End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 382 Leave the Ingredients

The lightning was absorbed by the Nazgold's lance, Russell didn't care, and struck it down again if he had the ability, if he frowned, he wouldn't be in charge!

Russell made up his mind to focus on his great business of harvesting wheat, and wait for the character cards to expire before freeing up his hands to cook the ingredients.

In the sky, three monster flying dragons circled around, roaring and provoking Russell. Seeing that he was unmoved at all, the eyes of the ring spirits headed by them glowed red.

The slightly stable first phalanx showed signs of chaos again, and the ring spirit knew that Russell would continue to kill, and it was very likely that the morale of the 30,000 army would be wiped out.

Every ring spirit is an outstanding king in the history of mankind. They also have their own experience in leading the battle and know the importance of morale.

They didn't attack Russell rashly, and swooped down to form a group, which would only cause heavy casualties to the orcs and accelerate the defeat of the legion.

There was no fool who released the lightning from the lance to attack Russell. The latter had a very abnormal physique, and the addition of lightning would actually turn into his strength. This was witnessed by the ring spirits.

As a result, the three ring spirits lined up, driving the flying dragon to roar to attract Russell's attention, and raised the three lances high, pointing directly at the Horn Fort not far away.

What did Russell massacre the half-orcs for? To use offense instead of defense to protect the crumbling Horn Fort.

Since you want to defend the city, then we will attack the city!

The ring spirits firmly believed that this trick would definitely force Russell to give up slaughtering orcs and fight them instead.

At that time, the three ring spirits hold Russell back, and the Allied forces of Isinger capture Fort Horn. The strategic goal is achieved, and this battle will undoubtedly be won!

However, seeing the movements of the ring spirits, Russell raised a middle finger to show respect, ignored them, and accelerated the pace of slaughtering the orcs.

The death aura swept across, like a blackboard eraser, harvesting the orcs in the valley row by row.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The ring spirit was furious, and brandished his lance to release the thunder, only to hear the roar and explosion, and the thunder roared, turning into three beams of light and shooting directly at the Horn Fort.

The momentum was huge, the strong light tore through the sky, the storm stopped for a while, and the rumbling sound in an instant seemed to bombard the Horn Fort into pieces.

Then, Lightning turned a corner and hit Russell.


Russell shuddered and shuddered.

Ring Spirit: "..."

[Lightning Rod (When the enemy uses a lightning attribute move, regardless of single or group attack, the attack target will automatically change to you who holds this skill)]


Russell didn't turn his head, raised his middle finger, stepped on the water, and carried out the killing in an orderly manner. The half-orcs also organized a counterattack. They didn't dare to approach Russell, so they used bows and arrows to fight back.

However, Russell was a narrow-minded man, and Edman alloy knife swung the bow and arrow with a strong wind, and ran in the direction of whoever shot him, scaring the half-orc to cry for his father and mother.

Later, whenever someone raised a bow and arrow, Russell did not need to do it, and was stabbed to death by his comrades in arms.

Once stabbed down, everyone around me said it was a good stabbing!

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The three ring spirits tried twice more, but the lightning couldn't hit the Horn Fort. It was guessed that Russell cast a spell and controlled the monster flying dragon to rush towards him.

At this time, the ring spirits couldn't care less, even if the half-orcs died at their hands, it was better than being slaughtered by Russell.

Rumble! !

There was a loud bang in the water, and the water around Russell surged, and a waterspout rose on the ground, twisting and blocking the only way for the flying dragon.

The ring spirit swung the long sword, and the blade was filled with cold air, freezing the water curtain in front of him into ice.

After all, the power of the trident on land is inferior to that of the ocean. Although there are violent storms, the amount of water is too small. If it is replaced by the vast sea, Russell can submerge 30,000 Essinger coalition forces with a wave of his hand.

However, Russell's purpose was not to block the ring spirits, but to force them to amplify their moves and exacerbate the death of the half-orcs. The character card countdown is coming to an end, and if you want to cause large-scale casualties next, the power of the ring spirit is indispensable.

The flying dragon broke through the water curtain and spewed black poisonous mist, covering Russell's position heavily. The water curtain rolled up to block the dragon's breath,

The orcs around fell to the ground clutching their necks in pain.

A flying dragon made a detour, flew over the half-orc position at low altitude, flapped its wings and lifted the half-orc who was in the way, and opened its bloody mouth to bite Russell.

Entering the death radius of 15 meters, the flying dragon immediately wailed in pain, and the monster corrupted by darkness only persisted for three seconds before dying.

The ring spirit raised his hand and pressed on the flying dragon, and a majestic black magic power poured in. The flying dragon instantly 'resurrected from the dead', his body stripped of flesh and blood, staring at his dark eyes, and bit Russell.

Rumble! !

The silver-white giant wolf charged forward with strides, and collided with the huge head of the flying dragon. The thunder light sprinted and spread to the whole body of the flying dragon.

The ring spirit pierced the body of the flying dragon with a sword, absorbed the thunder and guided it into the lance, and continued to fight with the broken flying dragon.

A giant palm turned into a water curtain rose up, like swat a fly, and slapped the flying dragon and the Nazgul on the ground with a slap. There was a rumbling in the valley, and the cracks in the ground's spider webs spread out, making the half-orcs even more frightened.

Russell was annoyed, and slapped the flying dragon, but was blocked from chasing the orc. Moreover, the most important thing is that this flying dragon has been corroded by black witchcraft, and it is covered with the stench of carrion. It is probably inedible.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The remaining two flying dragons attacked from the left and right. Russell feared that the two flying dragons would also deteriorate, so he rolled up the water wall and pushed them away. At the same time, the countdown of the character card reset to zero.

Click! Crackling————

The wall of water was frozen into a wall of ice, and the Ringwraith drove the flying dragon to jump over, and two lances over 4 meters in length pierced Russell's chest.


The Edman alloy knife and the peerless blade blocked the two lances respectively. Russell was shocked by the exaggerated force, but at the moment of the collision, he cut off the tip of the lance.

Although it is possible to stab people to death without a gun head, what limits Russell's output is the spell attached to the lance. Once the gun head is broken, his lightning rod physique can dominate the audience again!

Rumble! !

Russell stepped on the water and rushed into the sky, followed by the three-headed flying dragon, and the thunder slammed down.

The electric snake flew, and the electric sparks flashed and splashed, some hit Russell, some hit Russell, and some hit Russell.

Russell: "..."

Ring Spirit: "..."

The four black robes fought in the sky, the defenders of the Horn Fort beat drums and shouted, and the Allied forces of Isinger retreated slowly. They could accept death, but they could not accept death for no apparent reason.

Simply put, they were terrified by the death radius!

The half-orc army left corpses all over the mountains and plains, and evacuated steadily to the rear. The Ring Spirits completed their strategic goals, couldn't chew Russell's tough bone, and were ready to evacuate.

Russell saw it, and sneered in his heart, he is not that, how can he come and go as he wants, he must leave something today.

The momentum of the storm is getting weaker, Russell knows that the pretense is almost done, and it is time to draw a perfect ending!

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