End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 50 Female Character Card

What is the source of variation?

Considering that spiders belong to a matriarchal society, female spiders have a very high status, and they can sleep whoever they want. Russell speculates that the super-large female ball spider in the mine in the original book is the leader, and it is the most likely one.

But the head does not represent the source of mutation, because although the super-large female ball spider can command all the male spiders who want to sleep with her, it itself mutated after the chemical raw materials appeared.

It cannot be a source of variation!

Russell thought about it, and suddenly discovered that there was a bug in the plot. The chemical raw materials made the spiders mutate, and each one grew rapidly. Then why did other insects not respond to this?

If it is because spiders are arthropods, not insects, why don't scorpions and centipedes mutate?

There is no shortage of poisonous scorpions in the desert shrubs, and there are as many poisonous scorpions as you want. It is really thought-provoking that chemical materials are ineffective against them. It cannot be that chemical materials are only effective on spiders, right?

Russell was surprised that this assumption was not impossible, so he continued to think along this line. The chemical company in Violo, which produces unknown chemical raw materials and colludes with the mayor to hide them in the mine, is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

"According to this line of thinking, it is clearly the spider version of Umbrella Corporation and T-Virus!"

Russell plans to go to the mine below the shopping center to find out. If those raw materials are really the source of mutation, it can be confirmed that Violo's chemical company is the umbrella company of this world. It invented the spider mutant virus and used Prosperity Town as a test site.

If not... it would be even more brain-burning!

Russell rubbed his temples, wishing the world quest was to destroy spiders, that would be easier, just go there recklessly. Reckless, he just called the FBI and asked a pest control expert to help him complete the task, instead of being clueless like now.


On the way back to town, Pete tried repeatedly to contact Samantha, and finally he succeeded. The car turned around, and the two returned to the scene of the crime one step ahead, and waited for Samantha who rushed over at the spider farm.

The United States is a federal country with autonomous states. The police system is completely different from that of China, and the types and institutions are extremely complicated. Sheriffs in villages and towns like Samantha are generally called sheriffs. They have a lot of power in their hands and control a lot.

From small violations of parking regulations, family disputes, to solving criminal cases, they are all within their responsibilities, and Joshua's death is naturally no exception.

There have been no homicides in Prosperity Town for many years, and there are only two police officers in total, so Samantha had to be there.

In the spider farm, Samantha wore gloves to investigate the first scene, and quickly frowned.

Although the sheriff is elected, Samantha is not a vase. She has undergone systematic professional training and quickly ruled out the possibility of burglary and murder.

On Joshua's skin exposed to the air, there were dense and interlaced bite marks, and the surrounding skin color lesions, obviously died from poisonous insect bites.

In the spider farm, besides spiders, what other poisonous insects can there be?

The murderer was obvious, and the shelves that were being pushed one by one confirmed it. Joshua was bitten by a poisonous spider, and because of the severe pain, he overturned the shelf where the utensils were placed, and was attacked by a group of spiders.

There are two doubts in the case!

First, why was Joshua bitten by a spider, coincidence or man-made?

The second one, the murderer... that is, the spider, where did it go?

Samantha patted her forehead. After all, she is not a forensic doctor, so she can't get more clues from the corpse. She can only call a professional to deal with it and find someone to drag the corpse away.

The town's years of no major accidents end here, and Samantha's bonus is gone, but to her chest pain, her son Mike is the last person to touch Joshua, and her daughter's boyfriend Russell, He was the first to spot the murder scene.

In theory, both men are suspected of releasing spiders that caused Joshua to be attacked.

Samantha decides to ground Mike,

And asked Russell not to leave the territory of Prosperous Town, and to be on call at any time.

Russell has no objection to this, the task is not over, he will not leave if asked him to leave. Furthermore, he is not afraid of the shadows slanting, and being listed as a suspect is a normal procedure, and he will not be dissatisfied because of this.

In the police station, Russell mentioned to Samantha that the spiders in the spider farm had a tendency to mutate, and jumping spiders that were one or two centimeters became as big as a fist, and they might become even bigger in the future.

He hopes to attract Samantha's attention. This is a major incident of mutant species invading the US Empire. The police in your two small towns are not so capable. You should report it to your superiors as soon as possible!

Samantha was skeptical about the mutated spider's statement, because she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, so she felt it was extremely absurd.

Fortunately, Russell did not have evidence. The barrels of chemical raw materials by the river in the spider farm were still floating on the bank. At his strong request, Samantha and Pete salvaged them and sent a sample to Phoenix City for environmental protection. department laboratory.

During the period, there was a funny scene. Pete went down to work in the river, sweating profusely from exhaustion, and subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his head.

His scalp...was polluted!

The case has come to an end. Before the forensic doctor and the Environmental Protection Agency come to a conclusion, the townspeople can only wait to beware of poisonous insect bites.

Samantha didn't know the seriousness of the matter, but Russell knew very well that the spiders grew day by day, and the longer they dragged on, the bigger they would become. He had to find a way to let Samantha see the real thing, and kill them before they fully grown wipe out.

An army of spiders cannot be handled by just one or two people. He has to rely on external forces, but others speak lightly and cannot be convincing without solid evidence. But Samantha is different. She is a sheriff, and her words can attract the attention of her superiors to a certain extent.

After all, the corpse of a mutated spider is missing. If there is a corpse, there will be the FBI, the US Marine Division, the US Air Force... Maybe there will be Area 51 and the man in black.

Back home, Russell took out his diary and recalled the places where spiders appeared in the original book.

The first is the mine, there are spiders and there are a lot of them, but that is the old nest of spiders, it is difficult to get in and out, and there is no need to lose your life for a corpse.

If you want to pick the soft persimmons, you have to find a single spider to start with.

And then... Russell was shocked to find that the spider's footprints almost covered the entire town because of the mine tunnels extending in all directions. As long as you are lucky, you can meet them anywhere.

This is more embarrassing. Russell is not going to waste cards in the mission world of the 'Eight-legged Monster', but he still can't escape when things come to an end.

"System, list all the cards I can use in this world."

[Does the host set this command as the default, and the world executes it every time? 】

"Confirm execution!"

The system is quite reliable when it's not acting cute.

In an instant, in the system panel that only Russell could see, a list of usable card sequences was pulled down. All the cards in his hand can be used in the 'Eight-legged Monster' world, even the 'Character Card: Temple Guard'.

"System, use 'Item Card: Ring of the Goddess of Fate'!"

In the face of the spider frenzy, there will be accidents if the guarantee is not complete. Russell decided to give himself a lucky BUFF first.

After an electronic sound of ding, a silver-white ring appeared in Russell's palm. The ring was exquisite in shape, delicate in hand, and engraved with complex and irregular lines.

The texture is like titanium gold, and it is a bit similar to cupronickel, but it does not have the cold texture of metal. Russell put it on his hand after looking at it for a while.

Thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger... In the end, he was speechless and found that it was indeed Lady Luck. This ring was also for women, and it couldn't even fit the little finger.

Russell hesitated for a moment: "System, can blood recognition change the size of the ring?"


"The rubbish system doesn't even match the size. If I sell a set of Athena's sacred clothes one day, wouldn't I just stare blankly?"

[Character cards also have women, the host will have a chance to draw them, just cover the skin]

Russell was silent, and calmed down into the spiritual world.

A small tree will not slip away if it is not repaired, and a person will not repair it!

For something like the system, if you haven't hit Fang Jiewa for three days, and you haven't beaten him in just a few days, you dare to challenge the majesty of the host.

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