End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 162 Is the Supreme Mage a White-bearded Old Man or a Bald Woman?

Bay, ferry.

Russell stood beside the boat and looked across the sea to Manhattan, New York. He could see many high-rise buildings. In addition to the eye-catching Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty was also faintly visible.

Manhattan in 1942 was the area with the highest concentration of tall buildings in the world at that time, and its economy was also very developed. Because the whole world is at war, the relatively safe geographical location of US imperialism has attracted many Europeans to seek refuge, almost recruiting a group of the world's best scientists and technical personnel.

One of them was Dr. Erskine, a German scientist who was a colleague of Schmidt. The latter forcibly injected the serum, and Erskine was deeply terrified by his expanding ambition. He also discovered the disadvantages of the super soldier serum. While strengthening various indicators of the human body, his spirit was also strengthened.

Good guys get better and bad guys get worse.

Just as Russell got off the boat, a black car stopped in front of him. The man driving the car looked like a gentleman in a suit and tie. It was hard to imagine that he was a Hydra agent.

Russell sat in the passenger seat, the car started slowly, and there were laughing crowds everywhere on both sides of the street. The life of singing and dancing made it feel like it was during the Second World War.

The vehicle drove for ten minutes and stopped at the door of a bar that hadn't opened yet. Russell took out a document from his arms and handed it over as if by magic.

"Sir, I'm Fred. I'm working in the State Department." Fred respectfully returned the document to Russell. Schmidt's autograph made him dare not take it lightly.

"Don't call me sir. I'm your personal assistant and bodyguard now. Just call me Russell. It's more real to be casual." Russell took back the document and stuffed it into his arms. The bulging document disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, Mr. Russell."

Fred nodded secretly when he saw it, and said in his heart that he was indeed the person next to the leader, and the ability to hide things in one hand alone would not be able to be trained by him in ten years.

"By the way, I'm new here and I don't know anything about the plan. Where is the progress now?"

Schmidt regards Erskine as his confidant enemy, lest there will be another super soldier, so the assassination plan against Dr. Erskine has already been established. He sent Russell to New York as a matter of convenience. If Russell really planned to betray, he just took the opportunity to clear up a hidden danger around him.

Russell also knew in his heart that in order to take root in Hydra and dispel Schmidt's doubts, he was determined to get the super soldier serum.

"There are some twists and turns, but it doesn't affect the overall situation!" Fred said to himself: "I got to know Congressman Brandt through the identity of the State Department, and I will participate in the super-soldier enhancement experiment with him three days later."

Russell frowned: "There are only three days left..."

"Yes, the Strategic Science Corps suddenly announced a secret experiment, and I was also very passive." Fred said with a headache. If he had enough time, he didn't mind handing over the command after Russell got familiar with it. After all, Russell was someone close to Schmidt. He cannot seize power.

But there are only three days left. If Russell insists on forcibly taking over, it may have the opposite effect. But he didn't let go of power and asked Russell to take a three-day trip to New York. When Russell returned to the headquarters and said something bad in front of Schmidt, his life would be difficult.

Fred was very entangled, and a leader was airborne, causing him to advance or retreat.

"Fred, don't worry about my face. The leader trusts your ability very much. He sent me here just for gold plating. Everything is going according to the original plan. You are still in charge." Russell is very generous and has no intention of grabbing power.

A big stone fell from Fred's chest, and he asked tentatively, "Is this... really okay?"

Russell's face straightened: "Remember, Fred, it doesn't matter what you or I do. Everything is for the leader, long live Hydra!"

Fred blushed immediately, his eyes full of enthusiasm: "Yes, long live Hydra!"

"By the way, I can be your driver without participating in the plan, but there is one thing I must remind you..." Russell changed the subject and looked directly into Fred's eyes: "The leader doesn't want to see Erskine live. Go down, but the sample of the super soldier serum must be brought back, which cannot be missed."

The gap at the spiritual level was reflected in the momentum. Fred looked into Russell's eyes and felt like a lion hunting a sheep. He hurriedly stated: "Please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."

"Then there's no problem. Let's go. On the way, you explain the plan again. I'll see if there's anything I need to add."


Fred wiped the sweat off his brow, and for the first time looked at Russell squarely, not daring to hide anything, and confessed his plan.

Russell sat in the co-pilot and listened with his eyes closed. The speed of the car in the 1940s was not fast, and with the crowds on the wide streets of Manhattan, the speed could not be increased. He was tired from the journey, and suddenly sat down and felt sleepy.

Fred closed his mouth wisely and concentrated on driving. At this moment, Russell opened his eyes suddenly.

"Fred, stop!"


Fred was taken aback by the sudden situation, and hurriedly slammed on the brakes: "Mr. Russell, what's wrong?"

