End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 201: Where did our captain used to be?

The North Sea giant monster entangled the Black Pearl and dragged it to the open sea. The anchor got stuck in the reef, and the anchor rope thicker than a human arm was stretched and snapped.

The sea surface was tumbling, the mud and sand rose up until it became turbid, and thick tentacles spread upward along the hull. At the position of the muzzle, it can be clearly seen that the wet and sticky tentacles are covered with suction cups, and the largest part is enough to cover the entire muzzle.


There was a dead silence in the cabin, probably because they felt that they would not be discovered if they didn’t make a sound. The dull roar woke up the pirates from their dreams, and they hurriedly stuffed gunpowder and solid shells into the muzzle.

On the deck, the pirates picked up weapons one after another, knives, guns, and spears, scattered to the side of the ship, and hacked on the huge tentacles.

The tip of the tentacle that has just emerged is only about ten centimeters thick and soft, and it looks like it can be split into two with an axe. But when the pirates chopped it up, they discovered that the skin of the North Sea giant monster was amazingly tough, and it was harder to cut than cowhide.

Swords can't hurt the Giant Monster of the North Sea, and they can't even give the pirates psychological comfort, but the thick tentacles poking into the deck can roll up a person at will. The powerful force can fight other monsters in the deep sea, and it can easily tear off a large piece of whale skin. How can manpower resist it? It was dragged into the sea screaming.

"Fire! Fire!!"

Barbossa gave an order loudly, leaned his back against the rudder to avoid the attack of the tentacles that were close at hand, chopped off the gap with a knife, then pulled out the flintlock gun at his waist, and savagely shot the wounded part.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

On the Black Pearl, 32 16-pound cannons fired continuously. Because the tentacles were too dense, all 16 powerful shells hit. The solid cannonball roared out, piercing a hole in the tentacles, or directly smashing half of the flesh and blood.

The broken tentacles were bloody and bloody, and a thick tentacle was hanging down on the deck. The blue, blue, green, and not green plasma was accompanied by mucus splashes, and there was also a burnt smell.


The tentacles twitched and retracted into the sea. Before the pirates cheered, more tentacles climbed up the ship.

"Idiots, what are you in a daze for? Quickly load the shells and fire!" Barbossa cursed angrily, kicked the stunned pirate beside him, and everyone rushed to fill the shells. This time, they fired freely without command.

The giant monster of the North Sea went berserk from the pain, and its four largest and longest tentacles pulled the Black Pearl to shake it continuously.

At this moment, a thick and long tentacle wrapped itself around the main mast, rolling and pulling it to make it creak and crack. Barbossa's heart was beating wildly, and just as he was about to shout, he heard a familiar shout.

"The men on deck protect the mast and must not be torn off, or we are finished."

It was Jack. When the giant monster of the North Sea hurt the Black Pearl, he finally suppressed his fear of the devil prison.

Swords can do limited damage to tentacles, but flintlock guns can open a hole, but for the huge size of the North Sea giant monster, this injury is not painful or itchy. Jack pried open the wine barrel, sprinkled a bucket full of wine on the tentacles, then turned on the oil lamp, and a fire burned half of the tentacles red.

The tentacle let go of the mast, quickly retracted back under the sea surface, and then another tentacle rolled up.


Russell drew his knife in a flash, and easily cut through the tough skin, his eyes flashed, and he slashed with a faint sword aura. Pressing down with both arms, the adamantium alloy knife was pushed with great force, cutting the tentacle that was trying to plot against the mast into two pieces.

"The skin is so thick, it really is a demonized creature..." Russell said inwardly. He has a few cards in his hand that can crush the North Sea giant monster, but it would be too wasteful to use them.

A mere demonized creature, at most, has a thicker skin and a bigger head. With his current combat power, it is not impossible to use a small plan to win.

The line of sight moves down along the broken tentacles,

The corner of Russell's eye twitched violently. The flesh and blood on the smooth cut surface of the tentacle that had just been severed by him twitched, showing a tendency to give birth and heal.

Well, in addition to thick skin and big size, the North Sea giant monster also has self-healing ability!

Russell's gaze swept across the sea. Since the tentacles kept chopping, there was no need to waste his energy and give him a fatal blow with a slash to the head.


The sand on the sea surface was churning, and a dark dune rose up on the sea surface. It was the torso of the giant monster of the North Sea. Two huge bright eyeballs were staring at Russell's position.

"Heads that are sent up on their own initiative will not be accepted for nothing." Russell snorted coldly, started to accelerate on the deck, stepped on the side of the ship, leaped high, and fell straight into the distant sea like a cannonball.

His feet were in contact with the sea surface, pressing down on the concave curved surface, and he just stepped on the sea water, his legs crossed side by side, stirring up a white line, and went straight to the eyes of the giant monster of the North Sea.


The gap between the North Sea giant monster and Russell quickly approached, its huge eyeballs were full of sullenness, and its tentacles rolled up from under the sea surface one by one, and fell down overwhelmingly.

Russell moved left and right, changing his rhythm through acceleration and deceleration, trying his best to avoid the thick tentacles that the two embraced. If he couldn't avoid it, he slashed out a sword aura with the Adamantium alloy knife, sweeping away the obstacles in front of him.

More and more tentacles were attacking and killing Russell. He was judged by the giant monster of the North Sea as the most threatening person present. After some crooked attacks, the pressure on the Black Pearl was greatly relieved, and the pirates on board were even more grateful.

The military adviser risked his life to save him, such a good boss will follow!

