End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 493 Headless Horseman

Among the misty mountains and forests, the muddy dirt road is covered with dead branches and fallen leaves, and there are ruts and horseshoe marks in the middle of the road.

bleak! secluded! Isolated from the world!

A carriage was slowly approaching from a distance, and the driver couldn't help but take a second look when he saw ten oddly dressed strange people by the side of the road. A priest, two handsome men, two beauties, and five strong men, all unfamiliar faces they had never seen before.

"Lucien, you said the air here smells very pleasant?"

"Yes, this world makes me feel like I'm back at home." Lucian began to like this place, and his vengeance has been avenged. He has no nostalgia for another world, and began to consider staying and settling down.

"How about you, how do you feel?"

Russell asked other people, and got similar answers. Compared with the smoky London, the air here is enjoyable to take a breath.

"I see……"

Russell nodded secretly, the magic power was transported to the eyes, black lines floated in the air, a world favored by darkness. Or it could be said that the dark creatures are too active, causing the world to become demonized, and it is very easy to breed dark monsters, and then go round and round, falling into an endless loop.

For ordinary people, this world is simply terrible, with demons and ghosts rampant, squeezing them down from the top of the food chain.

The advantage is that because of too much free energy, the human physique will become stronger accordingly, and the mysterious power can be mastered with a little exercise. Even ordinary people without magic power in their bodies can skillfully use some witchcraft...

Uh, it seems that survival is even more difficult. After all, compared to the devil, the scary upright ape is the scariest creature!

Walking along the dirt road for two kilometers, a large-scale village and town appeared in front of it. It was very old and full of the visual sense of a medieval European town.

Seeing this, Amelia and the others were shocked. Except for Michael, a modern person, the youngest in this group has lived for four hundred years and is very familiar with the style in front of him.

It was precisely because of their familiarity that they were deeply surprised. They had little experience in traveling through the first time, and mistakenly thought that they had crossed the long river of time and returned to the past.

On the contrary, it was Michael, a young man who had lived in a modern city since he was a child, who was the first to accept the reality of time travel. Not because of the bombing of the information age, but because Serena is by his side, it doesn't matter where he goes.

Russell looked at the board nailed to the tree, his eyebrows condensed into a Sichuan character, on which was written the name of the town, a very familiar name.

Sleepy Hollow!

"My lord, is there anything wrong here?" Seeing Russell standing under the tree for a while, Amelia couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing. Go ahead and find out about the vampires. By the way, ask if Alexander and his son have appeared."

Alexander and William entered this world first, but they seemed to disappear out of thin air. The werewolf's nose could not smell their whereabouts.

A group of ten people walked into the small town. The modern costumes made the townspeople feel a little uneasy. They regarded them as aliens, and closed the doors and windows of their homes tightly, hiding behind and peeking.

It is a normal phenomenon, to survive in this dangerous world, when seeing strange people appear, the first reaction is not to be curious, but to hide as far away as possible.

A few people found a hotel in the small town. The tavern on the first floor was in a slump. The middle-aged owner drank alone.

His face instantly changed.

There is fear and anxiety in the eyes!

Russell smiled lightly, raised his hand to take off the necklace on Amelia's neck, and slapped it on the bar: "Hi sir, don't be nervous, we are passing exorcists, not bad people, and I want to ask you for some information .”

The shiny jewels made the middle-aged boss dizzy for a while, and when he heard Russell calling himself an exorcist, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he spoke more politely, and asked the clerk to entertain Lucian and the others.

The boss smiled and stretched out his hand, but Russell held down the necklace, and asked with a smile: "With all due respect, you are a priest, right?"

"Fake, work needs!"

"Then you came here... for the bounty of the Headless Horseman?"

"No, I'm not interested in the Headless Horseman, I want to inquire about vampires."


"That's right!"

Following the conversation with the middle-aged boss, Russell gradually obtained some information. It was the end of the eighteenth century, and Sleepy Hollow was located in a small country in Europe. The name of the country was not important. He had never heard of it. Miria, also hadn't heard of it.

However, from the middle-aged boss, he has a general understanding of the background of the world. The alternate history is added to the dark and magical world view. The Grimm's fairy tales and the stories of One Thousand and One Nights are traceable here and have actually existed.

For example, in the story of Snow White, Sleepy Hollow belonged to the kingdom hundreds of years ago. The queen witch once ruled here. After her death, the kingdom split into several small countries.

"Sir, is there anything else I can do for you?" The middle-aged boss rubbed his hands, looked at the jewelry necklace in Russell's hand, and smiled flatteringly.

He didn't hear about the vampire, so Russell shook his head, put the necklace in his arms, and snapped his fingers to call the younger brother to leave.

"Wait a minute, sir, you haven't given me the necklace yet."

"Why should I give you the necklace?" Russell looked sullen, because the boss chatted with him for a while?

"You just said..." The middle-aged boss was dumbfounded. Russell just put the necklace on the table, but he didn't really say that he would give it to him.

Well, even if I didn't say it, you have to pay for the meal!

The middle-aged boss was aggressive, and pointed to the table where Lucien and the others had sat. He was dumbfounded again. The food served was not touched. What it was served is what it is now.

Werewolves and vampires lived on blood, even mixed blood, and they couldn't enjoy human food, let alone a few pieces of hard bread and bad beer.

"Damn it, it's already served." Under the gaze of the middle-aged boss who gritted his teeth, Russell and his party walked away.

"My lord, where are you going next?"

"Buy a few horses and a map, let's go to the nearest big city..." Russell held the cross necklace on his chest: "Perhaps the church has information about vampires."

Just as he was talking, a warning bell sounded suddenly over the small town, the wind was blowing, and the sound of trampling heavy horseshoes came from the entrance of the small town.

In an instant, the already desolate town became even more deserted. People showed fear, and hurried back to their homes to lock the doors and windows, and closed their eyes to read the Bible and pray.

clatter! clatter! clatter----

The sound of horseshoes approached, and the black steed rushed out of the fog with the knights on its back. When one person and one horse charged, there was an unstoppable momentum.

Apart from missing a head, this black knight has nothing to complain about!

As the intent to kill became stronger, Lucien stood in front of Russell, raised his hand and pulled out his pistol, and the werewolves were on alert, gripping their ultraviolet weapons tightly.

Russell leaned on his shoulder, shook his head slightly, and signaled everyone: "Don't meddle in other people's business, the headless horseman kills the designated target, it has nothing to do with us."

Lucian nodded, still protecting Russell with several werewolf warriors, his muscles tensed, and he didn't retract his weapon until the headless horseman rode away.

"Let me put it this way, the Headless Horseman won't attack casually..."

"The law of the law~~~"

The tall horse raised its front hooves, turned around under the control of the knight, and pointed a sharp long sword straight at several people.

Russell: (one `?? one)

"grown ups!?"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him!"


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