The corpse poison spread extremely fast, and it rushed to the crook of the elbow in the blink of an eye. If Russell was infected with corpse poison, he would definitely remove his arm first, but Superwoman couldn't. What a man of steel.

This is the first time that Superwoman has been plagued by corpse poison. What kind of toxin was infected in the past, and through the powerful self-healing ability and the manipulation of cells, she can force herself out of the body. Now being covered in green by Russell, the evil energy entrenched all the cells in his body, and he could only watch helplessly as the corpse poison continued to rise.

"Superwoman is poisoned!" Ying Yingying said happily, she was unwilling to fight the captain's 'replica', so she just decided to wait for the poison to die, and everyone is still a good sister.

The idea sounds weird, but in fact, it really is the truth!

The other girls also showed relief. Judging by the speed at which the poison spread, the superwoman couldn't hold on for long. They only needed to teleport and teleport again, and they could pass this level perfectly.


Russell spoke up!

"Then, with all due respect, you guys are too happy, have you ever thought about another possibility... Zombie Superwoman!"

"you you……"

Ying Yingying opened her mouth and looked at Russell with a broken face. Before she could stop, Russell finished speaking.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Don't you know that you are Crow's Mouth?"

"Hmph, nonsense!" Russell said angrily, "Respect the objective facts, the possibility is there, and it won't change because of me."

"Yes, it will change. As soon as you open your mouth, the possibility will increase." Ying Yingying said firmly, since the two of them knew each other, Russell has been changing the objective facts. As long as he speaks, the possibility instantly soars by 51%. Occupy absolute control.

"Both of you, what time is this? You're still arguing meaninglessly. The captain...she's here." Duan Xinlan interrupted loudly. She was a little annoyed by Russell's superhero before, but she was the one who came first. of.

On the field, because of the evil energy holding her back, Supergirl was powerless to stop the invasion of corpse poison. Corpse poison and fel work together to affect Superman's bloodline, mutating into a new bloodline, and her form has changed accordingly.

The body shape is not a monster, it is still a normal human form, and the fine green veins converge, turning into lines and filling the whole body, which can be seen through the two exposed arms. The part that represents the zombie is reflected in the face, the pupils turned a strange red, and he grinned, revealing two golden canine teeth.

It was as if two lines of green and black were painted on the white of the iceberg, and the whole person was aloofly revealing a bit of evil, making it even more... charming! ?

"Come here, don't let go!"

Ying Yingying didn't talk nonsense, took out the scroll and tore it open, and the six-pointed star circle sprinkled a surging light breath, and the upright spirit enveloped everyone.

The superwoman punched the light curtain with one punch, causing ripples. When the second punch fell, the light curtain burst into starlight, and the terrifying power went up to a higher level.

But after two punches, the superwoman stopped attacking, and everyone could see clearly that her fist was filled with black air, and the bones were faintly exposed.

"Fortunately, her abilities have been strengthened, but her weaknesses have also increased." Ying Yingying wiped off her cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Jason, remember the scene when we first fought, I will use Thunder Attack, if it doesn't work, you come to attack again."

"Here?" Russell frowned, the cave was not spacious, and once the ultimate move was released, it might collapse directly.

"It doesn't matter, there is no other way now." Ying Yingying said, taking out the scroll from the space ring with a painful face, and began to summon Thunder.

A cold light flashed in Superwoman's eyes, and she frantically attacked the light curtain regardless of attribute damage, beating it to the point of collapse. Russell and Duan Xinlan were on top, fighting for Ying Yingying's casting time. One of them used thunder and the other used fire, and both of them could restrain Superwoman's zombie mutant.

boom! boom! boom!

The Fire Dragon and the Thunder Wolf went hand in hand, biting the flesh and blood of the Superwoman, blowing her to pieces. After the mutation, the superwoman's IQ seemed to be affected. She let the thunder fire that restrained herself approach without dodging or evading, and smashed the elemental creatures with brute force with her fists and feet.

"Don't look at evil, you'd better not look at it." Duan Xinlan said abruptly, and then added: "If you really want to watch it, we are everywhere, I... have no problem."


Russell was confused by what he said, only then did he discover that Superwoman's clothes were burned by the fire dragon, and the indescribable eastern hemisphere was exposed impressively.

"I said don't watch it, if you watch it again, even if you are the man I like, I will be angry." Duan Xinlan's tone gradually turned cold.

You may not believe it, I often watch it!

Russell was not angry, but a little moved. Shen Menghan's teammates were quite reliable, and he didn't make friends.

"Jason, prepare to do it..." Ying Yingying yelled sharply, tapped the staff lightly on the ground, the six-pointed star array covered the superwoman's feet, opened a golden barrier to seal the space, and the billowing clouds gathered, and suddenly pressed down .

Duan Xinlan backed away, and Jian Shaoxin used teleportation to move away from the dangerous area. Only Ying Yingying stayed put and opened her magic shield to block in front of her. After consuming a lot of mana, her size began to shrink, and the familiar tablet returned.

Russell stood on the edge of the barrier, and the Thunder Snake sprinted and flashed in the sky, making a loud roar. Following Ying Yingying's incantation, thunder stirred up the dark clouds, and fell like meteors one after another.

Rumble! ! !

A destructive aura filled the barrier, and the dazzling white light made it impossible to look directly at what was happening inside.

Russell stood outside the barrier, and his intuition told him that Superwoman was not so easy to be settled, so he resolutely stepped into the barrier. Immediately, the physique of the lightning rod came into play, and the wandering Thunder ignored the superwoman, and burrowed into his body.

The white light was dim, and Russell spewed thunder all over his body. When he found the bone lying on the ground in front of him, he strode forward and put his hands on it.

The distance was too close, there was no need to condense the thunder beast's attack, Russell released the suppressed thunder in his body, and poured it into the bones.

The black poisonous mist overflowed from the white bones, not only that, the green evil energy like maggots on the tarsus bones was also scattered by the thunder, peeling off little by little.

Ying Yingying and Russell's thunder attack did work. They successfully pulled out two negative BUFFs for Supergirl. Without the shackles holding her back, the super self-healing ability broke out, and Supergirl quickly recovered under the strong light surrounded by thunder and lightning.

Layers of flesh and blood grew, and the superwoman realized she was naked, and when she looked at Russell next to her, she immediately became murderous.

Russell yelled at MMP in his heart, and the repeated changes were completely unreasonable. When he found that the superwoman's stiff body started to move, he immediately used a skill card.

[Skill Card: Petrified Demon Eye (the effect depends on the strength of the captured person)]

The effect of the petrified magic eye depends on the opponent's strength, but there is nothing wrong with Superwoman's low magic resistance.

Russell opened his eyes, stared directly at the Superwoman, and a gray light shot out, piercing into the pupils of the Superwoman. In the next instant, her eye sockets turned gray, and the petrification of her skin spread to her cheeks.


Luckily, Russell secretly channeled magic power into it to maximize the power of the petrification skill. The black mist rolled over his face, the blue light faded, and his eyes appeared.

The superwoman's limbs and torso recovered, and the fatal crisis was ahead. She was unwilling to wait for death and fought hard, but seeing Russell's eyes, she froze in place.

" are..."

The superwoman looked surprised, and slowly let go of her raised fist, caressing Russell's face shrouded in black mist. After confirming that she was the right person, she smiled and no longer resisted. The petrified magic power eroded her whole body and turned into a gray statue.

Russell: "..."


"It seems that... I lost!"

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