End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 365 You can become stronger by eating whatever you want, and I like eating the most

The dragon's power was gone, and one of the spare ingredients was burnt. Russell was heartbroken, and sullenly threw Frodo aside, monopolizing the last nightmare.

He was a heartless person, and his sorrow came and went quickly. Seeing everyone eating ashes after Nightmare, especially the dwarf Gimli who was half dead from exhaustion and foaming at the mouth, his depressed mood immediately improved a lot.

Singing love songs when you are sad will only make you sadder. Only when you see other unlucky people will your mood turn cloudy.

"Russell, what did you just see?"

Stopping again to rest, Gandalf came to Russell. He was worthy of being the leader of the mages. The dwarf warrior was about to break his leg.

Russell frowned: "I saw the Eye of Sauron, and Sauron, the shadow condensed by the darkness, it should be him."

Gandalf was unlucky in secret, Russell saw Sauron, which meant that Sauron also saw him, the whereabouts of the Fellowship of the Ring team were exposed, and they could not continue according to the original planned route.

Gandalf pondered for a moment, made up his mind, and continued to ask, "Did Sauron tell you anything?"

"Say it, he told me to take the Lord of the Rings to Mordor, and give me the power of a dragon..." Speaking of this, Russell suddenly felt hopeless, and slapped Gandalf on the thigh: "Look at me!" I was about to agree, but for some reason, lard was blinded and rejected Sauron's kindness. Now that I think about it, my heart feels like a knife is piercing my heart, so I regret it!"

Gandalf: (◣◢◢)

Let me tell you, if I hadn't stopped you at the valley meeting in Rivendell last time, you would have been beaten to death, and I regret it now!


"Our course of action is exposed. In order to regain the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Sauron will definitely set up many checkpoints. The forces of darkness cannot act in the daytime, but the orc army of the white-robed Saruman is not afraid. This will be the biggest challenge of our trip. hinder," said Gandalf.

"so what should I do now?"

"The only option is to go to the mines of Moria!" The plan to sneak into the village failed, and the road ahead was surrounded by powerful enemies, so Gandalf had no choice but to divert.

The crowd changed direction, stopped climbing the Great Snow Mountain, went south along the Misty Mountains, passed through the Moria mines below, and finally arrived at the Rohan Pass.

Moria is the largest underground city in the northwest of Middle-earth. It contains a large network of tunnels, rooms, mines and halls. It has been the residence of the descendants of the dwarves Turin for thousands of years.

The dwarves are very good at digging holes. The network of tunnels cut through the highest mountain "Mount Kalanras", and there are endless steps from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The Fellowship of the Ring team only needs to pass through the endless stairs to cross this highest peak and reach the next shelter, Lothlorian Forest, where the powerful Queen of Magic, Galadriel, lives.

Before dark, everyone rushed to the Moria Mine and climbed up the steps to the mountainside.

A deep lake loomed in front of us, possibly due to the influence of mineral veins. The water in the lake was as black as ink, and covered with overcast clouds, the lake looked quiet and eerie.

Behind the lake, steep peaks rose vertically, apparently carved by the dwarves. Gandalf came to the center of two green trees, and groping a moment on the wall, he found the entrance to the mine of Moria.

"The gate of Ithildin only reflects the light of the stars and the moon..." Gandalf frowned, and quickly said in relief: "This is a mechanism set up by the dwarves. A password is required to enter the gate. Let's wait here for a while. When the clouds clear , you can see the puzzle."

As soon as the voice fell, the dark clouds in the sky drifted away quietly, a ray of quiet moonlight fell, the gate of Ithildin immediately lit up, and Gandalf also saw the puzzle set by the dwarves.

Gandalf put his hands on his hips, secretly thought that he was innocent, and read out the riddle: "The gate of Turin, Lord of Moria, open your mouth to say friends, and then enter...it's too easy!"

As a learned and wise man, Gandalf felt that the door was an insult to his intelligence. He erected his staff against the door of Ithildin and uttered lengthy spells.

