End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 204 From Davy Jones' Heartbreaker

A round of salvo fell to nothing, and the shells flew far away, smashing a few waves on the sea surface, which were submerged by the surging waves in an instant.

The frightened pirates hurriedly reloaded their ammunition, for fear of a surprise attack by the Flying Dutchman. In that case, they could only be beaten passively.

Lost their composure, the frantic pirates repeatedly made low-level mistakes. The more they tried to load the cannonballs as quickly as possible, the worse they were. Some of them stuffed the cannonballs in before the gunpowder was plugged in. It can be seen that they were in a mess. to what extent.

Murphy's Law: If something bad happens, no matter how small, it will happen and cause the greatest possible loss.

A Chinese pirate hurriedly poked gunpowder into the barrel of the gun, and suddenly there was a roar of water in his ears. He swallowed, stiffened his neck and turned his head, only to see a mast outside the gun door rising rapidly.

The broken hull is the Flying Dutchman!

The distance between the two ships was so close that the pirates could even see the grinning face of Seafood on the other side. They had nothing to do about it. The shells had been emptied in the previous round, and now they were a living target.

The pirates on the deck fought back with flintlock guns, and the ship was unable to turn, which was the only way to save itself. The next second, what greeted them was a devastating blow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

A large amount of white smoke rose, and one side of the Flying Dutchman fired in unison. The over 0-pound artillery was so powerful that it directly pierced the junk ship.

The shells pierced through the hull, the gun doors were shattered, and the broken planks flew around. The narrow cabin below the deck was wailing. Most of the pirates were killed or injured, and almost all of them were wounded.

The sea water poured into the cabin and dragged the ship down at an extremely fast speed. The pirates looked desperate, but the Flying Dutchman added fuel to the fire, fearing that the Junk ship would sink slowly and dived down suddenly. Countless seas swirled and flooded over.

This ship is beyond salvation!

Russell could see clearly from a distance. More than ten shells hit the hull of the Junk ship in a row. The diameter of the damaged part must be overhauled. the storm.

The raindrops were getting bigger and bigger, pouring down from the sky, the storm was blowing the raindrops, and the distance between the four ships was widened, and even God was helping Davy Jones.

Russell was deliberating whether to use the card. The Flying Dutchman was very aggressive and had great experience in guerrilla warfare. With his diving ability, he was able to hang four ships of his own without any pressure. Coupled with the stormy weather, the ship was swaying, and the pirates couldn't even aim and fight back.

It's too passive, because if you fire rashly, the Flying Dutchman will rise up and deal a fatal blow to that ship!

There are three cards suitable for use on the sea, all from Calypso, the goddess of the sea. Of course, character cards cannot be used, which is too wasteful, but two skills are used to shoot cannons and mosquitoes.

Large tsunami and maelstrom are catastrophes for human ships, but not necessarily for ghost ships that can dive.

Using water skills on raw seafood, the best situation is to take a bath on the Flying Dutchman, take off a layer of dispensable algae shells, and even Davy Jones will take the opportunity to brush his teeth and change clothes.

Cards can’t be used, Ultralisks can’t be used, and the Flying Dutchman can’t show its face, so it can’t let it discharge directly into the sea, because the sea will disperse the power and reduce its lethality.

Jason is no good either. This guy is useless at sea. Before he overcomes his psychological barrier, he is considered ugly as a mascot.

Russell cursed inwardly. As expected, he had to go on his own at the critical moment. He drew out his double-gun Sand Eagle and held his breath to catch the flying Dutchman.


The water splashed, and the Flying Dutchman jumped out of the sea again. Two triple guns fired and attacked, hitting the sinking Junk again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, moved his hands with his eyes, and fired continuously with both guns raised horizontally.

The powerful magic bullet hit a triple gun, causing the muzzle to deviate.

The gun door exploded, and the rotten hull was basically made up of rotten wood. This shot directly opened a big hole in the bow of the ship.

Another kind of continuous firing magic bullet pierced through the hull, leaving holes one by one, and the sawdust fell into the sea and floated everywhere.

The Flying Dutchman fell into the water and jumped out of the sea again after a while. Russell was surprised to find that the big hole in the bow disappeared.

"Fuck, can this ship heal itself?"

With thousands of emotions in his heart, Russell spouted the most representative word. He knew that the Flying Dutchman was a ghost ship and would never be sunk. But he used magic bullets, an attack method specially developed to target ghosts and evil things, so it was ignored, which was a bit unacceptable for a while.

Russell thought of the Flying Dutchman too simply. It doesn't matter who the captain is. Davy Jones, Turner, Jack, and Barbossa are all fine. In fact, this ship is the key.

