End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 253 2 Decepticons Sitting on One Butt

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, a hot wave of fire burst out from the tip of the pyramid, like a volcanic eruption. Accompanied by the earth-shattering loud noise, billowing thick smoke rose into the sky like a curtain and covered a large area of ​​sunlight.

Not long after the flames bloomed, a black shadow broke through the stone wall and rushed out. It was Optimus Prime.

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous deafening explosions from inside the pyramid. The huge pyramid swelled a circle, and then collapsed piece by piece, turning into a pile of ruins amidst the rising dust.

"Where is the energy matrix, where did you hide it?" Optimus Prime roared, and went straight to the fallen King Kong. The conspiracy surfaced, and his anxiety became more and more serious.

"You will see, I will go there with your fire." Fallen King Kong raised his hands high, and swung his spear at Optimus Prime violently, and the force of his thoughts rushed out, instantly pressing him to the ground.

The sand ground descended, and Optimus Prime was deeply trapped in it, roaring and starting the engine again and again, wanting to lift off. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move under the terrifying pressure.

Just as Russell was about to start a sneak attack, he was noticed by the Fallen King Kong. The latter stared at him, and Russell flew out like a cannonball as if he had been bombarded by a heavy hammer.


Russell fell into a piece of metal fragments and glided for a long distance before stopping. Hearing the crackling sound of glass shattering below him, he was shocked and froze in place.

The voice was crisp and sweet, very familiar, so familiar that it made his kindling go cold.

"Haha, this voice...whose windshield is it... yes, it must be the windshield, or the rearview mirror of a fighter jet..." Russell comforted himself, stiffened his neck, and pulled out a cable from behind his buttocks .

The cable is not the point, the point is the ball hanging in the middle of the cable, the scientific name is fire!

Originally, this fire should be blue, glowing, and full of vitality, but now, this ball has been smashed into pieces and turned into worthless junk.

[World Mission: End Cybertron Mechanical Lifeforms 18/20]

Russell: ( ̄△ ̄;)

Sitting down two Decepticons with one ass, suddenly I feel so awesome!

"Which blind bastard actually placed fragile objects in the middle of the battlefield? Stand up and I promise not to kill him!"

Russell was about to be blown out of anger, his red eyes were full of murderous intent, he glanced at the piles of neatly stacked metal parts all around him, and suddenly his face turned awkward, realizing that things were not that simple.

Russell: "..."

The words just now don’t count, even if that blind guy is really a bastard, he must be a very handsome bastard.

"System, these two heads can't be counted on me. They were done by the fallen King Kong. I'm just a projectile at best, and I'm still passive." Looking at the task quota of [18/20], Russell's heart trembled. Sit again later, isn't there only 24 hours left?

What a joke, the fragments of the source of fire have not been researched yet!

The system indicated that Russell's mood was understandable, but Corrupted King Kong got the most assists, and the fatal blow should be counted on his head.

With blood dripping from his heart, Russell stood up, walking on the sandy ground with his feet dripping, carefully avoiding the metal parts on the side, and staring directly at Optimus Prime who was fighting with the fallen king kong.

"The number of heads is too many, I must be steady next, and I must not kill any more.

And brother Zhuzi, after so much soy sauce, you should also stand up once..."



As if being struck by lightning, Russell stood there for a while, not daring to breathe. As far as the touch from his feet was concerned, it seemed that he had kicked a... glass ball.

[World Mission: End Cybertron Mechanical Lifeforms 19/20]

Longevity, even a toe can kill a Decepticon, there is no way to live this day!

With grief and indignation in his heart, Russell took out the fragments of the fire source, no longer worried about wasting energy, and instantly repaired the broken back injector.

The eight sharp blades were regenerated, and he fluttered his wings and flew towards the fallen King Kong with a murderous look.


