End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 294 Monster Movie Universe

The two walked down the hillside at the fastest speed, keeping a distance, and followed behind the characters in the plot without rush or slowness.

"Jason, are you going to keep your face covered?" Ying Yingying asked out loud.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?"

"Of course it's not right. You look like a BOSS on stage. The characters in the plot see you either shoot, or run away while shooting." Ying Yingying clapped her hands together, persuading Russell to take off the hood.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, I have my own way!"

The two were silent for a while, and Ying Yingying spoke again: "To be honest, the plot this time is a bit bad. The appearance of the group of people in front shows that this Skull Island is very dangerous."

"What do you mean, there is still a non-dangerous Skull Island?" Russell asked strangely.

"Of course, you still remember the previous Velociraptor. A monster-themed movie in the early years was also about Skull Island, and there was a Velociraptor in it. The King Kong in it was no more than eight meters tall, and the size of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was also the same. equal in proportion to reality."

Russell nodded, and concluded: "It's a man to masturbate on the Empire State Building for the woman he loves!"

Ying Yingying rolled her eyes and continued: "But it's different now. King Kong's height has increased by more than 30 meters, and the deadly enemy has changed from a Tyrannosaurus Rex to a skeleton reptile. That thing is not small."

"Are you worried that the Lord God will control the plot, and skeleton reptiles will swarm out from the ground?" Russell frowned. This is indeed a hidden danger. One or two skeleton reptiles alone are not to be feared, but in case the plot goes wild, hundreds of them will suddenly emerge... Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"That's not what I'm worried about. Fortunately, you are still a reincarnation, and you don't realize what a 30-meter King Kong means. It seems that your usual preparations are not sufficient." Ying Yingying sighed and continued: "According to this skeleton The setting of the island, 30 meters is not the limit of King Kong, it is still in the growth period, the background of the story is enlarged, and it can lead to the monster movie universe, one of the four universes in the movie world."

"Monster Movie Universe!?" Russell has been studying the Marvel Universe recently, and doesn't know much about the so-called Monster Movie Universe.

"Does Godzilla know?"

"I know this, is it also a member of the Monster Movie Universe?"

"That's right! Not only Godzilla, but also monsters such as Raton, Mothra, Ghidorah, etc. Randomly pick out a hundred-meter monster with a weight of more than 10,000 tons." Ying Yingying analyzed: "They In the world background of Skull Island, if the main god releases these giant beasts, it will be in big trouble."

Russell groaned, it was indeed a little troublesome, his situation was different from that of the reincarnated ones. The battlefield of the reincarnators is set on Skull Island, and they cannot leave, but he has no such restrictions, and it is not impossible to violate the world task of killing Ghidorah.

Russell glanced at Ying Yingying: "I can't tell, you are very good at this!"

"Only reincarnators who have deeply analyzed the plot and studied the background of the world can be called qualified reincarnators. Those who take it lightly... are dead." Ying Yingying's implication is that Russell is not qualified of reincarnation.

If you are not qualified, you are not qualified, Russell doesn't care at all, anyway, he is not a real reincarnation person, but Ying Yingying's old-fashioned posture made him want to say a few words: "Don't talk so full, Have you studied the world background of the sea monster we encountered before, [Extremely Cold]?"

"Not to mention research, just know a thing or two!"

Ying Yingying raised her hand like a goose feather fan,

Fanning the wind: "The name of the sea monster... If I remember correctly, it should be Ottowa, which is a branch of the ancient Ottolia species. According to the living environment, the body shape will change accordingly. The deep sea is below 4,000 feet, and the body length is only As long as a pencil, the torso of the body is roughly equivalent to a ping-pong ball. Below 20,000 feet, it is big enough to swallow an adult shark in one bite, and the one we encountered must be at least 40,000 feet below."

Russell: "..."

It feels so uncomfortable to be pretended!

Ying Yingying glanced at Russell with an air, and continued to popularize science: "The above is the world view of the movie. In our real world, the design of Ottowa is inspired by the Otto bug, which originated in the Cambrian period 500 million years ago. Ottowa The characteristic of the worm is the hidden mouthparts in the front part of the body, which is called "turning the kiss". As for the appearance..."

Speaking of this, Ying Yingying paused for a moment, and said with a little disgust: "It's similar to you stinky men, also known as Dick Bug or Tintin Bug, think for yourself!"

Russell: "..."

Hearing Ying Yingying's explanation, he found that his previous deduction was completely correct. The sea monster was indeed the magical girl's mortal enemy, no, it was a close friend!

"How about it, what else is there to test me, let's say it together so that you can be convinced." Ying Yingying put her waist on her waist and pulled back a round in front of Russell, feeling secretly refreshed.

Russell really has a question: "According to you, the sea monster is a marine creature."

"That's right!"

"I have a magic trick that can talk to all sea creatures, but it doesn't work. Why?"

"This..." Ying Yingying had no doubts about him, she frowned and thought about it: "There are two possibilities, either Ottowa is controlled by the main god, making your magic invalid, so as to increase the difficulty of the plot, but this possibility is very small, It is not your opponent at all, and I am also beside it, increasing the difficulty will not be so perfunctory."

"What about the second type?"

Ying Yingying's face was serious: "It is controlled by something, and refuses to talk to you!"

Russell got it right, contacted the sea monster guarding around Skull Island, and asked, "Is it possible that Skull Island is also involved in other plots?"

"With the pissing nature of the Lord God, the possibility is very high." Ying Yingying lamented: "It's getting more and more troublesome, this is not the Skull Island I want!"

"Hearing your tone, there are other options for Skull Island?" Russell asked subconsciously.

"Of course, I'm here for Skull Island in this team battle. The goal is to collect the teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex for use... ahem, I was entrusted to come here to find something." Ying Yingying coughed lightly , Changed his words to perfunctory past.

Russell nodded secretly, wanting to collect some more information, but seeing that Ying Yingying was wary, he stopped talking.


Ahead, the scientific research team encountered another attack, strayed into the snake's nest and was besieged by three giant pythons.

Each of these three giant pythons is more than 10 meters long, and they have a sense of déjà vu as a catastrophe. Fortunately, the huskies warned them in advance that they were not ambushed.

The soldiers had semi-automatic firepower, as well as grenades, howitzers, and heavy machine guns, and they easily dealt with the three pythons.

It has been two days since they landed on the island, and they are used to all kinds of giant beasts, just like the giant python just now, they have killed one before.

The grassland is very dangerous, but the scientific research team would rather stay in the grassland than enter the giant tree jungle, because the living environment there is even harsher, not only there are giant beasts, but also various enlarged versions of poisonous insects.

Giant centipedes, mosquitoes, spiders, scorpions, and some unnamed arthropods appeared in groups at night, causing them to lose a lot of hands.

Once, they encountered a fist-sized fire red ant colony. If they hadn't discovered it early, they would have been wiped out even if they were fully armed.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The gunshots attracted wandering predators, and in the distance, two gigantic beasts slowly emerged.

Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The two tyrannosaurus rex are nearly 15 meters long, and the height of the head from the ground is more than 6 meters, which can be called a giant.

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