It shoulders the important task of extraditing the souls of the dead at sea. In the oriental mythology system, it is an artifact endowed with authority by the Dao of Heaven. From the day it was born, it has the indestructible attribute.

Of course, being indestructible depends on the object. If it were the Twelve Gods of Olympus, the ship would sink as soon as it said it would sink, and it was guaranteed that the waves would not break out. Russell can smash the hull, but he can't destroy the root cause, his strength is far behind.


The waves were turbulent, and the Flying Dutchman jumped out of the water again. Russell took a deep breath, urged his magic power to amplify his voice, and shouted out loudly.

"Davy Jones, would you like to know where Calypso is?"

The sound was swept away by the storm, and the target of the Flying Dutchman remained unchanged. It attacked three times in a row and finally completely destroyed the hapless junk ship. below the surface of the sea.

The Flying Dutchman continued to dive, and just when Russell was feeling that Davy Jones was too deep and not deceived, the side of the ship where he was on the side of the ship swayed into the sky.

"Where's Calypso?" Davy Jones stood on the deck and glared at Russell, mentioning the name of his lover who betrayed him. He was angry and sad, and time had not washed away his love. Can't forget Calypso.


Barbossa and Jack shouted in unison, the distance between the two ships is almost ready for a ship-on-board battle, if Davy Jones is not given a few rounds at this time, they will not be pirate kings in the future, and go to the British Prison to pick up soap. up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The Flying Dutchman fired at the same time, dense dots of light lit up between the two ships, shells flew, and wailing rang out from time to time. The dense white smoke was blown away by the strong wind, and neither side took advantage of it, and it was because of the excessive damage to the hull.

"Where's Calypso?"

Davy Jones' mind was no longer on the naval battle, and he persisted in questioning Russell, followed closely by the flying Dutchman.


With a gunshot, Davy Jones screamed and fell into the water, splashing a large amount of white foam.

Russell raised the muzzle of his gun, blew on the non-existent blue smoke, and watched the splash of water being submerged by the tide: "I'll tell you that she is..."

Swish! !

A silver light flashed, and Russell instantly sensed the crisis, turned around and dodged the sneak attack behind him.

"One last time, where is Calypso?" Davy Jones stood on the deck holding a sharp and thin long knife, his eyes were so cold that it made people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Russell's pupils shrank suddenly, and Davy Jones could move instantly. Why didn't he use this trick in the original book?

The screenwriters are all liars, and I will never believe in the plot anymore!

Russell cursed inwardly, holding the sand eagle in his left hand and fired continuously, bullets shot out rapidly, hitting Davy Jones in the chest, and in the blink of an eye, he was beaten into a discounted seafood.

Davy Jones held up the crab claws to block in front of him, and was still screaming from the beating. Immortality does not mean that there will be no pain, and this blow is enough for him.


Russell raised his right hand, and the high-energy magic destructive bullet crushed down, smashing half of Davy Jones' body, knocking him into the air, and falling into the sea from the other side of the ship's side.

The Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman started a boarding battle. Both Barbosa and Jack believed that this was the best time to eliminate the seafood crew. Taking advantage of Davy Jones and Russell's deadlock, all the combatants on the deck were thrown away. Pull out the iron claws and entangle the rope on the opposite side.

On the deck of the Black Pearl, a wave of flintlock guns fired first, and after clearing a space, dozens of pirates boarded the Dutchman with ropes.

The brutal boarding battle began, and the seafood crews also threw out their iron claws. When the cruel boarding battle started, no one was seen swinging between the two ships.

Russell fired continuously, killing the seafood on the ship's side one by one, regardless of whether the group of ghosts and wild ghosts were really dead, trying his best to find the figure of Davy Jones.

The barrel of the gun was overheated, Russell stopped shooting, magic power was injected into the tip of the gun to form a blue light blade, and the seafood in front of him was made into a sashimi.

Waving the cold blood on the light blade, Russell turned his body sharply, crossing his hands to block the slash from behind.

Ding! !

Sparks burst out, accompanied by the crisp sound of gold and iron, and the heartbroken jump from Davy Jones!

"Tell me, where is Calypso?" Davy Jones had hideous features, and his octopus beard entangled Russell's face.

Russell was surprised by his strength, pushed it away with both hands, and laughed: "Are you sure you want to know?"

Davy Jones gritted his teeth: "Answer me! Tell me where Calypso is?"

"I met her a few days ago, she was very busy, and she was with a handsome guy. Hehehe, even if she was sealed, her nature is still the same." Russell raised his brows, and desperately sprinkled salt on Davy Jones' wound : "Having said that, I told you where she is, but do you have the courage to meet her?"


Davy Jones roared angrily. He knew that Russell was telling the truth, but he was very sad, and it hurts to lose his heart.

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