End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 20 Your Pistol Is Great

BOOM! ! !

Beside Russell's chic back is a bulletproof car that was blazing due to a violent explosion. The quality of the luxury car owned by the major shareholder is reliable, and it has not deformed even if it is exploded by a grenade. Considering the small space in the car and the power of the grenade, the major shareholder probably didn't feel the thrill of being burned by the flames, and he was directly killed.

Russell didn't look back at the explosion, thinking about bringing a pack of cigarettes on his body next time to pretend to be aggressive, but in less than three seconds, after walking a few steps, a big horse fell to the ground. A bullet passed the place where he was standing before. He listened to the source of the gunshot, rolled in a circle, and dodged behind a car.

[The host contacts the plot character Hertz, which triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】

Although I don't know who Hertz is, but he can be defined as a "dramatic character" by the system, and he is definitely not a nonsense.

Hertz is indeed not a fish, he is the short leader who has been chasing Smith. He has a small face and a slightly fat body, but there is a cruel and evil heart under this happy appearance.

Hertz used to be the FBI's forensic expert consultant. He was good at handling corpses and analyzing criminals' psychological activities based on subtle clues. Because of his reputation, many bigwigs hired him as a personal assistant to solve some shady things.

Like Russell, Hertz was born with a talent. After a short contact, he could analyze a person's psychology through language and body movements, guess what the other person was thinking, and what he would do next.

Relying on his innate talent, he wandered among various forces, and the chaos flourished.

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be such a powerful shooter like you besides Smith. Tell me, where are the woman and the baby?" Hertz hid in the grass, seeing Russell's weird marksmanship, he didn't intend to show up die.

"Your boss is dead, is there any point in pestering him?"

While speaking, Russell opened the system interface, started his favorite lottery, and got an item card.

[Item card: Hertz's fingerprint pistol (you can only fire after checking Hertz's fingerprint, which can avoid misfires and reduce crime rates, and is not afraid of being picked up by the enemy. It is a loyal and principled pistol)]

Russell: "..."

What a crap, wasting my expression!

Russell was playing the lottery here, and Hertz on the other side began to put pressure on him with words: "Hehe, don't you think I only work for Hammerson?"

"There are a lot of people who hire me, and the death of a Hammerson will not affect anything. Speaking of which, I have to thank you, because Smith killed the congressman, and I received another big contract. As long as I kill you, I can be with the past Say goodbye."

Hertz spoke triumphantly, but Russell could hear that he was very unwilling, imitating the way the other party was gnashing his teeth, and couldn't help but sneered: "After talking for a long time, it turns out that you are just a wage earner, poor guy!"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me..."

Hiding behind a tree, Hertz snorted and snorted twice when he heard Russell's sarcasm. Unexpectedly, a pistol was held against his temple, and Smith appeared out of nowhere.

"Damn it!"

Hertz looked at the military dog ​​squatting at Smith's feet speechlessly. If he was right, it was the military dog ​​he had brought over. The military dog ​​obediently squatted beside Smith, wagging its tail happily, noticing Hertz's angry gaze, and bared its teeth and snapped back.

"I love dogs, they are man's best friend, aren't they?"

"Shit, go fuck my friend!"


Smith pulled the trigger and blew Hertz's head off. Russell came from behind the car and couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw the big army dog.

"Smith, you're two minutes late!"

Smith put the pistol in the holster: "No, it came just right."


two days later,

In a small town in North Carolina, Smith decided to quit the rivers and lakes, and changed his face with Quintana and settled here as a farmer, living the rest of his life with peace of mind.

The two considered getting married for a while, and the baby became their first child as a matter of course.

Happy ending, everything looks fine, Smith and Quintana are very satisfied with their new home, Russell is not, because he paid for the land.

A bank card worth 500,000 US dollars is anonymous, does not report loss, and does not withdraw cash, but the card can be swiped on the POS machine. Russell felt that this thing was useless, but when he actually swiped the card, he still couldn't help feeling sorry for the whole afternoon.

Smith solved his worries and began to teach Russell with all his strength, imparting all his skills. He regards Russell as a good friend, the kind of life-long friendship, and he is extremely hardworking in teaching.

The fastest way to learn is actual combat. No matter how much theory you learn, it’s not as good as doing it with real swords and guns. In this regard, Smith and Cross hold the same point of view. He took Russell to perform actual combat acting in the jungle. He closed the fight and deliberately missed every time. It was not until he learned of Russell's magical talent that he started to act for real.

Full-level tuba and trumpet leveling, Russell's experience makes biubiu go up, the time between life and death is the easiest time to break through, his brain is running at high speed, his muscles memorize the movements time and time again, and Smith eats it in a few days Here comes some bitterness.

The memories and experiences of the subway police in Russell's body are constantly being excavated, and he is making rapid progress at a speed visible to the naked eye. There are also the two one-time skills of '100 shots, 100 shots' and 'bullet time' that were equipped before, from which Russell gained a strong sense of guns. Although he could not perfectly replicate the two magical skills, the system has already recognized that he has obtained a permanent skills.

[Skill: Pistol Proficiency (Your pistol is great)]

Compared with the advanced skills he had experienced, 'Pistol Proficiency' seemed ordinary, but Russell was encouraged. The moment the system prompt sounded, he suddenly realized a truth.

The system is not the biggest golden finger, it is just the key to travel through the worlds of the heavens, and what this key unlocks are endless resources!


A week later, after Russell had mastered the new skill, Smith told him that he had nothing to teach him.

The master leads the door, the practice depends on the individual, and then only Russell himself!

Russell didn't say much, and the two drank red wine that night, and Quintana prepared a sumptuous dinner. This was a farewell dinner, and both of them had a great time drinking.

At noon the next day, Russell boarded the Ford pickup, turned the key and waved to Smith.

"To be honest, even though we only got along for a short time, I'm sure that you are the worst killer I've ever seen. Your aptitude is simply dull!" Smith is looking forward to the future life. More and more, teasing Russell at parting.

Russell snorted coldly, took out the unregistered bank card from his pocket, and threw it on Smith's face.

Smith was a little dazed, and the bank card fell directly on the ground. He frowned and said, "What does this mean? Do you think that spending a little money can change my opinion of you?"

Russell glanced at Smith arrogantly, and the air of a local tyrant leaked out: "Poor ghost, there are about 300,000 US dollars in it!"

Without further ado, Smith picked up the bank card on the ground, put it in his coat pocket, and gave Russell a thumbs up: "I take back what I said before, you are a fucking genius!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, stretched out their fists and touched in mid-air.

"By the way, will you come to my wedding with Quintana?"

"Sorry, I may be absent, because I still have the status of a wanted criminal." Russell shrugged, and under Smith's gaze, he drove away in the Ford.

"I was going to say I still need a best man... well, good luck!"

It wasn't until the shadow of the pickup truck disappeared that Smith turned around and walked towards his new home. At the door, he saw Quintana holding the baby, took the mother and child into his arms, and kissed Quintana on the forehead.

Quintana touched the face of the man he loved, and ran his fingers over the contours of the facial features carved with knives and axes: "What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

"No, I'm not at all... well, you're right, I'm a little bit disappointed!"

"Leave it to me, I have a way to make you happy immediately!"

Quintana smiled, and his fingers slid from Smith's chin to his chest, drew a small circle and then continued down, gently unzipped the zipper, and held an indescribable cylinder.


"I like this method. I don't remember who Russell is!"

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