The Empress is not the largest ship in Xiao Feng's hands, but it is his favorite ship. This ship can carry 600 tons of cargo and is equipped with 15 heavy cast iron cannons. It can plunder a lot of property and prisoners at a time. Sao Feng specially asked craftsmen to paint huge eye patterns on the hull of the Empress, and also decorated his captain's cabin extremely luxuriously.

Regardless of the fact that the two ends of the Junk ship are tilted up, it seems that it is not suitable for naval battles. Eastern and Western ships have their own advantages and disadvantages. Because the surface of the Junk ship is not square sails like Western ships, its angle is facing the direction of the wind. You can always sail in a straight line.

Russell took a small boat and walked through complicated waterways. Under the leadership of Tai Huang, he came to Xiaofeng's bathhouse and met the pirate king whom everyone feared.

Goatee + bald forehead + scars all over his face, he looks like a ruthless person. Although Xiao Feng was a bit ugly, his appearance matched his identity as a pirate very well. His scar was a badge of bravery. Coupled with his pair of cloudy eyes, he was very majestic.

He was wearing a layered black ornate robe, a belt inlaid with gold and jade, and a dragon was tattooed on his forehead.

It is worth noting that there are two ornaments on his body, a jade necklace hanging around his neck, the symbol of the nine pirate kings; the other is the ring he wears on the little finger of his right hand, with a red silk handkerchief tied on it.

It's very coquettish, but the meaning is extremely profound. When Tai Huang introduced Xiao Feng to Russell, he mentioned this silk scarf emphatically. It is a relic of Xiao Feng's father, the former pirate king of the South China Sea.

"Who are you, what information do you want to tell me?" Xiao Fengma Dajindao sat on a chair, and behind him stood two young women with exactly the same appearance.

The twins are named Lian and Pu. According to Tai Huang, they are Xiao Feng's personal bodyguards and personal attendants.

"Mr. Sao Feng, my name is Russell, from over there..." Russell pointed to the east direction, and continued to smile, "Because of your activity in the South China Sea, some people want to cooperate with you further."

Xiao Feng glanced at Russell suspiciously, picked up the red silk scarf and sniffed it: "Who are some people referring to, white or black?"

Russell understood the subtext in Xiao Feng's words, and replied: "Bai, those big men sitting on the temple!"

Xiao Feng sneered, showing disdain on his face: "You are lying to me, the trash who just issued the ban on the sea will find me to cooperate? And your hair, are you sure you are white?"

Forbidden sea?

Russell's heart skipped a beat. He was not very familiar with this era, and knew nothing about many rules and regulations. But it doesn't matter, there are people and there is a society, and if there is a society, there will be profit-seeking, and banning the sea does not mean that there is no trade.

"It was because the Forbidden Sea harmed the interests of many people that I thought of you." Russell touched the short hair on his head: "As for the hair, it is for hiding your identity, so you don't need to care about it."

Xiao Feng smiled lightly and shook his head: "Then, what do those big shots want me for? I'm a dishonest pirate. They don't think they want to do business with me, do they?"

"It's business!" Russell took a step forward, glanced around, and frowned: "Mr. Xiaofeng, it's not suitable for talking here. Can you go to a place with fewer people?"

There was a lot of noise around, all of them were Xiao Feng's subordinates, a group of desperadoes licking blood with their swords. Russell was not afraid of them, but felt that there was no need to be tough. He played a low-key sneak, not a crazy sneak that killed everyone.

Xiao Feng sniffed the silk scarf and did not speak. Tai Huang next to him winked at him and nodded slightly, indicating that Russell was safe.

"Okay, let me hear how to cooperate."

Xiao Feng got up and walked towards the side room, the twin maids followed behind him, Tai Huang stepped forward quickly, rushed to the front of Xiao Feng and opened the door for him, Russell followed behind.

In the side room, Tai Huang wiped the grand teacher's chair clean with his sleeve, and respectfully invited Xiao Feng to take his seat. As a result, as soon as the twin maids closed the door, he suddenly drew out the long knife at his waist and put it on Xiao Feng's neck.

The sudden change caused the twin maids to turn pale with fright, while the elder sister Lian drew out the dagger from her waist and rushed towards Russell.

The younger sister Pu turned around abruptly, about to open the door and shake people.

However, Russell was already fully prepared, the Thunder Beast slipped out of his trouser legs, and rushed to his sister at the door like lightning. As for the elder sister who was planning to kidnap him, she was grabbed by the knuckles, holding the dagger against her neck instead.




The Thunder Beast rushed at the two women repeatedly, making the room a little damper.

"Tai Huang, you betrayed me!?" Xiao Feng's face was livid, and he looked at the long knife on his neck in disbelief. He expected that many people might betray him, but he didn't expect that that person would be Tai Huang.