In the middle of the battlefield, the Fallen King Kong was stalking Optimus Prime to torture him. Seeing the descendants of the traitor struggling in his hands, he felt infinitely satisfied. He wasn't in a hurry to take out Optimus Prime's fire, he was tortured by hatred for tens of thousands of years, and he wanted to humiliate Optimus Prime to make up for it.

The whistling sound of piercing the air hit, and the Fallen King Kong glanced at Luo Su's attack from the corner of his eye, sneered in his heart, and threw Optimus Prime over with his hands.

Russell and Optimus Prime looked at each other, and immediately shouted: "Optimus Prime, Plan B!"

Fallen King Kong was startled: Plan B, what Plan B?

Optimus Prime's heart trembled: Plan B, what Plan B?

In a daze, Optimus Prime widened his glasses. This scene seemed familiar, and he remembered the Los Angeles battlefield.

Chi Chi Ka Ka!

The metal on Russell's back armor moved, revealing eight ferocious missiles, with flames spraying from their tails, all of them flew out and hit Optimus Prime.

Rumble! ! !

A huge fireball soared into the sky, and the sudden burst of fire made the fallen King Kong stand still. What kind of battle plan is this?

At this moment, there was a blast of sharp blades piercing through the air, and he looked intently, only to see eight sharp blades piercing out of the fire waves, and they came to him in the blink of an eye.

The Fallen King Kong realized instantly, and Russell highlighted his strange moves to lower his vigilance. These eight sharp blades are the real attack.

When the murderous intent came, Fallen King Kong didn't panic. He had suffered from this trick before, and it was impossible for him to hit it a second time. He squinted his eyes slightly, and a huge force of thoughts swayed in front of him. The eight sharp blades suddenly seemed to fall into a quagmire, and the speed suddenly came to a standstill. The tail jet vibrated, and he could not move forward.

"Very good cooperation, but too childish..."

Buzz buzz! !

Halfway through the Fallen King Kong's words, Russell suddenly appeared behind him with a burst of electric arc, and he raised his right fist and smashed it down fiercely. The moment Fallen King Kong turned hastily, this punch hit the center of his face.

Boom! !

The red energy liquid splashed, accompanied by a few golden metal fangs, the Fallen King Kong leaned back, twirled and fell on the sand.

Without further ado, Russell sat down on the waist of the fallen King Kong with his ass that could kill a Decepticon, and then swung two steel fists, smashing down his head and face.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang———

The mask on Corrupted King Kong's face shattered into pieces, revealing a round face full of metal parts. He was stunned by the punches, dizzy and even forgot that he could jump in space.

Clang! !

Eight sharp blades struck through the air and stopped in front of Russell. His hands were as fast as lightning, he took off the sharp blades one after another, and stuck them on the fallen King Kong one by one.

Four stabilized the hands and feet, two pierced the chest and abdomen, one penetrated the mouth and protruded from the back of the neck, and the last one was directly inserted into the forehead of the fallen King Kong.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The pain stimulated the fire of the Fallen King Kong. He seemed to have an immortal body. Although he suffered fatal injuries constantly, he still did not die. And those attacks that couldn't kill him completely broke his sanity, and his mouth that couldn't be closed let out a beast-like roar.

The sudden gushing power was like an unbreakable wall. Russell was hit and flew into the sky together with the eight sharp blades.

"Humble guy, I want to crush your fire!"

The Corrupted King Kong was suspended in the air, waved away the sharp blade in the air, gave Russell a firm grip, and pulled him down from the air.

Seeing Russell falling rapidly, Fallen King Kong's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He no longer considered reading the secret of transformation from Russell's mind, and raised his spear above his head, ready to pierce his fire directly.

The spear was shining brightly, Russell's red electronic eyes instantly lit up, and he silently used the 'Skill Card: Psychic Power' in his heart.

He is already very proficient in learning from the barbarian's skills to control the barbarian, and using the enemy's moves to beat the enemy hard.

