End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 431 Come here, there are also dark elves here


On the chaotic battlefield, Thor fought one against two, Thor's Hammer lifted like light, laughing wildly... was pressed and beaten by two cursed warriors.

These two cursed warriors are much stronger than the one Bucky killed. It may have something to do with the dark elf soldier's own quality before his transformation. The power attribute suppressed Thor. One left and one right teamed up to beat him to death. Fly out.

Thor got up from the ground in a daze, looked at the faint green figure in front of him, subconsciously raised the hammer and was about to swing it down, woke up and hurriedly stopped, it was not the enemy, but his beloved brother Loki.

"You are Thor, not Hercules, where's your lightning?"

Loki said bitterly, anyone with a little experience in the battlefield can see that the cursed fighters are walking in a powerful way, and Thor is still slamming his hammer. The mentally retarded battle is like a child fighting .

Loki hated and angry, glanced at Thor's hammer in Thor's hand, and became even more angry!

Thor's Hammer is Asgard's greatest treasure, one of the most powerful weapons, yet its wielder is reckless. This made Loki very upset. As a son too, Odin favored the eldest son too much, making him feel that he was picked.

However, when he saw the short dagger in his hand, his resentment turned into a long sigh.

These two daggers came from Loki's mother, Frigga, and they were the weapons she used when she was young. Odin gave Thor the Hammer of Thor, and she gave the daggers to Loki.

In the entire Asgard, the only one who can make Loki obey is Frigga.

Realizing that his brother was really angry, Thor sneered twice, and raised the hammer high, causing a deafening thunder column, aiming at a cursed warrior under a burst of dazzling light and releasing it.

boom! !

The cursed warrior suffered a heavy blow to his chest. It was obviously an elemental attack, but it seemed as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer on his chest. His ribs were broken, his chest was sunken, and he smashed into the ruins of the bar like a cannonball.

With a successful blow, Thor let out a long cry, swung Thor's hammer, and volleyed at another cursed warrior.


The cursed warrior took two steps back, leaving two deep footprints on the ground, and Thor's Hammer was also thrown aside.

"Thor! You are a Thor. How many times do I have to say it before you can understand? The broken hammer in your hand can not only be used to smash people, but also release lightning! Lightning!!"

Loki roared loudly, shocking Thor so much that he didn't dare to stay for a long time, he rushed out with a whoosh, holding Thor's hammer into his hand with a false grip of five fingers.

The thunder light fell from the sky, and Thor held up Thor's hammer, releasing the condensed lightning in one breath, and bombarded all the cursed warriors.


The blue and white lights visible to the naked eye alternated on the Cursed Warrior's body. The blue color represented the flesh and blood, and the white color was the bone part.

"If this is the case, it will be over..."

Loki shook his head, and waved his hand to signal the large army to close the encirclement, so as not to let the leader of the dark elves escape. Before taking any action, he had confirmed that Malekith, the leader of the dark elves who had reclusive thousands of years ago, was in the bar.

Other miscellaneous fish don't matter, kill Malekith, and the remaining dark elves will be leaderless, and they can be easily defeated.


Thor flew upside down and fell beside Loki again, and the two fallen cursed warriors got up from the ground, and the bodies burned by the thunder recovered as before.

They are very difficult to kill before their vitality is depleted!

"Loki, lightning doesn't work on them."

"No, it worked, you do it again!"

Although Thor didn't know what Loki was thinking, he did as he did. Thor's Hammer gathered the cloud and caused lightning to bring down the two cursed warriors again.

Without saying a word, Loki rushed forward, crossed the two daggers, and chopped off the head of a cursed warrior.

The headless cursed warrior was killed immediately, while the other cursed warrior... just got up, but was convulsed by the lightning again, and fell down full of unwillingness.

The corners of Loki's mouth curled up, and he stepped forward with two daggers in hand, and cut off his head again with the same trick.


in the bar,

Holding the last cursed stone, Malekith looked at the surrounding Asgardians with hatred in his eyes.

"Leader, let me come!"

Adjutant Algolim's face was calm. He did not shirk his responsibility at a critical moment, but chose to face death calmly.

Malekith showed hesitation: "Algolim, you..."

"I don't want to kneel anymore. Leader, you are right. Today is the day when the dark elves rise, and it is worth remembering by all of us."

"No, the cursed warrior can't stop the Asgardians, I'm a sinner of the dark elves, let me come!"

"Boss, I am your adjutant!"

"Then you should obey my orders!"

The two competed for a cursed stone, and both wanted to sacrifice their own lives to fight for a glimmer of hope for their clansmen.

Just when the cursed stone was about to be crushed, there was a loud noise outside the bar, and red beams of light knocked down Asgard's soldiers. The scattered dark elf soldiers who were ordered to go out to collect intelligence had just returned.

The thunder shook the sky, and Thor's angry roar sounded, and the battle became fierce in an instant.

Malekith: "..."

Algolim: "..."

The two turned their heads at the same time, and Malekith stuffed the cursed stone into his pocket, sacrificing something... This is not the last step yet!

Algolim showed a resolute look on his face, and asked for instructions: "Chief, which direction should we break out from?"

"Central area! The surrounding buildings are worthless, but the central area is different. I don't believe in that old collector's thing. After seeing the Asgardians wreaking havoc, I can still sit still." Malekith hated soundtrack.


There was a gust of wind at the back, and it was bitingly cold. A transparent phantom lurked in from outside the bar. Malekith turned around and fired a shot, beckoning his tribe to break out. Before leaving, he took out a black hole grenade from his waist and threw it at the phantom.


Outside the trading hall, Russell and his party walked out slowly. Compared with when they entered, there were two more people in the team.

Intimidated by Russell's arrogance, the Kerry scientist and his wife obediently signed the prostitution contract. There were a few twists and turns during the period. Isaac's mental strength was good, and Russell persuaded him with good words, and he was completely convinced after crackling.

Boom! Boom! Bang——

"Kill! Don't let them get away!"

Rumble! !

"Boss, there's a fight over there." Yelena tiptoed and looked into the distance. The flames, screams, and explosions seemed to be very violent.

"Yeah, there's a fight over there! But what does this have to do with us? I told you before I came here, don't cause trouble!"


An armored Asgardian soldier fell to the ground, got up and faced Russell and the others, he gasped, and swished his cat into the corner.

"Come on, there are also dark elves here, they are going to run away!"

Russell: "..."


Thanks to the lord '丨Red Scarf丨丨' for the reward, and we will make up for it in these two days!

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