End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 172 Confirmed to stay for twenty-four hours

Manufacturing electromechanical prosthetics is an extremely difficult challenge for the researchers at the base, but it is an easy task for Russell. Even though he has been researching the SSS serum for the past two years, his field of expertise is still artificial intelligence and machine devices.

Dr. Ronning is a genius. Russell stood on the shoulders of giants and completed an electromechanical arm without much effort. In this day and age, only he can produce a perfect finished product alone, and others must form a team even if they have blueprints.

Because of the current level of technology, it is impossible to manufacture too precise parts, but Russell is different, he knows some alchemy, and can easily overcome these headaches.

Speaking of alchemy, Russell felt that this subject should be classified as science rather than magic.

Also, if the concept is lowered, the foundation of magic and science is roughly the same, both belong to the research and conversion of energy.

If it is insisted that the threshold of magic is higher and there are limitations on talents, then with the rapid development of science and technology, one day this threshold will be erased, and everyone will be a magician by then.

At that time, human beings may even be ashamed of God!

Back to the topic, the mechanical arm designed by Russell refers to the original book, with a beautiful and cold appearance. The red five-pointed star with a heavy sense of history has been replaced by the Arabic numeral 0, and Bucky’s code name in the file is also ‘Winter Soldier-0’.

He was the first, but by no means the last!

After hypnosis, the researchers conducted a series of tests on Bucky. He has the ultimate human senses, endurance, flexibility, and strength. The serum strengthens not only the body, but also the ability to learn quickly and super memory.

In other words, Bucky has turned from a scumbag to a top student. He is no worse than a good friend, and the superhuman strength brought by the mechanical arm makes him theoretically more powerful than Steve.

In the base, Bucky's combat power ranked third, behind Russell and Thunder Beast, and Jason could only fight him 50-50 with his immortal body. Of course, in a protracted battle in a closed space, Jason will win in the end. He doesn't need to eat and drink to supplement consumption, and he doesn't have to sleep without rest and has no physical limitations.

【Ding! 】

[The host completes the world quest, personally creates a superhero/villain, and starts calculating the quest rewards]


【Ding! 】

[The rewards are as follows: 6 points of free attributes, 30,000 points of wealth, and 3 times of lucky draws]


After listening to the system prompts,

Russell was silent for a moment: "Hey, where did the 24-hour time stop go?"

"Uncle Luo, you have dropped the anchor of the world. After completing the task, you can enter and exit freely, and there is no limit to the time of stay." The system anthropomorphized in the spiritual world and wiped his sweat. He knew what Russell was expecting, but the reality is so cruel , he can't help it either.

"I don't care, I'm going to hear the beep."


"Isn't it you who are always dubbing? Hurry up if you don't want to be struck by lightning."

You are kidding yourself!

The system complained silently, cleared its throat, and said in a cold electronic voice: "Ding! The host has completed the world mission, and can end the world process immediately, or stay in this world for a maximum of 24 hours. Please make a decision as soon as possible. "

Russell turned serious in seconds: "Confirm to stay for 24 hours!"


After completing the world mission and solving the 24-hour obsession, Russell plans to find Kama Taj next, and stay there for a period of time for further study if possible.

Before leaving, he has two things to deal with first.

The first one is Bucky. He was worried that enslaving the opponent's soul would cause him to fail the mission. Now that he has no worries, he naturally wants to take Bucky into his own hands.

Under hypnosis, Bucky is a humanoid weapon, anyone can control him as long as he knows the password. Russell couldn't tolerate this. The weapons he made with his own hands must be absolutely obedient to himself.

The second is to announce Schmidt's death. Schmidt's death means that the Hydra with him as the spiritual leader has become a thing of the past, and the newborn Hydra will be helmed by Russell.

Russell's vision is much farther than Schmidt's. He knows that the outside world is very big, and the earth is just a grain of sand in the galaxy of the universe, so his goal is the sea of ​​stars.


Three days later, Russell found out that the situation was completely different from what he had expected.

First of all, Russell's enslavement of Bucky has been repeatedly frustrated. The serum has strengthened Bucky's mental power, and it is not so easy to enslave him. Russell used the enslavement skills three times a day, morning, evening and night, adding up to nine times in total, all of which ended in failure.

