End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 265 Come, Undress His Majesty the King

In front of Azuli, six female warriors lined up in a row, and Russell also walked out of six Winter Soldier soldiers, both of whom were unarmed. This was what Russell meant. He was here to do business, and he tabooed bloodshed.

Azuli snorted when he heard the words, he didn't want to see blood, because of the war planned by Russell, thousands of people died on the battlefield, how can he pretend to be a good person now.

Looking at the six winter soldiers, Azuli frowned immediately, his instinct almost like a beast told him that these six people were not good.

"There are only six, who is the one who is going to fight?" Azuli asked, subconsciously looking at Bucky. He had fought against Bucky before, and he was not sure of winning Bucky.

Bucky took a step forward, Russell put his hand on his shoulder, and said to the air, "Jason, come and have a fight with His Majesty the King."

In the shadow of the jungle, a pair of eyes opened suddenly, and the tall and tall Jason stepped out.

Azuli was shocked. There was a person hiding in the jungle, and he didn't notice it at all, which made him a little unacceptable.

As the heir to the king of Wakanda, he is also the best candidate for the national guardian Black Panther. He has received strict training since he was a child, fighting various beasts in the rainforest. To put it bluntly, before taking the heart-shaped herb, his ability to perceive the outside world was already at the superhuman level.

But now, a big man with a height of two meters and a big waist stood beside him for a long time. If he hadn't shown up on his own initiative, he would be kept in the dark now.

"No, this guy... has a problem." Azuli sniffed his nose lightly, unable to smell the breath of a living person on Jason.

"This is Jason, as long as you hit him until he can't stand up, you'll win." Russell put his hand on the panther's chin, making the panther grunt and said without looking up: "It doesn't matter if you use a weapon. A friendly reminder, Jason is rough and thick, if you don't have the determination to kill him, you won't be able to win."

Jason: (._.)

Black Panther: (?◣ェ◢)?

Even with the determination to kill him, you can't win!

On the side, Natasha and Bucky's faces are covered with black lines. No wonder Russell can be the boss, but they can only be younger brothers. This shameless face is gone.

Azuri nodded, only thinking that Jason was a tough opponent, and didn't think too much about it.

Seven on seven starts, at the same time!

Jason pulled out the machete at his waist, and Azuli showed ten sharp claws at the same time. Seeing that Jason didn't take the initiative to attack, he raised his toes and leaned up cautiously.

On the side, the six female warriors and the Winter Soldier started to fight, Azuri ignored it completely and concentrated on Jason. Even if Jason was full of flaws, he didn't dare to underestimate him. According to normal logic, Russell sent Jason to fight instead of Bucky, which only shows that Jason's strength is even better.

Therefore, these seem to be flaws, but they are actually traps to lure him to take the initiative to attack!

Azuli took two steps forward and stopped approaching, his footsteps moved and constantly changed positions, his fingers were slightly bent, and his sharp claws swiped in mid-air, as if he could unleash the Pegasus Meteor Fist after holding back for a while.

Jason didn't know why, he didn't have enough brain capacity to think so much, Azuli stopped moving, and he took the initiative to press up with a big knife.

One step, two steps... Every time Jason took two steps, Azuli took a step back. Finally, when the two kept approaching and Jason raised his sword, Azuli leaned over and charged.

The distance of three meters was within reach with Azuli's explosive power. Ten sharp claws slid across the cold light, and with a crisp clang, the falling machete was cut into pieces.

The two passed by, Azuli's eyes flashed, the enemy seemed...very weak! ?

After testing out Jason's level of strength, Azuli secretly made a false alarm. The enemy's ability to hide his breath is so strong that he is vulnerable to a frontal battle.

Thinking of this, he turned around quickly, his sharp claws tore open the bloody mouth on Jason's back, and then rolled over, piercing the socket of Jason's leg with five fingers. He bent down ahead of time to avoid Jason and swung his fist back. He slapped the ground with one hand, and kicked his feet like spears, hitting Jason on the chin.

The size of the two is not directly proportional, but Azuri's burst of strength directly kicked Jason into the sky.

Jason's huge body crashed to the ground, Azuli didn't take the opportunity to make up the knife. Jason's physical fitness is good, but he will never be too much beyond ordinary people. He was confident that the kick just now had broken Jason's jaw, and with the injuries to his legs and back, it was impossible to stand up.

Azuli didn't kill him, he didn't dare, even if Russell said that he could defeat Jason with a murderous intention, he didn't dare to really kill Jason and cause Russell to be enraged.

"I won!" Azuli said in a deep voice, and only asked Russell to abide by the agreement of winning four out of seven games, and not to regret it.

The corner of Russell's mouth hooked: "Your Majesty, you won't win until he can't stand up. You haven't won yet!"

Azuli was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly turned his head when he heard the movement behind him. Jason stood up as expected, raised his hand to break off the broken jawbone, and after a few crisp sounds, his jaw was straightened.

Azuli's lips were dry, not only his jawbone, Jason's severed hamstring seemed to have grown back again, and his movements were not restricted at all.

Jason took a few strides, and swung down his casserole-sized fist heavily, and the second round began.

The wind of the fist roared, and Azuli was terrified. He crossed his hands to block the punch, and then clamped Jason's wrist with his backhand. In order to verify the guess in his heart, the sharp claws cut off suddenly, cutting off Jason's wrist.

