End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 199 My name is Russell, the captain of the Black Pearl

The Black Pearl stopped at the shoal, Jack lowered the boat and slowly rowed to the shore. He straightened his captain's cap first, and then walked towards the crowd with coquettish sparrow steps, bouncing and jumping, his facial features were obviously serious, but his body language was very rich.

Russell also liked to jump and jump when he was young, but that was at home, and he would never walk like this outside.

Without him, it's too embarrassing!

"It's Jack, Captain Jack, we found him." Jack's first mate, Gibbs, and several crew members were elated.

"There are boats!" Barbossa added in a low voice.

"That's right, there's still a boat!" The eyes of hundreds of Chinese pirates lit up.

Seeing a few old subordinates, Jack's heart did not fluctuate. He stayed alone in the magic prison, and he could endure loneliness only because of schizophrenia. He thought that the group of people on the beach was made up by his brain.

But when he saw Elizabeth, his eyes began to dodge. Elizabeth caused him to be swallowed by the giant monster of the North Sea. He was a character who subconsciously avoided, and should not appear in the hallucination anyway.

"Jack Sparrow!" Barbossa walked up to Jack with a knife, and the undead monkey on his shoulder chirped.

"Oh, Barbosa, long time no see." Jack's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to touch Barbosa's old face: "Why do you look so good, you shouldn't, quickly turn into a dead face."

Barbosa slapped Jack's hand away, and punched him on the bridge of the nose with a backhand: "Jack, are you awake?"

"What a real hallucination..." Jack rubbed his nose and stared at Barbossa with a look of disgust. Only then did he dare to admit that the people in front of him were not hallucinations.

Barbosa also responded with disgust: "Stop making trouble, Jack, we are here to save you, hurry up and get out of here with me."

"Save me!?" Jack pointed to himself, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "I think you may have made a mistake. I have a boat, so I should be the one to save you."

Barbosa glanced at the Black Pearl parked on the shoal, and said with disdain: "Pay attention to your words, that is my ship."

Jack looked at the sea on tiptoe: "But I didn't see your ship, where is it, is it blocked by the Black Pearl?"

Elizabeth stood up: "Jack, you can't drive the Black Pearl by yourself, you need the crew."

"You're right, I need the crew..." Jack took two steps back subconsciously: "But it's not you, I don't want to be killed by you again."

Turner on the side showed astonishment, vaguely understood something, and looked at Elizabeth in disbelief. The latter turned his head with guilt, and the two were so silent.

"Will, didn't she tell you? Then talk slowly, I'm going to choose the crew." Holding the Black Pearl, the biggest bargaining chip, Jack was triumphant, like a general reviewing troops, picking the crew he likes one by one.

Barbossa, too old, don't!

Tall, thin, one-eyed, too ugly, don't!

Chunky Mediterranean, ditto, don't!

Undead monkey, duplicate name, don't!

Elizabeth, emotional liar, don't!

Turner, joint liability, no!

"Oh, Tia Doma, out for a walk?"

Tia Doma smiled like a flower, raised her hand to draw circles on Jack's chest, and said softly, "Jack, don't tell me you were upset at the time!"

Jack seemed to think of something indescribable, and smiled shyly: "That's right, you can get on the boat."

Several old subordinates were approved by him to board the ship one by one. At this time, he came to Tai Huang, swept hundreds of Chinese pirates, and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

"Thai Huang!"

Jack squinted his eyes. The crowd needs to be treated with caution. He took two steps to bring the Black Pearl into the background: "OK, who are you loyal to now?"

"Allegiance to the Lord!"

Jack looked confused: "My lord...are you referring to me? If so, just call me the captain."

"No, my lord is referring to me." The voice sounded, and the Chinese pirates separated a passage for Russell to go to the front.

"Then who are you?" Jack looked Russell up and down, not tall, not strong, not hard, not black, it should be easy to solve.

Russell grinned: "My name is Russell,

Captain of the Black Pearl. "

Jack's face stretched instantly: "Why?"

"With my large number of people!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of Chinese pirates grinned grinningly and pulled out their long knives, swarming up and standing behind Russell.

Jack patted his chest, with an overly frightened exaggerated acting: "Oh, I'm really scared, what's wrong with the crowd, don't I have no one?"

As he spoke, he waved his arms, and then...

Up to the first mate Gibbs, down to the parrot, all his old parts stood behind Russell.

Jack: "..."

Russell smiled faintly: "Any questions?"

"No, dear captain, what can I do for you?"


Everyone boarded the Black Pearl, and when Russell boarded the ship, a lottery was triggered. He reckoned that it was probably the Black Pearl, so he didn't move.

But he always had a bad premonition. With the system's urine, even if he left the world of Pirates of the Caribbean in this lottery, 80% of the draws would be ships, such as the vertical Jackdaw.


