End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 177: After this battle, go back to your hometown and get married

Russell was very surprised by the situation in the concentration camp. On the surface, the army stationed here was not the Soviet army, but the American army escorting the German prisoners of war. This means that the power of Hydra has penetrated into the US imperialist army, and this power is only mastered by Schmidt, and other high-level Hydra do not know.

Russell clicked on the map: "What is the strength of the concentration camp? How many German prisoners are there?"

Natasha recounted the information collected: "There are 200 registered U.S. imperial troops, and less than 1,000 German prisoners. But according to my investigation, their daily consumption in the town is far more than these numbers."

"There are other Hydra people who have mixed in. It is Schmidt's secret spread in the Soviet Union." Russell said affirmatively that Schmidt had already noticed what was going on inside Hydra, and this guy became more and more cautious. This time he must be killed.

"Boss, just because we can't deal with so many people, what are you going to do?" Natasha asked, and Bucky also cast a questioning look.

"No, I won't do anything. I'll get closer to the battlefield to confirm Schmidt's death." Russell shook his head and chuckled, "Let the Soviet Union and the U.S. imperialists fight for their heads. Although Schmidt's terrorist attack was unsuccessful, it made the Allies panic. They fear Schmidt more than anyone else."

Natasha didn't understand: "Boss, as far as I know, Schmidt has a very high level of technology, why should he distribute the benefits to others?"

"You mean energy weapons?"


"It's not high-tech, but the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, a treasure obtained by Schmidt's research on Norse mythology. He just channeled energy." Russell said.

"You just said...Norse mythology!?" Natasha wondered if she heard it wrong.

"That's right, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is Odin's treasure, and it was only found by Schmidt." Russell spread his hands: "I don't have the guts to snatch the treasure that Odin left behind on Earth, let the US emperor take it to death! "

"Boss, this is Siberia." Natasha reminded that Siberia was the territory of the Soviet Union. Even if Schmidt was defeated, the Rubik's Cube should be captured by the Soviets.

"The Soviet Union only knew that Schmidt had the technology of energy weapons, but the U.S. emperor knew about the existence of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The two sides attached different importance to it, and their contributions were naturally different." Russell was confident that the U.S. emperor would definitely get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, even if Pay a high price.

Not for anything else, just because Dr. Zola, under his instruction, told all the information about the Rubik's Cube.


Is it too cheap for them to just leave the Rubik's Cube to the US Emperor? "Natasha's role changed quickly, or she had already resigned to her fate. After she switched jobs, she devoted herself to advising Russell.

Russell showed a meaningful smile: "No, this is also part of the plan. It is more in my interest to be taken away by the US emperor."

It is impossible to say that Russell has no idea about the Rubik's Cube, but he is not overly obsessed with holding the Rubik's Cube in his own hands. Letting SSR obtain the Rubik's Cube is equivalent to finding a cannon fodder to block the gun. He does not need to take risks and can obtain research data at any time. Why not do it.

As for whether S.H.I.E.L.D. would block the Rubik's Cube, he never worried about it. We were all on our own, and a small problem would be resolved in a meeting.

Natasha didn't know what to hear, Russell didn't say anything, she was very sensible and didn't ask much. As for Bucky, he didn't say a word the whole time, he didn't care too much about it, he just wanted to see Steve as soon as possible.

Bucky is aware of his current situation, and there is no hope of betraying Russell and returning to the US Empire, so he really wants to meet Steve to say goodbye, which can be regarded as cutting off the past.

It was night, Natasha went out to collect information, Russell and Bucky were arranged to enter the two rooms on the top floor of the hotel. Russell slept in Natasha's room. The other rooms were too smelly, but this one smelled delicious.

There was nothing to recommend in the cold and freezing place, Russell held the Thunder Beast in the house to exercise, and slept with the quilt rolled up in the middle of the night. Over the past two years, he has never slackened in his cultivation, and he has gained a lot.

[Host: Russell]

[Power: 42 (27+15)]

[Body: 58 (44+14)]

【Wisdom: 35 (17+18)】

【Wealth: 127900】


The two major attribute points have been significantly improved, and he is becoming more and more like a qualified mage!

In the dark room, Russell closed his eyes and fell asleep, breathing steadily, while the Ultralisk curled up on the bed and snored. There was a light sound of opening the door, Thunder Beast shook its ears, Russell also squinted his eyes slightly, and looked towards the door.

