End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 5 Three hundred and seventy-four kylin arms per minute

Russell's screams were extremely shrill, and in the middle of the night, the sudden sound could scare people to death. However, in fact, it was not him who was shot, but the bearded corpse that was erected by him.

Although Dabeitou is now deaf, blind, dizzy, and unable to maintain his balance, he has a gun in his hand. Apart from being unable to shoot arc bullets, it is still full of lethality.

Russell needs to consume the Beretta 92F magazines. In order to make the effect more realistic, he uses the bearded corpse to block the hole of the gun.

There is no disrespect for the corpse. Russell is a good young man with five thousand years of traditional culture. He discussed with the bearded corpse before erecting the bearded corpse.

The bearded man didn't say a word, Russell thought it might be because of his shy personality, so it was his acquiescence.

Boom! Boom!

"Ah! It's broken... My 374 per minute kylin arm! It's broken!"

Boom! Boom!


"My dick! My dick that wraps around my thigh!!!!"

Russell didn't care whether the big back head could hear it or not, his intuition told him that the big back head could sense it. So hiding behind a pillar can howl vigorously, work as hard as you want, and be miserable as much as you want.

The big-backed head is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After a few shots, I realized that I was played by Russell, and I refused to shoot easily again.

The standard magazine of the Beretta 92F is 15 rounds, and the big back uses an extended clip, a total of 20 rounds, but under Russell's interference, he now only has two bullets left.

The worst part is that, out of self-confidence, the big back head does not have a spare magazine. The old-fashioned flintlock gun was refitted by himself, and it was specially used to break armor. It was powerful, but it took time to reload the ammunition. These two bullets could not solve Russell, so he could only play hand-to-hand combat.

Fighting against the enemy under the negative BUFF of the flash bomb, it is exciting to think about it with a big back. Therefore, for the last two bullets, he will not shoot without complete assurance, and he will consume them if Russell does not come out. It is best to consume them until the buff time ends.

Russell hid behind the concrete pillar, knowing that the longer the time dragged on, the more breathing time the big back would have, and the time of the character card was limited, so he couldn't afford it.

Russell winked at the bearded man, but the other party continued to remain silent. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was already conveyed. Russell understood, carefully holding the bearded corpse in front of him, and walked out from behind the concrete pillar.


The big-backed head seemed to have sensed it, and he raised his hand and shot it, right in the middle of the bearded chest. The stopping effect of the 9MM pistol bullet is top-notch, but the penetration is weak, and the bullet finally stops in the bearded body.

Russell is equipped with the character card of the subway police, and he knows it well, and he is not worried that the bullet will shoot through his beard and hit himself.

Dabeitou barely opened his eyes, his eyes were completely white, his tears couldn't stop flowing, he could vaguely see a gray figure approaching him, but he didn't dare to shoot. Suppressing the dizziness that hadn't dissipated, he silently calculated the distance between him and Russell. After taking a deep breath, his heartbeat instantly exceeded 400 beats per minute.

The world slowed down in his perception. Although the current state was extremely poor, he still fired the last bullet, and he was confident that the shot would definitely hit.


After a gunshot, two figures fell to the ground sounded at the same time, and Dabeitou heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately exited the so-called 'bullet time' state. Unlike the cross father and son, he acquired this ability through training and could not maintain it for too long, otherwise he would die of heart failure.

Just when Dabeitou felt that he was about to capsize in the ditch, a sudden gust of wind hit his face, the bridge of his nose collapsed, and he fell to the ground with his head up.

With a straight punch, Russell knocked down the back of the head, stepped forward, and then kicked the back of the head with a heavy kick. The nose is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

Encountering a heavy blow will cause the person to lose combat power due to severe pain in an instant.

Russell hit Dabeitou in two consecutive blows, and then kicked Dabeitou in the hand. The kick was a bit heavy, and the Beretta 92F flew directly out of the fence, and a falling object came.

Behind Russell, the bearded corpse pressed against the goggled corpse. That's right, Russell came out squatting with the two corpses.

Dabeitou let out a scream, and the shout was full of anger, like a wild beast preparing to fight back before dying. Russell didn't dare to approach, turned around and picked up the assault rifle on the ground, and swung it fiercely on the side of Dabei's head and face like a stick.

