End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 553 Believe me, the real trident has no fork

boom! boom! Rumble! !

The flames were continuous, reflecting half of the sky red, and the strong light, flames, heat waves, and shock waves ravaged the insect swarm several times, and more than half of the insect swarm was directly evaporated into fly ash.

The shock wave not only wiped out the main force of the swarm, but also spread to the P-12 fortress.

The metal wall facing the impact didn't even have a symbolic struggle. As soon as the shock wave approached, it fell down without moral integrity, looking like you could do whatever you want.

The reincarnation of the human camp was so angry that they cursed their mothers. The fortress was surrounded by three queues and one, and it directly became undefended. How can it be fought?

Several miniature nuclear bombs exploded in succession, announcing the emergence of a new force on the battlefield. The simple and crude attack was a bit reckless. The reincarnation of the human camp and the Zerg camp were at a loss. Is the visitor an enemy or a friend?

Taking advantage of the time when the reincarnated people on both sides were stunned, the three of Russell quickly rushed into the center of the battlefield. The flying carpet had been taken back by Ying Yingying to the space ring. All three of them had the ability to fly and moved at an astonishingly fast speed.

Mu Xinxin landed on the missing metal city wall, pushed forward with both hands, and opened the telekinetic barrier to withstand the gap and the ground of the fortress to prevent the Zerg from breaking through from the ground. In this battle, she was mainly responsible for defending the rear. The hostile reincarnation was handed over to Russell And Ying Ying Ying to solve.

Ying Yingying held a two-meter-long staff, stood at the height of the P-12 fortress, clasped the magic scroll with one hand, and laid four defensive magic barriers, and then the gems on the tip of the staff shone brightly, summoning elemental magic Crazy sweep across the battlefield.

Thunder, fire, storm, ice...

The power of the elements raged across the audience, killing the swarm of insects in a blink of an eye. A few reincarnators from the Zerg camp who didn't know how deep they were were not able to escape in time, and they became reward points and were collected by Ying Yingying.

Ying Yingying turned on the unparalleled mowing mode, but she hasn't used all her strength yet, and she always uses props to fight against the enemy. This can be seen from her body shape. She will shrink in various ways when she is desperate.

Russell's side was relatively relaxed. A pair of wings of light spread out behind his back, holding a long sword of light, and singled out the reincarnation of the Zerg camp one by one.

The light wings spread out, as fast as lightning, and each blow carried the holy flame that burned everything. Almost no one could survive a round under Russell's hands, and they were basically killed face to face. After he flapped his wings and left, the white body of the human form The torch screamed and turned to ashes.

The soldiers in the fortress have been dumbfounded. The reincarnated people showed superhuman strength before, and they were fooled by external forces. They are the secret forces of the Federation. They can barely accept it, but now...

The style of painting changes too fast, from the interstellar battlefield to the battle of the gods, not only magicians, but also angels descend, making them doubt life.

The reincarnations who belonged to the human camp were all smiles, and the reinforcements arrived, and it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It was indeed right to choose humans in this round.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the distance, a large amount of sand and dust suddenly rose up, and a hillside covering a relatively small area collapsed with a rumbling sound, and countless Zerg infantry came out of the ground. The mountains and plains are full of floods. Looking down from a high altitude, it seems that the vicissitudes of life in the desert have become an oasis.

"What's going on, why are there so many bugs on P star, this should be a safe area?"

"It's a trap for the Zerg. They have a big conspiracy. Send the information back to the headquarters as soon as possible."


Everyone in the mobile unit of the P-12 fortress was terrified,

There were less than five hundred of them, and there were countless bugs on the opposite side. While praying in their hearts, they pinned their hope of survival on the reincarnated people.

"Damn! This is a trap for us..."

The sea of ​​insects surged wildly, and several reincarnations from the human camp looked ugly. Seeing this battle, they were a little flustered. Now that things have come to this point, they can more or less guess that they have been tricked.

The Zerg surrounded the hard-core troops and left time to ask for help. Ninety-eight out of ten were reincarnations who were preparing to wipe out all the human camps on planet P in one go.

