End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 421 T virus experiment

Marvel world!


The younger brother, the Chitauri, has collected another batch of fresh ingredients, and Russell is tasting them.

The leader of the Chitauri, Zerell, is average in strength, but his ability to flatter horses is second to none. He can be called the number one dog under Russell's seat, and the ingredients he prepares are the best parts of the alien beast.

A 3,000-meter-long marine fish monster, with its head and tail removed, leaving only a small dish of fish for paddling; The king of birds on the unknown planet, with a ferocious and bloodthirsty temperament, cut it up and chopped it up, leaving a tongue.

Russell felt that it was a bit bad to do so, but Zerrell had a heart and couldn't be too harsh on him, so he simply let him go.

Unlike at the beginning, when he gorged himself, he would just gobble it up, Russell now strictly controls himself when it comes to eating.

Because of the particularity of the strengthening prescription, only the first mouthful can improve the physique, and the second mouthful is purely to satisfy the appetite, so no matter how delicious the exotic beast is, it is determined not to take the second mouthful.

Unless it is very delicious!

Not to mention, there are quite a few rare and exotic beasts that are particularly delicious in the universe.

After eating the inventory prepared during this period, Russell looked at his attribute interface. In the world of [Lord of the Rings], Ankara, the strongest dragon, has just brought a little improvement.

He added the two attribute points obtained by the lottery, and added all the 6 free attribute points rewarded by the task to 'strength', and the character attributes were refreshed immediately.

[Host: Russell]

【Force: 88 (47+41)】

[Body: 86 (69+17)]

【Wisdom: 94 (73+21)】

【Fortune: 150700】


After drinking and eating, Russell looked around the dining table, swept back and forth on Bucky, Natasha, and Yelena, then removed Bucky, thought for a moment again, and said, "Natasha, come with me!"

Natasha was taken aback when she heard the words, quickly followed Russell, approached and asked in a low voice, "Boss, I just finished eating hot pot, and my body smells quite strong. Why don't you wait a minute, and I'll take a shower?"


Russell rolled his eyes, feeling that his character had been questioned, but the taste was indeed a bit heavy: "Then you go, and report to the 2nd laboratory later."

Lab 2!

Natasha's face is solemn, the Chitauri's laboratory for biological weapons research, the core part is recombinant genes to create super soldiers. In her opinion, cloning technology, which is very sci-fi, is only the basis for getting started in that laboratory.

After Natasha left, Russell also went to take a bath. It was impossible not to take a bath. The hot pot was too lethal, and it was placed in a musical instrument, which was at the same level as suona.


In laboratory No. 2, Natasha was drawn out of a tube of blood, and the Chitauri scientist next to her started to clone. With one button press, there were 100 clones.

This is just a joke, even the mature Misaka sister can't grow into shape so quickly.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Knowing that she would be cloned, Natasha had a strange expression on her face. Russell's eyes were not right, and she felt that her boss had come up with a new trick.

"A new super soldier serum... ready to experiment with your clone, and if it works well, you will be a beneficiary."

Russell said, using the item card, took out the T virus, and sealed it in the laboratory by himself.

The famous biochemical virus must be cautious, and the No. 2 laboratory was chosen deep underground because of safety considerations. Once the T virus is leaked, this laboratory will be permanently closed and completely eradicated and destroyed.

The experiment is not accomplished overnight. The Chitauri have a high level of genetic technology, but everything starts from scratch and requires continuous experimentation to accumulate experience.

In Solo's hypothesis, the experimental results are nothing more than several possibilities. After Natasha's clone is injected with the T virus, the immune system completely wipes out the virus and produces antibodies, and nothing changes.

In the second type, white blood cells and infected cells die together, resulting in massive tissue necrosis.

In order to repair tissue loss and restore the function of the immune system, a large amount of food is needed to provide materials and energy, that is, a strong appetite, referred to as zombies.

The third type is that the genes of the cloned cells are changed due to the integration of viral chromosomes, and become rational but strangely shaped biological weapons.

The fourth type, the physique injected with the super soldier serum can withstand the power of the virus, successfully crossing the evolutionary barrier just like Alice. Because there is no basis, this possibility is the highest, but also the lowest.

Unexpectedly, the experiment encountered a bottleneck at the very beginning. Natasha's clone was average in strength, and her physical fitness was at the same level as that of an untrained ordinary person. .

People injected with super soldier serum cannot be cloned?

Because the various technologies are immature, Russell does not know, so even opening the data files can not find the real reason.

The experiment failed at the beginning, and Russell was not discouraged. From another perspective, this is actually a good thing. At least you don't have to worry about the subordinates you have worked so hard to be cloned by the enemy and turn into your opponents.

Russell waved his hand and continued the experiment, injecting the clone with T virus.

Then Natasha began to have nightmares. Because the T virus was quite violent, and the experiment lacked data, it was impossible to properly control it, causing the virus to multiply too fast, and her clones mutated in various ways.

Some weird shapes made it difficult for her to accept. She didn't know before that she still had the talent to become a cosmic monster.

In fact, the most reliable experimental process should be to start culturing from frightened egg individuals, avoiding the interference of the immune system and the drag of the growth status before infection, so as to obtain healthy and stable individuals.

But Russell doesn't believe in this evil, there is no reason that Alice can succeed, but Natasha is doomed to fail!

During the period, Yelena and Bucky also contributed their own clones, but they still all failed. Not only the individuals injected with the super soldier serum could not be cloned, even the individuals who took the heart-shaped herb could not be cloned.

"Interesting, it didn't work once..."

Russell muttered to himself, either it was bad luck, or the experiment missed a key link, or... the will of the universe does not allow him to be so explosive!

"My master, the Cree's biotechnology is the most advanced. It's really not good. We can snatch two Cree's genetic scientists." The number one dog leg, Razel, gave Russell an idea.

"Kree people..."

Russell frowned, General Deathblade died in his hands, completely offended Thanos, and was wanted by the Dark Order throughout the universe. If you offend the Cree again, how can you hang around in the universe in the future, so you must not rob.

"Rezel, do you know where there are Cree people?" Russell asked abruptly.

"My master, scientists are very valuable, especially the scientists of the Cree, they are all in high demand in the universe..." Rezel hesitated, in other words, they couldn't afford them.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if you can sell it?"


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