Blood splattered, half of Jason's forearm was broken, and it drooped by his side, leaving only a little flesh attached. The injury was horrific.

Azuli stabbed with his claws again, stabbed Jason in the abdomen, and pulled it out after violently stirring twice.

After completing these two attacks, Azuli withdrew his hands and stepped aside, quietly observing Jason who was seriously injured. The next scene gave him a chill. Jason connected the severed arm and healed in an instant.

As for the large hole in the abdomen, it has already healed, and there is no need for a Band-Aid to wash off the blood stains.


The corner of Azuli's eyes twitched, how to beat an enemy with super self-healing ability until he couldn't stand up, try to cut off limbs and head?

"Your Majesty, I just forgot to say that Jason has immortality, not self-healing..." Russell said meaningfully: "Even if you cut off his head and chop it into a pulp, he can grow back by himself." It's a bit like the extinct Hydra organization, cut off one head, and grow two more!"

Bucky: "..."

Natasha: "..."

Yelena: "..."

"I lost this contest."

Hearing this, Azuli gave up. There are still six female guards with good skills. He is not obsessed with fighting Jason, and it doesn't matter if he loses a game.

Boom! Boom! Bang——

The six figures fell to the ground, and at almost the same time, Azuli was relieved when he heard the voice.


The female guard's voice was a little weak, Azuli nodded silently, it seemed that the opponent's strength was not bad, and could push them to exhaustion.

"Thank you for your hard work." Azu turned his head in relief, and then froze in place for a long time without saying a word.

The female soldiers he had placed high hopes on were lying on the ground in disorder, while the Winter Soldier stood side by side, neither blushing nor panting, and did not even look at the female soldiers.

"How could this be... how... how could it be..." Azuli murmured to himself, unable to believe that the powerful clansmen were easily knocked down.

A female soldier lying on the ground raised her head: "Wang, they...are not ordinary people, they have all been raped...enhanced!"


"The six of you are really terrible. It took so long to end the battle. Give me extra training when you go back." Russell waved the six winter soldiers back to the sequence.

"Yes, sir!"

Seeing the six Winter Soldier being called around, Azuli couldn't help asking: "Wait a minute, what are they and why..."

"They? What happened to them?" Russell looked puzzled: "They are indeed the worst people, and I'm not lying about that."

Speaking of this, Russell looked at the Winter Soldier: "Those who think they are stronger than the previous six soldiers stand out."


Excluding the six of the twenty-two winter soldiers, the rest stood up in unison.

Azuli: "..."

Looking around, there were nearly a hundred soldiers with guns, twenty-two enhanced Winter Soldier, plus Bucky, Natasha, Jason, and the finale Russell, Azuli felt miserable.

Russell came to Azuli who gave up resistance: "Your Majesty, you have lost all seven rounds, and it's time for you to fulfill the agreement."

"Who the hell are you?"

Azuli tried to guess the power behind Russell, but the skin color of Russell and his group was too different, there were black, yellow and white, and it was impossible to tell which country they were from.

"Rural organizations can't get on the big stage, and His Majesty has never heard of it, so I won't be ashamed." Russell cut off Azuli's idea of ​​inquiring information: "Come back to business, the deal about Zhenjin..."

Azuli raised his head, looked at death and said: "Zhenjin will never be handed over to you, kill me!"

"Your Majesty, you are not joking! You have won four out of seven rounds, and you will never go back on your word. You said this yourself!"


Azuli closed his eyes, he said this, but there are a few kings who mean what they say.

Russell narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "Your Majesty, I hate those who do not keep their promises the most. You are forcing me to torture you!"

Unmoved, Azuli opened his eyes and stared directly at Russell: "Wakanda Forever!"

Russell: "..."

The line of emotion has been around since you started!

"Okay, tough enough! I admire your toughness!" Russell showed admiration, and waved his hand: "Come on, undress His Majesty the King, and I'll take some photos for him."

After the words fell, Bucky led a few winter soldiers to press Azuri on the ground, and hissed a few times to remove his mask and sharp claws. Azuri thought that was the end of it, until the Winter Soldier began to pull his pants, and he didn't realize what the other party was going to do.

"What are you going to do? Let me go... Ah! Don't do this!" Azuli resisted angrily, but those who held his hands and feet were not ordinary people, and he couldn't break free at all.

On the side, Natasha covered Yelena's eyes with black lines on her face. It was so dirty that she couldn't look directly at it.

Click! Click——

"Your Majesty, your expression is too stiff, and your emotions are not in place." Russell took out the camera from the truck and kept changing angles to shoot, trying to capture Azzurri in the shot at 360 degrees without any dead angle.

"Your Majesty, I only see grief and indignation in your eyes. This is wrong, and you need to add a little shyness. Think about your identity, the king of a country, the most honorable person in Wakanda, being so humiliated, Shouldn't you wake up to something?"

Azuli: "..."

After taking a few more shots, but still not getting the expected shot, Russell was very dissatisfied, and snapped at the Winter Soldier who watched the fun: "You guys, yes, it's you guys. Stop laughing, take off your clothes and talk to His Majesty the king. Hug together."

Azuli: "..."

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