End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 586 Join Them If You Can't Beat It

What is the concept of being surrounded by three-digit Thanos?

It's like dating a beautiful girl, but when you open the door, you find that you've gone wrong, and this is the next door. This is not the point, the point is that there are a group of leather-clad wrestlers in the room, they show off their dancing chest muscles, and let you stand up obediently.

This metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but it is the true portrayal of Russell's heart at this moment. The number of purple potatoes has increased from the boss to the same level as the soldiers.

It is impossible to single-handedly fight. After two fights, Russell roughly figured out the level of combat effectiveness between himself and Thanos.

In the case of a tough front, he uses the power gem, and with a full blow, he can beat Thanos to 4/5 to death. If he is completely killed, he has to make up for it with a straight punch.

In other words, every time he kills a tyrant, he must punch at least two punches, and one punch must go all out.

Russell pondered for a while, there are about 120 Thanos in the field, and they go all out for 120 times, without stopping in the middle, which is more tiring than playing Supergirl, and he will be exhausted without using cards.

The key is that using the card is useless. Thanos took a punch, escaped through time, healed up and came back, and the blood recovery speed was comparable to resurrection in place.

Moreover, these 120 Thanos are all there?

Comparing people's hearts, if Russell uses Thanos' violent tactics, the more the better, the starting price is at least 500 people.

Russell raised his hands in surrender: "Then what, hand over the power gem, can you let me go?"

All the Thanos looked at each other, and one of them said: "Yes, hand over the power gem, and I will spare you!"

Russell nodded like a chick sucking rice, showing a cute new expression that has never seen the world: "Excuse me, which Thanos should I give this infinite gem to? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to provoke discord, I just want to ask clearly. "


There was no movement in the arena, obviously the Thanos were also thinking about this issue, every Thanos here is an extremely conceited strongman, they took it for granted that it is best to leave it to themselves, but if this is really the case, wouldn’t it be Russell’s choice? treachery.

A moment of silence ended, and more than ten Thanos walked out of the queue. Unlike other purple sweet potatoes, their weapons included a double-edged broadsword and an infinite gauntlet in their left hand.

The infinity gauntlet on the blank board is empty, without a gem embedded in it!

The Thanos come from different points in time. These people have the Infinity Gauntlet, and they all think that they are the most suitable to hold the power gem.

Russell looked innocent: "So, who should it be for?"

"This is not something you should consider. Put down the gem and then disappear." Several Thanos reached an agreement to get the gem first, and then exchange who will keep it.

Don't ask how to communicate, of course Thanos communicated with fists.

Russell chuckled, raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and instantly changed his momentum, and the long-prepared fist suddenly blasted out.

The front of the fist tore through the surrounding air, and the speed and strength of the heavy fist reached an unimaginable level. Purple light shot up into the sky and exploded in the purple potato nest.


The weak ground of Morag Star collapsed in an instant, and cracks filled the ground in the blink of an eye. The purple light expanded and exploded, and the destructive energy spread wantonly to the surrounding area in the form of shock waves.

The purple brilliance is dazzling, like a small sun rising from the ground.

The Thanos army was completely engulfed by the shock wave, and when the smoke cleared and all the dust settled, what came into view was a charred black pit.

The pitch-black potholes are bottomless, so deep and so dark that even light cannot penetrate to the bottom.

"A group of sand sculptures!"

Russell gestured his middle finger, quickly turned around and left the spot, flapping his wings and flying towards his spaceship.

The big pit was filled with groundwater, and the Thanos were blown to their faces. They either lay down around the pit or floated on the surface of the water. When they saw Russell fleeing, they immediately chased after him.

On the spaceship, Russell activated the light speed engine at the fastest speed. The moment the spaceship just rose, a piercing warning sounded. The spaceship was targeted by an enemy ship, and the attack came from the Temple II.

Russell's eyes flashed, and he drove the spaceship to fly close to the rocky ground. The light beams behind him swept down densely, and he was hit by the wing after escaping a few kilometers.

The spaceship lost its balance and its speed was greatly reduced. It was covered by the following cluster firepower and turned into ashes in the artillery fire.

Russell flew out of the fire, saw the group of purple sweet potatoes rushing in the distance, and grinned: "System, use 'Item Card: Grass'!"

[Item Card: Grass (we find grass, the enemy is unaware, pass by, pawn)]


Ten minutes later, the battleship scanned hundreds of miles and found no trace of Russell. The Thanos Legion expanded the search area and started a carpet search on Morag in groups of two.

The Temple II monitors the sky, making sure that no spaceship leaves Morag at all times. It seems that it is only a matter of time before Russell and the Power Stone are found.

Among the remote mountain depressions, strange rocks stand tall, accompanied by underground fountains from time to time, and a piece of green grass is entrenched, which is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Does Morag have green plants?

Certainly not, but at first glance, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, as if it should grow there naturally.

Russell squatted in the grass, and demonstrated the plan to break the game several times in his mind. Thanos resurrected on the spot was too disgusting, and the only way to win the disadvantaged game was to steal the crystal.

"System, use 'Skill Card: Change Magic'!"

[Skill Card: Transformation Magic (Transform into anyone you've seen)]

After using the skill card, Russell's figure changed rapidly. He changed into a fresh purple sweet potato squatting in the grass, 2.5 meters tall, with a majestic face. Very obscene.

Russell's plan is actually very simple, one word 'vote', which is the so-called, if you can't beat them, join them!

Are you Thanos?

Coincidentally, me too!

At this time, two Thanos came from a distance, their eyes were stern, and they looked around for places where people could hide. Seeing that the bushes were all stunned, there seemed to be something wrong, and there seemed to be nothing wrong, the two looked at each other, and walked over slowly.

Russell cursed secretly when he saw this, the grass was not as awesome as he imagined, and the two Thanos not only did not relax their vigilance, but improved a lot.

Thinking of this, he stood up suddenly, with a stiff face and wandering eyes, and he pulled up his pants by the way.



Looking at each other for a moment, the two Thanos turned and left, accidentally bumping into themselves who were defecating in the grass, which was quite embarrassing.

However, the moment the two turned around, they suddenly realized something. The man in the grass had an infinite gauntlet with a power gem on it.

Where did the power gem come from?


The sword's edge passed by, purple blood splattered, and a huge human head rose into the sky. Russell held the long sword of light in his hand, and killed a Thanos with a mental calculation or unintentional sneak attack.

The other Thanos took a breath, didn't care to look back, and accelerated forward. At the same time, he clicked on the communicator to inform the other himself of important information.

We have a traitor among us!

No, the enemy has the ability to transform and lurks among us.

But before Thanos could open his mouth, Russell accelerated and rushed behind him, and the long sword of the Holy Light swept down, cutting off his arm with the communicator, and then covered his mouth with the Infinity Gauntlet from behind, and the long sword rested on the ground. neck.


After taking off the communicator, Russell failed to find the time shuttle watch, frowned slightly, and stretched out his hands to stick to the two Thanos' bodies. The purple light extended, corroding most of their bodies, and threw them into the nearby pool.

He thought for a moment, moved the bushes to a more hidden corner, and then punched the ground, sending purple light straight into the sky.


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