"Wait for me in the car, I'll come back when I go..."

After Russell finished speaking, he pushed open the car door and walked out. Regardless of Fred's shouting, he disappeared at the corner of the street in a few steps. While the car was driving just now, he noticed the magic breath, to be precise, it was the ripples emitted automatically by the magic circle.

Very faint, but extremely conspicuous to those with magical powers, especially Russell. He had just arrived in Manhattan, and he didn't notice any traces of magic power along the way, except that this place was very eye-catching, so there must be something wrong.

Russell rounded the corner and saw a four-story building with a dome on all sides from a distance. The round window at the top seemed to be some kind of mysterious symbol. The eye-catching building is incompatible with the surroundings, but passers-by are not interested in it at all, and they don't even stop to take a look.

"New York Temple!"

Russell's eyes flashed, and the sign on the round window was the "Eye of Agamotto". This building, which was subconsciously ignored by everyone, was the New York Temple, one of the three temples.

Russell walked quickly to the gate of the temple, and paused when he raised his hand to push the door. His current status is disgraceful, and he didn't know if he would be kicked out if he went in rashly.

After hesitating for a moment, Russell pushed the door open and walked in. No mage could resist the temptation of Kama Taj. Especially for a novice like him with half a bucket of water, Kama Taj has stored a large number of magic books, with an amazing amount of knowledge, and it is a sacred place for upgrading to broaden your horizons.

The main body of the empty hall is decorated in European style. It seems to have a complicated structure, but the decoration is very simple. In the center of the hall is a wooden staircase covered with a red carpet, which leads directly to the second floor in two columns. The strange thing is that the temple is very quiet, and no one can be seen.

"Young man, this is not a place for adventure, and you didn't knock on the door just now, it's very rude."

The voice came from the second floor. Russell looked carefully and found that it was an old man in a long robe. His white beard grew to his chest and was trimmed into an inverted triangle shape. He was very old and his eyes were so wrinkled that he could barely open his eyes.

"Sorry, I was abrupt. I noticed the fluctuation of magic power, so I came in to take a look..." Russell bowed slightly, and asked after getting up, "May I ask, this mage, are you the supreme mage?"

Russell couldn't detect anything from the other party, he looked like an ordinary old man, but the New York Temple was very important, it was not a university dormitory, and it was impossible for an ordinary old man to guard the door. Not being able to see through can only mean that the opponent's magic attainments are higher than his own, or there are magic props to hide the aura, no matter what kind, he should be more polite.

"No, I'm not the Supreme Mage, I'm just an old man waiting to retire." The white-bearded old man pointed to his feet: "If you're looking for the Supreme Mage, then I can only say that you came to the wrong place, this is New York, not Ka Martaj."

Russell took a deep breath: "Master, where is Karma Taj? The Himalayas, or Nepal?"

There is a reason for asking this question. If Karma Taj is in the Himalayas, then the Supreme Master is an old man with a white beard. If Karma Taj is in Nepal, then the Supreme Master is a bald woman. This is very important, whether this world is a manga or a movie version.

"Sorry, young man, I am not obliged to answer this question. If you really want to know where Karma Taj is, I can only say that some people can't find it after searching for a lifetime, and some people are traveling in other places. Just find a public toilet. We met."

Russell: "..."

This metaphor is really sober and refined, and Karma Taj has become flavorful in an instant.

"Okay, young man, the mages are not here today. If you want to clear up your doubts, it's more appropriate to go to the church two streets away. The priest there is much more professional than me." The old man with the white beard shook his head after finishing speaking. gone.

"Wait a moment……"

Russell didn't give up trying to catch up, but ran in place like a ghost hitting a wall, still unable to take a step closer to the stairs, but just as he took a step back, the door behind him opened without warning.

The other party issued a eviction order, and Russell didn't want to force his way in. The meaning of the white beard mage was obvious. The supreme mage was not in New York, and he had to go find the other party himself if he wanted to see the other party.

"I seem to have seen this kind of routine of sincerity and spirit..." Russell left the temple, glanced at the automatically closed door, and secretly thought that I would come back.

"System, use 'Item Card: World Anchor'."


[The host uses the world anchor to permanently locate the world node, and can enter this world an unlimited number of times]

The effect of the card is very powerful, but the actual operation is extremely mediocre. There is no magnificent sound effect, no phantom of a giant anchor falling to the ground, and no ripples and fluctuations in the space. It just positions the world so plainly. If the system does not prompt, he Didn't even know I had succeeded.

"System, can I return to the original world now?"

"No, you must complete the task before you can enter and exit freely."

"It's not a big problem, the main thing is that this time I can stay in peace for 24 hours..."

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