The three super powerful reincarnators were exposed to the bright side and fell into their hands, and they will definitely close the net with a thunderbolt.

Now, they only want the three big brothers to be real thighs, no matter how bad they are, don't be deserters, otherwise they will be cold.

It was impossible to be a deserter, and Russell never forgot his beheading tactics. With such a huge Zerg army operating, the cerebrates must be nearby, and such a good opportunity must not be missed.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his golden pupils focused on the distance. At the foot of the broken mountain, he saw five figures of four men and one woman, obviously reincarnators from the Zerg camp.

"It looks like I came prepared, but...with such a big appetite, I can't do without a set of good teeth!"

Russell sneered and raised his hand, the long sword of holy light transformed into a javelin, he rushed forward slightly, raised his hand and threw it, the target was the five reincarnated people in the distance.

The holy spear volleyed across the sky with a white flash, like a white horse passing through the gap, and came to the sky above the distant mountain in the blink of an eye.

The five reincarnated people did not dare to sit still, and each used their abilities to defend. One of them opened the barrier to create a square isolated space.

The golden light in Russell's eyes swelled, and the holy spear split apart in an instant, transforming into thousands, like stars falling to the ground, illuminating the sky with boundless holy power.

The dots of light are connected into lines, weave a dazzling white net in the sky, and sprinkle it on the ground.

The light was dazzling, the momentum was overwhelming, and the sudden change came too fast. The five reincarnations didn't dare to take it hard, but it was too late to run away.

boom! boom! Rumble———

Balls of dazzling white light lit up on the ground, densely covering the ground, shaking the ground, rolling up the sea of ​​sand, and the holy light crazily invaded and swept away tens of thousands of bugs in one breath.


In the P-12 fortress, the soldiers of the Federal Mobile Force were stunned. The carpet bombing was like a one-man army, which severely crushed their three views, and felt that they were trapped in a dream, which was extremely unreal.


"Okay, so strong!!"

Several reincarnators from the human camp blushed and were so excited that they confirmed that they were real thighs and they had to hug them tightly.

Ying Yingying looked at Russell in amazement, and muttered: "How many bonus points did she spend to strengthen herself with this kind of attack power? Hehe, damn rich!"

Mu Xinxin, who was in charge of the defense, opened her mental power net, and when she sensed the space fluctuation, her face changed drastically, but it was too late for her to make a sound, and the reincarnation of the three Zerg camps almost teleported, appearing next to Russell, with spears and daggers Qi stabbed at him.

Teleportation is the first-choice skill for assassination. If you miss a hit, you will flee immediately, but the three of them are just similar, in order to catch Russell by surprise.

It is a pity that what Russell is most afraid of is teleportation. At the moment when the three of them appeared, he followed the warning of the sixth sense, held the five fingers of his right hand falsely, condensed the holy light spear and held it high, blocking the two weapons that were struck down by the head.

Three raiders, two blocked, one left.

On Russell's left, a beautiful girl grasped a trident with both hands and stabbed straight at him.


Russell's eyes brightened, his free left hand flashed, he put on the Infinity Gauntlet, and grasped the trident blade. At the moment of contact, he found regretfully that it was just an ordinary trident.

The girl looked at Russell's left hand and said in surprise, "Damn rich, it's actually an Infinity Gauntlet!"


With a crisp sound, Russell crushed the trident blade into cracks, and grinned at the girl: "Trust me, the real trident has no fork."

The three sneak attackers gasped, secretly thinking that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and flew away to the surroundings.

The white light shone down, and the three of them stiffened, and cold sweat rolled down their foreheads. When they looked up, the sky was covered by a pair of huge wings of light at some point.

"It's all here, it's too shameful not to leave something behind..."

The holy light spear in Russell's hand turned into a sword shape, and his left hand clenched his fist with the infinite glove, his eyes were cold: "I don't want much, save your life!"

As the voice fell, the wings of light closed and wrapped into a huge sphere of white light, and the holy flame that incinerated all things was roasted and ignited, causing the air outside the sphere of light to distort.

After the holy light, lightning and thunder came one after another, and the dazzling blue light shot straight into the sky. After three screams, everything disappeared without a trace like a mirage.


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