End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 462 I have a friend

City of Angels - Los Angeles!

Located in southwestern California, America is the second largest city after New York and the largest city in the West.

Once the entire state of California, including Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and other regions were all territories of Mexico.

While guarding the Atlantic Ocean, the U.S. imperialists never forgot about the Pacific Ocean, so under the banner of freedom and democracy, they launched the U.S.-Mexico War in the name of God.

After the war, Mexico's territory was reduced by half, and even the American generals who participated in the war admitted that this was an unjust war.

A sad story, it warns the world, a bad neighbor will destroy your family!

Russell took a ride with Jacob's family to Las Vegas, bought a second-hand car, and rushed to the church headquarters in Los Angeles.

The headquarters is located in the northwest of downtown Los Angeles. It occupies a small area. From the outside, it is just a very ordinary small church. Surrounded by trees and covered with fallen leaves, it looks extremely secluded.

The familiar routines have confirmed what Russell thought in his heart. The supernatural power is secretive and low-key, and is unknown to outsiders.

The cross was erected on the large roof of the wooden church, Russell parked the car aside, and walked towards the church gate stepping on dead leaves.

At the main entrance of the church, an elderly nun wearing reading glasses was slowly sweeping up fallen leaves with a broom. What troubled Russell was that the old man was holding a cigarette in his mouth, flicking the ash in a very social manner.

Seeing Russell appearing, the old nun stopped puffing, threw the cigarette on the ground, and stomped on the spark.

"Child, who are you looking for?"


To be honest, Russell didn't know who he was looking for, so he dug out a transfer order from the suitcase and handed it to the old nun.

The old nun took a look and smiled slightly: "The bishop has been waiting for you, but...you seem to be late."

"Haha, something happened on the road, and it was delayed for two days."

"Follow me here..."

The old nun raised her foot and took a step, suddenly frowned, and looked at the cigarette butts on the ground: "Times have changed, it's okay for young people nowadays to lack faith, but to throw cigarette butts at the church door without any sense of public morality."

Russell: (1.1゛)

"Son, look at what I'm doing, don't you think I threw it?"

"No, it wasn't you, I threw it!"

Russell shook his head decisively, picked up the cigarette butt by the way, and threw it into the dustpan beside him.

"Good boy, be brave enough to admit your mistakes, the Lord will forgive you!" The old nun put down the broom, led Russell half a circle around the church house, and walked in through the side door.

This is an old church with a sense of age from a distance, but it looks like an old church at the World Heritage level when viewed up close. The gray skin on the walls reveals the bricks and stones inside. The wooden boards of the side door are crumbling, and the gap is wider than Russell's palm.

Compared with the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Crystal Cathedral in the same city, it is like being raised by a stepmother.

The shade of the trees blocks the sun, casting dappled light and shadows on the bluestone path, and it is very quiet. Occasionally, two priests pass by, walking quietly with their heads down.

The two of them passed through the walled courtyard covered with trees and vines, and came to a two-story wooden house. The old nun opened the door and left silently.

It seems that people here are not very talkative!

Russell muttered, the quiet environment is certainly relaxing, but it's too quiet here, and it feels a bit depressing.

The walls of the wooden house were painted with white paint, and the emptiness could be seen at a glance. A huge cross was hanging in front of Russell. He looked up and was about to ask questions when a voice rang out from the second floor.

"Come on, there's nothing to see below!"

Russell stepped on the creaking wooden ladder and quickly walked up to the second floor. The room was decorated plainly. The gray-haired bishop was sitting in front of the bookcase, pointing to the chair opposite the desk, signaling Russell to sit down.


"I know you, Father Russell, about your being late, now is the time of employment, so let's not pursue it."


"This is indeed the headquarters, it may be different from what you imagined,

But there is no need to doubt. "


"I am the head of this church, you can call me Bishop Ian."


"Your next task is to get familiar with this place as soon as possible!"

The fairy-like dialogue left Russell speechless, and he didn't know what to continue to say. Bishop Ian not only spoke quickly, but also seemed to be able to read minds. He continued unbelievingly: "Just now..."


"Just now……"

"Just now? What happened just now?"

Pulling it back, Russell felt refreshed, and finally couldn't figure it out, and said with a normal expression: "The elderly nun who brought me here just now, who is she?"

"You mean an elderly nun?" Bishop Ian looked strange.

"Well, she was cleaning fallen leaves at the church door, and then led me through the side door..."

Bishop Ian shook his head slightly, and said seriously: "Father Russell, please don't talk nonsense, there are no nuns in this church, let alone older nuns."


Russell's expression changed when he heard that, he actually saw a ghost at the church door in broad daylight!

"Hahaha, just kidding..."

Bishop Ian's stern face suddenly burst into a smile, and he got up and walked to the window: "The one just now is Sister Medellin, she has some bad habits, just ignore it. Please remember, she will spend her whole life. Dedicated to the Lord, she is the oldest nun in Los Angeles, and she must be treated with extra respect."

Russell: "..."

Bishop, you also have some bad habits!

Russell rolled his eyes and went straight to the point: "Bishop, I'm ready for my mission. Just tell me, who is the enemy, the Dark Church or the Wizards Association, or is the devil from hell coming? "

Bishop Ian didn't speak, and looked at Russell stupidly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Where did the dark church and the devil come from?"


Bishop Ian said with a little distaste: "You were transferred here because you applied to come to a big city. It just so happens that our church has been short of manpower, and others are unwilling to come. I just happened to be out on business recently, so I asked you to come here." gone."


"If you don't understand anything, just ask Sister Medellin, that's all."

After saying this, Bishop Ian carried a suitcase and fled down the second floor, leaving Russell standing there dumbfounded.

"So, what am I in Los Angeles for?"


In the confessional in the corner of the church, Russell sat with a blank expression on his face. Opposite the board, a middle-aged man with a bald head was talking to himself.

"Father, I have a friend... Hehehe... He took his wife to camp by himself... Hehehe, but when he woke up by the lake, he couldn't find his wife..."

"Sir, please calm down first, I can't hear what you are talking about if you keep laughing like this."

Russell pinched his nostrils, picked up the phone and dialed the number: "Hello, 911... Yes, it's me again... This time I'm reporting a murder case!"

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