He was full of joy and waited for the gate to open, but after a long time, the gate of Ithildin remained motionless.

Gandalf frowned and thought hard, changed several spells in a row, and said almost all the dwarven languages ​​he knew, but the gate of Ithildin didn't respond at all.

"It's strange, it shouldn't be like this..." Gandalf took off his wizard hat, turned around and said, "Wait a minute, this door is not that simple, remember not to provoke those in the lake..."

Turning around, Gandalf froze for a moment, there was no one around him. The four of Frodo set up a pot to make a fire, Russell stood by the lake to direct, and Aragorn, Boromir and others went down to the lake to catch the octopus.

Gandalf: "..."

Feelings I have been talking to the air just now?

"Aragorn, Boromo, and Gimli, you three go into the water and fight, be careful not to let the octopus escape. Legolas, you and I will support from a distance, don't startle the snake, wait until it shows up before attacking. Russell clapped his hands and said loudly: "Guys, it depends on everyone's performance whether we can have extra meals tonight."

"Oh oh oh!!!"

"Everyone works together, and we will definitely finish the supper in minutes. Remember, we are the Fellowship of the Ring, and we must unite to fight the battle!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Gandalf: "..."

There was an inexplicable pain in his chest, and Gandalf wanted to catch this group of people and beat them up one by one, asking what they were here for?

Also, as the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring, since when was he dismissed?

"Hoo, hoo, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

Moaning for a while, Gandalf sat cross-legged on the ground speechless. As a mature Maiya, he had never seen anything bad, so there was no need to be angry about such a trivial matter.


The water splashed in all directions, and there was a deep roar, and the lake boiled instantly, and seven or eight huge tentacles rushed out of the water, rolling towards the three of Aragorn.


The sharp long sword swept across, and a ferocious tentacle snapped off. The severed limb fell into the water and twisted and danced, splashing out sticky black juice.

The octopus in the lake is obviously a mutated species. The tentacles have spines, and the tip position has mutated into a palm with a suction cup, which makes people's scalp numb.

How about as long as you said?

When the octopus appeared, Aragorn, Boromir, and Gimli shouted loudly. They were elites who had experienced many battles. Together, the three of them quickly cut off five or six tentacles.

Boom! ! !

The octopus was in pain, and its huge body stuck out of the water. Under its hideous and terrifying face, the bloody mouth roared again and again, rolling up the tumbling lake water to form a big wave, and rushed towards the three of them.

"Legolas, kill it!"

As soon as Russell spoke, the elf prince shot three arrows in a row, the tip of the sword was covered with a layer of white light, two arrows pierced the octopus' eyes, and the last one pierced into its huge gaping mouth.

The octopus wailed in pain and was surrounded by the three of Aragorn with grim smiles. A flurry of swords and giant axes chopped them into sashimi slices, ending its short life as the overlord of the lake.

"Add food! Add food!!"

Boromir, the son of the regent prince, cheered. It was obviously a long and difficult journey, but he just gained a lot of weight. Among the crowd, except for the four of Frodo, his strength was at the bottom, and even his wrists were abused by the mage Gandalf. He was ashamed of this, and secretly vowed to catch up.

How to catch up?

Of course he eats it, he can become stronger by eating whatever he wants, he likes to eat it the most!

In this regard, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all agreed, but there is one point that must be stated in particular. Unlike hobbits who are greedy for food and drink, they eat and drink to become stronger.

Getting stronger comes at a price, and they made huge sacrifices, such as weight.

The elf prince has developed in a rounded direction. Gimli was originally a short ball, but now he has changed his ball. Aragorn is also in a dilemma. He raised his neck and lowered his chin.

Everyone sat in a circle around the bonfire, each carrying a small bowl, watching Gandalf's liver ache. Are these people really awakened?

"We can't let them go on like this. Ease makes people degenerate and lowers their vigilance..." Gandalf sighed, let him bear the consequences of all the crimes!

Thinking of this, he squeezed in with a bowl.

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