End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 221 Inexplicably became Pikachu

"Where is the promised blood, this wave is really a loss!"

Russell put his hand on his forehead, and he regretted it a little. The original plan was to find the trident to swipe the artifact, and if he was lucky, he would swipe a Poseidon character card.

A fairy holding a sword once said: I guessed the beginning, but not the end!

Russell deeply agreed. His experience was exactly the same as that of the fairy. He got the trident and also got the character card of Poseidon, but he never expected that he also got Poseidon and Zeus together.

Although the fairy didn't guess the ending, at least a monkey stepping on the colorful cloud came to save her. Russell couldn't do it, he had to save himself.

If you really want to say that he and the monkey have something in common, that is, he also has a stick obtained from the sea. The trident lacks three sharp blades, so it is just a stick for burning fire!

The trident turned into a fire stick, the golden chariot broken into building blocks, and a "skill card: fraternity" obtained from Poseidon, these are the fruits of Russell's hard work.

Not only are Calypso’s character cards gone, Gaia Energy Cannon, Grasp of Immortality, and Knight’s Immortality Unarmed are also gone from him. Although they are all one-time skills, they will be gone sooner or later, but Every time I think about it, I feel very heartbroken.

All of this would never have happened!

Not only that, the cute Thunder Beast is gone, and without the Clow card, how will he strike up conversations with magical girls in the future?

The worst part is that without Thunder Beast to enhance his appearance, Russell will only be left with the ugly Jason. If there is a choice, he really wants to replace the Thunder Beast that is gone with the wind with Jason. Form a high-value master-slave duo.

Jason: (._.)

"I knew it was this kind of development. I just finished the mission honestly. What kind of trident are you looking for!" Russell was indignant, saying that hard work would pay off, but he was rarely motivated, but in the end he lost his wife. Fold soldiers.

Thinking of this, Russell became more irritable, raised his hand and threw out a bolt of lightning, smashing a hole in the ground.

[Lightning Rod (When the enemy uses a lightning attribute move, regardless of single or group attack, the attack target will automatically change to you who holds this skill)]

[Power storage (it has the characteristic of accumulating electricity, but because it is not an elemental creature with limited power storage, if you don't release the electricity as much as possible from time to time, you will feel uncomfortable)]

Because of the thunder beast,

Russell inexplicably added the setting of Pikachu. There is no need to doubt that one is a cat and the other is an electric mouse. Eight poles can't hit one. The two creatures can be connected together. After Russell's physique mutated, the system evaluated it like this.

After the Thunder Beast blew itself up, Russell gained two more permanent skills, which were still passive.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can only give Thunder Beast part of the credit, Russell's own affinity for the Thunder element is more important, and Zeus, he may account for the largest proportion.

Seeing the jumping arcs in Russell's hair, Poseidon felt a lot of pressure. He wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, changed the subject and said, "Russell, what do you want mermaids for? They have almost nothing but good singing."

After thinking about it, Poseidon added: "If it's because of their beauty that you want to collect a few, I can only say don't be fooled, these women are carnivorous creatures, and their favorite food is human beings. "

"I'm looking for the fountain of youth, and I need the tears of the mermaid." Russell spit out a mouthful of saliva with electric sparks, and evaporated after landing, leaving a small ball of charred black.

He has to learn to adapt to his new power as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, no kidding, it's really serious!

"Fountain of Youth!?"

Poseidon's eyes widened suddenly, he looked Russell up and down, and said suspiciously: "You are a god, what do you want to do with the Fountain of Youth, that thing can only increase your lifespan by a few decades, it doesn't matter to you."

"Don't worry about it, I have my own plan."

Poseidon had a strange expression on his face, and after a long silence, he said, "Russell, to tell you the truth, the Fountain of Youth is actually a curse, and I used to have nothing to do when I was free."


Poseidon spread his hands: "You will encounter this kind of thing in the future. In the long life span, the gods have to find a way to find some fun for themselves."

"What fun can the Fountain of Youth give you?" Russell couldn't understand.

"The Fountain of Youth cannot increase the lifespan of a person out of thin air. It can only transfer one person's lifespan to another person. This is where my joy lies."

"Think about it, a group of people who shared weal and woe, went through adversity and crisis together, and found the Fountain of Youth through all kinds of hardships, but found that they had to sacrifice the lives of their companions if they wanted to stay young forever. What would they do?" Mentioned the Fountain of Youth , Poseidon talked eloquently, telling all the truth: "Will you draw your sword to face each other, or are you willing to sacrifice your life for friendship, or give up the chance to not grow old, and stand the test of human nature and leave together?"

Russell: "..."

Real hammer, there is no good bird in your Olympus god system, it is rotten to the root!

Poseidon seemed to have thought of some wonderful picture, and said intoxicated: "Every person who arrives at the Fountain of Youth can bring me unexpected happiness. Their struggles and choices, betrayal and despair, and unwillingness to reconcile before death The wailing of hatred is simply the most beautiful movement in the world."

