End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 164 The pectoral and gluteal muscles are 10 points strong

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang————

Amid the gunshots, Jason staggered back, blood spattering all over his body, until the last bullet hit his forehead, he fell back stiff and fell to the ground.

Carter put down the pistol, and frowned deeply: "It's terrible, I always feel that there is something wrong with this person."

You are more scary!

Steve swallowed his saliva. Although he knew that Carter was an agent, shooting and killing people was inevitable, but his longing was inevitably beautified subjectively. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he still felt a sense of disillusionment and loss.

"I'm going to chase him." Thinking of Russell who had escaped, Steve hurriedly ran into the alley. The delay was a bit long, and he didn't know if he could catch up.

At this moment, the corpse on the ground suddenly moved, and Jason grabbed Steve's ankle and yanked hard, knocking the latter down.

"Oh, God……"

Carter was stunned. He had been shot more than a dozen times and had a hole in his forehead. Jason was still alive. In other words, he was dead and resurrected. The gunshot wound on Jason's body healed itself at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he became intact in a few seconds, but... his face was even uglier.

Steve was also dumbfounded. Jason grabbed his ankle with one hand, clamped his neck with the other and held it above his head, and threw him viciously in Carter's direction.

The weird picture was very visually impactful. Carter finally came back to his senses, and saw two Ds approaching rapidly. She couldn't hold Steve with strength, and was pushed down to the ground as a meat pad.

Scoff! ! !

Seven or eight cars stopped, and the military and SSR agents arrived, and more than 20 black-holed guns aimed at Jason and opened fire together.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

Jason was nailed to the wall by the powerful firepower, blood spattered all over the ground, and half of his head was blown away by the firepower of the submachine gun. However, when the gunfire stopped, his wound began to repair automatically, and under the horrified gaze of everyone, he completed the resurrection that subverted the three views.

After being resurrected, Jason stood motionless at the entrance of the alley, neither attacking nor retreating, as if telling everyone that if he wanted to pass here, he could only step over his corpse.

Facing an undead monster, everyone was at a loss. Whether it was an agent or a soldier, they were taught to trust the guns in their hands, but the instructors never told them what to do when they encountered an enemy that could not be killed by bullets.

Carter was the first to react: "People from SSSR, detour and pass, others... catch him."

Carter gave the order without hesitation. Super soldier serum is important, it is a strategic black technology, but the value of immortality is even higher. As long as Jason is caught and the mystery of it is cracked, a team that can decide the war can be created. The invincible force of victory and defeat.

In fact, Carter still has a worry in her heart. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it uneasiness. She is afraid that the technology of the immortal body will be completely mastered by the Axis powers. In that case, there is no need to continue the war, and the Allies simply raise the white flag and surrender.

At this moment, the abnormality regenerated, and Jason suddenly trembled on the spot like an electric shock, his distorted facial features and white eyes rolled up, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no more movement.

Everyone was staring at each other, not understanding what happened. Steve tentatively walked over, crouched in front of the corpse and held down the carotid artery.

"he died!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately moved forward, pushed Steve away to check and confirm, finally carried the body into the car, and left the scene as quickly as possible.

"Agent Carter, that corpse..."

"Steve, we have no rights."

Carter bit his lip, shook his head at Steve, and the two watched the corpse being taken away by the army.

Later, the army recruited a group of top biological genetic scientists to decipher the immortal body. This project was studied by the army until the 21st century, and billions of dollars were invested in it. Even if the fart has not been analyzed, they continue to invest money. The military bosses firmly believe that the immortal body exists objectively, but they have not found the right method.


Clausburg Arms Factory!

Schmidt was not in a good mood. Just two days ago, the Great Führer sent someone to express his dissatisfaction. If Schmidt continued to behave mischievously, he would go to hell with Hydra.

Schmidt was so ambitious that he was unwilling to be subordinated to others. After getting the Rubik's Cube, he was arrogant. He couldn't stand the threat, so he directly used the weapon developed by the Rubik's Cube to kill the head of state and officially broke with Berlin.

No one restrains him, and he no longer needs to be responsible to anyone. Schmidt enjoys the freedom now, and no one will judge him, but he must now face a serious fact.

Without the funding from Berlin, his money is a bit tight and he has to find a way to get a ticket.

War is the fastest way to get money. Hydra has also trained many soldiers over the years. They are well-equipped and have epoch-making war weapons. He is not afraid of the German army or the British and American coalition forces.