Different from the boring voyage in the past, Jack on board immediately became much happier. He and Barbossa fought openly and secretly, trying to overwhelm each other with all their energy.

Jack is active by nature, jumping around like a sparrow, and it is not surprising that he does anything out of the ordinary.

Barbossa's performance is a bit abnormal, he is an old and steady shady man who spares no effort to maintain his majesty, and it stands to reason that he shouldn't mess around with Jack. But in fact, as soon as Barbossa met Jack, it was as if he had been hit by a halo of wisdom, and the two of them could always do ridiculous things when they got together.

"Captain, I think I should be at the helm." Jack walked up to Russell with a serious face, complaining about Barbossa's various problems. In a word, he is the best helmsman on the ship.

Although you can't be the captain, you can decide the fate of the whole ship by controlling the rudder, which is basically the same as the captain. In addition, Russell is an indifferent captain, and Barbosa has a lot of power, which is equivalent to the deputy captain. This makes Jack very upset and wants to replace him.

"Jack, why are you obsessed with steering? Think about it, I entrust you to keep the nautical charts, and you have the final say on where the Black Pearl will go. If you really want to do the math, Barbossa has to listen to you."

Jack was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then changed his posture to continue the silence. Suddenly, he felt that what Russell said made sense, so he directed Barbossa with the nautical chart on his back.

The Black Pearl sailed away from the desert, and sailed aimlessly on the vast sea. On this sea, Jack's magical compass could not point out where to go.

In fact, the compass has already pointed out that the needle seems to be rotating randomly due to the interference of the magnetic field, because any piece of sea can leave the dead zone. As long as you understand the principle of "reversal of life and death" and reverse the Black Pearl, you can return to the world of the living at the moment of green light sunset.

The green light here refers to astronomical phenomena, not artificial green light, and the two cannot be confused!

Everyone understands the truth, but the bad thing is that the map of Mao Kun was drawn by the Chinese. The favorite thing of the ancient Chinese was to play riddles, and to complicate a simple matter on the grounds that the secret should not be leaked.

Uh, rather than complicating it, it might be better to say that the 5,000-character chapter has been reduced to 500-character prose.

Eastern and Western people have various logical problems due to differences in thinking. Barbossa and others can't understand the deep meaning of them even if their hair falls out. Russell knows the method, and he thinks that there is another person on board who should also know.

Tia Doma!

The goddess can see that Turner will become the captain of the Flying Dutchman in the future, and she must know how to leave the death zone. If she doesn't speak, Russell will not be nosy.

Russell is planning his next voyage in the captain's room. The world mission is to find the fountain of youth. It's too easy. I just borrow Jack's compass... and finish it casually.

He could only stay for 24 hours to complete the task, and the trip of the Trident must be placed before the Fountain of Youth. He looked at the parchment in his hand and compared it against the map one by one, but he couldn't figure it out.

Today's maps are not accurate enough. Because of the magical world view, many sea areas are blank, and there are a lot of unrecorded islands. He is not a professional, and he can't see anything with the parchment.

Fortunately, time is very abundant. The advantage of the series of movies is that the tasks are not limited by time, and the later stage of the plot is brought forward, and even the boss that should be on the scene can be avoided, which greatly reduces the risk.

"I have to find a professional to accompany me, Barbossa or Jack..." The two are fooling around, and Russell can't make a choice. He appreciates Barbossa's calmness and is inclined to Jack's quick wit.

The sun was setting in the west, dark clouds covered the stars, and the vast sea was pitch black. There was no violent storm or stormy sea, but the deadly darkness made people shudder even more.

For those who don't have much contact with the sea, such as Russell, he opened the window and looked down, always feeling that there was something under the dark deep sea spying on the Black Pearl.

Fortunately, there were no sugar-haired deep-sea monsters coming out to bask in the moon, mist rose from the sea, and groups of white shadows drifted along the sea.

They are souls who died in the sea, without Davy Jones to guide them, these souls wandered on the sea all day long. Immediately behind the souls are countless solitary boats, a group of distorted dead faces sitting on the bow with white candles, their eyes drifting with the current.

There is no need to wonder why some souls have boats and some don’t. Boats are equipment for beginners, and every soul that has just died has one, and it will disappear after a period of wear and tear.

There were bursts of exclamations from the deck. It was Elizabeth's cry, hoarse like a cuckoo's cry of blood, calling her father heart-piercingly.

"I can't see that Turner still has a wild heart. Could it be that he wants to follow the example of the elf prince and return to nature? But is it really good to do this kind of thing on the deck at night, after all, it is a public place..."

Russell unscrupulously shifted gears to speed up. At this moment, the bond of slavery trembled violently. He turned around and saw Jason's soul popping out of his body at some point, and drifting out of the cabin.

"Asshole, are you addicted to cuteness?" Russell's eyes twitched, and he raised his hand to push Jason's soul back: "Stay well, don't make trouble for me at this time!"

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