"Natasha?" Seeing who was coming, Russell turned on the desk lamp and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Boss, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I have something to tell you right now." Natasha clasped her hands together, saw the Ultralisk lying beside the bed, her eyes twitched, and she walked to the other side.


Russell's face was weird. The current situation is not so much a job report, but rather a new employee's entry into the job. In the middle of the night, he explained the profound things to the leader and showed his best side.

Sure enough, Natasha took off her tights and got into Russell's bed.

"Don't be like this, this is not the superior-subordinate relationship I want." Russell frowned, it is a taboo for superiors and subordinates to mess with men and women. He resolutely refused, pressed on Natasha's chest, tried hard but did not push away, did not give up, and pushed outward with both hands instead.

The effect of the serum transformation was remarkable, Russell pushed for a long time without pushing it away.

"Boss, I understand your concerns, but please trust me, I have a clear distinction between work and life." Natasha turned over and rode on Russell's waist, found a special seat and sat down, brushing her long hair with both hands To the back, the waist completes the curve, and the two headlights exude a fatal allure.

"Are you sure?" Russell was blinded by the headlights, and quickly reached out to cover them.

"When... well, of course..."

"Well, let's not take this as an example. I can barely spare some time to listen to your information."


In the next room, Bucky was very depressed and sat on the edge of the bed, it was too noisy, and he couldn't sleep at all.


Three days later, concentration camp!

Five military trucks came to the checkpoint pulled up by barbed wire, and the driver was talking to the sentry guarding the gate. It was already very late at night, and the concentration camp was pitch black, except for the searchlights on the watchtower.

The sentinel in charge of guarding the gate held a flashlight, read the document in black and white, saluted and said, "Please wait a moment, I want to ask my superiors for instructions."

Documents show that the trucks were full of German prisoners who were sent to the camp to be sent home when the war was over.

This made the sentry very speechless, the concentration camp was infiltrated by Hydra, and the underground base was working overtime to produce energy bombs, and it was impossible to accommodate German prisoners. When fake products meet real products, even if Schmidt has the idea of ​​expanding the staff, he must first obtain his consent, otherwise so many people rush in, who knows what will happen.

"Brother, look at the signature on the document clearly. This is a special approval document from the staff department. What is your superior's military rank? Could it be that his words are louder than the staff department?" The driver was very upset and complained bitterly: "This is broken The place is really cold, if the car hadn't broken down several times, we would have arrived during the day. Quickly open the checkpoint, wait for the prisoners to get out of the car, and we will leave after completing our mission."

The sentinel was unmoved, but shook his head and refused: "No, the superior has an order, and all vehicles entering and exiting must be approved."

"Damn it, did you just let us wait here?" The driver angrily got out of the car: "I thought it would be more accommodating when I met my compatriots here, but you are more annoying than those bastards."

The sentinel stood on guard, stretched out his hand and pressed the gun on the back waist: "Keep your distance..."


One hand covered the sentry's mouth from behind, the sharp blade pierced through the back of the heart, the chest was soaked in red, the sentry struggled a few times before dying. This scene was staged in the simple wooden house of the checkpoint. The sentries guarding the gate were quickly cleared, and the same was true on the watchtower. A few black shadows swayed, and some corpses were thrown down.

The checkpoint was cleared, and five trucks drove in one by one. The well-armed American soldiers jumped out of the car one by one, took the squad as the mobile unit, and scattered around the concentration camp with bombs on their backs.

Roar Commando!

The SSR received information from Schmidt and was aware of the importance of the Rubik's Cube. The US imperialist authorities did not contact the Soviet Union, but secretly dispatched the ace team to carry out the mission, striving to complete the attack and evacuation in the shortest possible time.

SSR does not consider whether the information is true or not. The Rubik's Cube is too important, even if it is false information, it will be treated as true. The truth is, something is wrong with this concentration camp.

A man holding a shield is the most eye-catching. With the help of moonlight, the stars and stripes on the shield and half of the face under the mask can be seen faintly.

Captain America, Steve!

"Captain, there are no German prisoners in the concentration camp. We found the entrance to the underground base and the Hydra energy gun."

Steve glanced at the time on the pocket watch, glanced at the black and white photo of Carter from the corner of his eye, and a touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes. He closed the pocket watch and put it in his arms: "Let everyone pay attention, detonate the bomb in two minutes, break into the underground base .”

"I have a hunch that Schmidt is inside. After this battle, the damn war should end." The soldier was in a good mood.

"Yes, the war is coming to an end."

Steve tightened the shield in his hand, and returned to Brooklyn to get married after this battle!

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