Dabei's head and face were bloody and bloody, and several bloody teeth flew out. He fell to the ground, crawled forward and left, came to the concrete fence and stood up tremblingly, pulling out the old-fashioned flint from the back of his waist. gun.

The flintlock gun without bullets was at best a fire stick, and Russell threw the rifle over, directly knocking the flintlock gun into the air.

The strength of Dabeitou is great, and Russell's strength is not small, and the two guns are released at the same time.

The next second, Dabei let out a low growl, opened his eyes mixed with blood and tears, and rushed towards Russell. The pain overwhelmed his dizzy head. Apart from still being unable to hear the sound, his eyesight recovered slightly, at least he could discern Russell's position.

Equipped with the character card of the subway police, Russell's fighting ability is soaring in a straight line. The grappling fighting technique he learned in the police academy is not a star and a half inferior to the military fighting technique used by the Delta Force for killing. Although his physical fitness is not refreshing, his combat effectiveness is good. Properly raised a level.

The big-backed head was still a little dazzled, and his reaction was a little slow. He was dodged by Russell's nimble steps, suffered another brutal beating, and was finally kicked on the temple. He barely maintained his balance by relying on the concrete fence.

Dabeitou knew that if he didn't do anything else, today would be over. Enduring the pain of his heart being torn apart, he entered the bullet time state for the third time.

bang bang bang!

The adrenaline was secreted rapidly, the heartbeat accelerated crazily, and the vision of the big back gradually became clear. Although there was still some shaking, it was no longer a serious problem.

Da Beitou, who was racing against time, stepped on the ground without saying anything harsh, and rushed out like a whirlwind, kicking up the dust on the ground, and raised his right fist to hit Russell's temple.

In the state of bullet time, the speed, strength, and nerve reflexes of the big back head reached an exaggerated level. Russell relied on his sixth sense to set up his arms to block, but was punched flying.

There was a stabbing pain in the blocking arm, Russell curled up in mid-air, trying to protect the weak points around him, the subconscious action saved him again, he was kicked on the ground by the big back following up.

It was very painful, and there were many contusions to muscles and tissues, but no tendons or bones were broken.

Seeing Dabeitou's sideways kick, Russell did not retreat but advanced, threw himself into Dabeitou's arms, raised his elbow and hit his heart.

【Ding! The host breaks through the spiritual limit, wisdom +1, current attribute is 10 (9+1)]

Russell didn't hear the system's prompt. He only knew that his reaction speed was faster, and his ability to predict attacks in advance was more accurate. His speed and strength were not comparable to that of Big Back Head, but relying on his ability to predict, he dodged Big Back Head's ultimate move one step ahead of time.

The elbow hit Dabeitou's heart, and by accident, he was forced to exit the bullet time state, Dabeitou staggered back two steps, his face was incredulous besides the pain.

"You... don't you also..."

Russell didn't care what Dabeitou said. After he elbowed Dabeitou away, the momentum of the impact had stopped. Because of excessive force, his feet slipped, and his body fell forward. Russell didn't stop to maintain his balance, following the movement of falling down, he launched an unexpected attack.

His target is the stereoreceptor between the legs of the big back, there is nothing to be ashamed of, this is not a sparring, it is a fight for life, naturally, where the fatal is, he will fight.

People elbow toward the testicles, so let's elbow!

Russell hit him with an elbow, and it was a chicken-and-egg fight immediately. Dabeitou was caught off guard, and his eyes burst out from being hit by the despicable and indecent hooligan's tricks. Seeing him knelt down on the ground with his legs crossed in a twisted posture, he knew that it would be difficult for him to sleep in the future.

The position of the chicken is the key lifeblood of the human body, with dense nerves, light beating can cause severe pain, and severe pain can cause people to burp on the spot.

After being hit on the head by Dabei, his eyes were blurred at this moment, the corners of his mouth were drooling, and he even made an unconscious whining sound.

Russell didn't have any pity for him, walked around behind him, hooked his arms around his neck, and twisted it hard.

With a click, the big back fell to the ground, and there was no other movement except the twitching of the hands and feet...


【Fighting Street Diary】

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