Schmidt took the long view, and he really didn't want to take this step if he had to. It's not that he is afraid of war, but that he knows Hydra's weaknesses. He is at a disadvantage in terms of the number of soldiers. He is not the head of state, the prime minister, or the president. If he can't expand his army by one million with a single conscription order, Hydra's soldiers will only fight less and less.

This is also related to Schmidt's morbid psychology. He has strict requirements on the loyalty of his subordinates, and makes everyone treat him as a god. The first step in the training of newcomers is to brainwash them, and they can only graduate if they are washed into fanatics.

Fighting wars means reducing staff, not fighting means having no money, and without money, super weapons cannot be developed, and without super weapons, they will be killed by the head of state. Schmidt fell into an endless loop of passiveness. In the past two days, his hairline... Ahem, he didn't think about food and drink in the past two days, and his skeleton face became thinner.

The messenger knocked on the door and entered, saluting: "Boss, Captain Russell is back and is waiting for your summons."

"Finally there is good news..." Schmidt's gloomy face showed a little smile: "Let the captain come in, immediately!"


Two minutes later, Russell stood at the desk and put down the metal suitcase: "Boss, the task has been completed. Dr. Erskine is dead. Here is the serum you asked for."

Russell said, opened the suitcase, and the super soldier serum was on the list.

Schmidt glanced casually, then gently closed the suitcase, as if he didn't care about it at all, walked up to Russell and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Captain, are you not injured?"

"Thank you for your concern, chief. I'm not injured." Russell straightened his back, with a little uneasiness in his eyes, and said in shame, "It's just... Agent Fred died. In order to complete the mission, he was..."

"Wait, Captain." Schmidt raised his hand to interrupt, shook his head and said, "I don't know who Agent Fred is, and I don't care if he sacrificed himself, as long as you can return safely, this mission is worthy of your name." perfect."

As Schmidt said, he stared at Russell affectionately, as if I was very optimistic about you. In this situation, Russell naturally had to do something. He also looked back affectionately and raised his arms high: "Long live the Hydra!"

"Well said, Captain." Schmidt nodded: "You have made great achievements in going to the United States this time, and I have to reward you well. Do you want anything?"

"No, I don't have anything I want." Russell poked his neck and said, "For the leader and the Hydra, I would sacrifice my life. This is my duty and I don't need any rewards."

Schmidt said with a smile: "Captain, I appreciate your loyalty. It is not in vain for me to poach you from the army, but rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. I need to use your example to inspire everyone."

Russell pondered for a moment: "Leader, please approve me to join the scientific research team."

Schmidt smiled unchanged: "Tell me your reason. As far as I know, you are not interested in research."

Russell straightened his body: "Because you are a scientist, leader, I want to get closer to you."

"Haha, Captain, I appreciate you more and more." This flattery showed a new idea, Schmidt felt refreshed and said generously, "Captain, which research team do you want to join, the super weapon team?"

The super weapon team is about the development of cosmic magic. It mainly guides energy to create weapons. Individual weapons can instantly turn flesh and blood into ashes with just one shot. The artillery mounted on armored vehicles is more destructive and is currently being developed. The super bomb, which is more terrifying than the atomic bomb, is supervised by Dr. Zola. It is Schmidt's most important scientific research project, and it is not one of them.

The energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is almost unlimited. If you take off your clothes, it becomes a space gem. As long as you join this team, you can get close to the space gem.

But Russell shook his head resolutely and refused. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a hot potato, which is watched by all the forces in the universe. It is as powerful as Asgard and can only be thrown to the corner of the earth. ask for trouble.

Besides, Schmidt's research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube went astray, and if it is not complete, there will be an experimental accident one day. The explosion is light.

When the mission fails and is punished, what should he say on Thanos' big bed? If you praise the opponent's might and majesty, will you be let go?

"Boss, I want to engage in other scientific research projects!"

Hearing what Russell said, the vigilance in Schmidt's eyes disappeared: "Then which team do you want to join, because of the war, many projects have been put on hold."

"I hope it's research on biological genes, just like the super soldier serum in this mission."

Schmidt became interested: "Can you tell me the reason?"

"When I was on a mission, I saw the super soldier made by Erskine. Ten of us couldn't beat him, and Agent Fred died because of it..."

"Wait!" The smile on Schmidt's face faded, showing a trace of coldness: "You just said... Erskine created a super soldier?"


Schmidt remained silent, his face changing back and forth: "Captain, write me a detailed mission report later, and, can you describe the appearance of that super soldier?"

Russell reflected on it: "He was over six feet tall, weighed at least 230 pounds, and was a white American. He had tremendous strength, energy, and he could run as fast as a car, and uh... pectoral and gluteal muscles!"

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