I will give you a few words of praise from Iluvita, and this matter will be settled!"

"Hey, I'll trouble you then."

Suddenly, Saruman seemed to have thought of something, glanced at the sky secretly, and whispered: "Master, I will go to the Kingdom of the Woodlands and persuade a hundred beauties of the elves to surrender."

"This... this is not good!"

Russell gasped, and he just said something casually, and Saruman, who was listening, actually took it seriously.

"It's persuasion. The elves are willing. There is no coercion. What's wrong?"

"Stop talking nonsense, am I that kind of person? Get out, immediately, and don't let me see you again."

Russell scolded with a straight face, and shook his hands to tell Saruman to get out, don't stain his eyes here.

Although he knew a long time ago that the so-called white robes are blacker after being cut, but this is too black.


Saruman rolled his eyes, as a mature Maiya, he understood what Russell meant.

Persuasion to surrender still needs to be persuaded, and there is no time to wait for anyone to start immediately, but this scapegoat has a bad reputation and can only be carried by Saruman!

Just recite it, as long as he can go back, he doesn't care.

Besides, Gandalf threw a lot of blame at him, and he was used to it.

Thinking of this, Saruman escaped into the ground, using the skills that his current physical body possessed, and rushed towards the woodland kingdom.

"He~~tui, Mai Ya's thoughts are too dirty, who do you look down on!"

Russell frowned in contempt, Saruman still thought too much, but he didn't know that he was talking casually and had no idea.


Just go, there is indeed a shortage of servants serving tea and water in such a large Demon King's Palace.

Glancing at Adarion, who was riding a bone dragon and yelling in the sky, Russell turned and walked into the devil's palace. Coulson and Bruce let it go first. The script of Middle-earth is more interesting, and he plans to stay for a long time.

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