Jack stood on the side of the ship and watched, thinking of Russell's self-proclaimed captain of the Black Pearl, his future was bleak for a while, and he asked cheekily, "Barbossa, this monster...what did our captain do before?"

Barbossa frowned, turned around and cursed: "You bastards, don't patronize the theater, load the shells and fire."

After commanding the pirates, he replied: "The first time I saw him was in Xiaofeng's territory. According to my observation, he should be the boss of Xiaofeng."

"Xiao Feng..." Jack's face twitched even more. Did Xiao Feng say anything bad about him?

On the surface of the sea, Russell's assault was blocked, and more and more tentacles filled the front and rear space, making it difficult for him to go further. The sea water under his feet rolled violently, and a huge tentacle with an astonishing size and length comparable to the Black Pearl jumped out, pushing Russell and flying him high into the air.

Russell cut open the skin on the surface of the tentacles with a single knife, and stretched his five fingers into the flesh and clasped the flesh tightly, so as not to become a falling object. He stepped on this tentacle that was several meters thick, and moved towards the root, which was the eyes of the North Sea giant monster.

Put the long knife in the space ring, switch to Sand Eagle · God, and hit the surface of the tentacles with continuous rapid fire with the left hand, breaking up the slippery mucous membrane, leaving a foothold for advancing.

The sand eagle on the right aimed at the huge eyeball of the North Sea giant monster from a distance. With a gunshot, light blue sparks burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and the right eye socket of the North Sea giant monster exploded, and the blue slurry flew everywhere. .

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo And And"

Dozens of tentacles stretched straight up to the sky, and the North Sea monster shook its huge body and set off turbulent waves. The mouthparts protruding from the sea gritted its fangs and let out a hissing and exhausted roar.

The high-energy magic destructive bullets fired at a slow rate, and Russell couldn't shoot two shots in a row, so he could only move forward and look for an opportunity to launch an attack.

The intense pain stimulated the North Sea giant monster to go mad. He folded his body and rolled back and forth on the edge of the shallows. The entire sea surface was covered with its twisted and entangled tentacles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The support from the Black Pearl came a little late, and it landed on the giant monster of the North Sea roaring. Some minor injuries were nothing compared to the explosion of its eyeballs. It ignored the offense of the Black Pearl and was determined to swallow Russell into its belly with its tentacles.

The sudden sound of cannons startled Russell. He was playing parkour on his tentacles.

"A bunch of bastards, it's not helping you at every critical moment!" Russell cursed, mainly because Jason wasn't behind him, and no one was covering him. He was afraid that he would get shot in the back of the head when he jumped high and made a concave shape in the air.

The giant monster of the North Sea suffered from pain and went mad, and the resistance to his advancement was much reduced. Although the frequency of twisting of the tentacles was faster, the effective attacks against him were reduced by more than half.

Taking advantage of its illness to kill it, Russell ran faster, jumped and dodged the waving tentacles, and finally came to the front of the North Sea giant monster's torso. Looking at the big eye full of anger, Russell raised both guns and pulled the triggers at the same time, a continuous rain of bullets and destructive bullets were fired at the same time.

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo And And"

Anthropomorphic mockery flashed through the North Sea monster's one eye, and he opened his mouth wide and let out a sky-shattering roar. The bullet screen hit the one eye and burst out a lot of slurry, but the eyeball that should have been blind suddenly opened.

Its self-healing had ended, and it was just trying to lure Russell into taking the bait, keeping it closed on purpose.

"What a smart guy, but the target of my attack was not the eyes from the very beginning..." Russell grinned, put Sand Eagle in the space ring with his right hand, replaced it with a card and held it tightly.


"Get close to this little guy!"

The magic power was poured into the Kulo card, and the thunder beast leaped in the air. Russell grabbed it by the nape of its neck, and threw it into the mouthparts of the giant North Sea monster.

The giant monster of the North Sea only felt that there was a blue kitten in front of it, and swallowed it without thinking carefully. The taste was very bad, and there were thorns all over its body.

This bit of pain is nothing to it, it spewed out a mouthful of mucus, waved its tentacles and sent Russell flying.

The Thunder Beast was about to reach the digestive system of the Giant Monster of the North Sea, Russell took advantage of the situation and flew out backwards, turned over and landed on the sea. Wiping off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, stepping on the raised tentacles under his feet, he turned around and ran towards the Black Pearl.

It is said that the digestive system of the squid is very close to the brain. Although the giant monster of the North Sea has been changed beyond recognition by demons, the general body structure should not be much different. This is a weakness that can be exploited.

Russell originally wanted to throw Jason into the mouth of the Kraken, and destroy the brain when it reached the digestive system. Considering the thickness and toughness of its skin, he was ready to hand Jason the Adamantium Knife. But because of the shoal, the giant monster of the North Sea couldn't get too close to the Black Pearl, so he could only retreat and use the Thunder Beast instead.

Russell only looks at talent and not appearance, so it's definitely not because Thunder Beast is too cute that he didn't include it in the first plan, and it's definitely not because Jason is too ugly that he entrusts him with all the dirty work.


A muffled sound came from the North Sea giant monster's body, and all the tentacles stopped moving in an instant. Its whole body was stiff, and its two huge eyeballs glowed like light bulbs.

The metallic dark gray skin surged with electric arcs, and after a sizzling sound of popping beans, several thunder snakes spit out from the opened mouth, and then black smoke rose.

On the sea, the meat is fragrant!

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