Russell: "..."

Honestly, you've gone crazy!

"Russell, do you think I'm perverted?" Poseidon looked at Russell, and smiled meaningfully: "Don't jump to conclusions so early. When you experience vicissitudes and changes in everything, you will be the same as us."

Russell: "..."

"If you don't try to keep your emotions alive all the time, if you don't try to make yourself feel that your soul is still alive, a long life will become a torment. At that time... the omnipotent God is just a poor wretch, or a dull stone, Or become an unscrupulous lunatic, and it is more likely that he will directly kill himself and end the painful sentence of eternal life."

Poseidon sighed unceasingly, and a trace of vicissitudes and loneliness appeared on his young and handsome face, which made Russell suspect that the reason for the start of the war of gods was that these gods had lived enough and chose to use the cruelest way to have fun.

In other words, only by dying can they feel that they are still alive!

There was silence in the hall, no one spoke for a long time, the air was dignified and somewhat depressing, the heavy topics covered up Poseidon's second-rate temperament, and he was more like a god at this time.

It is very possible that this is the real Poseidon. The previous funny comparison was caused by his wrong use of Star-Lord's exclusive BGM!

"Hey, Poseidon, you said you made the Fountain of Youth." Russell coughed lightly, breaking the heavy calm.

"That's right!"

"Can we make another one now?" Russell asked with raised eyebrows.

The Poseidon who made the Fountain of Youth is close at hand, so there is no need to look far away, just make another one to complete the task. Russell praised his wit. If being smart is a sin, he is already heinous!

Poseidon shook his head directly: "Sorry, I don't have the ability to make the fountain of youth right now."

"Oh, why?"

Poseidon shrugged his shoulders regretfully: "When the war of gods ended, the most important material for making the fountain of youth was gone."

"What material?" Russell frowned. It must be an extremely precious material linked to God War. It may or may not have appeared in Greek mythology, and Poseidon has treasured it for many years.

"My piss!"

Russell: (one`'one)

I didn't hear what you just said!

"Hahaha, I'm so embarrassed to say it." Poseidon scratched his head and said shyly: "I was in a decisive battle with Medusa on a nearby island, and I took a break in the grass during the intermission."

"You know, after all, I am the Emperor of the Sea, and even a piss contains boundless divine power." Poseidon said excitedly, eloquently describing the scene at that time: "I saw the steaming yellow soup pouring down, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together Come, the condensed golden water drops fall, and the radiance rises from the ground to the sky, and a pool of clear spring water breaks out of the ground. God feels that the gods are born, and the golden lotus suddenly springs up.

The above are not the original words of Poseidon, they are supplemented by Russell's brain, and the general meaning is "I am an old cow beeping, and a piss can cause a phenomenon of heaven and earth".

"At that time, I was thinking that this spring water should not be wasted, so I used divine power to make it into a fountain of youth, and then spread the rumors of eternal youth, so that treasure hunters can provide me with fun."

Russell's face darkened: "That's it? This is the Fountain of Youth!?"

"that's it!"

"..." Russell was extremely speechless, what kind of crap mission the system arranged for him to go find a piss!

His mentality was a bit broken. Russell didn't want to see Poseidon's flat face again, so he got up and walked out of the hall. He just wanted to complete the world quest and go home to have a good sleep.

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered something and need your help." Russell walked to the entrance of the hall, stopped and turned to look at Poseidon: "On the Flying Dutchman, there is a ghost named Bill Turner , help to send a message to Calypso, let the new captain release this man!"

Poseidon's face suddenly became stiff, and he said dryly, "Ka... Calypso, you know everything?"

"Of course, I'm not a fool. She gave me the star map of the trident, and the purpose is to give me to you as a container, but the later Zeus is no longer in your plan." Russell said and waved his hands, that's all left the hall.

Poseidon pinched his face in embarrassment, his stiff facial features softened a bit, he looked at the back of Russell leaving, and laughed after a long silence: "Hahaha, suddenly a powerful junior appeared, who also has the same divine power as me , I'm going to have a headache now."

But that's what makes it interesting. In a long life, there are always some challenges, so as not to become rotten wood!


"In a long life, there are always some challenges, so as not to become rotten wood." At the same time, in the darkness at the end of the world, a figure shrouded in a black robe said softly.

"Master Hades, that newly born god... I really didn't recognize it at first, and mistakenly thought he was a human wizard, who ruined your plan, please condemn me."

The beautiful figure prostrated on the ground trembled, and read the name of the man in black robe, the last of the Big Three—Hades, Hades!

"It doesn't matter, the current form is more beneficial to me. Zeus has no lightning spear and Aegis, and I can seal him at any time." Hades laughed in a deep voice, and the cold laughter was mixed with an undisguised excitement.

"Master Hades, now I..."

"I'll talk to Zeus. As for you... Calypso, go back to Poseidon and continue to monitor him."

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