End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 375 We Are Positive People

After leaving Lothlorien, Russell was in a good mood. The world in front of him was completely new, the sky was bluer, the water was clearer, and even Gandalf's robe was whiter.

The last one is not an illusion. Gandalf's robe has indeed turned white. It was given by Galadriel and put on Gandalf himself.

Two visits to the elves' territory made Russell deeply understand that he and the elves had a disagreement. This discord had nothing to do with him. Look at people with their nostrils, for fear that others will not know how beautiful her nostrils are!

That is to say, she was lucky, Russell didn't get her character card, otherwise she would be popular in Middle-earth in no time.

"Frodo, Aragorn, our course may be altered."

Gandalf rode on the white horse and said that this white horse was still a gift from Galadriel.

For the rest, the Hobbits each had a horse, and Aragorn and Legolas each had a horse. Russell didn't, Galadriel thought he had nightmares and didn't need another mount.

Russell also thinks so, a few short-legged horses, ugly and ugly, there is no such thing as a nightmare, and they don't want to give him away for nothing.

This is Russell's sour words because he can't eat grapes. Although the war horses are not unicorns, they are also good breeds that are hard to find in thousands of miles.

Don't ask why female unicorns produce hybrids. The reasons are very complicated, and male unicorns have not yet fully understood.

"Gandalf, what do you mean by changing the course, going to Mordor in another direction?" asked Frodo.

"No, we can't go to Mordor for the time being. Isengard's orc army has invaded the Kingdom of Rohan. We have to go to Edoras, the capital of the king..."

"Isengard's army attacked the Kingdom of Rohan?" Aragorn's face changed suddenly. The Kingdom of Rohan is an ally of Gondor, and the south and the north work together to fight against Mordor. If the Kingdom of Rohan falls, Gondor will be alone.

At the moment when the holy sword was recast, Aragorn was no longer a free-spirited ranger. Fate and glory forced him to face up to his identity as the heir of Gondor.


Gandalf's face was serious, and he told them the reason of his quarrel with Celeborn.

Mordor and Isengard acted at the same time, Sauron blocked the Doomsday Volcano, and assembled an army just around the corner. Under the control of Saruman, Essinger played a violent game, creating a powerful army of orcs, and drove straight to slaughter the people of King Rohan.

Theoden, the king of the Kingdom of Rohan, was controlled by Saruman, and Isinger's army suppressed the border, but Celeborn refused to save him. He knew that the Kingdom of Rohan would be defeated, and he was unwilling to send troops to support him.

Gandalf couldn't accuse Celeborn of anything, just as Elrond refused to put the Supreme Lord of the Rings on Rivendell, neither of the two lords wanted to get burned and harm the elves.

"Gandalf, shall we transfer to Edoras, the capital of Rohan now?" Aragorn asked Gandalf, but looked at Frodo. Opinion.

Aragorn is not optimistic about the victory of the Kingdom of Rohan, because Isengard is located in the northwest corner of Rohan and is almost undefended. The army of the Orcs is overwhelming. Rohan can't even fight a decent blocking battle, and the capital is even more crumbling.

"I... I'll make the decision?"

Frodo held the Supreme Lord of the Rings and was stared at by Gandalf and Aragorn. He was a little at a loss. When he saw Russell, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Russell, if it were you, what would you choose?"

"In my case... I should choose to go to the Kingdom of Rohan first."

Russell frowned, and thought seriously: "The beheading tactic of sending the Supreme Lord of the Rings to Mount Doom is good, but Sauron is so cunning, he must be on guard, and the success rate is not high. We must find some cannon fodder to divert attention. The elves and dwarves choose to stay out, and the cannon fodder can only be humans..."

Aragorn: "..."

Gandalf: "..."

"Rohan alone is not enough, they can't even stop Sauron's minion Isengard, let alone contain Mordor." Russell continued: "So,

First of all, Rohan has to help Rohan survive this crisis, and then put Aragorn on the throne of Gondor, gather the forces of the two kingdoms to confront Mordor, and force Sauron to divide his forces. At this time, if the Fellowship of the Ring team goes to Mount Doom to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the success rate will increase by at least 20%. "

Aragorn: "..."

Gandalf: "..."

"Ro, Russell, what are you talking about, I don't understand!" Frodo swallowed hard.

Russell patted Frodo on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, those who achieve great things must have the awareness of common people as pawns, bet on the fate of two kingdoms, and increase the winning rate by 20%, it is very worth a try. Of course, I am just talking , The specific choice is up to you to decide!"


There was silence in the air. Gandalf was wiping his staff, thinking whether to give it to Russell. It would definitely be a disaster in the future if he left it alone.

The two Gondorians, Aragorn and Boromir, stared round, their chests heaved violently, and they also wanted to give Russell a hard time.

"What do you look at me for?"

Russell swept across the crowd, and said shamelessly: "I'm right. It is impossible to defeat Sauron without casualties. It is all about sacrificing the lives of some people in exchange for the happiness of others. According to what I said, there may be fewer sacrifices." Some."

You are right, but this is the style of the lines of the demon king Sauron. We are positive characters and we must have the sun.

Gandalf coughed lightly, held up his staff, and said righteously: "Everyone, Saruman's orc army is bloodthirsty and brutal, with no humanity at all. Once they capture Rohan, they will definitely massacre the people of Rohan. , we cannot sit idly by."

"Gandalf is right!" Aragorn and Boromir nodded immediately.

"Right now, the people of Rohan are in dire straits, and no one is willing to lend a helping hand. A scene of tragedy is about to be staged. Even if our strength is meager, we will not give up. I firmly believe that victory will belong to those who are kind and brave. .”

"Oh oh oh!!"

The crowd raised their weapons and shouted, and the two foreigners, Legolas and Gimli, were also excited by Gandalf's speech. Frodo... He felt that what Gandalf said was very reasonable.

"Gandalf, let's not go to Mount Doom, go to Rohan!" Frodo nodded firmly.

Gandalf was very pleased, touched Frodo's head, and praised: "You are such a kind child!"

Russell: "..."

What do you mean, I'm not kind?

Everyone had a clear goal and went straight to Edoras, the capital of the Kingdom of Rohan.

In fact, there is another important reason why Gandalf decided to switch to the Kingdom of Rohan.

The people above spoke, Saruman's corpse was a vegetarian meal, eating human food and not doing human affairs, which made everyone lose face and needed to be beaten.

As for how to beat, the people above didn't say, but Gandalf was a mature Maia, and he knew what to do, and killed Saruman as soon as possible, as fast as he could.

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