End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 489 Divide the Sea


Military restricted zone!

The mighty convoy stopped, and Russell sat in a stretched luxury car, holding a glass of red wine, lamenting that capital is a devil, and a vampire is a natural match.

Beside him sat Amelia in a white evening dress, a woman who had preferred white ever since she bathed in the sun.

On the opposite side, Michael sat beside Serena a little cautiously. He tried to strike up a conversation several times but failed, and was a little sullen.

After the vehicle stopped for a while, Lucien knocked on the window with an ugly expression on his face: "My lord priest, Alexander refuses to meet you."



Russell pushed open the car door and looked at the sea. A solitary warship was floating in the sea, but there was no intention of docking. Didn't he just refuse to meet him?

The reason is very simple. Russell killed Marcus, and Alexander didn't want to see his son and enemy.

Marcus is not a filial son, but Alexander is definitely a loving father, or a rather pedantic kind of father. No matter how Marcus kills and sets fire outside, Alexander only knows that this is his son, no matter how bad he is, he is his son.

Ladu loves everyone. From the perspective of an outsider, you can criticize Alexander for helping the evil, but you are not qualified to criticize his paternal love.

However, Alexander let the warship sail away instead of firing directly, which made Russell feel that the old man was a little twisted.

Alexander knew that his son Marcus was doing a lot of evil, but he never stopped him, and he worked hard to help finish it; Russell eradicated the evil and killed Marcus, and he immediately fell into a tangled state of mind, agreeing with Russell's actions intellectually, but emotionally Internal resistance.

Just like his performance in the original book, he chose to die in the hands of Marcus, but gave Serena the power to let Serena kill Marcus and protect the world from being ravaged by werewolves and vampires...

A man of contradictions.

Russell looked at the sea from a distance, and Amelia's four half-bloods stood behind him. The port was taken over by hundreds of werewolves and vampires, each with live ammunition.

Lucien added: "My lord, we contacted the warship and sent a signal, but the other party did not give any reply."

"I see."

"Should we storm the warship and capture Alexander?"

Russell shook his head slightly: "The old man just passed away his son. Even if he is an unfilial son, it is inevitable to be depressed. I'd better go see him."


As soon as Lucien opened his mouth, he was shocked by the vision on the sea and was speechless.

Boom! Rumble———

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the rippling sea level suddenly rolled, and the rumbling and trembling sound erupted from the bottom of the sea, as if thousands of troops were galloping across the border, and the deafening sound pierced the sky.

The sea is brought to life!

As far as the eye can see, a huge wave was set off, and the spreading wave was high, like a mountain rising from the ground, and the water spray hung upside down and went straight to the sky.

The spreading white line opened at the end of the sea level, and as Russell waved slightly, a terrifying energy erupted instantly, rolling the warship closer to the shore.

Russell stood by the port with a trident pinned to his waist. As long as the warship is still at sea,

No matter how far away.

The disadvantage of needing to touch the water surface to control the sea was made up for by Nanya, the ring of water. The ring of protection is not as powerful as the trident, even if it is incomplete, it is far inferior, but it has an advantage that no direct contact is required. That's water control.

In this way, Russell can control the sea more easily!

The sea and the sky meet, and the warship is like a toy, being pushed to the shore by the raging waves.

With the ability of the Trident, there is not much difference between a warship and a surfboard, and there is no need to make such a big noise, but Russell still did it.

It's not for pretending, but to frighten Alexander and let him reorganize his language and speak well.

There was silence in the port, and everyone froze in place, staring directly at the miracle in front of them, each with dry mouth, and turned into a believer after waking up, looking at Russell's back full of piety.

The turbulent sea rolled the warship to the shore, and then the vast sea suddenly sank, making the warship's deck and the port seamlessly contacted and kept level.

Russell stepped forward and walked onto the deck of the warship as if walking on a level ground. The four of Lucian followed closely behind, and the younger brothers also surrounded them in a mighty manner, occupying the deck and taking over the captain's room.

The human mercenaries on the ship were stunned, and they didn't resist at all throughout the whole process. Even if they were unarmed, they cooperated very well, and they were in the process of reshaping the three views.

After boarding the warship, Russell couldn't stop thinking about what a certain sage had done, and waved his hand towards the sea.

In an instant, the sea level spread wildly, separated along a white wave, and the monstrous curtain spread to both sides, until it was out of sight.

The sea was divided into two amidst the roar, and the warship was held up by a palm composed of a mass of sea water and placed in the center of the majestic moat.

After a short period of calm, the sound of breathing on the deck became much heavier. They had witnessed the miracles in the Bible. Now that Russell wanted them to die, a group of people rushed to jump into the sea immediately.

The person breathing the most here is Amelia, looking at Russell with a look of eagerness to swallow her whole, her ambition rekindled, she feels that she still has a chance, and if she works harder, she can get the pass to heaven.

"Where is Alexander Corvinus, I want to meet him!" Russell said to the mercenaries guarding the gate.

"Please...please follow...follow me."

The mercenary soldier looked around and realized that Russell was talking to him. His face flushed with excitement, he stammered and couldn't speak, he turned around and closed the door, almost kneeling and licking him to lead the way.

The mercenaries in the cabin held their heads high and helped Russell open the gates one after another, leading him into the captain's cabin.

In the simple yet dignified captain's room, Alexander's eyelids twitched wildly while sitting at the desk. Outside the window was the sea that was divided into two, and he swallowed all the words he wanted to say before.

"We met for the first time, the first undead Alexander. My name is Russell. As you can see, I am a priest." Russell said, smiling and stretching out his hand, looking at the old man in front of him.

Not tall, with extraordinary bearing, looks a bit like Sean Connery.


[The host contacts the plot character Alexander Corvinus, which triggers the lottery. Do you want to draw now? 】

Alexander bent down slightly, lightly grasping Russell's extended hand with both hands, and politely released it after touching it for half a second. Russell claimed to be a priest, but he didn't think so. He was willing to believe that it was the coming of the Son.

The wicked son couldn't even look down on God, and Alexander's heart was up and down, and he didn't know what to say with a bitter face.

"I came here to inquire about some news. Is there any hidden secrets about Marcus becoming a vampire?" Russell Dominant came, the prelude is enough, there is no need to beat around the bush.


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