End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 446 I'm Listening

Backing from Thanos into a different space, and then being sent to Russell, is just a blink of an eye. This flaw was exposed because he was fully on guard against Russell's pursuit and did not guard against the appearance of enemies behind him.

Russell did not appear behind him, and he didn't even move a step. He just used the space to teleport, reversed the direction, and let himself hit the fist.

The heavy punch hit Thanos' vest directly, with such force that the entire fist sank into Thanos' muscles. Russell used the Galaxy Starburst technique to send the power extracted from the Infinity Gem into Thanos' body, detonating it instantly at his heart.


Thanos raised his head and spit out hot blood. The destructive power of purple swam in the cells, making him purple on top of purple, purple from east, and purple from black.

Russell is a guy who can do nothing else, he hits people when he is in trouble, takes advantage of others... Ahem, he never relents in battle, he takes advantage of victories to catch up with three punches and four kicks, continuously bombards Thanos's vest, and hits the same position every time .

Extracting energy from the power gem, every blow is powerful and heavy, bombarding Thanos' body, making a crackling sound.

The heart was under heavy pressure, Thanos almost passed out from the pain, the soul gem strengthened his will, resisted this wave of pain, and his eyes glowed fiercely.

Regardless of the danger, he drew cosmic energy and stored it in his body, and piled it up to the back of his heart. He detonated it the moment Russell punched, and launched an extremely strong counterattack.

boom! ! !

A mushroom cloud rose in situ, and Thanos was blasted into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion, breaking through the cloud, and the momentum continued to rise.

Russell's figure was uncontrollable, and he fell backwards into the distance. The stone pillar was smashed like a cannonball, and the momentum crushed a hill and buried it in the ruins.

The fighter plane was gone in a flash, Russell swung his fist to sweep away a large piece of gravel, his eyes looked up into the sky, and through the dark clouds, he accurately perceived the figure of Thanos.

With a swipe of his hand, he tore open the door of another dimension, and disappeared in place. The first time you open the portal, the effect is immediate, you have to come twice more!


High in the sky, Thanos was spitting out blood, and he lost everything in one careless move. He admitted that he was careless just now. However, after all, he is a powerhouse at the level of the overlord of the universe, arrogant and aloof, confident that he has the ability to win this duel.

The air rippled, Thanos narrowed his eyes slightly, sensing Russell's breath disappearing on the ground, sneered, clenched his infinite gloves, turned and blasted into the sky.

The stream of cosmic rays surged, and the opened space crack was shattered by the energy, and it burst and disappeared as soon as a corner was exposed.

With a successful blow, Thanos was horrified, and fell into the trap again. Sensing Russell's breath, he turned around hurriedly.

The previous feint successfully deceived Thanos, he was a step slower in reacting, and was punched on the chin by Russell, the front door of the different space opened, and the two fell in together.

Thanos' eyes blurred, the sky and the ground disappeared, replaced by a dark void, countless lines were bent and pulled from the end of the void, forming a curved hemispherical model.

He stood in the gap between the two models. Countless stars stood still, lost their direction under zero gravity, and stood still very strangely.

The mind stone lit up, and Thanos's eyes ignited with infinite confidence. It is impossible for a mere fragile space to hold him, and the spirit spreads, looking for the space node when he came, and slamming a heavy punch in the air.


Unexpectedly, this punch directly shattered the different dimension, which was much easier than he imagined, and even...he hasn't exerted much force yet!

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Thanos swept his eyes in all directions, and found that he had arrived outside the atmosphere of Morag star at some point.

Crack! !

The space behind Thanos shattered, and Russell was glowing with purple light, hard to resist cosmic rays, and the whip-leg tomahawk fell, slashing heavily at Thanos' purple head.


The whip leg was blocked by Thanos' raised hand. He grabbed Russell's ankle with a backhand grip, spun a few times in the air, and threw it violently towards Morag.

Buzz buzz!

The gate of the different space opens,

Russell disappeared, reappeared and came behind Thanos, and opened the portal directly on his back, leaving no time for a counterattack.

Russell bumped his elbow into Thanos' back, and the momentum brought the two of them down to the surface of Morag.

"System, use 'Skill Card: Cast on Earth'."

The skill took effect, and Russell knelt on Thanos' back with one knee, raised his hands to clasp his wrists, put his knees on the back of his neck, and accelerated his vertical dive all the way.

The two of them were like falling meteors, with whistling explosions, rubbed against the atmosphere and pulled out a bright fiery red long line. The speed was getting faster and faster, and half of the sky was lit up with red light, as if it was on fire.

Looking up at the sky from the surface of the earth, in the burning cloud, a little white light shines like a star, and falls to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Time stood still, the sky and the earth stood still for a moment, and the next moment there was a roar, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground.


The shock wave swept across, like a stone falling on a calm lake, the ground trembled violently, up and down, like a circle of ripples spreading.

The battlefield that was originally ravaged by Russell and Thanos has a new scar, a crater.

This side of the Morag star was devastated, several volcanoes erupted loudly, the high temperature rolled up dust to cover the light, clusters of thunderstorms flickered in the black clouds, and the ground continued to vibrate, everything seemed to be doomsday.

Russell panted heavily and let go of Thanos' arms. Fortunately, he made himself a golden battle suit, otherwise he would have been worn out just now. He lowered his head slightly, and was surprised to find that Thanos' underpants were still... Bah, Thanos was still alive, but his body was hot.

Make up!

Russell extracted the energy from the Power Gem, and slammed it on the back of Thanos' head. After a while, he put his hands behind his back and rubbed it, and then stomped on the purple head with his feet.

The picture is very funny, but each of his blows is blessed with power gems. The terrifying power is guided into the ground through Thanos' body, and the cracks in the abyss spread, dividing the huge crater cake into more than ten pieces.


With one foot down, Thanos put his hands on the ground and stood up with Russell's golden boots on the back of his head.

The sixth sense warns that the crisis is coming, Russell withdraws and retreats violently, just two steps out of the way, before being grabbed by Thanos' big hand.

"Boy, you really pissed me off!"

Russell worked hard with both hands, purple light glowed under his skin, he opened Thanos' palm little by little, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a big purple face that was not angry and arrogant.

If there are no two nosebleeds hanging, it will be even more majestic!

"Boy, listen to me, I..."

Boom! !

A green light jumped up from the mud, and Sturgess rushed forward, with his arms around Thanos, his shoulders against his side, and he slammed into the distance with a bang.

Russell stood there with a sullen face, then shrugged, and said to the air: "I'm listening, but you are talking!"

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