End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 378 Russell, Can I Trust You?

"Eomer, pass on my order, blow the horn of war, and the Kingdom of Rohan officially declares war on Isengard!" Theoden regained his life and turned back to the hussar who used to be "reckless without saying anything" king.

"My lord, the king's warriors will respect your orders!" Eomer bowed.

"and also……"

Theoden paused, his majestic face softened, and he said with relief, "Eomer, you have not let me down, you have allowed my blood to continue."

"No, I didn't do anything, it's all thanks to Gandalf." Éomer shook his head slightly.

Theoden smiled and didn't say much, and told Éomer to convey the order as soon as possible. He would fight the orc army to the death in Helm's Deep.

It was indeed a battle to the death. The terrain of Helm's Deep was dangerous, and there was no way out once it was surrounded. However, the Horn Fort of Helm's Deep was the strongest fortress in the Kingdom of Rohan, and it was the only place that could resist the orc army.

Theoden had no choice, and the Strongsignal will save Rohan again, just like in history!

In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Theoden refused to declare war on Isinger, and led his people to migrate to Helm's Deep, in fact, to avoid fighting. Theoden tried in vain to use the strong city wall to force Isinger's army to retreat without a fight. He didn't start to fight back desperately until the orc army broke through the Horn Fortress.

This time is different. Russell's butterfly wings changed Theoden's decision. Although the troops were still assembled in Helm's Deep, the meaning was completely different.

Russell didn't do anything deliberately, and the Fellowship of the Ring inadvertently rescued Theoden's son, allowing his blood to continue.

This is very important!

It directly changed Theoden's views on war. With a son, he could not escape. For the people of Rohan and for the dominance of the royal family, he had to fight to the death.

Theoden was indeed prepared to die in battle. The time he was under control was like a nightmare, and he made many stupid decisions, which weakened Rohan's national strength.

Grima is just a jester, not enough to bear this big pot. In order to appease the resentment of the people, he must die in battle, or at least be seriously injured.

His son Xiyoud is brave and good at fighting, and his nephew Iomer is dedicated to the public. The two are brothers and sisters, enough to carry the future of the country.

With these two outstanding successors, let me ask Theoden what else to worry about. It's time for him to dedicate himself and fight for the dominance of the royal family for the last time!


Kidney... ahem, Helm's Deep!

Holy Helm's Deep is a large valley located in the northwest of the White Mountains. It is blocked by a series of hills called Holy Helm Canal. Behind the hill is the fortress Horn Fort, the only barrier to stop Isinger.

"That is the Horn Fort, Rohan's strongest shield, but all battles defending this place have not been defeated!" Aragorn recalled, Helm's Deep was originally the territory of the Gondorians, and was later assigned to the younger brother Rohan.

Russell heard the words and looked at the castle in the middle of the canyon. The valley was surrounded by mountains on three sides and surrounded by mountains. There was an underground channel leading into the river to provide water supplies for the defenders in the castle who had been fighting for a long time.

If I remember correctly, in the battle of Helm's Deep, the Rohanites, like the Spartan warriors, fought against the 10,000 orc army with 300 defenders, and won a glorious victory by relying on their bravery.

But this time, Theoden had plenty of time to gather his troops. The defenders of Horn Fort surged to 2,000, and another 2,000 cavalry were on their way on horseback.

At that time, let the orc army enter the valley and encircle them on both sides, and a single charge can take away the victory.

"How is it, Russell, how is this castle?" Gandalf slowly steered the horse and asked softly.

"The walls of the Horn Fortress are very strong, stronger than I imagined. In today's Middle-earth, as long as there are no dragons, balrogs, stone giants, undead, treants, white robe mages, elf queens, ring spirits, Sauron, wait a minute, this city is indestructible!"

Russell nodded and said, between the lines is full of recognition and affirmation of the Horn Fort.

Gandalf rolled his eyes. He knew that Russell couldn't say anything good, but in fact he was the same as Russell.

Not optimistic about the victory of this war.

Gandalf is not optimistic, not because he thinks that the people of Rohan are not strong enough, but because he understands Saruman. The latter has plotted against Rohan for a long time. Rohan.

"Saruman is not so easy to deal with. The intuition of the white robe tells me that his trump card must be more than the orc army." Gandalf said softly, lest someone would hear it and spread the word to affect the morale of the army.

What is the intuition of the white robe?

Russell was speechless. Gandalf was said "Gandalf the Gray" in front of the gate of the Kingdom of Rohan, and he kept worrying about it. All kinds of white robes hung on his lips, and his ears were almost callused.

"The noble white-robed mage Gandalf, Saruman still hasn't shown his cards, how should you deal with it? You know, you are the real white-robed mage now, and you can't be compared to him!" Russell ran One sentence.

Hearing the two sentences, the white-robed mage made Gandalf feel comfortable, and laughed out loud in his heart, but he was a mature Maia, and he was not moved at all on the surface: "I am going to find some powerful reinforcements to help out?"

"Reinforcements... do you mean elves?"

Russell recalled the plot. It seems that 200 elf archers participated in the battle of Helm's Deep under the signal of Elrond. There were heavy casualties, and the leading elf guy died.

"No, the elves have confirmed that they will not be involved in the war. It will only be a waste of time to pin your hopes on them." Gandalf shook his head decisively. He had already tried it before. The age of elves is over, and it is impossible to sacrifice for the rise of mankind. Own.

"It's not an elf, is it Gondor?"

Russell wondered, since Gandalf said that the elves would not come, 99% would not come. He knows everything about Middle-earth, and he can basically make no mistakes.

"Gondor can't do it, the regent is short-sighted and self-willed, more than conservative, not aggressive..." Gandalf shook his head: "Even if I take Boromir, he will not send a single soldier to aid Rohan, and it is even possible Detain me in the capital of Minas Tirith."

"Who is the great white-robed Gandalf going to find?" Russell didn't want to guess anymore.

"Tree people!"

Gandalf grinned, with a little evil: "In order to expand the army, Saruman wantonly destroyed the habitat of the treants. The treants and Rohan have a common enemy and are friendly forces."

Russell: "..."

Why do I feel that Saruman has fallen into this situation today, among which you are secretly playing tricks?

Russell didn't say what was in his heart. He knew that Gandalf was a mature Maia, and he didn't know anything when he asked him.

"I'm going to the forest to find traces of the Treant, but Essinger's army will arrive at any time, and I need someone to replace me to assist Theoden..." Speaking of this, Gandalf looked solemn: "Russell, can I Do you believe me?"


Gandalf: "..."

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