Secondly, he saw in the newspapers that "Captain America returned in triumph, smashing Hydra's conspiracy to destroy the world", "The Red Skull fled in a hurry, and his whereabouts are still unknown", "Captain America is engaged, and the wedding date is set on the day the war ends" and so on. news.

Steve is not frozen!

Schmidt didn't travel to space either!

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is still in Schmidt's hands!

Looking at the long articles in the newspaper, Russell only felt that the world was full of malice. Obviously he did not participate in the plot, but the butterfly effect still caused history to go astray. He immediately ordered people to collect intelligence. It didn't matter what happened to Steve, but Schmidt's inability to live would have a fatal impact on subsequent plans.

Russell never thought of coexisting with Schmidt. It is undeniable that Schmidt is an excellent scientist, theologian, and super soldier, but there is one thing about him that is not good.

How arrogant!

Schmidt regards himself as a high god, and believes that the world should be ruled by him, and everything that opposes him will be ruthlessly destroyed. This is a madman, it's not surprising that he will blow up the whole world one day, and he has the Rubik's Cube, so he can do it.

In a word, Schmidt will not die for a day, and Russell will have trouble sleeping and eating!

The Hydra forces controlled by Russell began to be active all over the world, especially in the European battlefield. Although Hydra was severely hit, there were not a few lurking agents, and the intelligence network was still sound.

A large amount of information was sent to the secret base in Siberia. Steve’s information was confirmed to be correct. Just like the newspaper said, he became a national hero. Winner in life.

It is already 1944, and it will not be long before the Allied forces will land in Normandy, and the Allied forces are about to start a counterattack. 90% of the intelligence is about the European battlefield.

There is a piece of information that makes Russell very concerned. The German army encountered ghosts on the battlefield, the military factory was destroyed, the logistics supply line was attacked, and the senior general died inexplicably in the command room.

Surveillance data captures weird images of soldiers fighting invisible enemies, which can also be said to be an ant-sized 'Ant-Man'.

The Germans decided that this was the ultimate weapon of the Allies, but it didn't take long for this ultimate weapon to disappear and never appear on the battlefield again.

"The first generation of Ant-Man...Domestic? Is he called Hank Pym...or Pym Hank?"

Russell looked through the information repeatedly, and was very interested in Dr. Pym. This is an absolutely genius scientist, and his mind is still higher than that of Stark and his son.

Dr. Pym's research involves a wide range of fields, including quantum physics, artificial intelligence, robotics and other fields. The most proud achievement in his life is the discovery of Pym particles, which can change the size of matter including life. .

However, Russell believes that his top invention is not the Pym particle, but the robot Ultron, one of the strongest artificial intelligences in the Marvel Universe.

Of course, this is in the world of comics and movies, Ultron has nothing to do with Dr. Pym.

"If I have the opportunity to visit, what I admire most is the top scientist. I don't know if he would like to work in Hydra... No, if he is still one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. according to history, and works in Hydra No difference."

Russell has a lot of things at hand, and he has no time to visit Dr. Pym, who can live a long time and is not in a hurry.

Dr. Pym is really alive. He is a contemporary of Carter, Steve, and Howard. They all participated in the Second World War, but he is the hardest one.

Howard was the first to die. Steve was frozen for seventy years, and met Carter, who was in her nineties. At the same time, Dr. Pim was still alive and kicking, not only raised the second generation of Ant-Man, but also had a daughter in her thirties.

He can live very well, and he is also very good at maintaining his body. No one doubts that his body has been injected with serum.

The door of the office was pushed open, and a soldier came in to salute and said, "Sir, we have obtained information about Schmidt!"

The patterns of the Hydra in the base were all cleared by Russell. In order to confuse the public, the soldiers wore Soviet military uniforms. Even this base can be found in the Soviet archives.

"Where is he?"

"The specific location is unknown, but Schmidt contacted several of the most trusted bases and asked to concentrate troops to secretly sneak into... Siberia."

Russell froze for a moment, then smiled dumbly: "What a coincidence, he also came to Siberia. What does he want to do, give me the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

"Sir, there is one more thing!" The soldier continued: "We have found traces of Soviet agents in nearby cities, and their target is likely to be Schmidt."

Russell: "..."

Schmidt lives next door to me?

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