Tai Huang is deeply trusted and is the second-in-command of the pirate group, but the relationship between him and Xiao Feng is far from being simple as superior and inferior. Xiao Feng adopted him when he was young. It can be said that he was treated as his own, and he was raised as a successor.

"Captain, I didn't betray you, it's just that what this lord says is really important." Tai Huang whispered in Xiao Feng's ear.

"This is the back... ah, uh... um..." Xiao Feng was getting angry when he was suddenly thrown into his arms by the Thunder Beast, he couldn't speak clearly and passed out.


Tai Huang was too close, and unfortunately suffered together, with his mouth crooked and his eyes slanted, he rushed to the street.

Russell picked up the Thunder Beast and patted it, condescendingly: "Mr. Xiaofeng, I have very important information to tell you. If you have no objections, I will tell you now."


"OK, it seems that there is no objection."

Twenty minutes later, the twins, Lian and Pu, walked out, guarding the door of the side house, forbidding anyone to enter. Wet pants did not arouse suspicion, this is a bathhouse, and everyone is wet.

Russell started his enslavement plan in the house. The sad thing is that Xiao Feng's mental will is extremely tenacious, and he spent two full hours without success.

Fortunately, the twins were enslaved successfully, and they blocked it outside, so they failed to attract the attention of Xiao Feng's subordinates.

"As expected of being one of the nine great pirate kings, the degree of enslavement is very difficult!" After failing again, Russell frowned deeply, glanced at Tai Huang next to him, thought for a moment and asked, "If I kill Xiao Feng , can you, the second in command, take over his position?"

Tai Huang repeatedly shook his head: "No one can replace the captain. The rights he gave me can be taken back at any time. Without him, I have no power. Therefore, if he dies, the first thing most people think of is to kill me. , and then seize power.”

At the end, Tai Huang added: "Because we are pirates!"

"Tsk, as expected of a high-risk occupation."

Russell complained about a headache, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the Thunder Beast made another tiger pounce. Pleasant crackling sounds sounded in the room. As for whether there will be sequelae after Xiao Feng, it is not within the scope of Russell's consideration. Who made him so uncooperative!


Three hours later, Russell was sitting on the teacher's chair sipping tea, the twin sisters held his shoulders and beat his legs one after the other, while Xiao Feng and Tai Huang stood side by side and bowed slightly facing Russell.

"Mr. Xiaofeng, is there anything unusual in the sea recently?" Russell closed his eyes and began to enjoy. Xiaofeng was very good at enjoying it. Lian and Pu's massage techniques were superb, and his bones were almost brittle.

"My lord, I'm sorry, but the abnormality you are referring to is..." Xiao Feng cupped his hands, there are abnormalities every day on the sea, and it has never been calm.

Russell thought for a while and said, "The Navy and Brother Squidward... No, it's the captain of the 'Flying Dutchman', David Jones. What big moves have they made recently?"

Xiao Feng frowned, and found that his boss didn't understand anything, but he didn't reveal his shortcomings, and said, "When you mention the navy, you have to mention the East India Company. The newly appointed chairman, Lord Beckett, is a madman, and he is very keen on eliminating pirates." Enthusiastic."

The East India Company here is not the Dutch East India Company, nor the Swedish East India Company, but the British East India Company.

The notorious British East India Company mainly operates in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has operated for 274 years from its establishment to its dissolution. It has monopolized the trade in the Indian Ocean, has an army, and enjoys administrative power and local jurisdiction granted by the government. It can be called the largest in the Eastern Hemisphere. Another Great Britain.

By the way, selling opium to China and triggering the Opium War is the masterpiece of this company.

"As for Davy Jones..." Xiao Feng frowned and thought hard: "This devil comes and goes without a trace. I don't have any information about him."

Russell nodded. The Pirates of the Caribbean series took place in a magical world. The background of the story was in the early 18th century, and the information was seriously blocked. Even if many things have already happened, they will not be spread out for a long time. It is normal for Xiao Feng to have insufficient information. If he knows everything, he will get rich by selling the information.

"How is Jack Sparrow, the pirate king of the Caribbean Sea? You are both the nine pirate kings and the second generation of the sea. You should know him very well!"

"Jack Sparrow...hehe..." Xiao Feng showed disgust on his face, as if referring to a bug, and said in disgust: "A cynical Caribbean liar who has no consciousness of being a pirate deserves to be Betrayed by own crew."

"You hate him?"

"Very annoying!"

Russell put down the teacup in his hand, and asked the key question: "Is he dead or alive now?"

"Dead or alive!?"

Xiao Feng followed in surprise, and turned to say: "My lord, although I hate him very much, I have to admit that his life is very hard. I heard that he took back his boat and lived a very handsome life."

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