Under the shocked eyes of the Fallen King Kong, Russell suddenly got rid of the shackles of telekinetic power, clenched his five fingers in the air and flung them away forcefully, and directly pulled out the spear in his palm and threw it aside.

The sudden pressure made Fallen King Kong's body sink, and under the pressure of gravity, his legs sank directly into the sand. Then, a fist rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

"It's actually telekinetic, why would he do it?"

Fallen King Kong can be considered battle-tested. Although he has been lying on a hospital bed for 10,000 years, the old dog still has a few teeth, and the fighting consciousness engraved deep in his soul will not disappear with time. He suppressed the shock in his heart, crossed his arms, and blocked Russell's fist.

"Optimus Prime!!"

Russell called out to his teammate, and grabbed Corrupted King Kong's arm with his backhand and pulled it back. With a loud noise, a head hammer hit the center of Fallen King Kong's forehead hard.

Amidst the dizzy groans of the fallen King Kong, Russell's feet bounced off the ground quickly, the injector on his back accelerated, and another uppercut hit the fallen King Kong's chin.

Metal teeth were flying all over the sky, Russell beat the Fallen King Kong into the air, and before the opponent landed, he raised a leg and slammed it down heavily. This kick was like a battle axe, piercing the air and making a loud noise, rubbing against the scorching red flames, smashing the breastplate of the fallen king kong.

boom! !

The Fallen King Kong smashed a big hole on the ground, his head was raised high, and red energy was spitting out from his mouth.

The telekinetic force was still there, Russell raised his arm weapon, and bombarded the head of the fallen King Kong at close range. Then he raised one hand and pressed it down suddenly, eight cold lights shot down suddenly, nailing the fallen King Kong to the ground again.

"It's useless, you are not a descendant of Supreme, you can't kill me." Fallen King Kong had several sharp knives stuck in his forehead and chest, but he was still able to speak.

"I can't, but Optimus Prime can."

Russell replied coldly, raised his hand and pulled out two sharp blades to form a wide-edged sword, and raised his hands upside down, piercing the fallen King Kong's chest fiercely.

This part is the fire seed, but the giant sword clearly penetrated the fire seed, and the fallen King Kong is immortal.

"Optimus Prime!?" Fallen King Kong grinned grinningly: "Do you think I'll give him a chance?"

Colliding with Russell's telekinetic power, Fallen King Kong found that the abilities of the two were evenly matched. He was not persistent in deciding the winner with Russell. He looked at Optimus Prime from a distance, and directly knocked the latter away.


Russell secretly thought it was bad. Skill cards were not item cards or character cards. He could feel his telekinetic power start to shrink, and he might not be able to hold it in the next second.

Leaning down to look at the ugly face of Fallen King Kong who laughed triumphantly, Russell felt unwilling for a while, and secretly cursed the six supreme scumbags back then. You can't win six fights and one, that is, you die early. If he encounters this gang of scammers who are in the same line, he guarantees that he will be cut off if he goes up.

Buzz buzz! !

As soon as Luo Su's thoughts came up, he was in a trance for a while, the dazzling white light made him unable to open his eyes, and he could vaguely see six huge figures walking up and down.

Russell: "..."

So what, just now I overheard Fallen King Kong speaking ill of you. I wondered how my brothers, who are all heroes in the world, could be arranged in such a way. I was so angry that I knocked him down on the spot, and just cut him off.

"We have been watching you for a long time. You fought bravely, loved life, were strong and had compassion for the weak. You are a real strong man, a true leader, and a hero worthy of our hope."

Roaring sounds came from all directions, like the echo of thunder, shaking Russell's ears.

"You fought alongside Optimus Prime and saved his life several times. He still has a lot to learn. We entrust this mission to you."

"Fallen King Kong is not impossible to kill. His bloodline makes him run amok. Now, let us help you."

"Wave the sharp blade in your hand and put an end to evil!!"

Russell: "..."

Wait, what do you want to do, I'm already [19/20], stay away from me!

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