End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 434 Waiting for the day you become a hero

"So, why didn't you tell me when you set sail?" Russell rubbed his temples, speechless.

After Bucky and Yelena launched the spaceship, they let the two Winter Soldier stay behind, and took the rest of them to the gate of Starport for support, and met Russell who was safe and sound on the way.

Russell returned triumphantly here, harvested a Thor's Hammer, and was about to slaughter a big dog. There was a small state of affairs on the spaceship, four thieves lurked in from the landing gear, and were noticed by two winter soldiers, punching and kicking them all down.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but the Winter Soldier was about to throw the four thieves off the spaceship, each with a shot. As a result, before they could do anything, Russell and the others returned, and the spaceship started immediately, and the four thieves stayed behind.

"Boss, do you want to throw them out?"

Natasha held Thor's hammer and said something that had nothing to do with virtue. God knows why she was recognized by the hammer, but she was qualified, and when she used Thor's power, she also came with a Thor suit.

That's right, unlike Russell, Natasha can transform when she uses Thor's Hammer!

Russell felt that something was wrong, so he decided to let Natasha transform herself. Considering that it was inappropriate to see too many people, she decided to transform her when they were going to be alone.

"No, please don't do this, we are useful and can work for you!"

Being thrown into outer space, there was only one end, and the four thieves immediately begged. The leading boy struggled so hard that his hat fell off, revealing blue skin and red...long hair?

It says hair, but it looks more like fins!

Russell's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to grab the boy's collar: "Hey, brat, we met on the trading floor. Your partner tried to rob me, and I gave him a hard lesson, but you ran fast, I didn’t expect it to be delivered to my door now.”

Looking at Russell's shiny silver teeth, Yondu swallowed, and hurriedly explained: "They are not my companions, and I am forced to work for them."

"Heh, that's what the little bastards say!" Russell sneered, raising his fist to restrain him.

"Yondu didn't lie to you. We were really forced. If we didn't work for them, we would be beaten!" A teenager hurriedly shouted: "And you didn't suffer. Yondu knew that you were very good, so he designed it on purpose. ..."

Speaking of this, the boy realized that he was talking too much, he lowered his head and closed his mouth with a sneer.

Yondu secretly scolded the pig teammate, and faced Russell's playful eyes, he smiled foolishly, with an innocent look.


The fist magnified in front of him, Yondu screamed and rolled around on the ground.

"Boy, you are very clever!"

Being regarded as a gunman, Russell sneered again and again, glanced at the red fins on the boy's head, and then glanced again: "Tell me, your name, and where did you come from?"

"My name is Yondu Udon, he..."

The boy's name is Yondu, who was born on the centaur star. After the parent star was destroyed by the Bedoons, he became a cosmic refugee. He was trafficked to the void, and it turned out that the collector already had a centaur collection, and he was abandoned on the spot by the slave trader.

Later, he was controlled by gangsters and robbers in the neighborhood, and he specialized in doing some shady activities. Stealing and following the wind were his forte.

Hearing the boy's self-introduction, Russell basically confirmed his identity, the star hunter, superhero in the comics, and one of the founding members of the original Guardians of the Galaxy.

In the movie, he is the blue father who is funny than Xingjue, with classic lines: Son, that guy may be your biological father, but he is definitely not your father!

Russell squinted his eyes and looked at Yondu up and down, seeing that the latter was terrified: "Then what, brother, what do you want?"

"No orders, but I have a baby I want you to see..."

"Can I not watch it?"


Russell smiled and patted Yondu's shoulder. He didn't know if Yondu in this world would still meet Star-Lord, but it was worth his investment.

After a while, Russell successfully contracted Yondu and allocated a lounge for him to take his friends and get out.

The dark elves who watched Russell's contract the whole time were huddled in a corner, not daring to move. Malekith, who was seriously injured and comatose, had already woken up. The cargo woke up shortly after boarding the ship, and it was not known whether it was a real coma or a fake coma.

"Your Excellency, I also want to work for you, but can I skip that process?" Malekith wiped off his cold sweat, he didn't want to follow the procedure.

Russell gave Malekith a white look: "Don't think too much, you don't have the qualifications yet!"


While Malekith was rejoicing, he was also deeply ashamed. In Russell's eyes, his value was not as high as that of a blue-skinned thief. The more he thought about it, the more grief and indignation became, and he clenched his fist tightly, but he couldn't beat it, so he let go again.

Kneeling once is kneeling, kneeling twice or three times is still kneeling, then kneel!

"You agree to accept us?"

Russell did not give an affirmative answer, and asked directly: "Walter Alheim, the hometown of the dark elves, can you find it on the star map?"

"Yes, in fact, I have a star map here!"

Russell nodded. Dark elves and Yondu were not suitable for bringing back to the solar system. He decided to build a new Hydra sub-base, and the location was chosen in Walt Alheim, one of the nine countries.

At that time, a poverty alleviation fund from Odin will be used for base construction. Asgard will have a rainbow bridge, and even the export cost will be saved.

At this time, the spaceship just passed through a space node, and the pilot Bucky glanced at the screen: "Sir, there are several spaceships that have been following us since the void, do you want to contact Zerel to destroy them?"

"No need, don't expose Zerrell if you can't expose it, so as not to be seen by interested people..." Russell thought for a while, then stood up and held the joystick tightly: "Where is the nearest asteroid belt? open."


Outside the void!

A spaceship slowly sailed into the eye socket of the huge head. The sign painted on the spaceship indicated that the spaceship came from the Cree Empire.

In the spaceship, the five-person team wore uniform green combat uniforms, which had a very sci-fi texture. The leading man has short blond hair, handsome facial features, a resolute expression, and a torch-like gaze that is very upright.

The Star Troopers from the Kerry Empire, led by the "Captain Marvel" Sturgess, came after the Kree scientist and his wife.

The young man in the green combat uniform turned off the communicator and reported: "Captain, the spaceship broke into the asteroid belt at such a high speed that our people lost it."

Sturges frowned, and immediately issued a new order: "Tell them to expand the search area, let the eyes and ears on the nearby planets pay attention, and don't let go of any possibility. In addition, get in touch with the collectors. It is said that the dark elves are also involved. Come in, he may have information there."

"Understood!" The young man stood at attention and saluted, standing up straight.

Sensing the young man's admiration, Sturgess smiled and shook his head: "Will, you don't have to be so serious. The rumors are exaggerated. I'm just an ordinary person, not as amazing as you imagined."

"No, you are the hero in the hearts of all Kree people. I have been working hard with your example. I hope that one day, I can...be as great as you."

Sturges earnestly encouraged: "Yes, Will, I believe you can do it!"


"Of course, I believe in your ability. When you become a hero, I will entrust you with the title of 'Captain Marvel'."

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